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Android 13 Vs Super Buu!

Android 13 Vs Super Buu!

Android 13 Vs Super Buu! by VegetaVixen22
Android 13 Vs Super Buu! by VegetaVixen22


This took me forever to do!!! This is a request for Shadow-Wolf, hope you like it! I decided tha android 13 should have the upper hand in this pic as all throughout the Buu saga no one could come close to his power and it got on my nerves how long it went on for!! Plus Vegeta sacrificed himself to destroy him and it turned out he did it for nothing!! So I personally hate Buu! Ok, I'm calm! I'll shut up now! Vegeta is alive, Phew* Well I hope you like it dude? All coloured with Derwent artist pencils! Thanks for the comments! ^_^

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Dragon Ball series » Dragonball Z » Villains » Buu
Date Submitted
Views 2058
Favorites... 5
Vote Score 0
Comments 9
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (9)

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Goku_fan on October 1, 2006, 3:19:48 AM

Goku_fan on
Goku_fanThis is very well done! I love your work. Fav artist & pic. ^^

nightfall on May 4, 2006, 8:11:44 PM

nightfall on
nightfallThis is just absolutely incredibly perfect once again!!! I still don't get how you manage to colour your works so smoothly, you see the light/dark contrasts perfectly well, but it appears so seamless... that's awesome! You're Awesome!!! Oh, and you did a really great job on Buu's left hand! And I LOVE the background :D ... so, these are the basic things that make this pic so amazing, if I went some more into detail, I'd be sitting here til tomorrow @.@ Btw: You're absolutely right!! I got close to throwing a tantrum myself on some occasions during the Buu saga, it was just so frustrating sometimes. He really can be annoying!
... hope that made any sense, I'm somehow off today -.-...

puumpa1 on April 22, 2006, 12:26:27 AM

puumpa1 on
puumpa1Wow their so perfect. Everything, the coloring, the details, the background. Their all so well drawn. Great picture.

Cara on April 21, 2006, 2:16:55 PM

Cara on
CaraCool, looks like an actual scene from the anime. Amazing job. Here have a custard doughnut. *shoves a custard doughnut down your throat*

waluigiboy on April 21, 2006, 7:29:34 AM

waluigiboy on
waluigiboywow great drawing man love ya pics keep it up ^_^

Shadow-wolf on April 21, 2006, 3:04:17 AM

Shadow-wolf on
Shadow-wolfOh, man!! This is awesome! It's....awesomely awesome (if possible)! Both Big 13 and Super Buu have been drawn so well! There really ought to be more fight scenes on this site. Thanks for drawing 2 of my favorite characters!*favs*

I oughta draw somethin' for you....hint hint...

VEGETAS_LOVER123 on April 21, 2006, 2:49:23 AM

VEGETAS_LOVER123yep i eat people 2....i mean...aww crap i wasn't meant to say that well anywoo thats beside the point.This is awesome as always wow i'm jealous *in awe* great job!

Jozie-Chan on April 21, 2006, 12:16:51 AM

Jozie-Chan on
Jozie-Chandude...that is so awesome..i love buu..well the fat buu X3 he eats people =3 awsome art as usual

WizardoftheWood on April 20, 2006, 11:40:16 PM

WizardoftheWood on
WizardoftheWoodGood Job with the sky in the background!