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Request Art - "Aerith & Kitty" (Kingdom Hearts)

Request Art - "Aerith & Kitty" (Kingdom Hearts)

Request Art - "Aerith & Kitty" (Kingdom Hearts) by blackwings
Request Art - "Aerith & Kitty" (Kingdom Hearts) by blackwings


requested by KrazyKats225

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series » Characters (KH1) » Aerith
Date Submitted
Views 4298
Favorites... 30
Vote Score 1
Comments 14
Media Unspecified
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Comments (14)

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fariydust on October 7, 2005, 7:14:23 PM

fariydust on
fariydustShe is soooo Pretty and the kity is sooo Cute!!! Favs

iceangel on September 20, 2005, 1:46:58 AM

iceangel on
iceangelPretty picture and kitty is soooo CUTE!!! favs.

Meredianna on January 8, 2005, 8:59:48 PM

Meredianna on
MerediannaWow, nice!! Aeris looks very pretty ^^, me likes , and cute kitteh there :3

Spartan_112 on December 21, 2004, 12:44:33 PM

Spartan_112 on
Spartan_112(stareing with jaws open)you sure make her look hot

kingdomheartsgal on August 8, 2004, 7:10:35 AM

kingdomheartsgal on
kingdomheartsgaljust for the record, she looks kind of like me. only I'm eleven. but I wear my hair in a braid all the time. and I love to read.

PunkPrincessAshie on July 7, 2004, 10:34:35 AM

PunkPrincessAshie on
PunkPrincessAshieoOo...i lyke the kitty ^_^*

dj_leeroy on June 10, 2004, 9:18:34 AM

dj_leeroy on
dj_leeroyBrilliant sketch! I really like it!

Ifrit-YoukaiSei on March 14, 2004, 7:46:05 PM

Ifrit-YoukaiSei on
Ifrit-YoukaiSeiKITTEH MEOW MEOWS!!!!!!!! *huggles kitty* I wish my kittys were as soft and cuddly and as nice as you are! They just go and attack me whenever I touch them... But great job! *adds to favs*

WaterNeko_Goddess on February 16, 2004, 10:05:47 AM

WaterNeko_Goddess on
WaterNeko_GoddessO YAY! its aeris! my fav. ff7 charcter! ::clicks to fav:: so pretty!

blu_tasogare on February 15, 2004, 9:15:26 AM

blu_tasogare on
blu_tasogareso cute!!! Much better than the Aerith pic I did!

riookierin on February 15, 2004, 6:04:11 AM

riookierin on

Inumaru on February 14, 2004, 2:55:34 PM

Inumaru on
InumaruSooooooo cute! The kitty is so fluffy and Aerith is so pretty!

PinkDuckies23 on February 14, 2004, 2:33:02 PM

PinkDuckies23 on
PinkDuckies23OOoo Aerith look sso pretty and stuff! and the kitty! *grabs the kitty and glomps it* Mine, mine mine mine tis zo kyute tis mine now! ^_^

Angie-chan on February 14, 2004, 1:50:20 PM

Angie-chan on
Angie-chanWow! That's really good! Aerith looks really sexy, and the kitty is so cute!!!