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BROTHERLY LUV by Twisted_Rebel
BROTHERLY LUV by Twisted_Rebel



random for elli lulululul


i wish gabriel were real D; maybe he could slap me around for being such a fracking weakling lol ;;w;;

Gabriel and mahselph (c) me
Damien and teh elli (c) elli :U

General Info

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Category Fantasy » Characters » Demons
Date Submitted
Views 1152
Favorites... 0
Vote Score 1
Comments 13
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken


Comments (13)

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animelover87 on October 18, 2008, 7:56:19 AM

animelover87 on
animelover87OMG! I haven't been here in a long time... Can ya tell? xDDD BTW, love this doodle! Their faces look hilarious! *Rofl* Funny as hell that you called them your fags too! I love it Kat! >D Miss ya at the CoE! I've been occupying most of my time with DeviantART lately... so I hardly have any time for anything else! Oh well... maybe I'll chat with ya sometime... Laterz! :D

Mishi! ^^

Twisted_Rebel on October 18, 2008, 8:28:30 AM

Twisted_Rebel on
Twisted_Rebelpssshhh no one's on CoE because Mandy's making a new site :\ that and like - IT'S DEAD BAWWWW

I'm on dA most of the day anyways. YET YOU NEVER SEEM TO BE ON |D

animelover87 on October 18, 2008, 10:02:34 AM

animelover87 on
animelover87Of course I am! I just never know where to find you! xDDD
I'm usually busy commenting my newest friend's Deviations... 'Cuz I'm addicted to her work! ^.^ It's awesome!

*Lawlz* Plus, I still don't know how to chat with people on DA yet! xP
So yeah, it's kinda difficult for me to tell when you're even online! Maybe I should check your profile once in a while to see if you're online or just try replying to you on my profile...
whichever works! :3 Thanks for the quick response btw!
Nice hearing from you again! :D

Twisted_Rebel on October 18, 2008, 10:34:43 AM

Twisted_Rebel on
Twisted_Rebellawl yeah just check out my home page =w= i post more pictures there than i do here anyways <:

animelover87 on October 18, 2008, 10:54:28 AM

animelover87 on
animelover87Sure! I'll do that whenever I'm not chatting on YIM with my sickly friend...
which is pretty much every day! xD

I really feel for her and her twin sister... because they both contracted Crohn's Disease at an early age... -.- It's really sad, but good to hear from her and to see more deviations in her gallery... that's always a good sign! :'3

So, I'll try not to obsess too much over her anguish! Sorry for depressing you with my friend's drama... :'c
I'd just hate to lose her... We've grown considerably close for the past month now... I really wish I could visit her in Quebec! *hugs*

Twisted_Rebel on October 18, 2008, 10:58:22 AM

Twisted_Rebel on
Twisted_RebelNot to be a piss-ant, but I'm not depressed with news of your friends illness |D;;;

It sucks though :\ but I've got my own issues at the moment ;;w;; like going to art school D; which I can't really do, at least, not right away. Baww

animelover87 on October 18, 2008, 11:41:26 AM

animelover87 on
animelover87Awww... it's okay! :c I understand! If anything, I'm only depressing myself the more I think about it! xDDD LOL
And I always do that... Jump to the wrong conclusions I mean! xD It's not your fault! You're just being honest! It's cool!
Good luck with getting into Art School anyway! :D
I'm sure you'll make it someday! ^.^

Twisted_Rebel on October 18, 2008, 3:01:45 PM

Twisted_Rebel on
Twisted_Rebelugh i doubt it ;;w;;

i'm going to major in animation and minor in photography. 8| DO WANT ;;A;;

kath on September 20, 2008, 2:20:58 PM

kath on
kathlol! I love this style. The expressions are priecless.

Nuzzle on September 17, 2008, 6:52:21 AM

Nuzzle on
NuzzleI love this, Kat xD
Especially those expressions :B
Elli's gonna love this too I'm sure~ :D

Twisted_Rebel on September 17, 2008, 11:06:36 PM

Twisted_Rebel on
Twisted_Rebellululul she's seen it on dA and said that she drew a picture similar to this but less cartoony :U

i ordered her to upload it so we can laugh like fags >8[

Edward_Elric_1308 on September 17, 2008, 5:22:09 AM

Edward_Elric_1308 on
Comment Deleted

Twisted_Rebel on September 17, 2008, 5:27:12 AM

Twisted_Rebel on
Twisted_RebelDude, it's a doodle. I don't care, I've submitted lined paper before.