Gambit by VampireWarith


The mutant Cajun with the ability to take the potential energy stored in an object and converts it to kinetic energy thus charging that item with explosive results, Remy LeBeau, better known as Gambit from the Marvel Comic Book, X-Men.
He has another ability called a Hypnotic Charm, but in the past 30+ years that he's been around, the Hypnotic Charm has only been used twice, Uncanny X-Men #266 and Rogue #4 (2004), that's it, it hasn't been used or mention since 04, but he really doesn't need it. He checks all the boxes that most western women are looking for, he's good-looking, he's 6 '1'' or '2'', well built, knows how to talk to women and he's rich. Also, for those saying that this makes him bad or creepy, I see female characters using this type of power all the time and no one says a thing.
This is a pencil sketch drawing of Gambit by Anson Ng, but his appearance here is mainly based on the way he was drawn by Marco Checchetto in the Daken: Dark Wolverine comic series. The hair is the way it was in the early to mid 90s, I never liked it when it was too short. I'm not a fan of his black headpiece, it doesn't serve a purpose, but it's there, like the rest of his costume it's supposed to protect against bullets at point blank range, even from a Desert Eagle, and energy blasts… but his head and his whole face is exposed. Also, depending on the writer, the armor is very inconsistent to what it protects him against and what it doesn't.
His trench coat hasn't really changed in all this time, except the color and those sleeve stapes, different shades of dark brown and very rarely it's been dark gray. His chest armor seems to be a mix between his original armor but with it being one solid piece and one color from the Daken comic book.
The elbow guards, belt, straps, pouches (to store his cards) and holsters are also from that series.
His Bo-Staff is either a solid smooth silver piece of metal or it has ring or grid lines from top to bottom. The only time it had attachments on it was only seen in one issue, but it's mostly in fan art.
Some people might think that it's made out of adamantium, but it's never been stated, and it's been cut and destroyed a few times.
Most versions show that the weapon can extend and retract.
The interpretation of his kinetic energy is the way Jim Lee and Lee Weeks drew it.
One thing I didn't want to do was put a giant or a small capital X on his outfit because I'm so sick of that... we get it! He's part of the X-Men or a team with the 24th English alphabet letter in the title. I also don't have him smoking, I'm not trying to sound like some anti-smoking ad, and I know it's based in a comic book world... but still... when you've seen what this does to a person's body and mental health, up-close and personal, with friends and loved ones... you see it in a different way. It's an attempt to try to make someone look tough and mysterious, but it's the exact opposite, getting additive to something that's harming your health and will cause your death, if anything it comes across as a sign of weakness and depression. When Charles Bronson was filming scenes for the movie, Hard Times, where he plays a street fighter for money, Bronson's fight scenes had to be shot in sections because he was a heavy smoker and while he had a good build, his smoking took away his stamina.
Gambit: From 1990 to Now
If you want to know more about Gambit from the 616-canon universe. Just read the comics, which is easier to do now more than ever. I of course can't list every issue he's appeared in X-Men and Uncanny X-Men, that would be too many links.
Sometimes the images will be blank, or the site is down, so here are other sites where you can find those titles in case that happens.
When it comes to describing his personality, not too many sites have anything written down, so here's the only one I could find.
Now Gambit is no boy scout or golden boy like Clark Kent or Peter Parker, I don't want him to be, he's somewhat of an anti-hero (just barely), nowhere near Wolverine, Judge Dredd, Spawn or the Punisher, and again I don't want him to be, but there are those who say that he's just selfish, thinks only of himself, can't be trusted and so on. The only time he would ever be seen doing anything even like that, would be because the hacks at Marvel want to purposely ruin a character, which is what they've been doing since the late 90s and more so since the mid-2000s. But to those who say that he's always been like that, as always, these people never use any examples from the comics from a character that's been around for 30 years, what a shock, but I'm going to disprove that.
"It shouldn't be lost on anyone that the first time we encounter Gambit is in Uncanny X-Men (1990) #266-267 when he saves a de-aged, amnesiac Ororo Munroe (aka Storm, aka Lil' Ro) from the Shadow King's hounds. The Gambit we meet may be a smoking, drinking, hard-living thief better suited to a dark noir storyline, but he lets that gritty exterior slip just enough to show us the heart of gold underneath. He saves Lil' Ro who becomes his lifelong friend and, impressed with his skill and heroism, introduces him to the X-Men."
"While his teaching career has varied, possibly one of the best examples of Gambit at his absolute best has been as a supporting character to Laura Kinney. In X-23 (2010) by Marjorie Liu, Gambit volunteers to supervise Laura in her solo adventures away from the X-Men while she is dealing with her trauma. Remy is there to be a non-judgmental, supportive, caring, advice-giving mentor."
Once in blue moon, screen rant can actually state something truthful.
Gambit Is X-23's Real 'Father' (Not Wolverine)
After avoiding hitting two other vehicles, Gambit and Storm plunge into a river and she's knocked out. Gambit doesn't waste any time trying to save her, "Damn, that hurt, Ca't worry 'bout me. It's 'Ro, needs savin'! Girl ain't movin'" When she's rescued by a stranger, he's asks if he's hurt and replies, "Ain't me tha' matters." This takes place when Storm was de-aged into a child (Gambit #2 (2022)).
Shortly after joining the X-Men, the Imperial Guard Gladiator was chocking Deathbird, feeling the need to do something Gambit stated, "Apologies Jubilee. I guess when you wear the uniform of a hero... hey I guess you sometime got to act the part." and attacked Gladiator (Uncanny X-Men #276).
Like I said he's not Spawn or the Punisher, even though he would like to kill Sabertooth, a serial killer who made him choose who to save when he was younger, but he's not going to since that's what Creed wants, to ruin him with the others. Gambit is not going to let him stand in his way of being with someone, mainly Rogue, or what being a part of the X-Men has meant to him, he's worked too hard to throw that all away.
"Every part a' the man I was says I should push my bo-staff through your thick skull but de problem with dat solution is that I'd be givin' you exactly what you want! Best way t'beat you down, Creed, ain't t'bet you up. I worked too hard, care too much about bein' here, learnin' how t'love for real, an' bein' an X-Man t'let a loser like you take it away from me. So, I know the best way t'win the fight against you is for me an' Rogue t'be happy together." (X-Men #38)
When Jean is hit and about to be attacked, Gambit puts himself in front of her and defends her, "As we always, t'say in N'Orleans, mutate—thas' no way to treat a lady! Playin' for keeps is still playin' mon ami. So, take a card… any card!" (Avengers West Coast (Vol. 2) #101)
Gambit doesn't join the others at first; he can see that something is wrong with Robert and says that he will try to bring back Hank and the Professor.
Iceman: "Why aren't you joining in the charade of the light brigade, Gambit?"
Gambit: "I will at the moment, mona mi… but you do not look so happy, eh?"
Iceman: "It's just that sometimes Scott treats me like I was still a sixteen-year-old snow head from long island, y'know? I'll get over I t-- I mean, these people here need help -- just -- just bring back Hank and the Prof back in one piece, okay Gambit?"
Gambit: "I will try Robbert – I will most certainly try." (Avengers: Avengers/X-Men - Bloodties TPB (Part 2))
Gambit explains to Spider-Man that he's there to make sure his people are not involved, "I'm here out of a sense of familial duty-- to unsure t'at my people are not involved in a spate of violent robberies I been trackin' from New Orleans" (Web of Spider-Man #113).
Wolverine wants to kill Arcade, but Gambit stops him, and Gambit also wants Martinique Wyngarde (Mastermind) to pay for her role with helping Arcade (Wolverine / Gambit: Victims #4).
Gambit steals the Avenger's Quinjet to get Marrow medical help to fix her powers (Uncanny X-Men #370).
Gambit is not a hateful person; he's also not the silent brooding anti-hero or the angry bitter mutant who hates humans or everyone. He sees the good in the world, wants to make it better, he doesn't pretend to be something he's not and he's able to admit his past mistakes. He's not going to cry or wallow in self-pity; he's simply going to laugh.
"Had me goin' for a minute, dirge. But you want to break my sport, de mutant massacre, it be the wrong stick to use. Because the only person who got betrayed here… was me. Gambit, he's a thief, c'est vral! I've conned so may folks in my time, I should'a heard the web o'lies that brought me to dis place. That was my mistake, an I'll carry the mem'ry 'til I die. Good people died became o' dat. But before they died, they were good people. Those are the mem'ries I choose to cherish. Not the way they died, but how they live! As for you, Rogue, I play fast an' loose wit' many t'ings… but never wit' your heart. Your heart, it means more t' me than my own. You choose not to see dat, it's your loss."
"Dere's sadness in the world, sure. But I choose to see the joy. The miracle is that we live. The responsibility of living is that we try to make the world a little better. Dirge, he don't see dat. Best he figures, I cry, I bury myself so deep in grief I become dead myself. Ain't dat easy, mon brave. I love these people. I love Rogue. I choose t' honor their lives an' what dey mean t' me wit' a celebration. My soul won't ever be lost, Dirge--because now an' always, I choose to laugh." (Uncanny X-Men #382)
During the invasion of the armies of Khan, an inter-dimensional conqueror, Shaitan uses gems and Gambit's abilities to open a portal. Gambit's plan is to sacrifice himself in order to close the portal (X-Treme X-Men #16).
He saves Rogue from being beaten to death and he talks Storm out of becoming a murderer (X-Treme X-Men #4 (2022)). This is taking place in the early 2000s.
"Ah get it, 'R--y' wan' t' make what killed Kitty afraid o' you. Right b'fore y' kill 'em. Open yo' eyes, woman-- they already there! They so scared they do anything – commit any horror – t' wipe us out. Don' matter, we be "heroes." Don' matter how many times we saved this world. They think those stories, they all be lies! Look at this storm – that you started, 'Ro – getting' worse wit' ev'ry passin' minute! It be givin' 'em reason t'fear us. An' the next step past that fear be hate. Why else you think more an' more folks be joinin' purity? 'Ro, we got t' show'em somethin' better. This be the moment, 'Ro. We don' dare waste it. There be too much at stake – fo' ev'ryone!"
After knocking out Bishop from trying to kill an infant, Sunfire wants to kill him, but Gambit says no, that the X-Men will be arriving soon and doing so… would slow them down… somehow? At first, he wants to know if the child is alright and then questions why Bishop is doing this.
Karima Shapandar: "Is there some problem, Gambit?"
Gambit: "No, just... wonderin' what changed for him, that he'd turn on 'em. Wonderin what the hell he was thinking…"
(Uncanny X-Men #494)
Under the hold of Cich, Gambit has to play chicken with a semi-truck carrying tech that Cich wants for himself. In an attempt to save the lives of the truck drivers, he charges his own motorcycle and charges forward causing a blast in front of the truck, stopping it. Gambit saves the drivers when there about to be shot at (Gambit #5 (2012)).
Gambit is not a ruthless fighter when it comes to fighting allies, "Give up. Don't wanna hurt you more'n I have too." (X-Men Legacy #267)
Gambit has to remind Rogue that he knows what's right and wrong, "My moral compass is just fine. I know what's right." (Mr. and Mrs. X #3)
In the Mojoworld, Gambit finds an infant and says that he'll take care of it, although it wasn't really a baby, but he didn't know that at the time, "It's okay, baby...don' worry, Gambit has you now." (Mr. and Mrs. X #9)
Look at how much he loves and cares about Rogue.
However, despite all of that, hacks have had the X-Men giving him a hard time, even though others such as Magneto, Emma Frost, Sarbertooth and Namor have killed dozens of innocent people several times, some of them even gloat about it, but they were allowed to join the team (Marvel has been trying to turn them and others such as Apocalypse and Sinister into heroes). They've received less grief from the X-Men than Gambit did over his involvement in the Massacre and his general status as a thief.
X-Men: The Animated Series
He became my favorite character when I watched the animated series back in the 90s. When it comes to overconfident cocky funny characters, he's one of very few that I like, but half the time that depends on who's writing him. But I've never been a fan of his original costume, the black headpiece, and the upper chest body armor, the pink vest, square pattern tight pants and the long silver metal boots.
Voice actor Chris Potter set the stander on how Gambit's voice and accent should sound, a deep steadily soothing voice. Unfortunately, no one but Potter has been able to capture that, he was replaced later in the series by Tony Daniels, he wasn't very good, sounded like he had a sore throat, and the animation got terrible.
Interview with Chris Potter (Gambit, X-Men Animated Series)
Chris Potter didn't return to voice Gambit in X-Men '97, instead he voiced Cable… I guess all the Cajun people from New Orleans won't be offended anymore… just like they had to get a real Asian person to voice Jubliee, but why stop there, why not get a real southern from Mississippi to voice Rogue or get a real Canadian to voice Wolverine???? The show never had a chance once Disney was put in charge, they're bullshoot reason was, "Substituting Potter for Bayne (original Cable actor) enhanced the unconventional dynamic between cable and his father, Scott summers."
Mass Exodus as Fans REJECT X-Men 97 Series + Woke Disney DEMANDS You Accept Ugly Female Characters
In the end however, Gambit was killed off just to fulfill the sick fantasy of some narcissist sexual perverted predator.
Let me just say that I don't really care for this YouTube user, she's too easily amused, a hypocrite, like so many Rogue fans, ignores most of the character's crap and has horrible takes on Gambit.
Why Disney FIRED CREEPY X-Men '97 Showrunner!
FIRED X-men '97 Showrunner Does the Most INSANE THING to "Prove" His Innocence!
Other Animated Series and Films
Gambit's character and design was awful in X-Men: Evolution, I had no interest in teenage versions of the characters. Wolverine and the X-Men's a show that literally tells you in the title that Wolverine is going to be the center of attention and everyone else will just be in the background, making him the leader of the team is the dumbest thing they could do. For some reason they had Phil Lemarr give him a Jamaican accent... Taylor Kitsch's role in X-Men Origins: Wolverine was just a mockery of the character, a pointless cameo that went nowhere, he was a boring deux machina since he was either given no clear direction or he put no effort into the character and just wanted a pay check. I'm not a fan of Channing Tatum, every movie he's done has been crap, he acts like he has a sense of humor, but he doesn't.
He tried to get a Gambit solo film made and he wanted it to be a romantic comedy... thankfully the film was cancelled in May of 2019.
I'm a bit split down the middle when it comes to Gambit in the Deadpool & Wolverine film, the character is shown as a skilled deadly badass fighter, as he should be with his armor, powers, cards, staff, martial arts, his agility and dexterity.
Gambit in Deadpool & Wolverine -- All Powers & Fights Scenes -- Channing Tatum
But the costume looks cheap, I've seen cosplayers do a better job, Tatum bears no resemble to Gambit at all, and a mid-40-year-old (with a dad bod, thinning hair or going bald) is too old to be playing the part of a 20-year-old. It's a comedy film, to the point of a parody, but the lines and dialog he's given sounds like what a high school student who thinks their being funny would write, Gambit does say funny lines here and there, but he has far more class than to talk like that.
As for the accent… too many of these annoying fake YouTube reaction channels (that apparently haven't seen films that have been around for 50 or 60 years and just want your money for sitting on their @$$) who are just shills are acting like know-it-all conceited experts on that (and everything else), saying that's it bad, when they have no idea since they live in their little bubbles by never leaving their house. So, I'll let people who are more familiar with that way of speaking be the judge of that. As for the rest of the film, I simply didn't care, it tries to have a story but there is none, it's just an excuse to have pointless cameos, too many meta jokes that just go on and on, too much slow motion, bad CGI, annoying music, and that's not the kind of film I'm interest in since I got tired of superhero films by the late 2000s. I'm not a fan of Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds so-called "acting" and voice is just irritating, he's a douche bag and his wife is a dog) or Wolverine, both are overrated, overused and once again, Logan has to cry about how much his life sucks. But regardless, no one should be wasting their money on a company that supports this trash.
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Matches, Powers, Skills and Abilities
When it comes to all of these "Power Grids" from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe books and cards that show how high or low the Intelligence, Strength, Speed, Durability, Energy Projection, and Fighting Skills are that wiki sites like to use (of course they do), they should be ignored since there very inconsistent or just inaccurate when you compare too what you see in the comics. Although the comics themselves are not always consistent because of hack writers who don't bother to do any research or simply don't care. Gambit is not unbeatable, I don't want him to be, but a lot of people have either forgotten or have ignored the matches he's fought, just how powerful, skilled and cunning he really is.
From what I've heard, in the official strategy guides from Brady Games for Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2: Signature Series Strategy Guide (September 2009), Nick Fury states, "One of the best hand-to-hand fighters I've ever seen." I haven't read that magazine, I can't show a picture of it, but Marvel video games are not connected to the 616-canon universe, I've never seen any character in the comics make any references to the events in that game or any video game since there usually considered alternate realities. So therefore, that quote can't be used.
10 Things Gambit Fans Want You To Know About the Best X-Man
4. He's beaten some of the best there are, at what they do
Notable matches (616 canon universe)
Wolverine – Gets the drop on him, but this is in the danger room (Uncanny X-Men #273)
Gladiator – With help from Jubilee, knocked him and several others back (Uncanny X-Men #276)
Knocks him back again with a full deck of cards (Uncanny X-Men #277)
Spider-Man – Evenly matched in speed and agility (Web of Spider-Man #113)
Blade (film version) – Evenly matched and was able to keep up with him in speed (Gambit #4 (1999))
Daredevil – Evenly matched and was able to keep up with him in speed (Gambit #11 (1999))
Quicksilver – Fast enough to hit and knock him out (Contest of Champions II #3)
Hawkeye – Able to match his speed, accuracy and was able to beat him (Contest of Champions II #5)
Iron Man's automated armor – Able to avoid its targeting computer (X-Men Legacy #267)
Honorable Mentions
Magneto – Mange to hit him in the face by throwing a card in-between the gap in his helmet, although this should have killed him, but plot armor saves Mag (X-Men #5)
Bishop – During a brief fight, without hitting him directly, so he won't absorb his power, Gambit was able blow Bishop off his feet (X-Men #8)
Years later the two would fight again, like before so he won't absorb his power, Gambit flips a deck of cards near Bishop that sends him flying into the air and another one into the wall that collapses on him and knocks him out (Uncanny X-Men #494)
Sliver Samurai – They have a very brief fight in which Gambit is fast enough to doge Sliver Samurai's sword by flipping over him and ducking when he throws a dagger (X-Men #22)
Moon Knight – The two get into a brief staff fight in which Gambit knocks him back (Marc Spector: Moon Knight #53). Years later, Moon Knight manages to get in two hits, but only because Gambit got distracted, after destroying his gloves, Moon Knight takes on Rogue (X-Men Legacy #267)
X-Cutioner – Fast enough to avoid his energy staff and hit him (Gambit #5 (1999))
Skrulls – Mange to knockout skrull versions of Captain America, Hawkeye, Thor (although anyone can beat skrulls) but outwits the real Avengers such as Scarlet Witch and Vision by taking their Quinjet (Uncanny X-Men #370)
Fantomex – Defeated a rip-off version of him during a heist and escapes (Civil War II: X-Men #2)
Daken – Despite being the son of Wolverine, Gambit is able to beat the crap out of him, even making parts of his left arm explode. Daken only wins the fight because of a sucker punch when Gambit got distracted (Daken: Dark Wolverine #8)
Beasty-Brute – Even though Beasty-Brute has superhuman strength and durability, Gambit is able to take his staff, put it in front of Brute's neck from behind, flip him back onto his face and sends him flying with his charge cards (X-Treme X-Men #3 (2022))
Notable power use (616 canon universe)
Tithe Collector – Used his kinetic energy on his coat which ended up spreading all over his body and exploded, although this didn't kill him since he came back in later issues (Gambit #4 (1993))
Psylocke – When Gambit was asleep, while still recovering from his coma after his kiss with Rogue, Psylocke entered into his mind, without his permission and lied what she was doing, to find out his secret but he gets the drop on her (Uncanny X-Men #324)
Iron Patriot (James Rhodes) – Uses his abilities to power an Iron Man armor (Gambit #13 (2012))
Other objects – With some effort, he can prolong the detonation time of his activated detonation. Causing a slight lag when he's prepping his potential/kinetic conversion of matter into volatile state (Mr. and Mrs. X #12)
Not all of it is the canon 616 universe and you have to check the appearances (# to Z) to see Charged Items.
Notable skills (616 canon universe)
Speed and Acrobatics – Fast enough to dodge bullets (Uncanny X-Men #276), (Gambit #1 (1999)), (Gambit #8 (1999), X-23 (II) #7)
Able to dodge mini rockets or missiles (Gambit #1 (1993))
Fast enough to block Daredevil's stick with his bo-staff and the speed he's able to throw it (Gambit #11 (1999))
Fast and silent enough to sneak into a police office, put a note and leave without anyone noticing (Wolverine / Gambit: Victims #3)
Dodge lasers (Mr. and Mrs. X #3)
Fast enough to catch a cartridge and throw it back (X-Men #1)
Block bullets with his staff (X-Men #3)
Fast enough to dodge a room full of lasers and put kinetic energy charged cards behind a person's back without them noticing it while they were wearing hi-tech battle armor (Gambit #5 (1999))
Fast enough before a person can barely react (Gambit #4 (2022))
How Strong is Gambit { Remy Etienne LeBeau } - Marvel COMICS ~ X-MeN
The only people who ever really made Gambit look powerful, competent and gave him any real character development are the ones who created him and a few others here and there.
Chris Claremont and Jim Lee (Uncanny X-Men 1990, X-Men 1991, X-Treme X-Men 2001-2022, Gambit 2022)
Howard Mackie (Gambit 1993 miniseries)
Jeph Loeb (Wolverine / Gambit: Victims 1995)
Fabian Nicieza (Gambit 1999 series)
James Asmus (Gambit 2012)
Daniel Way and Marjorie Liu (Daken: Dark Wolverine 2011)
However, storytelling from them was a mix bag, others have not only completely ignored all of that, but all his nuance, plotting, and planning is hardly ever a feature of his character or who Gambit is, what his name stands for and it gets to the point of character assassination. Then again, I could say that for nearly every character at Marvel and other western comic book publishers these days.
A 90s Character?
There are those who say that Gambit is a relic of the 1990s ...but they don't explain why that is or their very vague about it, so let's start with his name, "chess opening in which a pawn or piece is risked for advantage later," 1650s, gambett, from Italian gambetto, literally "a tripping up" (as a trick in wrestling), from gamba "leg," from Late Latin gamba "horse's hock or leg" (see gambol (n.)).
Applied to chess openings in Spanish in 1561 by Ruy Lopez, who traced it to the Italian word, but the form in Spanish generally was gambito, which led to French gambit, which has influenced the English spelling of the word. The broader sense of "opening move meant to gain advantage" in English is recorded from 1855.
His main weapons are playing cards, which go all the way back to the Tang dynasty in the 9th or 12th century AD, the type that Gambit uses that most people are familiar with, started in the 18th and late 19th century.
History of Playing Cards explained in 5 Minutes.
His second main weapon is the Bo staff, which emerged in Okinawa in the early 17th century, and he uses Bōjutsu with it, which emerged in Okinawa in the early 1600s.
His main fighting style is Savate, a French street fighting style going back to the 18th or 19th century.
The pioneers of Savate!
One of his main vehicles of transportation is a motorcycle, which dates back to the mid-1880s. The type that Gambit drives, depending on the artist, who don't always put a lot of detail into it, but it seems that they're just going for a typical Harley Davidson from the 1960s, and the first one was from 1903.
With his character, Gambit is somewhat of a ladies' man when he's single (although when you compare him to others like Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, Wolverine and Johnny Storm he ranks pretty low on that), but that type of character has been around for a very long time, long before the 90s.
Simon Templar – 1928 book / 1962 TV series
James Bond – 1953 book / 1962 film
James T. Kirk – Star Trek TOS 1966
Thomas Crown – The Thomas Crown Affair 1968 film
Butch Cassidy – Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 1969 film
Nightcrawler – Giant-Size X-Men #1, 1975
William T. Riker – Star Trek TNG 1987
The charming thief is another characterization trait of Gambit that's been around for centuries.
Arsène Lupin – The Arrest of Arsène Lupin 1905 book
Jimmie Dale (The Gray Seal) – 1914 book
Simon Templar – 1928 book / 1962 TV series
Catwoman – Batman #1, 1940
Gentleman Ghost – Flash Comics #88, 1947
John Robie – To Catch a Thief 1955 film
Sir Charles Litton (The Phantom) – The Pink Panther 1963 film
Arsène Lupin III – Manga Action #19670810, 1967
Thomas Crown – The Thomas Crown Affair 1968 film
Butch Cassidy – Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 1969 film
Sir Oliver – Alan Ford 1969 comics
Edward Pierce – The Great Train Robbery 1975 film
Black Cat – The Amazing Spider-Man #194, 1979
Carmen Sandiego – 1985 video game
He's not saying outdated slangs from that decade, there were different types of attitudes going on in the 90s with a character's personality, but Gambit didn't act like any of them.
Toejam & Earl: The Complete History – SGR
His hairstyle isn't outdated like Longshot's or Bishop's (both had mullets), Gambit's hairstyle, depending on the artist, looks like what's called a side part with volume, (sometimes with an 80s style of spiky hair), the original dates back to the 1920s.
When artist like Jim Lee and Lee Weeks drew him in the early 90s, his hairstyle looked like what would be called a messy side part with volume like the character Jason Dean (1989).
Or long shoulder length hair, but that's been around forever.
He's not wearing bright neon baggy grunge gangster style clothing with 90s graffiti type symbols.
There were only a handful of times where he and others wore ugly casual style clothing of that decade, but they were never seen wearing them again and most people refer to Gambit being a "90s character" due to his first official costume.
It would be an endless list to name all the comic book characters from Marvel, DC, Image and others when it comes to ugly outdated clothing throughout the decades and it would just come across as desperate examples to use.
Countless characters, from the golden age to now, wear tight spandex with all kinds of strange color patterns and shapes. His hot pink chest armor was a color that became popular with mainstream fashion in the 80s and that continued into the early 90s. The trench coat look was first seen in the 30s and 40s with crime and detective Noir, its origins can be traced back before WW1, maybe the 1800s, but it didn't really become somewhat of a fashion trend until the 1980s, Kyle Reese wore one for a short time in The Terminator (1984) and Jason Dean in Heathers (1989). There were a few examples in the early 90s like Tomebstone (1993) and The Crow (1994) but it didn't really become a look with action heroes and villains in film until the late 90s and the 2000s.
"Notice the long black trench coat that says I'm a cool anger rebel"
His silver metal knee leggings / boots look like they were based off medieval leg and feet armor which of course comes from the late 14th and early 15th century. But they were certainly not work or combat boots of the grunge era.
His body size, hair and costume doesn't reflect that decade like
Nomad / Jack Monroe – 1992
Blackthorne – video game 1994
Mitch Hunter – Doom Troopers video game 1995
Sketch Turner – Comix Zone video game 1995
Reno Raines / Vincent Black – Renegade TV series 1992–1997
Characters from Image Comics – February 1993
Quite a lot had huge muscles that look like tumors, showing off their chest and arms because it's hot everywhere they go, long unkempt hair where it looks like they just woke up, wraparound sunglasses that look more like visors, they always have one expression on their face like they smelled something bad and big armor shoulder pads that are just impractical. I'm not saying Gambit's costume is perfect, but he's not wearing all black like the Terminator (1991), Blade (1998), The Strangers in Dark City (1998) or Neo (1999), he only did once during the run of X-Treme X-Men, except for his coat, but that was in 2001 and it looked as if Claremont was coping The Matrix because he wasn't known for his original ideas. Nor does he have cheap gimmicks like an eye patch, tattoos, scars or a beard to make him look tough like Aquaman from the mid and late 90s. For the past few decades, hairstyles and clothing is a mix between several different eras, there wasn't just one style of the 2000s and 2010s.
Gambit's power makes things explode, so when it comes to which decade overdid the explosion scenes, that was the 1980s and the 90s just continued it.
John Carpenter's The Thing (1982)
Blue Thunder (1983)
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985)
Commando (1985)
Predator (1987)
RoboCop (1987)
Equalizer 2000 (1987)
Tragic Hero (Hong Kong film) (1987)
Rambo III (1988)
Die Hard (1988)
Tango & Cash (1989)
Gambit debuted in July (brief appearance in Uncanny X-Men Annual #14) and August (first major role in Uncanny X-Men #266) of 1990. However, that cover was drawn on Dec 4, 1986, but it wasn't published until 1990.
Some of Jim Lee's original sketches shows him wearing an 80s style leather jacket with a big collar, pointy shoulder pads, and extra beltloops (top right) and another one with a similar style (bottom middle). The design style of those jackets is definitely not 1990s.
Now it's possible that they didn't have all the details written down to what type of character he was going to be, but if they already had a general idea for his character pretty much worked out by then, 4 years before he debuted, well then that makes Gambit even less of a 90s character. Even Claremont's original plans for his character don't come across as a 90s character in anyway.
There were no established 90s trends set in yet, depending on where you live (the city, the suburbs or the rural areas), there wouldn't be for another three or four years, past fashion trends will last that long before they fadeout when a new decade starts, while some make a comeback (a lot of 90s fanion made a comeback starting in 2017) or they get an update, they're tweaked a bit, or they never become old fashion. If Gambit has been kept the same or even somewhat since his first appearance, since he gets accused of that all the time, then it seems as if he's a character based on different eras, since the only character traits, clothing and hairstyles that Claremont and Jim Lee could gotten anything from was from other decades since like I said, everything we know about the 90s had not become known yet. Also, only kids and teenagers care about what the latest fashion is, adult in their 20s and older don't or shouldn't. But even if Gambit was a 90s character, compared to what we have today, especially to what most male characters have been reduced too in comics, movies, TV and video games... I'll take a 90s character any day. At least men were still drawn and written to be smart tough badasses, but also nice, not dumb, weak and useless. Women were still drawn and written to look sexy, tough but also compassionate, not lecturing others or shown to be perfect in everything (Mary Sues).
When it comes to his popularity, Gambit is still a very liked character with the fans, but not with the hacks at Marvel or all the woke losers. Make no mistake, the people at Marvel have characters they like (that they want everyone else to like, but most don't) and those they hate (that they want everyone else to hate, but most don't), and Gambit is one they hate. He doesn't fit into their woke ideology, so whenever he becomes popular with both fans and a general audience, they hate that and will try to find ways of undermining him, like they do with others they don't like. By making him look weak both physically (he can barely win a fight with anyone these days) and mentality (Rogue controls the marriage, berates him most of the time and they try to make it look like he was nothing but a second choice that she just had to settle for), but all they end up doing is making Rogue look bad and Gambit comes out looking better and most people end up sympathizing with. But half the hacks at Marvel are so full of themselves, that they just can't see that way.
American Entertainment Marvel Survey results circa 1994
When asked the question, Who are the three X-Men characters you would like to see get their own monthly title? Gambit came in at number 1 with 51,451 votes.
IGN ranked Gambit as the 65th Greatest Comic Book Hero of All Time.
If you want to see how well his 2012 solo series sold.
In 2013, ComicsAlliance ranked Gambit as #4 on their list of the 50 Sexiest Male Characters in Comics.
In 2017, ranked him at number 10 of the 10 Best X-Men.
There was a vote in 2018 of over 116 Marvel characters and Gambit came in at number #6 with 100 votes.
Gambit and Rogue were the most requested pops of all time.
2020 Toy Fair New York Booth Tour! (6:14)
This artwork piece of the cover of his first appearance got quite a lot of comments.
Uncanny X-Men #266 cover (1st full appearance of Gambit)
Added to Site: 2/25/2021
It's said that he was one of the most requested characters from the beginning.
Strike Time #22: Unlimited X-Men
Screenrant ranked him at number 1 of the 10 best X-Men characters created by Chris Claremont.
A Gambit miniseries that came out in July 2022, issue #1 was ranked at number 20, however, this is usually the case with a first issue. But compare that with another title at the same time, Knights of X, from a woke hack who not only has no liking for the character but has never written a decent or even a mediocre storyline. That title only made the 100 list, issue #4 came in at number 79, and once you've gone down that far, that comic should be canceled.
As of 2024, Gambit is trending far above the other characters from 55.5k posts at one point to 75.8k posts.
These theater reactions when he appears says it all.
Final Thoughts
Whenever I see people who hate Gambit, there's always going to those who hate a character, it's unavoidable, but they usually end up being male readers who are these inadequate self-conscious losers with women and have no sense of humor at all. I'm not expecting everyone to love him, but they can't name a single moment from the canon 616 universe to explain or show why he's such a bad person, just vague reasons, exaggeration, flat out lies, childish naming calling, trying to turn everything he's done, no matter how good it is, into looking bad. Some hate him because he stole their fictional crush away from them (the delusional type who think they deserve the hottest women on the planet), so they want to get back at him for that and what he's done in alternate realities, because somehow those count, but it's just desperation. I see it all time because these days, even fictional facts don't matter, it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of these haters were hypocrites where they like characters who have actually done some pretty terrible things. It seems that many of the haters have barely read any of Gambit's appearances in comics, haven't asked any fans for info on him and just base their hate on the thought that he's just a creepy womanizer from a few episodes of the cartoon and read a summary from a wiki page. I saw a user on a message board at CBR (the users are just as bad as the authors with clickbait articles) make that very same claim, but once they read the comics, their opinion on him changed…
Gambit has a large female fan base, so some of these males proclaiming a character misogynistic should actually try talking to them about it... but then again... their insecure over a fictional drawing of a character that doesn't exist for a reason and shockingly... the female fans of Gambit don't give a rat's @$$ what these losers think. Many of these haters turn out to be annoying podcasters. Although, some Romy fans will use the misogynistic insult on others themselves.
Unfortunately, there are some problems with a nearly all-female fan base when it comes to any type of character, especially pairings. Given the fact that women are emotional driven creatures who don't think rationally (or take accountability), they love drama and angst, especially at the expanse of the man, they don't want them to resolve their problems, they based their choices on feelings that will change in an instant with next to no real reason to back it up. They'll lie to themselves, to others, make excuses for other women, and want to live in a fantasy land of what they think perfection is. There are some exceptions within such a fan base, but it's not the rule.
Kirk: "Doctor Dehner feels he isn't that dangerous. What makes you right and a trained psychiatrist wrong?"
Spock: "Because she feels. I don't. All I know is logic."
--Star Trek, episode Where No Man Has Gone Before
Then there are the ugly overweight beta male feminist simps or skinny beard hipsters who look like they never comb their hair, shave, change their clothes, haven't bathed in months, God knows when the last time they were near a woman that wasn't as disgusting as they are and they usually turn out to be pedophiles (not all, but many like James Gunn, he doesn't like the character and he fits that description of a pedo perfectly).
Victor Davis Hanson perfectly described these people as prolonged adolescences, and most are in their 30s or 40s. I've seen quite a few with images of a buff male model as their avatar, even though they look the complete opposite in real life. The other side are the woke feminist, who pretty much look the same as their male counterparts, the only men they approve of are psychopaths.
Another problem people have with Gambit, they accuse him of "cheating" on Rogue and that he has flirted with every single known woman from the other X-teams (they can't name a single character, but then again, they're definition of "flirting" could mean anything they want it to be) ...the only so-called evidence that Gambit cheated came from a supposed sex tape from a 2004 solo by John Layman... however the content on the tape has never been clarified. He rejected a character called Lili in issue #4, most likely knocking her out since nothing was shown or written that hours or minutes went by at all, only seconds, you don't count those unless it's something like a ticking time bomb, and issue #5 talked about a so-called tape... and that's it.
Gambit has never been drawn or written cheating on Rogue, nobody can point to an issue or page or shown an image that says and shows without a doubt that happen. The only times in which he did have flings with others was when he and Rogue had already broken up for the "100th time" and those only lasted an issue or two, or a page or even a panel with female characters who are hardly or never seen again. Gambit is supposed to be a ladies' man, but he's never lived up to that, he's only been with two known characters, Bella Donna and Rogue, both of which he married, he hasn't had any other significant love interest within the X-Men or from any other team or known character... what a scoundrel.
The reason why he was kicked out of the Thieves Guild was that after Gambit was married, his brother-in-law challenged him to a duel to the death, he had no choice but to accept it, his mutant powers helped him win and he was declared a cheater, so he was exiled from New Orleans. He offered Bella to come with him, but she declined, she was more loyal to her family than him and he went on the run as a lone thief until he met Storm, and she introduced him to the X-Men him and Rogue had on again off again relationship. 4 years later Gambit and his wife Bella reconciled and agreed to go their separate ways.
Gambit is a suave, handsome guy who makes women swoon, he's not misleading in his intentions. He would be a creep if he was rejected but he isn't most of the time, women find him devilishly charming and are all over him, this happens all time in the both the fictional world and the real world. I bet those who hate him have none of those qualities, they're just a bunch of miserable boring pathetic losers who have never had a girlfriend or have ever been out on a date or even talk to women face to face... it has to be on a chat stream and when they do talk... good lord...
They rather be simps and pay for content, than for actual sex or… for a woman's farts… or get stepped on…
There was a 2018 poll where 25% of men who think that asking a woman out for a drink is sexual harassment...
The mutant Cajun with the ability to take the potential energy stored in an object and converts it to kinetic energy thus charging that item with explosive results, Remy LeBeau, better known as Gambit from the Marvel Comic Book, X-Men.
He has another ability called a Hypnotic Charm, but in the past 30+ years that he's been around, the Hypnotic Charm has only been used twice, Uncanny X-Men #266 and Rogue #4 (2004), that's it, it hasn't been used or mention since 04, but he really doesn't need it. He checks all the boxes that most western women are looking for, he's good-looking, he's 6 '1'' or '2'', well built, knows how to talk to women and he's rich. Also, for those saying that this makes him bad or creepy, I see female characters using this type of power all the time and no one says a thing.
This is a pencil sketch drawing of Gambit by Anson Ng, but his appearance here is mainly based on the way he was drawn by Marco Checchetto in the Daken: Dark Wolverine comic series. The hair is the way it was in the early to mid 90s, I never liked it when it was too short. I'm not a fan of his black headpiece, it doesn't serve a purpose, but it's there, like the rest of his costume it's supposed to protect against bullets at point blank range, even from a Desert Eagle, and energy blasts… but his head and his whole face is exposed. Also, depending on the writer, the armor is very inconsistent to what it protects him against and what it doesn't.
His trench coat hasn't really changed in all this time, except the color and those sleeve stapes, different shades of dark brown and very rarely it's been dark gray. His chest armor seems to be a mix between his original armor but with it being one solid piece and one color from the Daken comic book.
The elbow guards, belt, straps, pouches (to store his cards) and holsters are also from that series.
His Bo-Staff is either a solid smooth silver piece of metal or it has ring or grid lines from top to bottom. The only time it had attachments on it was only seen in one issue, but it's mostly in fan art.
Some people might think that it's made out of adamantium, but it's never been stated, and it's been cut and destroyed a few times.
Most versions show that the weapon can extend and retract.
The interpretation of his kinetic energy is the way Jim Lee and Lee Weeks drew it.
One thing I didn't want to do was put a giant or a small capital X on his outfit because I'm so sick of that... we get it! He's part of the X-Men or a team with the 24th English alphabet letter in the title. I also don't have him smoking, I'm not trying to sound like some anti-smoking ad, and I know it's based in a comic book world... but still... when you've seen what this does to a person's body and mental health, up-close and personal, with friends and loved ones... you see it in a different way. It's an attempt to try to make someone look tough and mysterious, but it's the exact opposite, getting additive to something that's harming your health and will cause your death, if anything it comes across as a sign of weakness and depression. When Charles Bronson was filming scenes for the movie, Hard Times, where he plays a street fighter for money, Bronson's fight scenes had to be shot in sections because he was a heavy smoker and while he had a good build, his smoking took away his stamina.
Gambit: From 1990 to Now
If you want to know more about Gambit from the 616-canon universe. Just read the comics, which is easier to do now more than ever. I of course can't list every issue he's appeared in X-Men and Uncanny X-Men, that would be too many links.
Sometimes the images will be blank, or the site is down, so here are other sites where you can find those titles in case that happens.
When it comes to describing his personality, not too many sites have anything written down, so here's the only one I could find.
Now Gambit is no boy scout or golden boy like Clark Kent or Peter Parker, I don't want him to be, he's somewhat of an anti-hero (just barely), nowhere near Wolverine, Judge Dredd, Spawn or the Punisher, and again I don't want him to be, but there are those who say that he's just selfish, thinks only of himself, can't be trusted and so on. The only time he would ever be seen doing anything even like that, would be because the hacks at Marvel want to purposely ruin a character, which is what they've been doing since the late 90s and more so since the mid-2000s. But to those who say that he's always been like that, as always, these people never use any examples from the comics from a character that's been around for 30 years, what a shock, but I'm going to disprove that.
"It shouldn't be lost on anyone that the first time we encounter Gambit is in Uncanny X-Men (1990) #266-267 when he saves a de-aged, amnesiac Ororo Munroe (aka Storm, aka Lil' Ro) from the Shadow King's hounds. The Gambit we meet may be a smoking, drinking, hard-living thief better suited to a dark noir storyline, but he lets that gritty exterior slip just enough to show us the heart of gold underneath. He saves Lil' Ro who becomes his lifelong friend and, impressed with his skill and heroism, introduces him to the X-Men."
"While his teaching career has varied, possibly one of the best examples of Gambit at his absolute best has been as a supporting character to Laura Kinney. In X-23 (2010) by Marjorie Liu, Gambit volunteers to supervise Laura in her solo adventures away from the X-Men while she is dealing with her trauma. Remy is there to be a non-judgmental, supportive, caring, advice-giving mentor."
Once in blue moon, screen rant can actually state something truthful.
Gambit Is X-23's Real 'Father' (Not Wolverine)
After avoiding hitting two other vehicles, Gambit and Storm plunge into a river and she's knocked out. Gambit doesn't waste any time trying to save her, "Damn, that hurt, Ca't worry 'bout me. It's 'Ro, needs savin'! Girl ain't movin'" When she's rescued by a stranger, he's asks if he's hurt and replies, "Ain't me tha' matters." This takes place when Storm was de-aged into a child (Gambit #2 (2022)).
Shortly after joining the X-Men, the Imperial Guard Gladiator was chocking Deathbird, feeling the need to do something Gambit stated, "Apologies Jubilee. I guess when you wear the uniform of a hero... hey I guess you sometime got to act the part." and attacked Gladiator (Uncanny X-Men #276).
Like I said he's not Spawn or the Punisher, even though he would like to kill Sabertooth, a serial killer who made him choose who to save when he was younger, but he's not going to since that's what Creed wants, to ruin him with the others. Gambit is not going to let him stand in his way of being with someone, mainly Rogue, or what being a part of the X-Men has meant to him, he's worked too hard to throw that all away.
"Every part a' the man I was says I should push my bo-staff through your thick skull but de problem with dat solution is that I'd be givin' you exactly what you want! Best way t'beat you down, Creed, ain't t'bet you up. I worked too hard, care too much about bein' here, learnin' how t'love for real, an' bein' an X-Man t'let a loser like you take it away from me. So, I know the best way t'win the fight against you is for me an' Rogue t'be happy together." (X-Men #38)
When Jean is hit and about to be attacked, Gambit puts himself in front of her and defends her, "As we always, t'say in N'Orleans, mutate—thas' no way to treat a lady! Playin' for keeps is still playin' mon ami. So, take a card… any card!" (Avengers West Coast (Vol. 2) #101)
Gambit doesn't join the others at first; he can see that something is wrong with Robert and says that he will try to bring back Hank and the Professor.
Iceman: "Why aren't you joining in the charade of the light brigade, Gambit?"
Gambit: "I will at the moment, mona mi… but you do not look so happy, eh?"
Iceman: "It's just that sometimes Scott treats me like I was still a sixteen-year-old snow head from long island, y'know? I'll get over I t-- I mean, these people here need help -- just -- just bring back Hank and the Prof back in one piece, okay Gambit?"
Gambit: "I will try Robbert – I will most certainly try." (Avengers: Avengers/X-Men - Bloodties TPB (Part 2))
Gambit explains to Spider-Man that he's there to make sure his people are not involved, "I'm here out of a sense of familial duty-- to unsure t'at my people are not involved in a spate of violent robberies I been trackin' from New Orleans" (Web of Spider-Man #113).
Wolverine wants to kill Arcade, but Gambit stops him, and Gambit also wants Martinique Wyngarde (Mastermind) to pay for her role with helping Arcade (Wolverine / Gambit: Victims #4).
Gambit steals the Avenger's Quinjet to get Marrow medical help to fix her powers (Uncanny X-Men #370).
Gambit is not a hateful person; he's also not the silent brooding anti-hero or the angry bitter mutant who hates humans or everyone. He sees the good in the world, wants to make it better, he doesn't pretend to be something he's not and he's able to admit his past mistakes. He's not going to cry or wallow in self-pity; he's simply going to laugh.
"Had me goin' for a minute, dirge. But you want to break my sport, de mutant massacre, it be the wrong stick to use. Because the only person who got betrayed here… was me. Gambit, he's a thief, c'est vral! I've conned so may folks in my time, I should'a heard the web o'lies that brought me to dis place. That was my mistake, an I'll carry the mem'ry 'til I die. Good people died became o' dat. But before they died, they were good people. Those are the mem'ries I choose to cherish. Not the way they died, but how they live! As for you, Rogue, I play fast an' loose wit' many t'ings… but never wit' your heart. Your heart, it means more t' me than my own. You choose not to see dat, it's your loss."
"Dere's sadness in the world, sure. But I choose to see the joy. The miracle is that we live. The responsibility of living is that we try to make the world a little better. Dirge, he don't see dat. Best he figures, I cry, I bury myself so deep in grief I become dead myself. Ain't dat easy, mon brave. I love these people. I love Rogue. I choose t' honor their lives an' what dey mean t' me wit' a celebration. My soul won't ever be lost, Dirge--because now an' always, I choose to laugh." (Uncanny X-Men #382)
During the invasion of the armies of Khan, an inter-dimensional conqueror, Shaitan uses gems and Gambit's abilities to open a portal. Gambit's plan is to sacrifice himself in order to close the portal (X-Treme X-Men #16).
He saves Rogue from being beaten to death and he talks Storm out of becoming a murderer (X-Treme X-Men #4 (2022)). This is taking place in the early 2000s.
"Ah get it, 'R--y' wan' t' make what killed Kitty afraid o' you. Right b'fore y' kill 'em. Open yo' eyes, woman-- they already there! They so scared they do anything – commit any horror – t' wipe us out. Don' matter, we be "heroes." Don' matter how many times we saved this world. They think those stories, they all be lies! Look at this storm – that you started, 'Ro – getting' worse wit' ev'ry passin' minute! It be givin' 'em reason t'fear us. An' the next step past that fear be hate. Why else you think more an' more folks be joinin' purity? 'Ro, we got t' show'em somethin' better. This be the moment, 'Ro. We don' dare waste it. There be too much at stake – fo' ev'ryone!"
After knocking out Bishop from trying to kill an infant, Sunfire wants to kill him, but Gambit says no, that the X-Men will be arriving soon and doing so… would slow them down… somehow? At first, he wants to know if the child is alright and then questions why Bishop is doing this.
Karima Shapandar: "Is there some problem, Gambit?"
Gambit: "No, just... wonderin' what changed for him, that he'd turn on 'em. Wonderin what the hell he was thinking…"
(Uncanny X-Men #494)
Under the hold of Cich, Gambit has to play chicken with a semi-truck carrying tech that Cich wants for himself. In an attempt to save the lives of the truck drivers, he charges his own motorcycle and charges forward causing a blast in front of the truck, stopping it. Gambit saves the drivers when there about to be shot at (Gambit #5 (2012)).
Gambit is not a ruthless fighter when it comes to fighting allies, "Give up. Don't wanna hurt you more'n I have too." (X-Men Legacy #267)
Gambit has to remind Rogue that he knows what's right and wrong, "My moral compass is just fine. I know what's right." (Mr. and Mrs. X #3)
In the Mojoworld, Gambit finds an infant and says that he'll take care of it, although it wasn't really a baby, but he didn't know that at the time, "It's okay, baby...don' worry, Gambit has you now." (Mr. and Mrs. X #9)
Look at how much he loves and cares about Rogue.
However, despite all of that, hacks have had the X-Men giving him a hard time, even though others such as Magneto, Emma Frost, Sarbertooth and Namor have killed dozens of innocent people several times, some of them even gloat about it, but they were allowed to join the team (Marvel has been trying to turn them and others such as Apocalypse and Sinister into heroes). They've received less grief from the X-Men than Gambit did over his involvement in the Massacre and his general status as a thief.
X-Men: The Animated Series
He became my favorite character when I watched the animated series back in the 90s. When it comes to overconfident cocky funny characters, he's one of very few that I like, but half the time that depends on who's writing him. But I've never been a fan of his original costume, the black headpiece, and the upper chest body armor, the pink vest, square pattern tight pants and the long silver metal boots.
Voice actor Chris Potter set the stander on how Gambit's voice and accent should sound, a deep steadily soothing voice. Unfortunately, no one but Potter has been able to capture that, he was replaced later in the series by Tony Daniels, he wasn't very good, sounded like he had a sore throat, and the animation got terrible.
Interview with Chris Potter (Gambit, X-Men Animated Series)
Chris Potter didn't return to voice Gambit in X-Men '97, instead he voiced Cable… I guess all the Cajun people from New Orleans won't be offended anymore… just like they had to get a real Asian person to voice Jubliee, but why stop there, why not get a real southern from Mississippi to voice Rogue or get a real Canadian to voice Wolverine???? The show never had a chance once Disney was put in charge, they're bullshoot reason was, "Substituting Potter for Bayne (original Cable actor) enhanced the unconventional dynamic between cable and his father, Scott summers."
Mass Exodus as Fans REJECT X-Men 97 Series + Woke Disney DEMANDS You Accept Ugly Female Characters
In the end however, Gambit was killed off just to fulfill the sick fantasy of some narcissist sexual perverted predator.
Let me just say that I don't really care for this YouTube user, she's too easily amused, a hypocrite, like so many Rogue fans, ignores most of the character's crap and has horrible takes on Gambit.
Why Disney FIRED CREEPY X-Men '97 Showrunner!
FIRED X-men '97 Showrunner Does the Most INSANE THING to "Prove" His Innocence!
Other Animated Series and Films
Gambit's character and design was awful in X-Men: Evolution, I had no interest in teenage versions of the characters. Wolverine and the X-Men's a show that literally tells you in the title that Wolverine is going to be the center of attention and everyone else will just be in the background, making him the leader of the team is the dumbest thing they could do. For some reason they had Phil Lemarr give him a Jamaican accent... Taylor Kitsch's role in X-Men Origins: Wolverine was just a mockery of the character, a pointless cameo that went nowhere, he was a boring deux machina since he was either given no clear direction or he put no effort into the character and just wanted a pay check. I'm not a fan of Channing Tatum, every movie he's done has been crap, he acts like he has a sense of humor, but he doesn't.
He tried to get a Gambit solo film made and he wanted it to be a romantic comedy... thankfully the film was cancelled in May of 2019.
I'm a bit split down the middle when it comes to Gambit in the Deadpool & Wolverine film, the character is shown as a skilled deadly badass fighter, as he should be with his armor, powers, cards, staff, martial arts, his agility and dexterity.
Gambit in Deadpool & Wolverine -- All Powers & Fights Scenes -- Channing Tatum
But the costume looks cheap, I've seen cosplayers do a better job, Tatum bears no resemble to Gambit at all, and a mid-40-year-old (with a dad bod, thinning hair or going bald) is too old to be playing the part of a 20-year-old. It's a comedy film, to the point of a parody, but the lines and dialog he's given sounds like what a high school student who thinks their being funny would write, Gambit does say funny lines here and there, but he has far more class than to talk like that.
As for the accent… too many of these annoying fake YouTube reaction channels (that apparently haven't seen films that have been around for 50 or 60 years and just want your money for sitting on their @$$) who are just shills are acting like know-it-all conceited experts on that (and everything else), saying that's it bad, when they have no idea since they live in their little bubbles by never leaving their house. So, I'll let people who are more familiar with that way of speaking be the judge of that. As for the rest of the film, I simply didn't care, it tries to have a story but there is none, it's just an excuse to have pointless cameos, too many meta jokes that just go on and on, too much slow motion, bad CGI, annoying music, and that's not the kind of film I'm interest in since I got tired of superhero films by the late 2000s. I'm not a fan of Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds so-called "acting" and voice is just irritating, he's a douche bag and his wife is a dog) or Wolverine, both are overrated, overused and once again, Logan has to cry about how much his life sucks. But regardless, no one should be wasting their money on a company that supports this trash.
REVEALED: Disney GET Program Pushes Transgender Agenda; Uses Consumer Funds for Gender Reassignment
O'Keefe Calls Disney for Comment on 'Disney Files' Exposing LGBTQ Agenda; Execs Flustered, Hang Up
Matches, Powers, Skills and Abilities
When it comes to all of these "Power Grids" from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe books and cards that show how high or low the Intelligence, Strength, Speed, Durability, Energy Projection, and Fighting Skills are that wiki sites like to use (of course they do), they should be ignored since there very inconsistent or just inaccurate when you compare too what you see in the comics. Although the comics themselves are not always consistent because of hack writers who don't bother to do any research or simply don't care. Gambit is not unbeatable, I don't want him to be, but a lot of people have either forgotten or have ignored the matches he's fought, just how powerful, skilled and cunning he really is.
From what I've heard, in the official strategy guides from Brady Games for Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2: Signature Series Strategy Guide (September 2009), Nick Fury states, "One of the best hand-to-hand fighters I've ever seen." I haven't read that magazine, I can't show a picture of it, but Marvel video games are not connected to the 616-canon universe, I've never seen any character in the comics make any references to the events in that game or any video game since there usually considered alternate realities. So therefore, that quote can't be used.
10 Things Gambit Fans Want You To Know About the Best X-Man
4. He's beaten some of the best there are, at what they do
Notable matches (616 canon universe)
Wolverine – Gets the drop on him, but this is in the danger room (Uncanny X-Men #273)
Gladiator – With help from Jubilee, knocked him and several others back (Uncanny X-Men #276)
Knocks him back again with a full deck of cards (Uncanny X-Men #277)
Spider-Man – Evenly matched in speed and agility (Web of Spider-Man #113)
Blade (film version) – Evenly matched and was able to keep up with him in speed (Gambit #4 (1999))
Daredevil – Evenly matched and was able to keep up with him in speed (Gambit #11 (1999))
Quicksilver – Fast enough to hit and knock him out (Contest of Champions II #3)
Hawkeye – Able to match his speed, accuracy and was able to beat him (Contest of Champions II #5)
Iron Man's automated armor – Able to avoid its targeting computer (X-Men Legacy #267)
Honorable Mentions
Magneto – Mange to hit him in the face by throwing a card in-between the gap in his helmet, although this should have killed him, but plot armor saves Mag (X-Men #5)
Bishop – During a brief fight, without hitting him directly, so he won't absorb his power, Gambit was able blow Bishop off his feet (X-Men #8)
Years later the two would fight again, like before so he won't absorb his power, Gambit flips a deck of cards near Bishop that sends him flying into the air and another one into the wall that collapses on him and knocks him out (Uncanny X-Men #494)
Sliver Samurai – They have a very brief fight in which Gambit is fast enough to doge Sliver Samurai's sword by flipping over him and ducking when he throws a dagger (X-Men #22)
Moon Knight – The two get into a brief staff fight in which Gambit knocks him back (Marc Spector: Moon Knight #53). Years later, Moon Knight manages to get in two hits, but only because Gambit got distracted, after destroying his gloves, Moon Knight takes on Rogue (X-Men Legacy #267)
X-Cutioner – Fast enough to avoid his energy staff and hit him (Gambit #5 (1999))
Skrulls – Mange to knockout skrull versions of Captain America, Hawkeye, Thor (although anyone can beat skrulls) but outwits the real Avengers such as Scarlet Witch and Vision by taking their Quinjet (Uncanny X-Men #370)
Fantomex – Defeated a rip-off version of him during a heist and escapes (Civil War II: X-Men #2)
Daken – Despite being the son of Wolverine, Gambit is able to beat the crap out of him, even making parts of his left arm explode. Daken only wins the fight because of a sucker punch when Gambit got distracted (Daken: Dark Wolverine #8)
Beasty-Brute – Even though Beasty-Brute has superhuman strength and durability, Gambit is able to take his staff, put it in front of Brute's neck from behind, flip him back onto his face and sends him flying with his charge cards (X-Treme X-Men #3 (2022))
Notable power use (616 canon universe)
Tithe Collector – Used his kinetic energy on his coat which ended up spreading all over his body and exploded, although this didn't kill him since he came back in later issues (Gambit #4 (1993))
Psylocke – When Gambit was asleep, while still recovering from his coma after his kiss with Rogue, Psylocke entered into his mind, without his permission and lied what she was doing, to find out his secret but he gets the drop on her (Uncanny X-Men #324)
Iron Patriot (James Rhodes) – Uses his abilities to power an Iron Man armor (Gambit #13 (2012))
Other objects – With some effort, he can prolong the detonation time of his activated detonation. Causing a slight lag when he's prepping his potential/kinetic conversion of matter into volatile state (Mr. and Mrs. X #12)
Not all of it is the canon 616 universe and you have to check the appearances (# to Z) to see Charged Items.
Notable skills (616 canon universe)
Speed and Acrobatics – Fast enough to dodge bullets (Uncanny X-Men #276), (Gambit #1 (1999)), (Gambit #8 (1999), X-23 (II) #7)
Able to dodge mini rockets or missiles (Gambit #1 (1993))
Fast enough to block Daredevil's stick with his bo-staff and the speed he's able to throw it (Gambit #11 (1999))
Fast and silent enough to sneak into a police office, put a note and leave without anyone noticing (Wolverine / Gambit: Victims #3)
Dodge lasers (Mr. and Mrs. X #3)
Fast enough to catch a cartridge and throw it back (X-Men #1)
Block bullets with his staff (X-Men #3)
Fast enough to dodge a room full of lasers and put kinetic energy charged cards behind a person's back without them noticing it while they were wearing hi-tech battle armor (Gambit #5 (1999))
Fast enough before a person can barely react (Gambit #4 (2022))
How Strong is Gambit { Remy Etienne LeBeau } - Marvel COMICS ~ X-MeN
The only people who ever really made Gambit look powerful, competent and gave him any real character development are the ones who created him and a few others here and there.
Chris Claremont and Jim Lee (Uncanny X-Men 1990, X-Men 1991, X-Treme X-Men 2001-2022, Gambit 2022)
Howard Mackie (Gambit 1993 miniseries)
Jeph Loeb (Wolverine / Gambit: Victims 1995)
Fabian Nicieza (Gambit 1999 series)
James Asmus (Gambit 2012)
Daniel Way and Marjorie Liu (Daken: Dark Wolverine 2011)
However, storytelling from them was a mix bag, others have not only completely ignored all of that, but all his nuance, plotting, and planning is hardly ever a feature of his character or who Gambit is, what his name stands for and it gets to the point of character assassination. Then again, I could say that for nearly every character at Marvel and other western comic book publishers these days.
A 90s Character?
There are those who say that Gambit is a relic of the 1990s ...but they don't explain why that is or their very vague about it, so let's start with his name, "chess opening in which a pawn or piece is risked for advantage later," 1650s, gambett, from Italian gambetto, literally "a tripping up" (as a trick in wrestling), from gamba "leg," from Late Latin gamba "horse's hock or leg" (see gambol (n.)).
Applied to chess openings in Spanish in 1561 by Ruy Lopez, who traced it to the Italian word, but the form in Spanish generally was gambito, which led to French gambit, which has influenced the English spelling of the word. The broader sense of "opening move meant to gain advantage" in English is recorded from 1855.
His main weapons are playing cards, which go all the way back to the Tang dynasty in the 9th or 12th century AD, the type that Gambit uses that most people are familiar with, started in the 18th and late 19th century.
History of Playing Cards explained in 5 Minutes.
His second main weapon is the Bo staff, which emerged in Okinawa in the early 17th century, and he uses Bōjutsu with it, which emerged in Okinawa in the early 1600s.
His main fighting style is Savate, a French street fighting style going back to the 18th or 19th century.
The pioneers of Savate!
One of his main vehicles of transportation is a motorcycle, which dates back to the mid-1880s. The type that Gambit drives, depending on the artist, who don't always put a lot of detail into it, but it seems that they're just going for a typical Harley Davidson from the 1960s, and the first one was from 1903.
With his character, Gambit is somewhat of a ladies' man when he's single (although when you compare him to others like Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, Wolverine and Johnny Storm he ranks pretty low on that), but that type of character has been around for a very long time, long before the 90s.
Simon Templar – 1928 book / 1962 TV series
James Bond – 1953 book / 1962 film
James T. Kirk – Star Trek TOS 1966
Thomas Crown – The Thomas Crown Affair 1968 film
Butch Cassidy – Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 1969 film
Nightcrawler – Giant-Size X-Men #1, 1975
William T. Riker – Star Trek TNG 1987
The charming thief is another characterization trait of Gambit that's been around for centuries.
Arsène Lupin – The Arrest of Arsène Lupin 1905 book
Jimmie Dale (The Gray Seal) – 1914 book
Simon Templar – 1928 book / 1962 TV series
Catwoman – Batman #1, 1940
Gentleman Ghost – Flash Comics #88, 1947
John Robie – To Catch a Thief 1955 film
Sir Charles Litton (The Phantom) – The Pink Panther 1963 film
Arsène Lupin III – Manga Action #19670810, 1967
Thomas Crown – The Thomas Crown Affair 1968 film
Butch Cassidy – Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 1969 film
Sir Oliver – Alan Ford 1969 comics
Edward Pierce – The Great Train Robbery 1975 film
Black Cat – The Amazing Spider-Man #194, 1979
Carmen Sandiego – 1985 video game
He's not saying outdated slangs from that decade, there were different types of attitudes going on in the 90s with a character's personality, but Gambit didn't act like any of them.
Toejam & Earl: The Complete History – SGR
His hairstyle isn't outdated like Longshot's or Bishop's (both had mullets), Gambit's hairstyle, depending on the artist, looks like what's called a side part with volume, (sometimes with an 80s style of spiky hair), the original dates back to the 1920s.
When artist like Jim Lee and Lee Weeks drew him in the early 90s, his hairstyle looked like what would be called a messy side part with volume like the character Jason Dean (1989).
Or long shoulder length hair, but that's been around forever.
He's not wearing bright neon baggy grunge gangster style clothing with 90s graffiti type symbols.
There were only a handful of times where he and others wore ugly casual style clothing of that decade, but they were never seen wearing them again and most people refer to Gambit being a "90s character" due to his first official costume.
It would be an endless list to name all the comic book characters from Marvel, DC, Image and others when it comes to ugly outdated clothing throughout the decades and it would just come across as desperate examples to use.
Countless characters, from the golden age to now, wear tight spandex with all kinds of strange color patterns and shapes. His hot pink chest armor was a color that became popular with mainstream fashion in the 80s and that continued into the early 90s. The trench coat look was first seen in the 30s and 40s with crime and detective Noir, its origins can be traced back before WW1, maybe the 1800s, but it didn't really become somewhat of a fashion trend until the 1980s, Kyle Reese wore one for a short time in The Terminator (1984) and Jason Dean in Heathers (1989). There were a few examples in the early 90s like Tomebstone (1993) and The Crow (1994) but it didn't really become a look with action heroes and villains in film until the late 90s and the 2000s.
"Notice the long black trench coat that says I'm a cool anger rebel"
His silver metal knee leggings / boots look like they were based off medieval leg and feet armor which of course comes from the late 14th and early 15th century. But they were certainly not work or combat boots of the grunge era.
His body size, hair and costume doesn't reflect that decade like
Nomad / Jack Monroe – 1992
Blackthorne – video game 1994
Mitch Hunter – Doom Troopers video game 1995
Sketch Turner – Comix Zone video game 1995
Reno Raines / Vincent Black – Renegade TV series 1992–1997
Characters from Image Comics – February 1993
Quite a lot had huge muscles that look like tumors, showing off their chest and arms because it's hot everywhere they go, long unkempt hair where it looks like they just woke up, wraparound sunglasses that look more like visors, they always have one expression on their face like they smelled something bad and big armor shoulder pads that are just impractical. I'm not saying Gambit's costume is perfect, but he's not wearing all black like the Terminator (1991), Blade (1998), The Strangers in Dark City (1998) or Neo (1999), he only did once during the run of X-Treme X-Men, except for his coat, but that was in 2001 and it looked as if Claremont was coping The Matrix because he wasn't known for his original ideas. Nor does he have cheap gimmicks like an eye patch, tattoos, scars or a beard to make him look tough like Aquaman from the mid and late 90s. For the past few decades, hairstyles and clothing is a mix between several different eras, there wasn't just one style of the 2000s and 2010s.
Gambit's power makes things explode, so when it comes to which decade overdid the explosion scenes, that was the 1980s and the 90s just continued it.
John Carpenter's The Thing (1982)
Blue Thunder (1983)
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985)
Commando (1985)
Predator (1987)
RoboCop (1987)
Equalizer 2000 (1987)
Tragic Hero (Hong Kong film) (1987)
Rambo III (1988)
Die Hard (1988)
Tango & Cash (1989)
Gambit debuted in July (brief appearance in Uncanny X-Men Annual #14) and August (first major role in Uncanny X-Men #266) of 1990. However, that cover was drawn on Dec 4, 1986, but it wasn't published until 1990.
Some of Jim Lee's original sketches shows him wearing an 80s style leather jacket with a big collar, pointy shoulder pads, and extra beltloops (top right) and another one with a similar style (bottom middle). The design style of those jackets is definitely not 1990s.
Now it's possible that they didn't have all the details written down to what type of character he was going to be, but if they already had a general idea for his character pretty much worked out by then, 4 years before he debuted, well then that makes Gambit even less of a 90s character. Even Claremont's original plans for his character don't come across as a 90s character in anyway.
There were no established 90s trends set in yet, depending on where you live (the city, the suburbs or the rural areas), there wouldn't be for another three or four years, past fashion trends will last that long before they fadeout when a new decade starts, while some make a comeback (a lot of 90s fanion made a comeback starting in 2017) or they get an update, they're tweaked a bit, or they never become old fashion. If Gambit has been kept the same or even somewhat since his first appearance, since he gets accused of that all the time, then it seems as if he's a character based on different eras, since the only character traits, clothing and hairstyles that Claremont and Jim Lee could gotten anything from was from other decades since like I said, everything we know about the 90s had not become known yet. Also, only kids and teenagers care about what the latest fashion is, adult in their 20s and older don't or shouldn't. But even if Gambit was a 90s character, compared to what we have today, especially to what most male characters have been reduced too in comics, movies, TV and video games... I'll take a 90s character any day. At least men were still drawn and written to be smart tough badasses, but also nice, not dumb, weak and useless. Women were still drawn and written to look sexy, tough but also compassionate, not lecturing others or shown to be perfect in everything (Mary Sues).
When it comes to his popularity, Gambit is still a very liked character with the fans, but not with the hacks at Marvel or all the woke losers. Make no mistake, the people at Marvel have characters they like (that they want everyone else to like, but most don't) and those they hate (that they want everyone else to hate, but most don't), and Gambit is one they hate. He doesn't fit into their woke ideology, so whenever he becomes popular with both fans and a general audience, they hate that and will try to find ways of undermining him, like they do with others they don't like. By making him look weak both physically (he can barely win a fight with anyone these days) and mentality (Rogue controls the marriage, berates him most of the time and they try to make it look like he was nothing but a second choice that she just had to settle for), but all they end up doing is making Rogue look bad and Gambit comes out looking better and most people end up sympathizing with. But half the hacks at Marvel are so full of themselves, that they just can't see that way.
American Entertainment Marvel Survey results circa 1994
When asked the question, Who are the three X-Men characters you would like to see get their own monthly title? Gambit came in at number 1 with 51,451 votes.
IGN ranked Gambit as the 65th Greatest Comic Book Hero of All Time.
If you want to see how well his 2012 solo series sold.
In 2013, ComicsAlliance ranked Gambit as #4 on their list of the 50 Sexiest Male Characters in Comics.
In 2017, ranked him at number 10 of the 10 Best X-Men.
There was a vote in 2018 of over 116 Marvel characters and Gambit came in at number #6 with 100 votes.
Gambit and Rogue were the most requested pops of all time.
2020 Toy Fair New York Booth Tour! (6:14)
This artwork piece of the cover of his first appearance got quite a lot of comments.
Uncanny X-Men #266 cover (1st full appearance of Gambit)
Added to Site: 2/25/2021
It's said that he was one of the most requested characters from the beginning.
Strike Time #22: Unlimited X-Men
Screenrant ranked him at number 1 of the 10 best X-Men characters created by Chris Claremont.
A Gambit miniseries that came out in July 2022, issue #1 was ranked at number 20, however, this is usually the case with a first issue. But compare that with another title at the same time, Knights of X, from a woke hack who not only has no liking for the character but has never written a decent or even a mediocre storyline. That title only made the 100 list, issue #4 came in at number 79, and once you've gone down that far, that comic should be canceled.
As of 2024, Gambit is trending far above the other characters from 55.5k posts at one point to 75.8k posts.
These theater reactions when he appears says it all.
Final Thoughts
Whenever I see people who hate Gambit, there's always going to those who hate a character, it's unavoidable, but they usually end up being male readers who are these inadequate self-conscious losers with women and have no sense of humor at all. I'm not expecting everyone to love him, but they can't name a single moment from the canon 616 universe to explain or show why he's such a bad person, just vague reasons, exaggeration, flat out lies, childish naming calling, trying to turn everything he's done, no matter how good it is, into looking bad. Some hate him because he stole their fictional crush away from them (the delusional type who think they deserve the hottest women on the planet), so they want to get back at him for that and what he's done in alternate realities, because somehow those count, but it's just desperation. I see it all time because these days, even fictional facts don't matter, it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of these haters were hypocrites where they like characters who have actually done some pretty terrible things. It seems that many of the haters have barely read any of Gambit's appearances in comics, haven't asked any fans for info on him and just base their hate on the thought that he's just a creepy womanizer from a few episodes of the cartoon and read a summary from a wiki page. I saw a user on a message board at CBR (the users are just as bad as the authors with clickbait articles) make that very same claim, but once they read the comics, their opinion on him changed…
Gambit has a large female fan base, so some of these males proclaiming a character misogynistic should actually try talking to them about it... but then again... their insecure over a fictional drawing of a character that doesn't exist for a reason and shockingly... the female fans of Gambit don't give a rat's @$$ what these losers think. Many of these haters turn out to be annoying podcasters. Although, some Romy fans will use the misogynistic insult on others themselves.
Unfortunately, there are some problems with a nearly all-female fan base when it comes to any type of character, especially pairings. Given the fact that women are emotional driven creatures who don't think rationally (or take accountability), they love drama and angst, especially at the expanse of the man, they don't want them to resolve their problems, they based their choices on feelings that will change in an instant with next to no real reason to back it up. They'll lie to themselves, to others, make excuses for other women, and want to live in a fantasy land of what they think perfection is. There are some exceptions within such a fan base, but it's not the rule.
Kirk: "Doctor Dehner feels he isn't that dangerous. What makes you right and a trained psychiatrist wrong?"
Spock: "Because she feels. I don't. All I know is logic."
--Star Trek, episode Where No Man Has Gone Before
Then there are the ugly overweight beta male feminist simps or skinny beard hipsters who look like they never comb their hair, shave, change their clothes, haven't bathed in months, God knows when the last time they were near a woman that wasn't as disgusting as they are and they usually turn out to be pedophiles (not all, but many like James Gunn, he doesn't like the character and he fits that description of a pedo perfectly).
Victor Davis Hanson perfectly described these people as prolonged adolescences, and most are in their 30s or 40s. I've seen quite a few with images of a buff male model as their avatar, even though they look the complete opposite in real life. The other side are the woke feminist, who pretty much look the same as their male counterparts, the only men they approve of are psychopaths.
Another problem people have with Gambit, they accuse him of "cheating" on Rogue and that he has flirted with every single known woman from the other X-teams (they can't name a single character, but then again, they're definition of "flirting" could mean anything they want it to be) ...the only so-called evidence that Gambit cheated came from a supposed sex tape from a 2004 solo by John Layman... however the content on the tape has never been clarified. He rejected a character called Lili in issue #4, most likely knocking her out since nothing was shown or written that hours or minutes went by at all, only seconds, you don't count those unless it's something like a ticking time bomb, and issue #5 talked about a so-called tape... and that's it.
Gambit has never been drawn or written cheating on Rogue, nobody can point to an issue or page or shown an image that says and shows without a doubt that happen. The only times in which he did have flings with others was when he and Rogue had already broken up for the "100th time" and those only lasted an issue or two, or a page or even a panel with female characters who are hardly or never seen again. Gambit is supposed to be a ladies' man, but he's never lived up to that, he's only been with two known characters, Bella Donna and Rogue, both of which he married, he hasn't had any other significant love interest within the X-Men or from any other team or known character... what a scoundrel.
The reason why he was kicked out of the Thieves Guild was that after Gambit was married, his brother-in-law challenged him to a duel to the death, he had no choice but to accept it, his mutant powers helped him win and he was declared a cheater, so he was exiled from New Orleans. He offered Bella to come with him, but she declined, she was more loyal to her family than him and he went on the run as a lone thief until he met Storm, and she introduced him to the X-Men him and Rogue had on again off again relationship. 4 years later Gambit and his wife Bella reconciled and agreed to go their separate ways.
Gambit is a suave, handsome guy who makes women swoon, he's not misleading in his intentions. He would be a creep if he was rejected but he isn't most of the time, women find him devilishly charming and are all over him, this happens all time in the both the fictional world and the real world. I bet those who hate him have none of those qualities, they're just a bunch of miserable boring pathetic losers who have never had a girlfriend or have ever been out on a date or even talk to women face to face... it has to be on a chat stream and when they do talk... good lord...
They rather be simps and pay for content, than for actual sex or… for a woman's farts… or get stepped on…
There was a 2018 poll where 25% of men who think that asking a woman out for a drink is sexual harassment...
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Category Comics » - Marvel Comics » X-Men
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Category Comics » - Marvel Comics » X-Men
Date Submitted
Views 2622
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Media Other drawing
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