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KAT ATTACK D: by Twisted_Rebel
KAT ATTACK D: by Twisted_Rebel


hahahaa XD

she's got her left arm around his waist and her right hand on his leg xD;;; i got lazy, alright? D:


Kat's all, "zomg i luuuuv youuuu 8D" and Gabriel's like, "wtF GTFO a;lskdjf asdjf lksdj!!!" XDDD

this is actually kinda what i think he would do if he like...became real...and i was like, 'zomg i created youu 8DDDD" XDD and junk.. ehem...

junk is nice OwO


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Category Miscellaneous » Characters » Groups/Couples
Date Submitted
Views 1174
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Vote Score 2
Comments 25
Media Other drawing
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Comments (25)

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animelover87 on April 4, 2008, 7:57:51 AM

animelover87 on
animelover87Yay! This is wicked CUTE! x3 I just love their expressions, especially Gabriel's! But he's sure making a fuss over Kat glomping him! What's up with that? She just wants some lovin' from him! xDDD Aww... ^.^ Now a word from my gorgeous demon... *Lol*
Alastor: Heeey... Sweet cloak G! >:3 I've got one too, but it's not nearly as cool as yours! x3 Oh hey it's that Goth-girl again! 'Sup! *waves to Kat* I got my hair cut short, whaddya think... Too overbearing perhaps!? *messes with his hair* xD I thought that having long hair was too much of a hassle, so I chopped it all off! *shrugs and laughs even harder* xDDD
Me: T.T *mumbles* 'Show-off!' God! If you came to life, I'd be in a heap of trouble! >.< *sighs and mutters* Tch! Demons... Can't live with 'em... Can't live without 'em... But you can kill em' off! >D  
~Meshi~ xDDD (roleplaying is so much fun!) Horray for DEMONS and the WORLDS they come from!!! xD I totally believe your theory Kat! =^.^= Meep!

Twisted_Rebel on April 5, 2008, 3:45:59 AM

Twisted_Rebel on
Twisted_RebelAh, nice.
I chopped my hair off too |D lol
But seriously, I did :00 nao it lookz leik this:
Minus the blue and i'mnotthatscrawnyauuugh*fat* D:

animelover87 on April 5, 2008, 4:24:27 AM

animelover87 on
animelover87GAH! YOU ARE NOT FAT!!! >:O How many times must I tell you? I'm the fat one! ME! RIGHT HERE!!! I'M A FRIGGIN COW and it's all my damn bust-size! That's what makes me so friggin FAT! It's all stored there, I swear... xD

Twisted_Rebel on April 5, 2008, 12:32:05 PM

Twisted_Rebel on
Twisted_RebelI think that since I'm 20 pounds heavier than you are, I'm the fat one.

animelover87 on April 7, 2008, 4:30:06 AM

animelover87 on
animelover87x__x Actually, I'm back to being 150 pounds again! ><

~Meshi :C *hates her weight*

Twisted_Rebel on April 7, 2008, 12:06:15 PM

Twisted_Rebel on
Twisted_RebelThat still makes me 10 pounds heavier...

animelover87 on April 10, 2008, 10:14:14 AM

animelover87 on
animelover87I can't win! xD *Lol* But that doesn't make you fat!!! >< I mean it! So accept that you're not fat and PLEASE move on! xP I beg you! How about if I agreed that we're equal!? Would that make you stop saying that you're fat!? :0 I already admit to being over-weight, but it's not like I say that I'm FAT all the time! That's ridiculous!
Alastor: *coughsfatasscoughs* xDDD
Meshi: T.T# No, I'm not!

kath on August 28, 2007, 6:17:26 AM

kath on
kathlol! he looks freaked out!

mrsaturn123 on August 23, 2007, 7:05:42 AM

mrsaturn123 on
mrsaturn123lol funnies XD! I'm really uncreative with teh comments today o0...I likes it though =3 *faves*

Koji45 on August 23, 2007, 1:21:42 AM

Koji45 on
Koji45Lol xDD Thats so awesome!!

I can think of a few OC's I'de LOVE to come to life! =DDDD

Twisted_Rebel on August 23, 2007, 1:26:44 AM

Twisted_Rebel on
Twisted_RebelxD who'd they be? 8D

SomekindofFreak on August 23, 2007, 1:12:53 AM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakwow, awesome! X3
heh! his expression XDDD
it would be so cool if meh characters would come to life o.o I would probably do the same thing as you XD

Twisted_Rebel on August 23, 2007, 1:13:17 AM

Twisted_Rebel on
Twisted_RebelxD yah ^^

NAERA on August 23, 2007, 1:05:25 AM

Comment Deleted

Twisted_Rebel on August 23, 2007, 1:06:07 AM

Twisted_Rebel on
Twisted_RebelGabriel: Oo;; fasl;kdfjsdkfksdfj !!!

NAERA on August 23, 2007, 1:06:57 AM

Comment Deleted

Twisted_Rebel on August 23, 2007, 1:11:40 AM

Twisted_Rebel on

Weevil_Underwood on August 23, 2007, 1:03:47 AM

Weevil_Underwood on
Weevil_Underwoodsexy! -joins in the hug- ^ ^ Get your @$$ back online.....I miss joo....XDDDDD

Twisted_Rebel on August 23, 2007, 1:05:37 AM

Twisted_Rebel on
Twisted_RebelxD;; sorry. i'm in seminar at skool right now 8DDD
wooooooh it's cold in here >>;;;;;;;

Elen on August 23, 2007, 1:03:00 AM

Elen on
*comments again* x3
I would do that too to any of my charries! I WANNA GLOMP THEM! xD
And Gabriel too.. o3O;;;
Gabriel: D8<

Twisted_Rebel on August 23, 2007, 1:05:13 AM

Twisted_Rebel on
Twisted_RebelxD haha
yeah he's not the cuddly type ^^but i'm sure Tallor or your Neon would luuuuv for you to... D:
Tallor: >D

Elen on August 23, 2007, 1:07:49 AM

Elen on
Elenlol! *hides you from Tallor* x33
I'm a little scared of glomping Neon xDDD he would probably take that as a hint for something...
Neon: I don't need hints, I do it anyway! >8D


Twisted_Rebel on August 23, 2007, 1:11:27 AM

Twisted_Rebel on
Twisted_RebelxD Tallor's the same way... O3o;; he follows me around all the time, trying to get me to kill peoples D: although, there IS one person i plan on making him help me kill.... >>;; << >> << >>
Tallor: FINALLY!! >D

Elen on August 23, 2007, 1:16:47 AM

Elen on
ElenHAHA! well that should please him! MWAHAHAHAHA!!
curse our sexy homicidal demons! xDDDD

Twisted_Rebel on August 23, 2007, 1:20:13 AM

Twisted_Rebel on
Twisted_RebelxDD yesss curse them sooooo *shakes fist* >0