Chichi And Bobo (lol more couples XD)
Chichi And Bobo (lol more couples XD)
Chichi And Bobo (lol more couples XD) by fanart-freak


It all happened in an im covertion with PikaWho X3
Bobo:Maggie, vous êtes stupide ! Très stupide vous êtes !
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Thank you! ^^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: Bobo! >: O says:
neko: *head explodes*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
i feel like rping ]:
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
same here! ^^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Je ferais vous tout....not Maggie, mais chacun autrement
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: O_o
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Cessez d'éclater des personnes ! RESTEZ VIVANT ! says:
neko: *bored*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Hey Bella, should we continue that RP from yesterday? O_o says:
sure.....but what about fanart-freak?
Fanart-Freak says:
lets make HTF music videos!
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
O_o says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
We could add her and her OCs to it!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Sure why not ^^ says:
i dunno how to make a music video
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Fanart-Freak says:
ya need this first
Fanart-Freak says:
download it
Fanart-Freak says:
and windows movie make v2.0 says:
im not allowed to download without my dads persisson >.<
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Demanding! >.<
Fanart-Freak says:
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Bobos a weirdo lol 8D says:
magic: x)
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Spawnful: >: D
Fanart-Freak says:
im off to make my HTF music video 8D
Fanart-Freak says:
*walks off* says:
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *bites her leg* says:
dontcha wanna stay tho?
Fanart-Freak says:
ya says:
ok =3
Fanart-Freak says:
im mulititasking says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Im bored!! Entertain meh! D=<
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: *Dances*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
So, we ARE gonna continue yesterday RP? says:
where were we?
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *throws tomatos at Bobo* Booooooooooooooo!D=<
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: *Slips on it* *Falls on random pieces of glass* AHHHH!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Walking out of teh hospitle
Fanart-Freak says:
*begins getting video footage* says:
neko: Bound at every limb by my shackles of fear
Sealed with lies through so many tears
Lost from within, pursuing the end
I fight for the chance to be lied to again
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
OMG Thats beautiful
Fanart-Freak says:
Handy got pwned in "Don't Yank My Chain" says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
xD says:
the lies this song
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Im listening to that song right now O_O says:
so am i!!
Fanart-Freak says:
im listening to Nickelback - This is how You Remind Me says:
neko: You will never be strong enough
You will never be good enough
You were never conceived in love
You will not rise above
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
I was just listening to "Right where you want me" XD
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Weird song O_o says:
i know
Fanart-Freak says:
now im listening to "Wind" (the japanese ending song for Naruto) says:
Fanart-Freak says:
it beautiful <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Fanart-Freak says:
better that the american ending song XD says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
I luff Japanease <3 says:
so do i xD
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
i speak it!....kinda
Fanart-Freak says:
thats the one im listening to <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
OH, whats this?*Clicks link*
Fanart-Freak says:
But the full version says:
neko: Rest in me and I'll comfort you
I have lived and I died for you
Abide in me and I vow to you
I will never forsake you
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Sparkles: Awwww Beautiful! ^^ says:
neko: ^_^
Fanart-Freak says:
Which one O_o both?
Fanart-Freak says:
im conffuzled
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Yep! ^^ I uff naruto O_.
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: I wounder how Curly ish doing says:
me: hopefully good....
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Bobo ur an idiot... But! a good idiot <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Why thank you!....i think. O-o *Eats some grapes*
Me: Im SURE Cury is okay ^^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
*Curly says:
magic: maybe we should visit her?....
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Or maybe we should go look for TT, Hmm? Havent seen him since yesterday (IGNORE ANYTHING THATS I ALREADY HAD TT in TODAY )
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: ...... says:
me: and maybe neko(ignore anything thats i already had neko hre xD )
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: YEAH! Right now! ^^
Bobo: Er, Chichi doesn't know whats happening O_o Or what happened *Eats some chicken*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
SPIN! ^^ says:
whats wrong o.o?
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *pokes Bobo* heh heh
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Hmm? O_o Wat are you doing?
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *poke* bored
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ^^ Keep on poken then
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *poke poke poke poke poke pokes Bobo's eye* Oh snapz! mah bad D:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: *Twitchs* >_o
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *poke*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
bobo: *Pokes back * >_O
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: I Chichiana Chihuahua shall Win at this poke contest >=D
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Oh noes! *Pokes harder*
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *mega poke XD*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: *Ultra Poke* >=D
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *jab in the super mega ultra poke* >=D
Fanart-Freak says:
jab in the ey >_<
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Mua ha ha!!! >=D
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: *Bows down to Chichi* You are teh poken master! (XD Sounds like pokemon master xD)
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: =D
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: I envy you so!
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Hugs! *hugs Bobo*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: o////o What the?!
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Wha!? ya never had a hug b4 O_o
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Not, completely
Me: What! I've hug you many times! >=O
bobo: Yeah, but they sucked! ^^ THIS ish a hug
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: ^^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: >=l
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: =O
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: Thats anof hugging for now! ^^ *Takes away Bobo*
Bobo: But, I want teh hug
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Oh noes! Don't take him away D:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Yeah Pikki, thats not very niiiiiiiiiice ^^ No Chicken for YOU! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *hugs* Hee hee ur fluffy <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: o///o Thanks! ^^ *Sticks tung out at meh* ha ha! ^^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: O_o
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: U a nice kitty <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: What! No he isnt! hes mean! >=O
Bobo: Pfffff, ur teh mean kitty Pikki ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Bob not mean D: Bobo nice <3
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bob: Hi Bobo! ^^
Bobo: Oh, hi Bob O_o
Me: Bob! Ur here! Tell Chichi Bobo Is mean! NOW!
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Pikki evil cat D8
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bob: Maggie, Bobo isn't mean. O_o I think someone is just jelly over whats happening here! *Pinchs meh cheak*
Me: What?!? >=O Never!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Oh yeah, done with teh piccy yet? ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
well it keeps on comming out wrong d=<
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bob: Maggie, Bobo isn't mean. O_o I think someone is just jelly over whats happening here! *Pinchs meh cheak*
Me: What?!? >=O Never!
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Seee! Bobo nice <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: No he isnt! And i am NOT jelly over him >=O
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bob: Im a Angle Pikki, i know ALL ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: U evil kitty D=<
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: Ack! No im not! >.<
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Si si! u r!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Chichi has a point! ^^ (By the way, what is Chichi?)
Fanart-Freak says:
(chichi is a chihuahua with white fur with a green tank top [the ones that sho ur belly botton] and a short green skirt she was green at the tip of her ears and tail )
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: See! Im smart dog
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: O___O I can't believe this is happening to me >.<
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *throws tomato at Pikki* u sux D:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Ha ha! ^^
Bob: Now thats not nice! *Hands me cloth* ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: she being evil kitty!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bob: O_o
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: >3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: *Gives Chichi ebil look* Hmmm....
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Bring it on!!!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
bobo: Yay! Cat fight! ^^
Me: O__O Wha-what? I dont want to fight! O_O
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Im chihuahua!! D=< has left the conversation.
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: O----o Im scared ._.
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Then stop being mean to Bobo! *hugs bobo*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: o////o, er, yeah! Stop being mean! ^^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: How am i being mean?!? >=O
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *cough* bobo isn't nice *cough* thats what u said!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: Thats because he IS mean. Too me at least
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: O___o Suuuuuuuuuuure
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: See u mean to Bobo! *hugs Bobo again*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: o/////o
Me: >=O Grrrrrr! >.< Thats it! im going home, and locking YOU out of the house Bobo! Come on Bob!
Bob: But -er, fine! *Summons cloud to ride on*
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: =(
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: You can come to my house Bobo =)
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: O///o er, ok! (Thinking: ^////^)
Me: ...come on Bob! *Rides away on teh fluffy cloud*
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Hope u like mexican foods <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: I luff my Mexican food! *winks* ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: <3
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Come along then!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Okay the! ^^ *Goes along with Chichi*
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Welcome to my house <3
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: U like?
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Its, smell, so GOOD! O_O
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *calls her mom* ¡Mamá! ¡Im en casa!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: O_o Cool! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Now to get some of that chicken >=D
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: and tacos <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: YAY! ^^ I luff tacos! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *gives him a plate of tacos* Dig in 8D
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: *Eats tacos* These are even better then Maggies! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: ^^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Yum! ^^ *Some gets on his chin xD*
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Awww <3 u like the tacos <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: A heh, its not just the tacos i like ^^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Ello? O_o
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: *Looks in to Chichis eyes* ^^ So, you gonna show me around the house? ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Mot much to see X3
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: just a normal house
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Bedrooms, kitchen, living room, that stuff =p
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Oh! Can i see ur bedroom? I luff bedrooms! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Sure =D why were u looking at me like that? *blush*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Oh, no reason ^^ (Thinking: Because ur eyes are so nice )
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: hmmm.... im on to you XD [thinking] he's a nice guy i dunno why pikki thought he was mean [/thinking]
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: xD Ok then, of to teh room! ^^ (back at meh house - Me: Bob, why must bad things happen to me? Arn't you sapose to be MY Angle? Bob: AND bobos, now eat up, befor it gets cold! ^^ Me: Stupid Bobo... )
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *opens door* This is my room <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Oh, so very nice! ^^ Much more colorful then my room! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Really =O
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Yep! ^^ O_O Ur bed looks so comfy! ^^ *Jumps on bed* Lucky you!
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: u can have the bed! I'll sleep on the floor with mah sleeping page <3
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: What? No no no! IM teh guest!
Fanart-Freak says:
HTF music video 5% done....
Fanart-Freak says:
chichi: And the guest gets the bed <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: But it doesn't seem right! All i really ask for is marsh mellows! Besides, im very use to sleeping in a Sleeping bag! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: NO! NO! NO! u get the bed! plz! I'll feel guilty if ya don't =(
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: I WOULD ask if we could share teh bed together, but that sound perverted o////o
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Too perverted for me!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
(ew XD)
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Plz take the bed
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: I would like i'll dishonoring our ways
Fanart-Freak says:
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Fine ^^ But you'll regret it in the morning when ur back hurts! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Tis not a problama <3
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Now get some rest!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Okay! Okay! ^^ Er, i dont have anything to change in to o,o
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *hands Bobo guest pjs* we always have pj for guest <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: *Takes them* They have bunnys on them ._. But okay! ^^ Er, can i get changed. Alone? o////o ( XD)
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Sure!! *leaves the room*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: *Half way changed* Well, she seems nice!^^ And cute too! ^^ *Gets completely changed* Okay! Im done! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
(i spot romance =O ) Chichi: Aww! U look cute in bunny pjs XD
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: I've been told that xD ( Me too! I am so jelly xD)
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *yawns* nighty night Bobo! *Gets in her sleeping bag*
Fanart-Freak says:
20 second of the HTF music video done =O
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Fanart-Freak says:
i'll put the preview up soon <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: *Hops in bed* Good night, and sweet dreams! ^^ (At meh house: Me: *Gets in bed* Crap! Bobo has meh plushie! >.<)
Fanart-Freak says:
(get Pikki to come over here to get it XD [to spice things up 8D] )
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
( Ohhhh, good idea)
Me: I NEED my plushie! >.< I'll just have to go get it *Somehow knows where Chichi house is* *Knocks on door* Everyone must be asleep >.<
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi's Mama: Hola?
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: Oh O_O Um, Ello, would Chichi be here? may i please come and see her? ^^
(Back in Chichis room) Bobo: So, im nice right?
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi Mama: Sure u can babie. She is upstairs
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Yes u r <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Hmmm, Maggie alwasy says i have a bad additude AND and bad face! >.< Im not i?
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: Why thank you! ^^ *Walks in* Smells nice ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: NO! You look...cute <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: o////o Thank you! Er, you too! I REALLY like ur eyes! ^^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: So, her room is where?
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi Mama: Upstairs dear. *points*
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: aww! people luve my emerald eyes <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: Thanks you! ^^ *Walks up stair's* Hmmm...left or right? O_o
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Yeah, but i like then the most ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi's Mama: Down the hallway! =O
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Aww <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
me: Oh! Sorry! ^^;
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: But yours eyes arn't the best part of you ^///^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Really now? ^///^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: Theres like, 5 doors O_o *Looks in first one* Thats....some sort of soap closet O_o *Looks in second one* Nope, not this one...
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
bobo: Yep...i would have to say the best part about you....
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi's Mama: ALL the way sweetie!
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Yes?... ^////^ what is it?
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: *Looks in third last one* WOAH! That room smells O_o
*Checks second last one* O_o Wash room >.<
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: The best part about you ^////^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Awww! So sweet of u to say that! *hugs*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: No prob! ^^ Um, can i do something? o///o
Me: Last door, this HAS to be it
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: ^/////^ ya!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Well. i just wanna...o////o
Me: okay..this is teh door! *Opens door to find bobo KISSING CHICHI?!?! WTF! O_O* OH. Dear God. O,O *Heart rips in half* WHAT THE HELL!?!?!
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: ^///////^ so this is what Bunndles was talking about <3 she is right its sweet <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: ^////^ *Notices me* O____O Pi-Pikki?!?
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: .......
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: O_O I...just wanted my plushie. But apperenly i got more then thaT o_o
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
(xD This is rich)
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Im am sorry senorita (which means ms. or Miss)
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: No, IM sorry. kicing you out of the house! *Takes Plushie named Fred* Good bye!
Bobo: O_O
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
( I luff my plushie! *Pets plushie*
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: =(
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Im am soooo sorry Bobo...
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: i didn't want u to be kicked out here house =(
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: No...its okay. ^^ I kinda saw that comin! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi:I can see if my mama will let u stay <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Um...Okay ^^ Sorry for this tho >.<
Fanart-Freak says:
(after awhile she gets approval)
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: You can stay!! =D
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Yay! ^^ Wait, where am i gonna sleep? O_O
Fanart-Freak says:
HTF video preview:¤t=htf.flv
Fanart-Freak says:
We have a bunk bed in the other room <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Oh, okay! ^^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Thanks so much! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
(should i continue the htf video?)
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Yep! For sure! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Fanart-Freak says:
wheeeeee! new couple 8D
There u have it 8D
Bobo:Maggie, vous êtes stupide ! Très stupide vous êtes !
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Thank you! ^^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: Bobo! >: O says:
neko: *head explodes*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
i feel like rping ]:
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
same here! ^^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Je ferais vous tout....not Maggie, mais chacun autrement
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: O_o
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Cessez d'éclater des personnes ! RESTEZ VIVANT ! says:
neko: *bored*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Hey Bella, should we continue that RP from yesterday? O_o says:
sure.....but what about fanart-freak?
Fanart-Freak says:
lets make HTF music videos!
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
O_o says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
We could add her and her OCs to it!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Sure why not ^^ says:
i dunno how to make a music video
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Fanart-Freak says:
ya need this first
Fanart-Freak says:
download it
Fanart-Freak says:
and windows movie make v2.0 says:
im not allowed to download without my dads persisson >.<
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Demanding! >.<
Fanart-Freak says:
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Bobos a weirdo lol 8D says:
magic: x)
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Spawnful: >: D
Fanart-Freak says:
im off to make my HTF music video 8D
Fanart-Freak says:
*walks off* says:
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *bites her leg* says:
dontcha wanna stay tho?
Fanart-Freak says:
ya says:
ok =3
Fanart-Freak says:
im mulititasking says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Im bored!! Entertain meh! D=<
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: *Dances*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
So, we ARE gonna continue yesterday RP? says:
where were we?
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *throws tomatos at Bobo* Booooooooooooooo!D=<
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: *Slips on it* *Falls on random pieces of glass* AHHHH!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Walking out of teh hospitle
Fanart-Freak says:
*begins getting video footage* says:
neko: Bound at every limb by my shackles of fear
Sealed with lies through so many tears
Lost from within, pursuing the end
I fight for the chance to be lied to again
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
OMG Thats beautiful
Fanart-Freak says:
Handy got pwned in "Don't Yank My Chain" says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
xD says:
the lies this song
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Im listening to that song right now O_O says:
so am i!!
Fanart-Freak says:
im listening to Nickelback - This is how You Remind Me says:
neko: You will never be strong enough
You will never be good enough
You were never conceived in love
You will not rise above
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
I was just listening to "Right where you want me" XD
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Weird song O_o says:
i know
Fanart-Freak says:
now im listening to "Wind" (the japanese ending song for Naruto) says:
Fanart-Freak says:
it beautiful <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Fanart-Freak says:
better that the american ending song XD says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
I luff Japanease <3 says:
so do i xD
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
i speak it!....kinda
Fanart-Freak says:
thats the one im listening to <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
OH, whats this?*Clicks link*
Fanart-Freak says:
But the full version says:
neko: Rest in me and I'll comfort you
I have lived and I died for you
Abide in me and I vow to you
I will never forsake you
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Sparkles: Awwww Beautiful! ^^ says:
neko: ^_^
Fanart-Freak says:
Which one O_o both?
Fanart-Freak says:
im conffuzled
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Yep! ^^ I uff naruto O_.
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: I wounder how Curly ish doing says:
me: hopefully good....
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Bobo ur an idiot... But! a good idiot <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Why thank you!....i think. O-o *Eats some grapes*
Me: Im SURE Cury is okay ^^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
*Curly says:
magic: maybe we should visit her?....
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Or maybe we should go look for TT, Hmm? Havent seen him since yesterday (IGNORE ANYTHING THATS I ALREADY HAD TT in TODAY )
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: ...... says:
me: and maybe neko(ignore anything thats i already had neko hre xD )
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: YEAH! Right now! ^^
Bobo: Er, Chichi doesn't know whats happening O_o Or what happened *Eats some chicken*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
SPIN! ^^ says:
whats wrong o.o?
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *pokes Bobo* heh heh
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Hmm? O_o Wat are you doing?
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *poke* bored
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ^^ Keep on poken then
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *poke poke poke poke poke pokes Bobo's eye* Oh snapz! mah bad D:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: *Twitchs* >_o
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *poke*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
bobo: *Pokes back * >_O
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: I Chichiana Chihuahua shall Win at this poke contest >=D
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Oh noes! *Pokes harder*
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *mega poke XD*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: *Ultra Poke* >=D
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *jab in the super mega ultra poke* >=D
Fanart-Freak says:
jab in the ey >_<
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Mua ha ha!!! >=D
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: *Bows down to Chichi* You are teh poken master! (XD Sounds like pokemon master xD)
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: =D
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: I envy you so!
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Hugs! *hugs Bobo*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: o////o What the?!
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Wha!? ya never had a hug b4 O_o
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Not, completely
Me: What! I've hug you many times! >=O
bobo: Yeah, but they sucked! ^^ THIS ish a hug
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: ^^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: >=l
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: =O
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: Thats anof hugging for now! ^^ *Takes away Bobo*
Bobo: But, I want teh hug
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Oh noes! Don't take him away D:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Yeah Pikki, thats not very niiiiiiiiiice ^^ No Chicken for YOU! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *hugs* Hee hee ur fluffy <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: o///o Thanks! ^^ *Sticks tung out at meh* ha ha! ^^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: O_o
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: U a nice kitty <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: What! No he isnt! hes mean! >=O
Bobo: Pfffff, ur teh mean kitty Pikki ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Bob not mean D: Bobo nice <3
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bob: Hi Bobo! ^^
Bobo: Oh, hi Bob O_o
Me: Bob! Ur here! Tell Chichi Bobo Is mean! NOW!
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Pikki evil cat D8
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bob: Maggie, Bobo isn't mean. O_o I think someone is just jelly over whats happening here! *Pinchs meh cheak*
Me: What?!? >=O Never!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Oh yeah, done with teh piccy yet? ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
well it keeps on comming out wrong d=<
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bob: Maggie, Bobo isn't mean. O_o I think someone is just jelly over whats happening here! *Pinchs meh cheak*
Me: What?!? >=O Never!
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Seee! Bobo nice <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: No he isnt! And i am NOT jelly over him >=O
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bob: Im a Angle Pikki, i know ALL ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: U evil kitty D=<
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: Ack! No im not! >.<
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Si si! u r!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Chichi has a point! ^^ (By the way, what is Chichi?)
Fanart-Freak says:
(chichi is a chihuahua with white fur with a green tank top [the ones that sho ur belly botton] and a short green skirt she was green at the tip of her ears and tail )
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: See! Im smart dog
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: O___O I can't believe this is happening to me >.<
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *throws tomato at Pikki* u sux D:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Ha ha! ^^
Bob: Now thats not nice! *Hands me cloth* ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: she being evil kitty!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bob: O_o
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: >3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: *Gives Chichi ebil look* Hmmm....
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Bring it on!!!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
bobo: Yay! Cat fight! ^^
Me: O__O Wha-what? I dont want to fight! O_O
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Im chihuahua!! D=< has left the conversation.
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: O----o Im scared ._.
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Then stop being mean to Bobo! *hugs bobo*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: o////o, er, yeah! Stop being mean! ^^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: How am i being mean?!? >=O
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *cough* bobo isn't nice *cough* thats what u said!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: Thats because he IS mean. Too me at least
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: O___o Suuuuuuuuuuure
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: See u mean to Bobo! *hugs Bobo again*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: o/////o
Me: >=O Grrrrrr! >.< Thats it! im going home, and locking YOU out of the house Bobo! Come on Bob!
Bob: But -er, fine! *Summons cloud to ride on*
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: =(
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: You can come to my house Bobo =)
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: O///o er, ok! (Thinking: ^////^)
Me: ...come on Bob! *Rides away on teh fluffy cloud*
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Hope u like mexican foods <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: I luff my Mexican food! *winks* ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: <3
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Come along then!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Okay the! ^^ *Goes along with Chichi*
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Welcome to my house <3
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: U like?
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Its, smell, so GOOD! O_O
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *calls her mom* ¡Mamá! ¡Im en casa!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: O_o Cool! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Now to get some of that chicken >=D
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: and tacos <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: YAY! ^^ I luff tacos! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *gives him a plate of tacos* Dig in 8D
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: *Eats tacos* These are even better then Maggies! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: ^^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Yum! ^^ *Some gets on his chin xD*
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Awww <3 u like the tacos <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: A heh, its not just the tacos i like ^^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Ello? O_o
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: *Looks in to Chichis eyes* ^^ So, you gonna show me around the house? ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Mot much to see X3
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: just a normal house
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Bedrooms, kitchen, living room, that stuff =p
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Oh! Can i see ur bedroom? I luff bedrooms! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Sure =D why were u looking at me like that? *blush*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Oh, no reason ^^ (Thinking: Because ur eyes are so nice )
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: hmmm.... im on to you XD [thinking] he's a nice guy i dunno why pikki thought he was mean [/thinking]
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: xD Ok then, of to teh room! ^^ (back at meh house - Me: Bob, why must bad things happen to me? Arn't you sapose to be MY Angle? Bob: AND bobos, now eat up, befor it gets cold! ^^ Me: Stupid Bobo... )
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *opens door* This is my room <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Oh, so very nice! ^^ Much more colorful then my room! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Really =O
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Yep! ^^ O_O Ur bed looks so comfy! ^^ *Jumps on bed* Lucky you!
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: u can have the bed! I'll sleep on the floor with mah sleeping page <3
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: What? No no no! IM teh guest!
Fanart-Freak says:
HTF music video 5% done....
Fanart-Freak says:
chichi: And the guest gets the bed <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: But it doesn't seem right! All i really ask for is marsh mellows! Besides, im very use to sleeping in a Sleeping bag! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: NO! NO! NO! u get the bed! plz! I'll feel guilty if ya don't =(
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: I WOULD ask if we could share teh bed together, but that sound perverted o////o
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Too perverted for me!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
(ew XD)
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Plz take the bed
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: I would like i'll dishonoring our ways
Fanart-Freak says:
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Fine ^^ But you'll regret it in the morning when ur back hurts! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Tis not a problama <3
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Now get some rest!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Okay! Okay! ^^ Er, i dont have anything to change in to o,o
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *hands Bobo guest pjs* we always have pj for guest <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: *Takes them* They have bunnys on them ._. But okay! ^^ Er, can i get changed. Alone? o////o ( XD)
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Sure!! *leaves the room*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: *Half way changed* Well, she seems nice!^^ And cute too! ^^ *Gets completely changed* Okay! Im done! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
(i spot romance =O ) Chichi: Aww! U look cute in bunny pjs XD
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: I've been told that xD ( Me too! I am so jelly xD)
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: *yawns* nighty night Bobo! *Gets in her sleeping bag*
Fanart-Freak says:
20 second of the HTF music video done =O
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Fanart-Freak says:
i'll put the preview up soon <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: *Hops in bed* Good night, and sweet dreams! ^^ (At meh house: Me: *Gets in bed* Crap! Bobo has meh plushie! >.<)
Fanart-Freak says:
(get Pikki to come over here to get it XD [to spice things up 8D] )
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
( Ohhhh, good idea)
Me: I NEED my plushie! >.< I'll just have to go get it *Somehow knows where Chichi house is* *Knocks on door* Everyone must be asleep >.<
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi's Mama: Hola?
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: Oh O_O Um, Ello, would Chichi be here? may i please come and see her? ^^
(Back in Chichis room) Bobo: So, im nice right?
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi Mama: Sure u can babie. She is upstairs
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Yes u r <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Hmmm, Maggie alwasy says i have a bad additude AND and bad face! >.< Im not i?
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: Why thank you! ^^ *Walks in* Smells nice ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: NO! You look...cute <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: o////o Thank you! Er, you too! I REALLY like ur eyes! ^^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: So, her room is where?
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi Mama: Upstairs dear. *points*
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: aww! people luve my emerald eyes <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: Thanks you! ^^ *Walks up stair's* Hmmm...left or right? O_o
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Yeah, but i like then the most ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi's Mama: Down the hallway! =O
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Aww <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
me: Oh! Sorry! ^^;
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: But yours eyes arn't the best part of you ^///^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Really now? ^///^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: Theres like, 5 doors O_o *Looks in first one* Thats....some sort of soap closet O_o *Looks in second one* Nope, not this one...
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
bobo: Yep...i would have to say the best part about you....
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi's Mama: ALL the way sweetie!
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Yes?... ^////^ what is it?
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: *Looks in third last one* WOAH! That room smells O_o
*Checks second last one* O_o Wash room >.<
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: The best part about you ^////^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Awww! So sweet of u to say that! *hugs*
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: No prob! ^^ Um, can i do something? o///o
Me: Last door, this HAS to be it
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: ^/////^ ya!
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Well. i just wanna...o////o
Me: okay..this is teh door! *Opens door to find bobo KISSING CHICHI?!?! WTF! O_O* OH. Dear God. O,O *Heart rips in half* WHAT THE HELL!?!?!
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: ^///////^ so this is what Bunndles was talking about <3 she is right its sweet <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: ^////^ *Notices me* O____O Pi-Pikki?!?
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: .......
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: O_O I...just wanted my plushie. But apperenly i got more then thaT o_o
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
(xD This is rich)
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Im am sorry senorita (which means ms. or Miss)
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Me: No, IM sorry. kicing you out of the house! *Takes Plushie named Fred* Good bye!
Bobo: O_O
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
( I luff my plushie! *Pets plushie*
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: =(
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: Im am soooo sorry Bobo...
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: i didn't want u to be kicked out here house =(
Fanart-Freak says:
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: No...its okay. ^^ I kinda saw that comin! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi:I can see if my mama will let u stay <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Um...Okay ^^ Sorry for this tho >.<
Fanart-Freak says:
(after awhile she gets approval)
Fanart-Freak says:
Chichi: You can stay!! =D
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Yay! ^^ Wait, where am i gonna sleep? O_O
Fanart-Freak says:
HTF video preview:¤t=htf.flv
Fanart-Freak says:
We have a bunk bed in the other room <3
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Oh, okay! ^^
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Bobo: Thanks so much! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
(should i continue the htf video?)
Maggie Bobo: So. Many. New. and newer. COUPLEZ! =O *Explodes* Me: ._. says:
Yep! For sure! ^^
Fanart-Freak says:
Fanart-Freak says:
wheeeeee! new couple 8D
There u have it 8D
General Info
General Info
Category Cartoons » Happy Tree Friends
Date Submitted
Views 1552
Favorites... 3
Vote Score 0
Category Cartoons » Happy Tree Friends
Date Submitted
Views 1552
Favorites... 3
Vote Score 0
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken
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fanart-freak on September 1, 2006, 10:38:39 AM
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