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!TT meets HP

!TT meets HP

!TT meets HP by bachel
!TT meets HP by bachel


Harry as Robin<br />
Ginny as Starfire<br />
Hermione as Raven<br />
Ron as Beast Boy...........<br />
<br />
not mind the crappyness... and I didn't have Cyborg or Terra because I didn't know who they'd be...

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Category Books » Harry Potter series
Date Submitted
Views 4721
Favorites... 18
Vote Score 1
Comments 25
Media Unspecified
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Comments (25)

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dreaming_of_U on June 21, 2007, 9:47:34 AM

dreaming_of_U on
dreaming_of_UOk... Harry as Robin it *too* perfect.

They both have a hero complex. C=

Tainted_Dragoness on August 6, 2006, 12:23:08 AM

Tainted_Dragoness on
Tainted_DragonessMy two favorite things in one picture! I love teen titans and i love Harry potter! Fave!

bobobejobo on August 4, 2006, 11:18:34 AM

bobobejobo on
bobobejoboLMFAO I luv that notion!! Harry makes a smashing Robin, and Ron's a pretty cute Beast boy!! You are so clever!!

Goth_Girl_Yuffie on July 11, 2006, 4:25:00 PM

Goth_Girl_Yuffie on
Goth_Girl_YuffieHmm... I'd Have Luna Lovegood or Fleur as Terra, and.... Charlie as Cyborg?

sexay on June 29, 2006, 10:58:45 AM

sexay on

DarkKrystal on June 25, 2006, 12:06:19 AM

DarkKrystal on
DarkKrystalI love you oh so much.

scribbled_image on June 22, 2006, 1:07:26 PM

scribbled_image on
scribbled_imageCool crossover and wonderful drawing and coloring. I envy you and your creativity. ;D

Sinister_Mind on June 18, 2006, 10:31:27 AM

Sinister_Mind on
Sinister_Mindlol That is great! I lurve it! That is so in their characters. You matched them up perfectly! Great work with the coloring too!

Kiaya on June 7, 2006, 12:37:15 PM

Kiaya on
Kiayau need cyborg!!!!! thats all... and i luv the pic!!!! *favs*

french_fry_psycho on May 28, 2006, 12:39:58 AM

french_fry_psycho on
french_fry_psychoi think hermonie is perfect as raven! *faves*

_rdrz12_ on April 22, 2006, 11:52:51 AM

_rdrz12_ on
_rdrz12_I think you should have Bill/Charlie as Cyborg and Fleur as Terra

Geminisouls on April 16, 2006, 5:58:33 AM

Geminisouls on
GeminisoulsWOW 'tis amazing, not only is it well drawn but it combines to abosolutly brillent things, great job!

liltrix on March 24, 2006, 2:18:01 PM

liltrix on
liltrixHeh heh that's really original. Great job! I love how you put Hermione with her hand like that!^__^

DestractedLove on February 17, 2006, 9:55:54 PM

DestractedLove on
DestractedLoveOMG two most favourite things combined! It's so cool!!! *adds to faves* xXx

silverfox on February 12, 2006, 7:33:44 AM

silverfox on
silverfoxI think that Dean could be Cyborg-- I guess-- and maybe... Lavender should be Terra. (It would make sense, since Ron is Beast Boy...)

It's cute. XD I love it! I think they all represent their characters pretty well-- if not personality-wise, then looks-wise. (I don't think that Ginny and Starfire are very alike-- Ginny's more experienced and outgoing, and Star... isn't)

But very cute anyway. *mauls faves*

~Pip-chan :D

NJ_PUNK on January 19, 2006, 6:57:53 AM

NJ_PUNKgood job lol! I love it!

vampire_trees on December 31, 2005, 6:09:08 AM

vampire_trees on
vampire_treesi think i said WHAT loud enough for my mom to hear... iz funny!

gnat on December 29, 2005, 7:40:44 AM

gnat on
gnatthat is funny! i luv it!

terry_titanqueen on December 5, 2005, 10:48:47 PM

terry_titanqueen on
terry_titanqueenI LOVE IT!!! i love ron and bb so what better way than put them together!!! lol

cyborggirl on December 5, 2005, 3:45:42 AM

cyborggirl on

Coolstra on December 2, 2005, 12:25:11 PM

Coolstra on
CoolstraLavender could be Terra but I don't know about Cyborg. Anyhoo, Great pic. I luv it! *faves*

RangerGirl on November 27, 2005, 5:59:36 AM

RangerGirl on
RangerGirlROFL!!!!!! This rocks to no end! I love it when people do stuff like this, but there's not enough of it. OMGSH! THIS IS SOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!


Yamikitten4390 on November 25, 2005, 11:00:44 PM

Yamikitten4390 on
Yamikitten4390wow u've got 2 of my fav things in it ur gr8
BTW this pic is not in neway a bit crappy all of it is awesome

ILD on November 18, 2005, 6:07:57 AM

ILD on

YKJD on November 18, 2005, 4:29:35 AM

YKJDHave Draco as Terra, he's got th blonde hair. Then do Snape as Cyborg, he sure as hell acts like one. BTW, I like the pic.I don't mind if it's a bit crappy.