Croc Adventures: The Movie!(Now with Cooler title!)
Croc Adventures: The Movie!(Now with Cooler title!)
Croc Adventures: The Movie!(Now with Cooler title!) by Youkai_exe807


Presenting: The Croc Adventures Movie Poster v.3!
The poster that everyone was waiting for is complete! WHOOT! *Dances*
For those who don't know, this was actually a collab with Crocdragon, so I don,t want nobody reporting me for ''Art Theft''Okay?
I probably made a few mistakes while coloring and such, but hey, it's worth it, right?
Anyways, this is the poster to the movie! Here are a few things related to it that I would like to tell:
1. If you want to know what the writing on thebottom means, here it is:
Creature of Destruction! Chaos Zeon Malignent!
I probably got the writing wrong, tho. xP
b]2.[/b] In most anime films, there is usually a JPop song in the credits. I think these would make good ''EndingThemes'':
''Kesshou'' by Clair
''Koi wa THRILL, SHOCK, SUSPENSE'' by Aiuchi Rina
''Mirai'' by Mayumi Yamaguchi
''Nakushoota Kotoba'' by No Regret Life
''Kanashimi Wo Yasashisa Ni'' by Little by Little
You can find all these songs(besides Kesshou) on Youtube.
UPDATE-O-RAMA: I changed a few things, but before I tell you what the changes are, let me tell you something:
On my mom's computer, I once redrew the whole poster (but at a MUCH LARGER scale) so that I can print it out and hang it up in my room (Even tho I did a mistake for the date)
So, on with the changes!
-I completely re-vamped the title to make it look less plain and more like something from a Pokemon movie poster.
-The blue and white text is added now, replacing the old orange text. It says ''The beast has been released...The fate of the worlds lies in Croc's hands!''
-The little bunch of yellow japanese text on the top of the logo means ''Gekijouban'' which is common in most japanese posters.
-I redid the date, so that it looks bigger and better.
-In the old poster, Sparks's collar was brown, and not red.
Original Drawing by: Crocdragon89.
CGing, Logo/Title and Text by me.
Special Thanks to Google Translator, and a few Pokemon movie websites!
Comments? (Absofugginglutley NO FLAMES! CRITIQUE DISCOURAGED!)
BTW, If you cannot see the poster for any reason, I hosted it on Imageshack. I'm not sure if it will work, but It's worth a try:
The poster that everyone was waiting for is complete! WHOOT! *Dances*
For those who don't know, this was actually a collab with Crocdragon, so I don,t want nobody reporting me for ''Art Theft''Okay?
I probably made a few mistakes while coloring and such, but hey, it's worth it, right?
Anyways, this is the poster to the movie! Here are a few things related to it that I would like to tell:
1. If you want to know what the writing on thebottom means, here it is:
Creature of Destruction! Chaos Zeon Malignent!
I probably got the writing wrong, tho. xP
b]2.[/b] In most anime films, there is usually a JPop song in the credits. I think these would make good ''EndingThemes'':
''Kesshou'' by Clair
''Koi wa THRILL, SHOCK, SUSPENSE'' by Aiuchi Rina
''Mirai'' by Mayumi Yamaguchi
''Nakushoota Kotoba'' by No Regret Life
''Kanashimi Wo Yasashisa Ni'' by Little by Little
You can find all these songs(besides Kesshou) on Youtube.
UPDATE-O-RAMA: I changed a few things, but before I tell you what the changes are, let me tell you something:
On my mom's computer, I once redrew the whole poster (but at a MUCH LARGER scale) so that I can print it out and hang it up in my room (Even tho I did a mistake for the date)
So, on with the changes!
-I completely re-vamped the title to make it look less plain and more like something from a Pokemon movie poster.
-The blue and white text is added now, replacing the old orange text. It says ''The beast has been released...The fate of the worlds lies in Croc's hands!''
-The little bunch of yellow japanese text on the top of the logo means ''Gekijouban'' which is common in most japanese posters.
-I redid the date, so that it looks bigger and better.
-In the old poster, Sparks's collar was brown, and not red.
Original Drawing by: Crocdragon89.
CGing, Logo/Title and Text by me.
Special Thanks to Google Translator, and a few Pokemon movie websites!
Comments? (Absofugginglutley NO FLAMES! CRITIQUE DISCOURAGED!)
BTW, If you cannot see the poster for any reason, I hosted it on Imageshack. I'm not sure if it will work, but It's worth a try:
General Info
General Info
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken A lot of time
Reference Crocdragon's art, Pokemon posters
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken A lot of time
Reference Crocdragon's art, Pokemon posters
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BlackSpiritWolf on November 19, 2006, 11:39:33 AM

MaxLightning1 on September 23, 2006, 12:01:16 AM
Fluffy_fan4774 on August 2, 2006, 5:21:38 AM
barbara on August 1, 2006, 10:40:35 AM
barbara on
Weirdo on July 31, 2006, 8:00:13 PM
Weirdo on

And BTW, I think you would like to notice one thing really usual to anime: Starting theme is fast and makes you wanna sng along (xD) And ending theme is usually relaxing, not so fast song. (and those 1. make you to sing along again or 2. make you want to cry. xD) Buut, I still don't bother to listen those. YET. But I will, later. *faves so many times that if I describe it here, this comment gets cut off*
BlackSpiritWolf on July 31, 2006, 7:11:03 PM
BlackSpiritWolf on July 31, 2006, 4:23:25 PM
VahnTheWhiteDragon on July 31, 2006, 3:34:26 PM
crocdragon89 on July 31, 2006, 11:31:57 AM
crocdragon89 on
Falconlobo on July 31, 2006, 8:56:56 AM
Falconlobo on