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Pennapeds by White_fox_of_jade
Pennapeds by White_fox_of_jade


My entry for a contest here on FAC. It's to make a fantasy creature, I thought the Pennapeds would look good on parchment so... Voila!

Pennapeds are an almost kangaroo-like people that live in primitive tribes, the leaders are decided by being sent on quest by elders that require creativity and ingenuity. They are accustomed to speed and Savannah-like terrain, though they travel a lot within their tribes and can live anywhere from desert to forest to mountain. Women gather, babysit, and weave while men protect the herd from rival tribes and apprentice young Pennapeds. To give each other jewelry (usually carved from wood or stone) announces a relationship of some kind, from acquaintance to lover. You never make jewelry for yourself, the more jewelry you have, the more friends you have. Elders tend stay at camp and their only worth is telling stories around the campfire or giving some occasional advice. Young pennapeds are taken care of by their mothers until old enough to be apprenticed. If male, the "pennapup" will learn to fight, carve, scout, and train for speed and agility. If female, she will stay with her mother and learn cooking, gathering, weaving, and basic home keeping. Pennaped fur is among the softest and most luxurious in the world, and though illegal, they hunted and poached regularly. However, they are worth more alive than dead, for they are popular in the slave trade because of their strength and exotic traits. So between warring tribes and poaching, the Pennapeds are on the verge of extinction. It will take plenty of work from either the entire world or one hero to save the Pennaped species.

General Info

General Info

Category Fantasy » Creatures
Date Submitted
Views 1315
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 1
Comments 16
Media Other digital art
Time Taken


Comments (16)

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Hawiian_Tiger on September 18, 2008, 10:14:35 AM

Hawiian_Tiger on
Hawiian_Tigeryup But I will LOOZ!!!

White_fox_of_jade on September 18, 2008, 11:06:47 AM

White_fox_of_jade on
White_fox_of_jadeyou never know.... *shifty eyes*

Hawiian_Tiger on September 18, 2008, 12:24:55 PM

Hawiian_Tiger on
Hawiian_Tigertrue...but there's little hope now...'CAUSE I JUST LOVE THESE THINGS!!! I want one!

White_fox_of_jade on September 20, 2008, 5:28:48 AM

White_fox_of_jade on
White_fox_of_jadeBut Pennaped poaching is illegal! D=<

Hawiian_Tiger on September 21, 2008, 7:36:41 AM

Hawiian_Tiger on
Hawiian_TigerO_O; ...oh...sorry...

White_fox_of_jade on September 22, 2008, 7:18:39 AM

White_fox_of_jade on
White_fox_of_jadelol just kiddin' ya man.

But seriously you poach one o' them pennapeds and you goin to JAIL :D

Hawiian_Tiger on September 22, 2008, 12:54:57 PM

Hawiian_Tiger on
Hawiian_Tigerlol I can have one? :D

White_fox_of_jade on September 23, 2008, 7:46:10 AM

White_fox_of_jade on
White_fox_of_jadeHere ya go! *hands pennapup*

Now run before the cops show up. ^^

Hawiian_Tiger on September 25, 2008, 10:25:26 AM

Hawiian_Tiger on
Hawiian_TigerBWAHAHAHAHA! Thanks! I'll have to draw a picture of me and my new Pennapup! If that's alright. What shall I name it? What gender is it first of all? O_o

White_fox_of_jade on September 26, 2008, 1:07:43 PM

White_fox_of_jade on
White_fox_of_jade'tis whatever you wish it to be El HawaiianTigre! ... And to tell the truth, wanna trade that Sly stealing candy thing for the pennapup pic? ^^; I can't seem to get the gang right. *scratches back of head*

Hawiian_Tiger on September 28, 2008, 5:28:38 AM

Hawiian_Tiger on
Hawiian_Tigerlol Cool, thanks. If you want you can just draw Sly if you can't get the whole Gang down. I know how that is. I think and art trade would be awesome! To tell you the truth I've never done one before! I know what to do and all that but I just never have been asked or ever asked someone else! O_o I think why nobody's commenting on this picture but us is because everyone's scared of how much we're talking! O.O But hey, that's just the way we are right?

White_fox_of_jade on September 28, 2008, 5:36:40 AM

White_fox_of_jade on
White_fox_of_jadeXD 'tis true. We can be very ... talkative. =D

Hawiian_Tiger on September 29, 2008, 10:25:10 AM

Hawiian_Tiger on
Hawiian_TigerOk, one more question...are those three boy pennapeds three stages of the growing stages?

Hawiian_Tiger on September 28, 2008, 5:40:11 AM

Hawiian_Tiger on

Hawiian_Tiger on September 16, 2008, 7:29:05 AM

Hawiian_Tiger on
Hawiian_TigerOMG! These are so cute! I'm so gonna loose! X3

White_fox_of_jade on September 18, 2008, 6:45:20 AM

White_fox_of_jade on
White_fox_of_jadeYou Entered?! *runs off to go check*