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"Sex Ed with the Vine Lady"

"Sex Ed with the Vine Lady"

"Sex Ed with the Vine Lady" by blib
"Sex Ed with the Vine Lady" by blib


Tee hee... Little Link dosen't need to see that. But hey, it may scar Link for life, but it is still very funny.<br />
<br />
Oh, and if you can't read what they are saying:<br />
<br />
Vine Lady: "Hey... what are you staring at? Do you want Din's Fire or not?"<br />
Link: -thinking- "I can see her boobies..."

General Info

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Category Games » - by Publisher » Nintendo » Legend of Zelda series
Date Submitted
Views 13860
Favorites... 25
Vote Score 0
Comments 38
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (38)

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DarkPeach on June 20, 2006, 3:49:10 PM

DarkPeach on
DarkPeachLol, I see that you are probably talking about The Great Fairy of Magic when you say "Vine Lady".

Xander00 on May 4, 2006, 4:36:34 AM

Xander00 on
Xander00LMFAO!!! I actually got that!!!

ducklover on April 16, 2006, 7:43:23 PM

ducklover on
duckloverhahahahahahahahaha can't breathe!!!!

wolf-girl-ghost on April 3, 2006, 7:30:27 PM

wolf-girl-ghost on
wolf-girl-ghostbtw does any1 know how olf young link is?

wolf-girl-ghost on April 2, 2006, 8:57:34 AM

wolf-girl-ghost on
wolf-girl-ghostthis picture makes me laugh so much i can't laugh tho cause my dads in the room ugh

BlackAngelicDevilFire on March 16, 2006, 12:28:33 AM

BlackAngelicDevilFire on
BlackAngelicDevilFire my friend and i think that this pic is totally funny and cute!!! very realistic from the game(you know, the part that says i can see her boobies)

StoryMaker on March 6, 2006, 11:16:25 AM

StoryMaker on
StoryMakerLink, run as fast as you can....

ceres51892 on March 4, 2006, 2:14:41 AM

ceres51892 on
ceres51892whoa, this is on my favs, but i did'ny comment??
wat the hell is wrong with me!!
anywho, great job!
i burst out laughing when i saw this!!!
jeez, i kno how she feels!
us women have got to stick together!

Blazing_SheFool on February 20, 2006, 9:13:03 AM

Blazing_SheFool on
Blazing_SheFoolFUNNEH! I HATE those fairy ladies. They always look like they're trying to lure poor Linky into a trap. And when he's an adult, whoo, don't even get me started on the creepy thought runnin' through that boy's head!

Skyther on February 15, 2006, 8:13:02 AM

Skyther on
SkytherLol! I love it soo much! I like thier expressions! ^^ Link... lol.

BurningRose62 on February 14, 2006, 2:22:53 PM

BurningRose62 on
BurningRose62hey thisis really funny why the hell did i just put kool im sorry

BurningRose62 on February 5, 2006, 7:14:22 AM

BurningRose62 on

Ichidou_Daisuke on January 28, 2006, 4:17:21 PM

Ichidou_Daisuke on
Ichidou_DaisukexD I love their expressions. Awesome pic.

NEVERBENORMAL on January 25, 2006, 5:24:48 AM

NEVERBENORMALhaha! i always thought the fairy looked nakjed...O_o this is too funny...

spaZzgirl8 on January 8, 2006, 12:51:13 PM

spaZzgirl8 on
spaZzgirl8the expressoins are the best things ive seen all week! =D

Rioki_Lilac on December 23, 2005, 4:59:49 AM

Rioki_Lilac on
Rioki_Lilacshe looks like a wussy dog in that pic. LOL!

VideogameMaster on December 12, 2005, 12:33:07 AM

VideogameMaster on
VideogameMasterMe: Link you pervert. Hahahahaha! *slaps Link and faves*

Link: Ow!

Princess-Zelda on December 3, 2005, 7:50:34 AM

Princess-Zelda on
Princess-ZeldaI always thought having only vines as your clothing wasn't a good idea.... ._.

Firefly_Dreamer on November 26, 2005, 6:01:15 AM

Firefly_Dreamer on
Firefly_DreamerLMFAO!!! thats flippin hilarious!!

Inuyashas_wife_to_be on November 16, 2005, 9:21:23 AM

Inuyashas_wife_to_be on
Inuyashas_wife_to_beBlib the "vine lady"is the Great Fairy of Magic

Silent_Echo on November 7, 2005, 9:10:44 AM

Silent_Echo on
Silent_EchoI avoided this at first because I'm still a small child at heart but...TeeHee! This is really awesome and thefacial expressions are brilliant!

Chibichan on October 17, 2005, 9:29:11 AM

Chibichan on
Chibichanthose people friggin scare me...

Nakatsu_Luver on September 22, 2005, 12:22:33 AM

Nakatsu_Luver on
Nakatsu_Luverwell it's true every time I see the great fariy it's like she wants to expose her tits... *lol* I said tits. nyah nyah ^.~

catgirl1 on September 13, 2005, 7:44:02 AM

catgirl1 on
catgirl1aawww, Link , I love the pic!

lizardyuna64 on August 23, 2005, 9:11:54 AM

lizardyuna64 on's funny! Poor little Linky...*cuddles Link* You don't need to see that w****! hehe...sorry. Funny pic!

lizardyuna64 on August 23, 2005, 9:11:50 AM

lizardyuna64 on's funny! Poor little Linky...*cuddles Link* You don't need to see that w****! hehe...sorry. Funny pic!

Kat_in_Boots13 on June 29, 2005, 4:06:21 AM

Kat_in_Boots13 on
Kat_in_Boots13Link: (covers eyes) OMG IT IS G-RATED IN THIS CAVE!!! LOL great pic I love it *favs*

Marioandluigi on June 24, 2005, 6:17:29 AM

Marioandluigi on
MarioandluigiHA HA HA THATS WHAT I CALL FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! great pic

Darken999 on June 7, 2005, 9:13:11 AM

Darken999 on

Akien on May 4, 2005, 11:36:58 AM

Akien on
AkienLolol so true, FAVS

ArcherofSacae on May 2, 2005, 7:37:02 AM

ArcherofSacae on
ArcherofSacaeI have always agreed with that... every time Link goes into those places I always end up screaming "Ack! Small child present!" (if my friend is there, she laughs) "Avert your eyes small children!!"

Syrupy_SugarCane on April 2, 2005, 10:28:05 AM

Syrupy_SugarCane on
Syrupy_SugarCaneHahahahah! THat is to funny! I thought the same!

Samanoske_Akechi on March 23, 2005, 7:31:36 AM

Samanoske_Akechi on
Samanoske_AkechiLink you naughty boy.....*fave*

necromancer_boy on January 28, 2005, 5:29:54 AM

necromancer_boy on
necromancer_boy*avalanche of rupees pours from your screen* God, those fairies scare me! They're freaky evil pippi longstockings!

Icy_Werewolf91 on January 27, 2005, 6:48:32 AM

Icy_Werewolf91 on
Icy_Werewolf91ahahahha!! thats what ive been thinking everytime i see one of those faeries

Kurama_Lover_Otaku_Bunny on November 28, 2004, 2:15:17 PM

Kurama_Lover_Otaku_Bunny on
Kurama_Lover_Otaku_BunnyHAHAHA!!! TOOOOO FUNNY!!