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this is an unoriginal title

this is an unoriginal title

this is an unoriginal title by The_Stef
this is an unoriginal title by The_Stef


Another drawing of Kyo from Diru. I'm not sure why I feel compelled to draw him all the time; I don't even LIKE Diru that much! :S In any case, I didn't spend very much time of this, it was mostly to test my skillz with my new tablet+photoshop. Verdict: I love my tablet, I hate Photoshop with the firey passion of ten thousand burning suns.

: D

So.... Diru! I concert! Feburary 9th! In Toronto! OMG I want to go so very badly! I mean, I am not particularly fond of Dir en Grey, but they have a couple awsum songs (Cage, Dead Tree, Garden, Byou Shin, Umbrella, etc.) Unfortunately I can't get a ride for that night. T_T

And here's the depressing part: My sister is going to see the Planet Smashers, Johnstones and Flatliners in concert. That night. IN TORONTO. GHSDFKFG>BLSDKFAHSDKNGSFKMG *ded* Urgghhh. SOmeone will have to tell me all about how much the concert that I missed rocks. T_T

General Info

General Info

Category Real People » Singers & Bands » J-pop Bands/Singers » Dir En Grey
Date Submitted
Views 1465
Favorites... 3
Vote Score 3
Comments 9
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken 4 hours, maybe?
Reference yes


Comments (9)

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xEmotional on July 23, 2007, 11:55:03 AM

xEmotional on
xEmotionalomg wow, it looks just like him !

LoveKisameChan on July 22, 2007, 11:24:50 AM

LoveKisameChan on
LoveKisameChanHEY! my friend BOUGHT tickets to see Dir en grey in new york... she invited me and i had a ride set up and everything... just one problem... my parents said no. MY LIFE IS INCOMPLETE!!! i CANNOT DIE withought seeing at least ONE Dir en grey concert!

cre8r92 on February 2, 2007, 7:37:33 AM

cre8r92 on
cre8r92lol well that sucks that you cant go. this is a pretty kewl pic though ive never heard of the band.... o.O its not my fault tho.. well awesome juob!! hopefully you find a ride to toronto

lizardwd on January 30, 2007, 7:08:59 AM

lizardwd on
lizardwdomg amazing and in like record time faves

TK421 on January 29, 2007, 11:09:41 PM

TK421 on
TK421I like it. The hair is good and it's way better than anything I can do on a tablet 8D

The_Stef on January 30, 2007, 1:11:34 AM

The_Stef on
The_StefThank you! Nerrr, I am not fond of the hair myself. Something seems missing... it seems a little too flat... and on fire or something.

Also I do not believe you! If you think you're no good with a tablet you probably just need practice or something. But I can't really comment on that because I haven't seen anything you've done with your tablet yet except for an unfinished something and I saw that a long time ago so I am probably recalling it incorrectly.

chibibreeder on January 30, 2007, 12:05:50 AM

chibibreeder on
chibibreederD: OMG THAT SO TOTALLY SUCKS! *dies* Aww, I feel so sorry for you ;~; I wanted to go too... wahhhhh *cries* Huzzah! Dead Tree! I luff that song! *air guitar* Oh and yus, about the pic... *coughs*

Whootah! I love the hair! And the lips! And the eyes! And the- *is shot*

I luffit! Oh, and did I tell you yet? I got a DeviantArt account now. Huzzah. *confetti* Ima fav this pic :D

The_Stef on January 30, 2007, 1:02:33 AM

The_Stef on
The_StefWe'll have to be not-going buddies. T_T

Uwah you didn't tell me! What's your Sn? Still Chibibreeder or did someone else take it?

Thank yous for the comment :3 I wuv you~

chibibreeder on January 30, 2007, 1:10:25 AM

chibibreeder on
chibibreederstill chibibreeder, fortunately nobody stole it. :D HUZZAH! I wuv you too! *glomp* ♥