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Catoblepas (Monster Design)

Catoblepas (Monster Design)

Catoblepas (Monster Design) by WynaHIros
Catoblepas (Monster Design) by WynaHIros


My own version of the mythological creature. I saw the description on a website---><br />
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"Catoblepas in Greek means ‘that if which looks downwards’. This creature’s was a iron clad bull and it’s head was so heavy, that is constantly looked downwards. This being a good thing as it’s site could instantly kill anything, as well as it’s breath, this is similar to the Basilisk."<br />
(<br />
<br />
So that's why I covered its face XD<br />
*hyper* It's also supposed to be half-bound to a wall.<br />
<br />
--Wyna Hiros<br />
<br />
"Rabid (Watch out, it bites!) Jim Fan"

General Info

General Info

Category Fantasy » Characters » Demons
Date Submitted
Views 4518
Favorites... 9
Vote Score 1
Comments 13
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (13)

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Ranger261 on July 28, 2008, 12:16:31 AM

Ranger261 on
Ranger261DUDE!!!!, You know how to hatch REALLY well!!!

Dragon_Buster on April 12, 2006, 9:21:47 PM

Dragon_Buster on
Dragon_BusterWow..Amazing. I can see now why you were once chosen as the Artist of the Month. It's so detailed and...uh..stuff like that. (I ran outta things to say. Isn't that pathetic?) (adds pic and you to faves) Here, have a burger. (hands you burger)

"Come here and I'll bite your legs off!"
-Monty Python(dunno which one though: I haven't watched Monty Python ever.)

emi_red on April 8, 2006, 7:36:24 AM

emi_red on
emi_redcool!!!! love it's legs the best^^

fuzzy_fluffy_happy_land on March 7, 2006, 1:45:22 AM

fuzzy_fluffy_happy_land on
fuzzy_fluffy_happy_landKick @$$ Duder!

Raven_Rocks on August 24, 2005, 2:57:10 AM

Raven_Rocks on
Raven_Rocksur an amazing artist well done and keep it up *favs*

WynaHIros on July 20, 2005, 10:26:56 AM

WynaHIros on
WynaHIrosto Toolisgoodforyoursoul:

Catoblepas is a mythological creature. The FF series is known to use creatures from varied mythologies in their games.


Toolisgoodforyoursoul on July 20, 2005, 9:57:49 AM

Toolisgoodforyoursoul on
ToolisgoodforyoursoulThat's so cool. It's very good. Good, It's AWESOME!....but isn't there a monster with the same name on FF8

blackdragon_518 on July 9, 2005, 2:38:04 AM

blackdragon_518 on
blackdragon_518That's frekin' awsome!

LunaWolf on June 8, 2005, 4:01:34 AM

LunaWolf on

WildTangent on April 13, 2004, 5:36:07 AM

WildTangent on
WildTangentTotally awesome! I luv it!!

Jyan on April 2, 2004, 8:30:07 PM

Jyan on
JyanWow, that is so cool. I love original art because it lets you see more of the artist. A lot of the time what you see of the artist isn't even something they let others normally see.

cloudfire9 on October 10, 2003, 6:33:20 PM

cloudfire9 on

Demonic_Angel on July 28, 2003, 9:24:53 PM

Demonic_Angel on
Demonic_Angelhey i really like that alot got gr8 texturin 2 it :)