*Oblivion Keyblade (papermache)
*Oblivion Keyblade (papermache)
*Oblivion Keyblade (papermache) by blind_stranger


AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!! AT LAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
...After four moths of slaving-away over this thingy, I have both developed severe tendonitus and never been happier w/ mt art! :D
(and it's only the third keyblade I've ever made!) ^-^
(note): The little keyblade in the box on the right is the official-art of Oblivion-- I included it so that you guys could compare my sculpture to it. :)
(Oh, and that hand is mine just so ya know... and it's the one w/out the tendonitus cause that keyblade is actualy REALLY heavy!!) ^_~
I hope you like my keyblade!! :D
(if u wanna know how I made it you'll have to ask cause it's insanely long and complicated)
Please tell me what you think! *hopefull grin* :B
(2 years later)
Update!!! =D
Ok, now that all the water's actually gone out of it, it hardly weighs /anything/ anymore! 0.o
Materials used:
~ newspaper
~ cardboard from cerrial-boxes
~ diluted glue
~ colored tisue-paper
~ purple nail-varnish (for the two jewls at either end)
...just one problem though: the tissuepaper on the handle is peeling and turning funny shades of brown and yellow now, because of skin-oil, so I'll be repairing it with white-slick faberic paint (because its' water/oil-proof) just as soon as I get some before shots w/ my camera.
~ white-slick faberic paint
...After four moths of slaving-away over this thingy, I have both developed severe tendonitus and never been happier w/ mt art! :D
(and it's only the third keyblade I've ever made!) ^-^
(note): The little keyblade in the box on the right is the official-art of Oblivion-- I included it so that you guys could compare my sculpture to it. :)
(Oh, and that hand is mine just so ya know... and it's the one w/out the tendonitus cause that keyblade is actualy REALLY heavy!!) ^_~
I hope you like my keyblade!! :D
(if u wanna know how I made it you'll have to ask cause it's insanely long and complicated)
Please tell me what you think! *hopefull grin* :B
(2 years later)
Update!!! =D
Ok, now that all the water's actually gone out of it, it hardly weighs /anything/ anymore! 0.o
Materials used:
~ newspaper
~ cardboard from cerrial-boxes
~ diluted glue
~ colored tisue-paper
~ purple nail-varnish (for the two jewls at either end)
...just one problem though: the tissuepaper on the handle is peeling and turning funny shades of brown and yellow now, because of skin-oil, so I'll be repairing it with white-slick faberic paint (because its' water/oil-proof) just as soon as I get some before shots w/ my camera.
~ white-slick faberic paint
General Info
General Info
Category Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series » Keyblades
Date Submitted
Views 21119
Favorites... 38
Vote Score 0
Category Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series » Keyblades
Date Submitted
Views 21119
Favorites... 38
Vote Score 0
Media Unspecified
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hi5 on March 30, 2007, 8:50:54 AM
hi5 on

blind_stranger on September 9, 2006, 8:30:21 AM

Guess I really should get started on it, huh. Specially now that Halloween is coming up, as TripleTrouble3 just reminded me. ^_^;
Hard part's just finding an empty camera that works. Still working on that. Plus, I have a new method I wanna try that I think'll make better keyblades. So, I'm going to finish the Kingdom Key I'm currently working on, and then-----dun dun dun dun-----I gonna try and make the second Kingdom Key IN A DAY. (heh... I don't wanna scare you, but normally it takes weeks-months) ^_^;
Point being, I'm gonna photograph the whole process and make that 100million-years overdue keyblade-making tutorial.
However, I should remind everyone that some keyblades take completely different methods than others, because of their different basic shapes.
....Just thought I'd let you know it's on the way. ^_^; (I'm thinking maybe I'll time it, too, so u all can know how long it takes) :-)
<3 HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD XD XD
blind_stranger on December 21, 2006, 4:19:31 PM

Ok, so here's the tutorial of the new method:
Whaaaat? I made the Ultima Weapon instead-----got a problem with that? 0:-)
For the first method, the method I used to make Oblivion here, I've got another blog bench-marked for the making of SoulEater:
...someday... e_e;
darkwolvesoverlord on September 25, 2006, 9:58:39 AM
darkwolvesoverlord on September 20, 2006, 1:04:11 PM
bluemarshmallows on September 8, 2006, 10:48:01 PM
LittleJess on July 22, 2006, 10:15:30 AM
LittleJess on
blind_stranger on July 19, 2006, 7:05:55 AM
_rdrz12_ on July 19, 2006, 7:01:45 AM
_rdrz12_ on
blind_stranger on July 19, 2006, 6:50:00 AM
blind_stranger on July 19, 2006, 2:49:50 AM

The newspaper was driving me crazy bcauze it wouldn't accumulate.....I was beginning to wonder if the # of layers I was going to need would end up up in the 1000s! And so, I used something thicker-----cardboard! XD
(I'm sooo lazy) ^_______^
What, and what not to do, when using cardboard:
~Don't use huge pieces.
~Let each piece soak in the glue watter for a few minutes; this will make the top (glossy) layer of paper on the top separate from the rest of the cardboard. Discard it, you only want the "juicy" part. XD
Let the "juicy" part soak a bit more in the watter to get it completely saturated.
~When applying it, use your fingers to 'massage' it a little extra around the edges. You need this to help it fuse.
~It's very hard to get it to fuse to a dry surface, so wet whatever-you're-sticking-it-to with some glue-water (and let it soak in), uuunless it's already wet.
~I've never not done this, but it's probably always a good idea to stop using cardboard as you're getting closer and closer to the top layer. Switch back to newspaper for a few-several layers on the top. Personally, I even go so far as to add a thick layer of uncolored tissuepaper as my final layer before painting/coloring. (notice the progression of refinement) I like pprmacheing with tissupaper because it makes it sooo so smooth. ^__^ It really makes it nice. And it helps the colors (if you're using partially-seethrough paint or more, colored, tissuepaper) come out truer/hide the newspaper letters underneith. XD
_rdrz12_ on July 18, 2006, 10:24:10 PM
_rdrz12_ on
_rdrz12_ on July 18, 2006, 10:15:08 PM
_rdrz12_ on
blind_stranger on July 18, 2006, 10:50:01 AM

And also... *could not stay on before, cuz of a big lightning storm* 0.0
About the canvas-acrylic, I went and looked at the tube I had, and 'turns out it's only 4oz------so now, I can't remember if it costed $5 or $7. So don't take my word for it; maybe it was just that store that was expensive. All I really remember was thinking just how easy it would be to blow $50 on that stuff if I ever wanted to paint something majorly colorful. *is addicted to pwetty colors* :-)
Canvas-acrylic also drys kinda 3D, cuz it's so thick, which's why it's good for canvases-------because anything thinner would take-on the grid-like texture of the canvas! (oil paint also has that texture-resisting property, but I wouldn't recommend it for keyblades) 0_x
_rdrz12_ on July 18, 2006, 7:09:11 AM
_rdrz12_ on
_rdrz12_ on July 18, 2006, 7:07:36 AM
_rdrz12_ on
blind_stranger on July 18, 2006, 6:58:50 AM

The paint I want to try using next is t-shirt fabric paint. (Tulip brand)
I got a ton o' that stuff, and I use it on everything... (the best thing about it is that it's waterproof; the tricky part is that it dries 3D, when you want it to and even when you don't want it to)
This is the stuff that I'm using to fix Oblivion's peeling handle. It's waterproof, so it should protect against hand-grease as well. :-)
blind_stranger on July 18, 2006, 6:44:20 AM

I tried using acrylic when I made my first KingdomKey and possessed-Riku's DarkKeyblade....it's easy enough, but the downside is that, if you try to dual (even gently!!!) with them, they leave little paintmarks on eachother. :-(
Maybe it just depends on the quality of paint, but the good(canvas)-quality stuff is kinda expensive, like, $7 for a 5oz tube. (I had used the watery poster-acrylic kind)
As far as I know, the tissuepaper method doesn't leave any marks. (solid pprmache keyblades r too heavy to dual w/ though------the Kingdom & Dark I made were both hollow cardboard)
_rdrz12_ on July 17, 2006, 11:10:55 PM
_rdrz12_ on
blind_stranger on July 17, 2006, 10:08:31 AM
_rdrz12_ on July 17, 2006, 7:03:25 AM
_rdrz12_ on
hi5 on July 9, 2006, 9:34:38 AM
hi5 on
blind_stranger on April 29, 2006, 3:52:59 PM

I'll type up some official instructions and put them in my fics section. I can't do that right away cuz I'm going out of town tomarow, but I will as soon as I can....
The basic trick to getting a papaer mache keyblade, or just plain ol' cosplay weapon, picture-accurate is to print out a life-size version of the official art-----then build upon that with your paper-glue stuff, keeping in mind that you want to "lift it off of the paper" and make the image into a 3D /object/.
Thanks for commenting!
.....does this page REALLY show up on Google???!!!
I really do apreciate all the comments, everybody. Thank you x a million! =D
As of recently, this keyblade--- has obtained some....some damage... (it's been dropped, sat on, and dicolored and pealed by sweaty, oily hands) ....So I will be repairing it now. Some things will be different about it from how it was origionally (what you see here), but right now I think it's bad enough that I should show you some new pics with it repaired. Dispite the extent of what's happened to it, it should be easy to fix.
Awwwwwwweeee, MAN!!! *discovers Blind Riku actually weilds "WttD"* ...Now I have to make /another/ one!
Oh well-----maybe I can photograph the process along the way and make a tutorial 4 y'all... :-\
jeffrey0919 on April 29, 2006, 2:35:07 PM
jeffrey0919 on
BlueSteam on April 16, 2006, 9:46:16 PM
BlueSteam on
LukeBlaziken7 on April 15, 2006, 11:14:15 AM
StarAlchemist on April 11, 2006, 7:46:04 AM
PrincessTala on April 5, 2006, 2:05:28 PM
PrincessTala on
-KANI- on March 10, 2006, 6:07:31 AM
-KANI- on
BlackFish on January 7, 2006, 10:44:58 AM
BlackFish on
CrimsonCrossAKACrimsonNova on November 18, 2005, 12:25:37 AM
blind_stranger on September 1, 2005, 5:12:49 AM

Anime men are usually pretty femenin, so andybody can cosplay anybody usually. 0_x
(examp: the best Sora cosplay I ever saw was done by a kid who also did the best /Selphi/ cosplay I ever saw!) *gasp* @_@
I cosplay Riku because I look most like Riku, and guy or girl, I'd make one =really= freaky-looking Sora. ^.^
artman_ver2 on August 30, 2005, 1:04:50 AM
artman_ver2 on
sirius150 on August 22, 2005, 11:40:13 AM
sirius150 on
RikusGurlFriend on August 11, 2005, 10:02:53 AM
crappyusernamehere on June 9, 2005, 8:23:45 AM
Kupo on June 8, 2005, 12:51:00 PM
Kupo on
Kupo on June 8, 2005, 12:50:45 PM
Kupo on
Riku-kitty on May 21, 2005, 6:23:51 AM
Riku-kitty on
cptShort on April 2, 2005, 4:28:04 PM
cptShort on
blind_stranger on March 30, 2005, 3:41:08 PM

I just found the website that sells keyblades! 0.0
*wonders why url was so darn hard 2 figure out 4 so long* 0_o
Apparently, prices range from $40-$80...but that's just as far as I heard.
It's 12:30 am, Mar 31st...and I STILL haven't finished those three keyblades!! (oath & the 2 kingdoms)
However, I got bored the other day and [quite randomly] made a 3-inch paperclip-Kingdom Key...and 4-inch paperclip Oathkeeper when I was done w/ that... 0.o
Currently, I'm almost done w/ a really small promise-charm to go on the Oathkeeper. *is using a painted, star-shaped bead & necklace clasp* -lol! XD
It's really gonna be awesome... and cute! X3
guardianofanime1115 on February 26, 2005, 11:43:42 AM

Cloud:well done
Kenshin:most perfect that it ia
Sephiroth:Keep up making your keyblades...
Inuyasha:hmmm pretty good
(Ryo: what he really means is "God that is one really good oblivion!"
as in sephiroth's kind words...Keep making more keyblades!
The_Vampire_Queen on February 15, 2005, 1:55:21 AM
xXKairiXx on January 1, 2005, 8:27:25 AM
xXKairiXx on
blind_stranger on December 31, 2004, 3:21:57 AM

The first one I made was Sora's Kingdom Key, but It was REALLY lousy and keeps breaking. (I made it outa hot-glued toiletpaper rolls so it has no detail to it's shape).
The next was Ansem-Riku's keyblade of the 6 princeses' hearts.
...And now I've currently got two more, half-finished (more accurate) Kingdomkeys and a crummy half-started Oathkeeper sitting in my closet.
Though this Oathkeeper in my closet is totasly garbage, the keychain came out beutifuly and will be posted soon. ;D
(twas my lil bro's christmas preasent so of course I finished it first!) :P
elayne on December 30, 2004, 8:35:33 AM
elayne on
zanacu on December 26, 2004, 5:28:40 AM
zanacu on
blind_stranger on December 4, 2004, 2:50:39 AM
ChiRi on December 3, 2004, 3:58:35 PM
ChiRi on
Kairimun1988 on November 29, 2004, 11:43:56 AM
Kairimun1988 on
kai_the_hedgehog on November 21, 2004, 2:50:15 PM
MorbidAngel on November 2, 2004, 4:20:32 AM
MorbidAngel on
rikus_luver on September 4, 2004, 6:21:21 AM
rikus_luver on
blind_stranger on August 15, 2004, 4:20:31 AM

My little brother is gonna cosplay Dual-Weilder and since I'm getting Oblivion, he asked me to make him Ultima Weapon instead. :) ...Than I just barely glimsed Dual-weilder w/ Sora's Kingdom Key right after throwing Blind Oblivion, --and very recently, I cought another glims of Dual-Weilder w/ King Mickey's Kingdom Key!!! <br />
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...I am so confused...!! 9_9<br />
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I WAS going to make a fairly simple papermache sword than paint a whole bunch of Capri-Sun straws gold and hot-glue them to it... but I still have to make one of the KingdomKeys and Oathkeeper. :) ...Oathkeeper is gonna be tricky. It has that big empty space right in the middle of it, and some how I have to make it strong enough not to bend or break... If only I could synthisize... *dreemy expression passes over face*