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I could sooo kick the Dual-Wielder's butt with all these 2/4

I could sooo kick the Dual-Wielder's butt with all these 2/4

I could sooo kick the Dual-Wielder's butt with all these 2/4 by blind_stranger
I could sooo kick the Dual-Wielder's butt with all these 2/4 by blind_stranger


.....Aaaaand this is the other extent of my KH madness. ^__x

Soon to follow are Oathkeeper and Way To The Dawn!!!

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Category Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series
Date Submitted
Views 2069
Favorites... 4
Vote Score 2
Comments 11
Time Taken years and years
Reference official-arts by Square


Comments (11)

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BadArtist on February 17, 2008, 1:37:18 AM

BadArtist on
BadArtistwow, how much for one? i would so buy the... if they are not super expensive:D

blind_stranger on February 17, 2008, 1:54:49 AM

blind_stranger on
blind_strangerThey're not for sale, I need them for the Comic-Con still. Though, maybe someday, when I finally get tired of them.... Yeah like that'll ever happen!! lol 0;-)

But they would be really expensive anyway, so is just as well. I been researching how Japanese katanas are made lately, and so far these paper keys really DO take much longer. 0_________o

BadArtist on February 27, 2008, 9:22:19 AM

BadArtist on
BadArtistoh well that's too bad. I for one am far to lazy to get the materials... oh if only Alchemy were real....

blind_stranger on February 29, 2008, 8:42:44 PM

blind_stranger on
blind_strangerWell, one scary thing about Alchemy still remains true... These keyblades have cost me [years of] my life. (So when you think about it, no matter how much you pay an artist for their work, the artist ALWAYS gets the shorter end of the deal; I'll quote a movie I saw just the end of once, "The reason Man accumulates so many things in his life is that he hopes just one of them will turn out to be eternal life." Sorry, I don't remember the words he used exactly.)

I was searching for good screenshots for my upcoming greatest-attempt-yet at a Blind Riku cosplay (who will carry a total of SEVEN keyblades! ....somehow ^_x) and came across a page that mentioned somebody donated a really fine looking wooden Ultima Weapon to a charity to auction away on ebay... It fetched over $600!

Mine is certainly different from that one in its own right, particularly coloration and construction method/materials, but I'd like to think that mine might just be as good..........when it's FIIIIINNNNAAALLLLYYYYYYY COMPLETELY finished, that is. x___^

blind_stranger on February 29, 2008, 9:01:06 PM

blind_stranger on
blind_strangerHey wait a second... The gold detail is only on one side of that thing!!! >:0

Marluxia189 on February 16, 2008, 6:33:12 AM

Marluxia189 on
Marluxia189soo...HOW exactly did you "make" those? what did u use?

blind_stranger on February 16, 2008, 8:36:20 AM

blind_stranger on
blind_strangerSoulEater is SOLID papermache; Oblivion is solid papermache atop some internal cardboard structure; Ultima Weapon is craft sheet-foam, hot glue, coat-hanger wire, and many thick layers of acrylic paint; and the one Kingdom Key that's almost finished is papermache-paste (basically a glue/lint mixture) atop some cardboard structure in the handle and teeth, the shaft is traditional papermache atop a wrapping paper tube, with a 10''-long piece of 1''-diameter wooden dowel shoved inside the skinny part of the neck for strength. You can still see what the other Kingdom Key is made of... (same stuff)

I've decided that someday I wanna make a real sword now... Probably wouldn't take nearly as long. ^__x

Choco_Chick_87 on February 2, 2008, 4:59:52 AM

Choco_Chick_87 on
Choco_Chick_87OMG!! That must've taken an incredible amount of work and a lot of time! You are extrememly talented. Keep upp the good work!

penguinmaster on January 29, 2008, 11:06:17 PM

penguinmaster on
penguinmasterwow! very nice! u must be a HUGE KH fan!

blind_stranger on January 31, 2008, 6:33:53 AM

blind_stranger on
blind_strangerPretty much. ^___^

marisa937 on January 23, 2008, 4:38:14 PM

marisa937 on
marisa937whoa that's alota key blade'so.o
grate job makeing them^^