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Sleeping Dragon

Sleeping Dragon

Sleeping Dragon by falkonns_flight
Sleeping Dragon by falkonns_flight


Well, sorta finished. Still havent figured out how I want to work the cave in the backround. It's also cut off, the original was too big to fit on the scanner. Once again with the scanner eating the pic-- its all grainy!! I guess cause it's so large. Please comment!! :D
:Prismacolor Pencils, Watercolor, Ink:

General Info

General Info

Category Fantasy » Dragons » Elemental Dragons » Fire Dragons
Date Submitted
Views 1602
Favorites... 9
Vote Score 0
Comments 10
Media Other drawing
Time Taken 4 Hours +


Comments (10)

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Midniterocks on September 3, 2006, 12:53:44 AM

Midniterocks on
MidniterocksO.O wowsas!

carmelita on November 22, 2005, 5:51:42 AM

carmelita on
carmelitaBeautiful!Simply beutiful!

sorakairi on September 15, 2005, 12:51:24 PM

sorakairi on
sorakairiWHOA!! O.O nice..... O____o

Astronamymage on September 15, 2005, 12:32:34 PM

Astronamymage on
AstronamymageI love what the grainy effect. You think the scanner ate it, ut I think it adds to the picture.
You did a great job on the dragon! The sword is pretty awesome as well. That ia a great red. The ridges under the tail look great. The horns and the facial scales are magestic. I like the way you blended the colors on the horns and the way you drew the dragon's scales.
If I was grading this, I would give it an A+ :)
Congrats on pic of the hour!

Redstarsage on September 15, 2005, 12:02:29 PM

Redstarsage on
Redstarsagenice wanna see a european drag. just check my name and ull find themm this is an awesome pick though

NEVERBENORMAL on August 27, 2005, 9:46:34 AM

NEVERBENORMALthats neat ^_^ i like dragons *faves*

BlackRose_Archer on August 1, 2005, 1:27:31 AM

BlackRose_Archer on
BlackRose_ArcherOnce again great art! I love the way it's curled around just a little bit. The head is nice too. And your not alone in the world of people with crappy scanners. Mine is possesed, evil, demonic and mean. I plan to kill it, once I get around the fact that my Dad would kill me for killing it...don't mind my strange little mind...

orangegirl on July 11, 2005, 10:11:02 AM

orangegirl on
orangegirlwow! that is awesome! i love dragons! *favs* excellent job!

MINA-CHAN on July 7, 2005, 7:32:28 PM

MINA-CHANdragons rock

ilovebalmung on July 1, 2005, 12:54:12 AM

ilovebalmung on
ilovebalmungAwwwww, i love it!! It reminds me of Smog in the book the Hobbit (I hate that book, way too boring) when he's guarding all the treasure and whatnot. I love the grainy effect too, it works. Great pic!