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Newest plan by doorknob
Newest plan by doorknob


Hate the title
anyway this sounded like a good idea in the beginning but i dont think it was that good of an idea now XD

anyway on one slot i messed Zims shirt up so it looks weird( lost my whiteout) and then on some parts their sizes r off
and i shouldn't of used colored pencils, oh well :)
so lets just pretend it came out

P.s Dibs skin is white i know, cus well i drew it anyway i just didn't color his skin cus i dont have a skin colored pencil and i didn't want him 2 have orange skin

General Info

General Info

Category Cartoons » Invader Zim
Date Submitted
Views 1350
Favorites... 1
Vote Score 0
Comments 9
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken


Comments (9)

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SomekindofFreak on January 17, 2007, 6:08:46 AM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakLOL! I LOVE IT! haha! Zim IS GENIOUS! XDDD and so are you! YOU BRILLIANT GIRL YOU! XDDD they both look so cute X3 and that bush that Dib jumps out of...its cool XD awesome job! CAN I DRAW A PIC OF THEM PLAYING TWISTER?! X'D

doorknob on January 24, 2007, 11:55:03 AM

doorknob on
doorknobok i didnt see my response, well it was a YES
If you do please post cus i want to see it as usual :P

doorknob on January 16, 2007, 12:03:06 PM

doorknob on
doorknobOh! thank you for the tip, I'll keep that in Mind <3

SkyGirl on January 16, 2007, 8:17:19 AM

SkyGirl on
SkyGirlthat's funny i don't see the messed up shirt though
oh and the evil twister of doom
btw dibs skin looks good white
 i always mess up with skin colors and touch them up on ms paint
that's one of my secrets so you can use that.
all you do is suck the color and use the paint brush but only 2 touch it up
be careful with that or people will notice

AlyssaC on January 16, 2007, 3:56:58 AM

AlyssaC on
AlyssaCAwsome Job! Hey, did zim make that twister game or did he buy it at the store? You're good at drawing are you gonna make chapter 2?

doorknob on January 16, 2007, 3:58:51 AM

doorknob on
doorknobi wasn't thinking about making a chap. 2 but if you guys want one i can
just have to think of what it would be about besides them "playing" it

doorknob on January 16, 2007, 3:58:02 AM

doorknob on
doorknobhe bought it XD

LadyUnderwood on January 16, 2007, 3:42:45 AM

LadyUnderwood on
LadyUnderwoodI love Zim's innocent expression in the "Oh, what the heck..." panel. ^^

TallestPurple on January 15, 2007, 9:49:07 PM

TallestPurple on
TallestPurpleNice job, I love how you drew Both Dib and Zim in the seconf panel ^^