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The Last Herald Mage

The Last Herald Mage

The Last Herald Mage by fablespinner
The Last Herald Mage by fablespinner


Can we take a wild stab in the dark what books I just finished reading for Oh the 4th or 5th time over the past 10 years or so?

Hmmm Gee? Perhaps Mercedes Lackey's "The Last Herald Mage" Series?

Left to Right: Tylendel, Vanyel, Stefen
(Just in case you haven't read the books. But in a Yaoi fandom? It's almost a Bible for Slash Fans.)

Characters (c) Ms. Lackey
Artwork (c) fablespinner


No "Valdemar" or Mercedes Lackey Category?

I added one... I'll edit the category on this later when it's added/approved.

General Info

General Info

Category Books
Date Submitted
Views 2548
Favorites... 7
Vote Score 2
Comments 9
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (9)

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Lyoness on February 18, 2009, 2:13:39 PM

Lyoness on
LyonessEpic Picture to go with a truelly Epic series. Love it. Props

hocoboi05 on October 7, 2008, 7:12:52 PM

hocoboi05 on
hocoboi05An absolutely gorgeous pic of the three of them. The Last Herald Mage was why i fell in love with Mercedes Lackey. beautifully done!!!! I love the fact that u rendered all three of them with the specific characteristics that they have even Van's silver streaks. Amazing! Please e mail me and let me know when youve done more!!!

White_Phoenix on August 29, 2005, 1:38:30 PM

White_Phoenix on
White_Phoenix*Totally freaks out* YES!! I'm so glad someone out there besides me LOVES that series! I LOVE your art! It's totally a bummer that they don't have a section devoted to the Heralds, much less the Herald-Mages. I Seriously hope you do more, as I'm trying to do some as well. I especially love the intricacy of Van's Whites. Awsome job, keep it up! (And 'Lendel and Stefen look cute too!)

Jarath69 on August 19, 2005, 10:50:45 AM

Jarath69 on
Jarath69I love it and do you know you are the first person to put a pic up that ive seen and Ive been looking for days but I love it van is so cute ^.^

Akari on July 21, 2005, 11:58:16 PM

Akari on
AkariThis is so wonderful *amazed* How you did this?!
Anyway, I loved the Whites! So pretty *0* And the silver hair! And Stef is so damn sexy for his own good >_

Sanchara on June 7, 2005, 4:53:55 AM

Sanchara on
Sancharathis is so awsome,
I'm glad theres some one out there who agrees with me about those books, damn I need to find my self a coppy of them

Kaze on May 26, 2005, 8:40:05 AM

Kaze on
Kazei saw this piccy the first day you put it up. i read your rating of the series, so i got the 'Last Herald trilogy. I just CANNOT thank you enough for intrudcing me to the best books evur, i finished the series in less than a week ^-^.

Do you know about anymore yaoi novels? if you do, can leave a list of them in my section comment thingymajiger, if you can, i shall remain your minion forever

* Bows down and praises fablespinner *

... I want your talent...

Sin_san on May 15, 2005, 4:44:14 PM

Sin_san on
Sin_sanAre the books really that popular? I felt like the only one to ever read the series for a while n.n; but about your picture, of course. It's beautiful! Beyond words! =3 may all three of them be together, wherever they are >>; that series was so very sad. But you portrayed them all very nicely. I especially like Vanyel =x he was a darling. But he's also the most lovely in your picture n.n good job! It would be quite nice if you did more fanart for this series =D

TheArchitect on May 15, 2005, 2:43:53 AM

TheArchitect on
TheArchitectWow, this it fantastic! Can I just ask, what program did you use for this? Especially the hair, I really want to be able to do hair like that. Could you leave the answer in my profile? I would be very grateful, thanks :) Also, I think all of your other artwork is amazing too! :)