Oathkeeper Keychain/the Promise Charm (back)
Oathkeeper Keychain/the Promise Charm (back)
Oathkeeper Keychain/the Promise Charm (back) by blind_stranger


*u see pic right before this one*.........And here is the other side. *smile smile smile*
I would've done them all on one caloge, but the first side didsn't photograph as well so I just put the pic w/ my hand next to the pic of Soa's hand seperately. Besides-- it was getting a little crowded w/ all of them on here... -o_-o
Hope u enjoy it. :)
(my bro currently has it hanging from da ceiling where ppls r 'least likely' to step on it...) XD
More 2 post tomarow---assuming bro-here doesen't string-me-up alongside this keychain..... :B
(he's mad @ me 4 being on the computr all day) :P
Oh yes.. And just so you know, it glows in the dark. 0.0 =D
*to make this, took two large-sized glow-in-the-dark wall-stars, stuck 'em back to back, and used a cheap wood-burner to melt the plastic all around the edges so they'd stay. And then, also, to put the 3-point shape to the corners. And alas, to poke a hole through one of the corners so-as to attach it to the braid... The stars themselves were the normal greenish-white, but used pink, yellow, and blue stained-glass paint to color it, dropping little dark-blue glass beads in it whilst it was wet to make the customary design. Could not find a feather that was both the right shape, and the shade of blue, so used much-diluted acrylic paint to paint one* :-)
...I tried to take pics of it glowing in the dark 4 ya's, but they didn't come out. *pouts* :C
I would've done them all on one caloge, but the first side didsn't photograph as well so I just put the pic w/ my hand next to the pic of Soa's hand seperately. Besides-- it was getting a little crowded w/ all of them on here... -o_-o
Hope u enjoy it. :)
(my bro currently has it hanging from da ceiling where ppls r 'least likely' to step on it...) XD
More 2 post tomarow---assuming bro-here doesen't string-me-up alongside this keychain..... :B
(he's mad @ me 4 being on the computr all day) :P
Oh yes.. And just so you know, it glows in the dark. 0.0 =D
*to make this, took two large-sized glow-in-the-dark wall-stars, stuck 'em back to back, and used a cheap wood-burner to melt the plastic all around the edges so they'd stay. And then, also, to put the 3-point shape to the corners. And alas, to poke a hole through one of the corners so-as to attach it to the braid... The stars themselves were the normal greenish-white, but used pink, yellow, and blue stained-glass paint to color it, dropping little dark-blue glass beads in it whilst it was wet to make the customary design. Could not find a feather that was both the right shape, and the shade of blue, so used much-diluted acrylic paint to paint one* :-)
...I tried to take pics of it glowing in the dark 4 ya's, but they didn't come out. *pouts* :C
General Info
General Info
Category Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series » Keyblades
Date Submitted
Views 3559
Favorites... 7
Vote Score 0
Category Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series » Keyblades
Date Submitted
Views 3559
Favorites... 7
Vote Score 0
Media Unspecified
Time Taken 12h?? ...can't remember at all
Reference old screnepic of BHK fighting Axel
Media Unspecified
Time Taken 12h?? ...can't remember at all
Reference old screnepic of BHK fighting Axel
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mystic_rat_theif on January 7, 2007, 10:35:41 AM

_rdrz12_ on June 28, 2006, 8:26:01 PM
_rdrz12_ on
blind_stranger on November 19, 2005, 2:06:53 AM

Then, since I hadn't found 2 large stars of the right color, I used red, yellow, purple, and blue Gel faberic paint to coat the entire outside of the combined stars. Then, looking back unto the famouse screenshot of BHK fighting Axel, I droped some glass beads into the paint and did a yellow doodle in the middle there. I did the same thing on the other side c'ept it has a different bead-design and a face. ^___~
I couldn't find a feather of the right color either, so I painted that too. I attached it by poking a hole in the end with a needle, threading a small metal ring through it, reinforcing the feather's strength right there with hotglue, and puting it on the same keyring as the star. :-)
As for the braided chain, I had a spool of some weird shiny string stuff just laying around, (that was impossable to use for anything because the knots you tied never stayed and it unravveled easy), so I measured a length, cut about a million pieces, unraveled 'em ALL, braieded it all, bound it with craft wire around a keyring at one end and a huge metal clasp at the other, drilled a hole in the top of the star, put a small metal ring through it, and finally attached it all together with keyrings! (*phew!*Q-_-)
Ok so....umm....yeeaaah. I do practically whatever it takes to get it /right/. 0:-) :D
Don't mind me if I say I think payed off. *grins innocenly* ^__________^
Me'n my mom've been thinking about getting me an Ebay store to sell my art, so I've been trying to figure what all my stuff is worth, annnnnd...... I'd say, (judging by time, effort, and screen-accuracy to the game....nevermind materials) I think this worth at /least/ something around $60. @_@
Oblivion, the crown-jewl of my portfolio, I'd say'd be something around $300. @_@!!!
(I've been looking at other people's cosplay, and while there's some ABSOLUTELY AWESOME stuff out there, I still think mine's the best---at least that I've seen so far. Also, so far, I think I'm the ONLY PERSON ON THE WHOLE BLINK'N INTERNET who actually compares their kh cosplay to actual official-art and screenshots!)
There's a word for that: "Juxtaposition: to place side by side, especially for comparison or contrast." ~_~b
Idream2b on November 18, 2005, 10:59:25 AM
Idream2b on
Tinkybellrox on February 19, 2005, 9:04:14 AM
Tinkybellrox on