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Zelgadiss-Sama in a Cool,blue Kimono an two Katana

Zelgadiss-Sama in a Cool,blue Kimono an two Katana

Zelgadiss-Sama in a Cool,blue Kimono an two Katana by Zelgadiss_da_Hardcorepunk
Zelgadiss-Sama in a Cool,blue Kimono an two Katana by Zelgadiss_da_Hardcorepunk


the quality isn't very good...-.-But the original is better.He he.The posing is from Seimaden...I don't know who this pose do in Seimaden...^^Is there someone who can write with a german girl(I^^) about this pic?<br />
I love Zelgadiss-sama with this face of coolness!

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Slayers » Characters & Fanart » Zelgadis
Date Submitted
Views 2715
Favorites... 22
Vote Score 2
Comments 17
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (17)

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cresentmoonsL-Z on December 11, 2005, 8:05:34 AM

cresentmoonsL-Z on
cresentmoonsL-ZTHAT IS SOOO COOL O___O

juujinkan_of_doom on August 18, 2005, 4:18:42 AM

juujinkan_of_doom on
juujinkan_of_doom*huggles the wonderful picture* Many Zelgadiss shaped cookies for you! *stuffs them down your throat and runs off with Zel*

ShadowWing on August 6, 2005, 10:54:45 AM

ShadowWing on
ShadowWingWow! so freakin awesome!!!! I love you and all your zel pics!! *favs to your and your pic*

misakicHii on July 24, 2005, 7:20:27 AM

misakicHii on
misakicHiimy fracking god!best zelgadis pic yet!it looks so professional!nice job!looks like doujinshi or something!he's so hot!keep it up!!

Abraxas on July 20, 2005, 7:14:54 AM

Abraxas on
AbraxasWowww!!! it's a wonderful pic, it's so so great. I love it ;)I put there on my favourite

OrangeArt on June 3, 2005, 10:24:40 AM

OrangeArt on
OrangeArti died when i saw this pic... um... THIS PIC ROX!!!

Sexy_Bishi_Queen on May 28, 2005, 8:27:49 PM

Sexy_Bishi_Queen on
YES! ANOTHER PUNK! COOL! I love this, I saw it on thumbnail and my mouth dropped open, man! Dude, you're so cool! Like: Tallent! I'm adding you and this to me faves dude! Please reply on me profile and add me if you want!

Cheers, rock on!


Zelgadiss_da_Hardcorepunk on April 30, 2005, 1:22:20 AM

Zelgadiss_da_Hardcorepunk on
Zelgadiss_da_HardcorepunkThank you for all comments and...Strider Jaju...I think its ok with the hait.It looks very dark because the paper wasscannded dark.So...if I had paint a lightening on the hair,you couldn't see it.BECAUSE THE DAMN SCANNER....*seufz* But thanks for the critic.

Strider_Jaju on October 27, 2004, 7:45:50 PM

Strider_Jaju on
Strider_JajuWOA.... This pic blew my mind!!! Its AWESOME!. And I found it perfect the first 23425 times I saw it, but.. now I think the hair could had have a little shine (sigh Master dont hate me) It looks a little, just a little color plain. If it was your intetion then, Im not worthy.

BonzaiRyuza on October 15, 2004, 1:59:23 PM

BonzaiRyuza on
BonzaiRyuzaWow, that coloring is AMAZING!! I love the background!!

sheyla on October 7, 2004, 10:36:54 PM

sheyla on
sheylaOMG! how did you do that! wow! you rock!

BeautySeeker on October 7, 2004, 1:46:32 AM

BeautySeeker on
BeautySeekerWoah..... O_O Dude this rocks! How on earth did you do this? Ok... that's it... you and your art! On my favs list..... pronto! ^^ So frickin sweet man.....I LOVE this.

Rindi_chan on October 7, 2004, 12:43:11 AM

Rindi_chan on
Rindi_chanThis is SO cool! O.O The coloring and detail are fantastic. *hearts*

yujinakasgirl on October 5, 2004, 3:38:26 PM

yujinakasgirl on
yujinakasgirlI don't know who this character is but this is sooooo Kool! Luv everthing about it! I do know what seimaden is though, and it is a beautiful style!

DragonicFlames on October 5, 2004, 6:00:18 AM

DragonicFlames on
DragonicFlamesThis is a really good pic. *Favs* I am going to go nomate you and junk. ^^

ShadowGurlie on October 5, 2004, 5:21:53 AM

ShadowGurlie on
ShadowGurliewell damn. That is amazing. Accually, amazing isn't a strong enough word, but then again neither is terrific, absolutly supperb or anything like that. This is just one freaken amazing picture. He ish da sexy beast!

ScarletKitsune on October 5, 2004, 5:03:47 AM

ScarletKitsune on
ScarletKitsune*trance look on face* Gorgeus.... So well done too. Specially love how you did the Kimono * I think its another name but I just cant remmber what it is*.