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The Winter Goddess (Check it out!)

The Winter Goddess (Check it out!)

The Winter Goddess (Check it out!) by bluefairy421
The Winter Goddess (Check it out!) by bluefairy421


I hope everyone will at least comment on this one...

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Category Miscellaneous » Characters » Female
Date Submitted
Views 3423
Favorites... 15
Vote Score 0
Comments 43
Media Unspecified
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Comments (43)

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deadmewtwo on May 6, 2006, 2:47:33 AM

deadmewtwo on
deadmewtwoI like her dress

Sakuri on April 19, 2006, 4:53:42 PM

Sakuri on
SakuriAWWW! THATS SOO CUTE! *favs*

jamacainprincess on April 17, 2006, 2:29:58 AM

jamacainprincess on
jamacainprincessits nice! who ever flamed it is a stupid person! >_< +favs

Razor-V6 on April 10, 2006, 6:19:55 PM

Razor-V6 on
Razor-V6Pretty darn great. Thanks for the comment also =]

elementsoftheredwater on March 31, 2006, 5:52:23 AM

elementsoftheredwater on
elementsoftheredwaterI really like this picture, it is one of your bests.

Bisoku on March 28, 2006, 11:57:59 AM

Bisoku on
BisokuYo Love angels. Great work. Was that done in Paint?

Xenomia on March 26, 2006, 4:27:55 AM

Xenomia on
XenomiaAwesome pic!!!!!!!!!!

Issajaysa on March 16, 2006, 4:21:09 AM

Issajaysa on
IssajaysaShe's gorgeous! But her clothes and such are just a little too bright, to me, to be an ice goddess... You know? She seems more to be the End of winter... When the Sun first starts to melt away everything. She even has the expression. That sort of waiting to see what happens next, a change from eternal cold, sort of dreading. She's really pretty.

Es-plodes_On_You on March 14, 2006, 6:02:35 AM

Es-plodes_On_You on
Es-plodes_On_YouThat's priiity. I sux at drawing ppls. You is really good st them. I luff the pretty colors.

ceres51892 on March 11, 2006, 2:33:55 AM

ceres51892 on
ceres51892ooh, nice job.
i love the colors

sweetXcatastrophe on March 7, 2006, 12:30:18 PM

sweetXcatastrophe on
sweetXcatastropheits awesome and very creative... thanks for the comment on pic of the hour! but i have a question. Is that some official thing like artists of the month? if it is how do you know? if it isnt then ummm woops haha

kurai_shisou on March 4, 2006, 2:50:10 PM

kurai_shisou on
kurai_shisouShe looks really beautiful I love the colors.

illusion_heroine on March 3, 2006, 12:51:12 PM

illusion_heroine on
illusion_heroineI love the colours and stuff! She looks really elegant! :D Thanks for the comment by the way! :D :D :D :D!!!

Mandi_Cottontail on March 1, 2006, 6:34:06 AM

Mandi_Cottontail on
Mandi_CottontailThat's pretty. I love the color.

VideogameMaster on February 26, 2006, 10:22:36 AM

VideogameMaster on
VideogameMasterShe looks pretty! 8 D

Tachzaruu on February 23, 2006, 7:05:15 AM

Tachzaruu on
Tachzaruuthis picture rox for the following reasons:

the shading is good, especially on the skirt.

You can draw hands, and on paint! plus they're shaped really well.

her hair is really nice. it doesnt look like just one solid blob which is often hard to achieve

i love her outfit; its simple yet elegant. I want it!!!

my favourite feature of hers is her face, especially her eyes; uv done a great job with the lashes. plus, her concentration is conveyed very srongly.

the only critism i have 4 this pic is that maybe her neck should be just the slightest bit thinner. other than that, its fab and the proportions are quite accurrate. *fav* :D

deathseed101 on February 21, 2006, 8:00:38 AM

deathseed101 on
deathseed101The cloudy misty detail behind this picture is fantasic and babes >< HKJ is yaoi >< Hes...with chris its on another one of my pics, I'm also adding you to my favourite artists ^_^

wyldcherry on February 10, 2006, 3:01:10 PM

wyldcherry on
wyldcherryvery pretty! She looks so peaceful.

sWaLLoW_tHe_KniFe on February 5, 2006, 2:04:43 AM

sWaLLoW_tHe_KniFe on
sWaLLoW_tHe_KniFethats! thats amazing dude!!!! check out my drawings sometime...
I cant believe you did that on paint...thats really really good

lilsoniclover on January 29, 2006, 7:15:22 AM

lilsoniclover on
lilsonicloverOh how pretty!!! Im all about winter,ice,crystals,ect^.^ *favs*

69kitty-chan on January 27, 2006, 5:30:00 AM

69kitty-chan on
69kitty-chanwoooooow! its looks so good! favs!

smilingcheerios on January 22, 2006, 11:33:18 AM

smilingcheerios on
smilingcheeriosvery pretty. ^^

Jarod71 on January 21, 2006, 3:57:36 AM

Jarod71 on
Jarod71so cool!!!!!haha i love your art!

CELICA--ishikawa on January 19, 2006, 4:59:06 PM

CELICA--ishikawa on
CELICA--ishikawaOnce again, YOU DO IT NICE!!!
I love the shade on the background and the goddess' expression...

Shadow_ShamanGirl on January 17, 2006, 4:57:30 AM

Shadow_ShamanGirl on
Shadow_ShamanGirlThat is really good! The colors are bright, cool. You drew that very well. :)

fairylover101 on January 11, 2006, 9:10:20 AM

fairylover101 on
fairylover101I love this!!!! :D

_Sanctuary_ on January 11, 2006, 12:24:00 AM

_Sanctuary_ on
_Sanctuary_sooo pretty!
( )( )

butlerfanatic on December 29, 2005, 9:59:30 AM

butlerfanatic on
butlerfanaticThis is an awesome pic! I love the color of it , and the way she's just, like, floating there. Really great!

Innocent-Angel on December 6, 2005, 3:45:10 AM

Innocent-Angel on
Innocent-AngelWow this is really good! :)

Blue_Bubble on November 21, 2005, 8:29:26 AM

Blue_Bubble on
Blue_BubbleWOW! if you resize it it looks WAY better but its terrific!!! i love how you did this!!!

Xiakeyra on November 12, 2005, 12:47:38 AM

Xiakeyra on
XiakeyraShe is pretty indeed. With Gif Construction Set you could make a wonderful animated gif of her. This godess would be even more awesome if animated.

stippie on November 10, 2005, 9:08:11 PM

stippie on
stippieWOW!!! she is B-E-A-utiful!!!

anime_dragon_tamer on October 17, 2005, 2:40:37 AM

anime_dragon_tamer on
anime_dragon_tamerCute! Just need to work on hands and arms a little though. Other than that I likie!

sasha_tekiyo on October 16, 2005, 10:09:25 AM

sasha_tekiyo on
sasha_tekiyoSasha: ^.^ She's so pritty!...

Fairygurl27 on October 14, 2005, 1:18:17 PM

Fairygurl27 on
Fairygurl27pretty! O.O and cool! i like the hair ^^ and the gown/dress ^-^ nice job!

Mokie_Coat on September 17, 2005, 3:19:07 PM

Mokie_Coat on
Mokie_CoatWow, that's very pretty! And you did it on paint? Wow! I can't draw on paint very well... I can't draw very well at all, actually. xD Anyway, this is lovely! =3 -faves-

silverstream on August 31, 2005, 8:26:26 AM

silverstream on
silverstreamU did this on paint!?! that's awesome!!!!!!!!~-~ wish icould do this god on paint...

archeological-mania on August 27, 2005, 3:22:49 PM

archeological-mania on
archeological-maniawow that is good. i like the way you did the hands and the eyes. (even though they are closed)lol. any ways it is a good pic.

monkey_chunck on June 29, 2005, 3:52:04 AM

monkey_chunck on
monkey_chunckits ok

blackdragon_518 on June 18, 2005, 1:40:59 PM

blackdragon_518 on
blackdragon_518Oooo she looks pretty!

Hunter22 on June 15, 2005, 12:56:58 PM

Hunter22 on
Hunter22definetly a great picture, funny that you can go from horrifying violence to a peaceful goddess lol, either way these are really good pictures.

Pyra_Flare on June 13, 2005, 3:40:21 AM

Pyra_Flare on
Pyra_FlareThat is so cool! Stupid ppl. They didn't comment. Well, I think its great! ^_^ You did a good job on the veil, and I like her skirt and shoes! Good job! I can't color on the computer.

bluefairy421 on June 10, 2005, 2:46:00 PM

bluefairy421 on
bluefairy421If you resize it it looks better.