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"You can't hide it" UxY (For isanolyokoyumi)

"You can't hide it" UxY (For isanolyokoyumi)

"You can't hide it" UxY (For isanolyokoyumi) by clue_black_water
"You can't hide it" UxY (For isanolyokoyumi) by clue_black_water


OMFGOMFGOMFG!!! This is sooooooooo old!! I'm sooo sorry insanolyokoyumi! But, I have a whooole big list of old requests that I'm getting around to. Accept my appology. *bows* Sorry, I messed Ulrich up. But tish cute, right? Hope ja like!

I LIKE comments....good or bad.

General Info

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Category Cartoons » Code Lyoko
Date Submitted
Views 9517
Favorites... 25
Vote Score 1
Comments 26
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (26)

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eelchic on December 25, 2007, 9:59:57 PM

eelchic on
eelchicAW its like admit it you know you love me Ulrich and i love you too,they are so awsome together!!!

kittyevil on April 21, 2006, 7:27:52 AM

kittyevil on
kittyevilWatcha Sayin luv! Ulrich and Yumi BOTH look... dare i say it???... FANTABULOUS!!!!! n.n great job!!! meep.

Dizzy432 on March 31, 2006, 6:12:02 AM

Dizzy432 on
Dizzy432WOW this is really good. You have great art work. Draw odd in anime style he'd look really cool.

codelyoko764333 on March 25, 2006, 12:12:45 AM

codelyoko764333 on

dont_ever_quote_Mark_Twain on February 18, 2006, 12:44:41 PM

dont_ever_quote_Mark_Twain on
dont_ever_quote_Mark_TwainCoolioso!! I LOVE! *favs*

cutiealue13 on February 17, 2006, 2:21:10 PM

cutiealue13 on
cutiealue13cute n kool!!!! *faves*

ulrichfan31993 on February 5, 2006, 2:57:50 AM

ulrichfan31993 on
ulrichfan31993that pic is soo cute and funny

KionaKina on February 1, 2006, 9:00:33 AM

KionaKina on
KionaKinaThis pic ROX! Tell me if oyu draw a sequel, kk? I need to put up some code Lyoko pics

tvlover on January 7, 2006, 5:08:07 AM

tvlover on
tvlovertottly coolies ^0^

XANALYOKO on January 1, 2006, 9:45:32 PM

XANALYOKOi think somebody is a real real real mega code lyoko fan if they can draw like this teach me how ^_^

AleinAnnoyedGirl on December 24, 2005, 3:44:23 AM

AleinAnnoyedGirl on
AleinAnnoyedGirlMya! Kawaii! I'm a HUGE fan of Yumi and Ulrich! I can die happy now!

JayTheCritic on November 30, 2005, 10:54:15 AM

JayTheCritic on
JayTheCriticVery very cute! Your depiction of Yumi almost reminds me of Trinity from the Matrix for some reason, but no matter. Good drawing, very original. Nice work!

willo on November 19, 2005, 3:43:50 PM

willo on
willothis is a good pic y does'nt the proper show have these pictures like this

Dragon-Chan on November 18, 2005, 7:50:34 AM

Dragon-Chan on
Dragon-ChanAwww!!! ^-^ UxYness!!!!!

Ophelia on November 15, 2005, 1:28:12 AM

Ophelia on

Brilliant_idiot on October 24, 2005, 11:05:59 AM

Brilliant_idiot on
Brilliant_idiotAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh their sooooo cute

samyphanyom on October 10, 2005, 9:03:23 AM

samyphanyom on
samyphanyomha i sooos agreessaaa!!! the y luuuuuuvvvv each others bodies!!!!!

Broken_Wings_and_Black_Roses on October 8, 2005, 12:08:35 PM

Broken_Wings_and_Black_Roses on
Broken_Wings_and_Black_Rosesi luv yumi and olrich but i really wish they would just tell each other how they feel and that would be it. but then... i guess... there would be no show! OMG NO! IT CAN'T BE OVER YET! NO! NO! NOOOOOO! *screams*
(sister, Mianna, jumps off her chair)
M: WTF! What's wrong!
Me: They can't cancel code lyoko! they can't!
M: Oh... i hate code lyoko.
Me: *growls* HOW DARE YOU! *leaps like ninja and karate chops her upside the head* DON"T INSULT MY SHOWS!
Me: that's more like it.
M: or did i? *shifty eyes*
Me: *more shifty eyes*
Both: HAYAAAA! *both karate chop each other to death*

um... anyway great pic!

~"nice work...bone daddy"~

insanolyokoyumi on October 6, 2005, 10:53:19 AM

insanolyokoyumi on
insanolyokoyumiTHANK YOU SO MUCH MATE! ^^ I love it so much! ^^ *huggles!* THank you sooooo much!! im not mad that it took awhile i undastand mate ^^ GJ! i LOVE it! 8huggles again*

G-Force4 on September 29, 2005, 4:23:29 PM

G-Force4 on
G-Force4Hiya, I'm collecting fanart for my sight which serves as a headquarters for my fanfic Code Lyoko: A Retelling. I was wondering if I could put your picture in my fanart gallery as it's really good!

TerraShallDie on September 24, 2005, 10:52:48 PM

TerraShallDie on
TerraShallDieThat is funny!
Lyoko creators suck..hehehe...

tk_the_gothic_graffitti_artist on September 24, 2005, 7:44:06 AM

tk_the_gothic_graffitti_artist on
tk_the_gothic_graffitti_artistive noticed something..... most of the ppl on this site can draw better then the code lyoko creators its so funny oh yesh nice piccie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hieis_lover_and_obsessor on September 13, 2005, 1:42:12 AM

Hieis_lover_and_obsessor on
Hieis_lover_and_obsessorThey always deny it! ^-^ *favs*

ChopperGlompage on September 4, 2005, 10:54:28 AM

ChopperGlompage on
ChopperGlompageky-ute! *faves several times* i love this pairing, I like AelitaJeremie to I just dunt like wat's her name, Odd's girl...

Freckled_Pancakes on September 1, 2005, 3:51:11 AM

Freckled_Pancakes on
Freckled_Pancakesnyawwwwwwwww!!!! tis cute! *huggles* ^________________^ *favs*

emo_jo on August 29, 2005, 7:10:36 AM

emo_jo on
emo_jothat is such a cool pic. u deserve more comments