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FOF comic - Tales of the Abyss

FOF comic - Tales of the Abyss

FOF comic - Tales of the Abyss by Trinity_Fire
FOF comic - Tales of the Abyss by Trinity_Fire


Quick oekaki scrappy comic. How my pals and I play Tales of the Abyss.

Basically, there's this thing called a FOF- Field of Fonons (elemental particles). When a high-level spell or enough elemental-based strike attacks have been used, a FOF appears on the ground. Step into this FOF and pull off the right move, and you get a FOF Change move, which is super-strong, really sparkly, deals a lot of damage, and makes you immune to KO for that short duration. :> (Aka full of win.)

Being as that Tales of the Abyss is multi-player, my pals and I have learned to fit up to THREE people into a single FOF and all use it at the same time. (It takes timing and skill, haha.) Soo, when you FOF alone~
You get screamed at. :3 Like me. (I always play as Luke.)

Anyway. Felt a bit of an explaination was needed, haha.
Devil's Maw is an amazing FOF; I did a really bad job of portraying it, though. Here's my ref:

Anyway~ thanks guys~ :)

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - All Titles » Tales Of... series » Tales of the Abyss
Date Submitted
Views 1516
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 3
Comments 8
Media Oekaki
Time Taken 177 min... >>; comics are hard...
Reference See above. >>; Battle poses, augh.


Comments (8)

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AngelofDarkness on December 28, 2007, 1:49:39 PM

AngelofDarkness on
AngelofDarknessXD This is amazing~ I wish my buddies wanted to play with me ... sigh.

I was playing one time with a guy friend of mine ... in the arena, the cameo battle ... Not only did we scream at one another for stealing FOF's (I was Guy; he was Luke and apparently Luke LOVES Lightning Tiger Blade haha), he screamed at me for "wasting" his items lol. I was like, "What's the point of having it if you don't use it?!" and he said, "Those cost Gald!" "You have friggin' 500,000-something!" 8D

I like your portrayal of Devil's Maw~

Trinity_Fire on December 29, 2007, 1:22:20 AM

Trinity_Fire on
Trinity_FireThanks, it was really hard to do~ XD
Also, LOL items... UMMM right, Cameo battle = SPAM ITEMS TIME. 8D;
Those darn specifics and treats are really expensive though, yeah. >>;

KingdomHeartShera on September 12, 2007, 12:02:12 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraXDDD So cute! ^^ Sounds like an interesting system. I saw Tales of the Abyss in Walmart the other day, but didn't have any money! T_T It was sheer torture. Just as bad as if I'd seen KH3 and couldn't buy it. XDDD I love all the angles and shtuff you use, and the last panel's hilarious. Great job! <333

TallEmoCowsheep on September 2, 2007, 7:07:15 AM

TallEmoCowsheep on

Trinity_Fire on September 2, 2007, 7:10:59 AM

Trinity_Fire on
Trinity_FireIt'd be cooler if you got to play the game. D:
That's why you need to come over to mah house. <3

TallEmoCowsheep on September 2, 2007, 7:27:43 AM

TallEmoCowsheep on
TallEmoCowsheep...I have a fear of going to other people's houses. :|

Well, except for Lisa's, because I've been there so much.

Trinity_Fire on September 2, 2007, 7:31:49 AM

Trinity_Fire on
Trinity_FireNothing in our house bites. :> But for squishy-baby, by accident. :B
MMHM. Come over, come over~

TallEmoCowsheep on September 2, 2007, 8:07:05 AM

TallEmoCowsheep on
TallEmoCowsheepBahhhhh... -fearfearfear-