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Over before it even began...

Over before it even began...

Over before it even began... by Trinity_Fire
Over before it even began... by Trinity_Fire


He was Luke fon Fabre.
He looked so badass. His eyes were NOT uke-sized. (Ooh, I was so foolish, back then in my youth~)

His hair alone was:
1. Long
2. Red
3. Bi-Colored (Tipped! TIPPED! in yellow!)
4. Bangs!'ed

...He had the bellybutton. YES. And ABS. (That somehow didn't make him look too macho. Which is a good thing.)

As well as an awesome design overall:
1. Black undershirt. That showed the belly.
2. Poofy pants.
3. SEXY GLOVES. With gravity-defying belts.

It was over before it even began. :fangirl sigh: :heart:

(...Should I try to ink and color this?? D: I've been rather insecure of late... )

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - All Titles » Tales Of... series » Tales of the Abyss
Date Submitted
Views 1327
Favorites... 5
Vote Score 4
Comments 9
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken D: Less than an hour, I think...
Reference :p I'm good by now.


Comments (9)

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TwilightGoddess on August 10, 2007, 1:15:23 PM

TwilightGoddess on
TwilightGoddessvery nice i love the style has the look of tales of symphonia
lol i like the gravity defying belt lol

KingdomHeartShera on August 10, 2007, 12:23:24 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraWoah. O.O What's with all ze . . . like, incredibly shmexy bishies in this game? It's teasing me 'cause I can't get it! T_T T_T T_T And . . . it's still shmexy. o.O There's not one pic if yours that I don't like. <333 Sure, color it! You're great at it, ya booby! <333

Trinity_Fire on August 10, 2007, 5:15:43 AM

Trinity_Fire on
Trinity_FireYou'd definately love this game. There's so many insinuations all over the place it's lyk, TRIP-CITY. OH SNAP. :'D
In this one part, Luke and Asch hold hands. :B (Both guys, btw)
And there's a MILLION BILLION other insinuations. NAMCO went wild for once and appealed to the fangirls. 8D rejoice!!
Now tell me you don't have a game to beat that. ;)

Gotta get. Gotta get it. GOGOGO~! XC *is offically OBSESSED with Tales of the Abyss*

Thanks for your comments, as always. I luv ya. :3

KingdomHeartShera on August 13, 2007, 10:56:22 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraMy friend just got "Radiant Legend" or something like that, in that series . . . and Luke is teh shmex. o.O I want it desperately now . . . what's it for, anyways? I know Tales of Symphonia was for GameCube. (Too bad I only have a PS2. T_T ) I'm gonna have to save up for one. *sob*

That's totally awesome. o.O I . . . must . . . get! It's like a dating sim! <333 XDDD (I wish they'd give us Sukisyo. >.> ) But jah, non problem! <333 Ya deserve praise. Luve ya! :3

Trinity_Fire on August 15, 2007, 12:46:27 AM

Trinity_Fire on
Trinity_FireUuuuh Radiant Mythology maybe??? OH SNAP THEY HAVE RADIANT MYTHOLOGY???? NO FAIR~ ;A;

And Luke is for TALES OF THE ABYSS.


(I love you for your comments and everything. Please join me in my fangirl squee'ing.)

KingdomHeartShera on August 15, 2007, 1:20:01 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraYesh, she has Radiant Mythology. What I've seen of it is very cute. :3 But it's on PSP, so that thing's crazy-expensive. ^^;;

I will! As soon as I get munneh! >.< 'Course, I have to set thirty bucks aside to get E's, but after that . . . I'ma order Tales of the Abyss! ^^ I promise! And I'm possibly getting a job, so maybe that'll be sometime in the near future. Teh yay!

(As soon as I can, dear, as soon as I can! XD)

luckylace222 on August 10, 2007, 1:18:49 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222xD INK IT!!! INK!!!!!! :3 He's sexxaahhhh!

xD *fangirl squeal* :D Lol....gravity defying belt........

pyroasta on August 9, 2007, 1:10:33 PM

pyroasta on
pyroastathis is very kewlio, & yes i think you should try & color it. but its all up to you. i'm just throwing my opinion out there cuz i like this very much. imma fav this

AllisonPO on August 9, 2007, 12:17:48 PM

AllisonPO on
AllisonPOAaaaaaaaaand I begin to truely see why this game may be appealing...=3 But seriously, the lines in cleeeean (hey, totally clean compared to mine XD)...

For some reason, I love how you drew his face in this. And then the hair, of course. And the shirt. Dangit. His name's Luke? <3

And I say go for it. You always have another copy on your computer after all. <3