All Smiles
All Smiles
All Smiles by VanKid


Yeah! I LOVE VK's smile...
Tell you the truth, I love to smile...even if something's not that funny, I'll still smile...^.^ well...except when I'm angry and sad, that is...
VK's a happy-go-lucky dark elf, alright...although there are painful secrets reflected behind it...
Okay, so the background IS crappy...did it years ago (first time using Photoshop at that time...) I can't think of any good background lately...-_-"
Tell you the truth, I love to smile...even if something's not that funny, I'll still smile...^.^ well...except when I'm angry and sad, that is...
VK's a happy-go-lucky dark elf, alright...although there are painful secrets reflected behind it...
Okay, so the background IS crappy...did it years ago (first time using Photoshop at that time...) I can't think of any good background lately...-_-"
General Info
General Info
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken