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Smile by ZheMustace
Smile by ZheMustace


This picture really sucks! *cries* Why did I even submit this?! Well it is my first try and all so... yeah. If ya can give me and comment and tell me how I did, it would be nice! Cant shade for my life. LEAVE A FLIPPIN" COMMENT please!

General Info

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Category Miscellaneous » Characters » Female
Date Submitted
Views 1404
Favorites... 1
Vote Score 0
Comments 10
Media Unspecified
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Comments (10)

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xxKILLtheSYSTEMxx on April 2, 2006, 6:15:57 AM

xxKILLtheSYSTEMxx on

KionaKina on November 6, 2005, 6:06:42 AM

KionaKina on
KionaKina(Smacks you* GET A GRIP.

This is actually a rocking pic. I like her hair color. But...she looks like she's forcing it.

~Gasp~ Her smile will be the downfall of us all. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH. *Runs in circles before getting smacked by a random rock and falls down*

Lysergs_Kitty on July 22, 2005, 4:06:19 AM

Lysergs_Kitty on
Lysergs_KittyCool pic... *grins* I can bear it, trust me. XD Great, as are all of your piccehs.... o_O *runs off to draw* PS Do you have a messenger or somethin? i'm bored outta my mind. I've got MSN, Yahoo, and AIM... So... If you wanna talk, just leave a comment on my profile or a pic... o_O And I can give you my screenie for whatever messenger... *blinks and glomps Dark* o_o Beware the randomness that is Mehlee... XDXDXD

MrMuffin on July 2, 2005, 1:09:56 PM

MrMuffin on
MrMuffindon't be so hard on your self its a great pic

Animegurl on June 6, 2005, 7:43:54 AM

Animegurl on
AnimegurlSo kute!! I'm luving the colors! Is that a bell on her collar? ITS SO FRICKIN KAWAII!!! TOTAL KUTENESS!! Nice job on the pic. keep it up!

Ashley_Kenshin on June 1, 2005, 7:51:07 AM

Ashley_Kenshin on
Ashley_Kenshinawh ish so CUTE X3 I'm so happy that you like my work

Ha_Sus on May 31, 2005, 10:04:01 AM

Ha_Sus on
Ha_SusThats funny, it reminds me the times I do Hula and I have to smile for no reason at all :K Its really good, I could never draw Anime! My only comment is that the arm is a little to skinny, but thats easy to fix ^^ great job!

chibichibi on May 30, 2005, 1:00:50 PM

chibichibi on
chibichibiWOW...thats sooo kool! toughness and an attitude that says "mess with me and im gonna kick your....ok im getting carried away..but yea very kool..keep it up!

LinkinPark_ChazzyChaz on May 30, 2005, 9:54:56 AM

LinkinPark_ChazzyChaz on
LinkinPark_ChazzyChazP.S. Make another meatball picture!! lol.

LinkinPark_ChazzyChaz on May 30, 2005, 9:54:12 AM

LinkinPark_ChazzyChaz on
LinkinPark_ChazzyChazYay! I picture! Raven..I luv it. VERY MUCH!! **favs it**
Poor poor comments. xD