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Inuyasha and Kikyo hugging

Inuyasha and Kikyo hugging

Inuyasha and Kikyo hugging by WaterGoddess
Inuyasha and Kikyo hugging by WaterGoddess


I'm not really a big fan with kikyo and inuyasha together but i thought this pic was really sad looking so i drew it ^_^ please comment! hope u like i'm sry but i haven't been her in over 6 months!!i think newayz so all resquest obviously have been canceled cuz it's piling up and i really dont have time :-P till further notice i'm just gonna submit fanart for now.

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Category Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Couples/Pairings
Date Submitted
Views 4419
Favorites... 23
Vote Score 0
Comments 30
Media Unspecified
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Comments (30)

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Celtic_Breeze on January 7, 2006, 11:50:45 PM

Celtic_Breeze on
Celtic_BreezeThat is beautiful! I love Kikyo, she really shouldn't have died...again...but i like Kagome too.

FullMetalAlchemist on November 4, 2005, 4:38:52 PM

FullMetalAlchemist on

kikyo_must_die525 on July 3, 2005, 8:25:00 AM

kikyo_must_die525 on
kikyo_must_die525ever single kikyo lover here GO TO HELL!!!! inu and kag 4ever!!! -kikyo

KawaiiGirly27 on May 29, 2005, 3:59:23 PM

KawaiiGirly27 on
KawaiiGirly27that's awsome!!! I like Kikyo...but....I WISH THAT WERE ME!!! hehehehehe

knuckles_cutie on May 1, 2005, 5:27:47 AM

knuckles_cutie on
knuckles_cutieAlthough I don't like kikyo, i luv this pic. *applause*

Black_Breeze on March 30, 2005, 11:53:02 AM

Black_Breeze on
Black_BreezeWhy does everyone want Kikyo to stay dead? FORGET IT PEOPLE SHE'S ALIVE AND DON'T YOU DARE DISS THE CREATIVE MIND OF RUMIKO TAKAHASHI SENSAI. Akuryou, that list was funny, but that wasn't the reason why I like Kikyo better than Kagome. Kagome is just one of those people who haven't seen enough yet to understand, and that is a common stereotypical girl in manga/anime. It just seems annoying that she, out all other girls, can SEE everything and DO everything, and that every single man she encounters fancies her immediately. She's a mary sue, because she kicks the bad guys butt after stumbling and getting in the way, and defeats the bad guy anyway with her little wooden arrow.

I like Kikyo because she has all the qualities of the mary sue, yet she isn't one. She's misunderstood, no one likes her, and has this burning desire to know the truth. That is one damn good charictarization skills, I tell you what! Great job on the pic!

The_Vampire_Queen on March 23, 2005, 10:52:16 AM

The_Vampire_Queen on
The_Vampire_QueenO_O Wow!
I don't like Kikyo all that much, but this is one of the BEST Inuyasha pics I've seen yet! Love it! ^___________^

Angel-Kitty on March 14, 2005, 11:37:12 AM

Angel-Kitty on
Angel-KittyI have to say, I don't HATE Kikyo, but I also don't really like her. I mean, couldn't she have STAYED dead?! that would be so much easier for Inu-Yasha, the poor guys heart is torn in half by two women.
if only life were a little simpler for him. . .
Awsome work on the drawing! It looks as though it's straight from the show! Keep up the AMAZING work, I cheer for you!

Dementor on February 20, 2005, 6:31:19 AM

Dementor on
DementorWOW THAT'S AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!O.O YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love to watch Inuyasha but can't seem to draw him correctly so I'll just stick to drawing YGO characters becausre they are the best I can do. Well love your art and keep it up.^^

Favs a million times infinty.

angeladorable on January 21, 2005, 10:02:50 AM

angeladorable on
angeladorablei agree with akuryou! everything she said is totally right! well good work! this picture is really good! ^.~

vampire_tennyo on December 27, 2004, 1:55:57 PM

vampire_tennyo on
vampire_tennyorock on! kikyo and inuyasha to the end! kickass art work! ^^

Kaochin_Shia on September 24, 2004, 8:37:02 AM

Kaochin_Shia on
Kaochin_ShiaI really like this one ^__^ It's very good and Kikyo's one of my favorite characters ::runs from all the Kikyo hates::

Sasni on June 3, 2004, 1:43:35 AM

Sasni on
SasniTHATS 2 AWESOME!!!!! i love it^^ lol i love all your work but that one i think (so far) is at the top :)

vash_and_wolfwood on May 29, 2004, 9:27:04 AM

vash_and_wolfwood on
vash_and_wolfwoodDIE KIKYO!!!!!*stabs kikyo a million times*there...*puts kagome in her place*BETER!very good pic...even tho i HATE kikyo.

LaiYang on May 1, 2004, 11:03:27 AM

LaiYang on
LaiYangyo...kikyo fan here...<br />
krazykitsune14 , WaterGoddess we're outnumbered by kikyo haters...<br />
yuh! kikyo is very pretty..sooo much prettier than kagome...-.-...but for me...i think kikyo deserves somone betr than inuyasha...-.-...

Vampire_Elf on April 13, 2004, 7:18:51 AM

Vampire_Elf on
Vampire_ElfI am sooo .... WAAAAAA * starts to cry* I wish I could draw that good!

Mika167 on April 9, 2004, 2:14:14 PM

Mika167 on
Mika167wow this is really good..yeah I hat kikyo too but u did really good. keep up the good work!!

Jyan on March 12, 2004, 11:05:03 PM

Jyan on
JyanYey, cool pic! =)

AngelKagome on February 18, 2004, 10:35:13 AM

AngelKagome on
AngelKagomeNoo Really kikyo can die... again.. She's really evil.. and cold.. But Inuyasha is too good for her and in your pic he is dead sexy!!! Keep up the good work!

ikey on February 9, 2004, 10:46:53 AM

ikey on
ikeyits a good pic but why is it kikyo?!iHATE kikyo.....i like inu....<br />
<br />
<br />
good job

ikey on February 9, 2004, 10:46:28 AM

ikey on
ikeyits a good pic but why is it kikyo?!iHATE kikyo.....i like inu....<br />
<br />
<br />
good job

WaterGoddess on February 8, 2004, 9:40:03 AM

WaterGoddess on
WaterGoddessmiroku over i TOTALLY agree with u! i just i dunno i just felt like drawing it....

Anime_Inu_Yasha on December 21, 2003, 7:59:26 PM

Anime_Inu_Yasha on
Anime_Inu_YashaYour great drawer Inuyasha and Kikyo looks really romantic together.

WaterNeko_Goddess on December 18, 2003, 11:35:41 PM

WaterNeko_Goddess on
WaterNeko_GoddessO GOSH!! it looks like it came straight out of the anime itself!!!exept in pencil^^AWESOME PICTURE!!!! u r great!!

me_miroku_luver_01 on December 18, 2003, 11:09:13 PM

me_miroku_luver_01 on
me_miroku_luver_01i hate kikyo she can die 4 all i care but inu should be holding kegome!!!

WaterGoddess on December 18, 2003, 12:41:19 AM

WaterGoddess on
WaterGoddessdon't get me rong!!! i love kikyo she's veeeeryyy pretty i just know they're not gonna end up together...thanx!!! ^^

krazykitsune14 on December 18, 2003, 12:32:35 AM

krazykitsune14 on
krazykitsune14SHUT UP! KIKYOU'S AWESOME!!! *grabs sharp pointy objects with which to hurt people*

Cheshire on December 18, 2003, 12:26:19 AM

Cheshire on
Cheshireooo that is really pretty! chesh likes! yeh ... kikyo can die in he-double hockey stix!!! *snickers like lil kid* lol- andy very nice job

kawaiiyouko on December 18, 2003, 12:24:55 AM

kawaiiyouko on
kawaiiyoukoLovely pic!! ^__________^

Tima-san on December 18, 2003, 12:14:31 AM

Tima-san on
Tima-sano_0 oooo thats awesome! great shading! I really like it! *saves to faves* o an Kikyo can die in h**l! Awesome pic again! ^-^