Asahi by flamekitty84


ok, so I finally got this up! This is my fursona, Asahi. She's very special to me in the fact that everything I put on her represents something in my life. Every marking and accessory means something to me and was planned out before I ever drew her. This is what everything means:
Red Wings: These are the most important part of my fursona. They represent my mother. She has always been there for me and acts as my friend, rather than just my mother. She cares and listens to me when I need someone to talk to, and she helps me out whenever I'm in trouble. They are red because her favorite color is red. These wings are small, which make Asahi flightless. I do not take advantage of my mother just as Asahi does not take advantage of her Wings. They are there when she really needs them, though. In times of need, she is able to fly, but she does not abuse them.
Interlinking Bracelets and Red Front Left Paw: These represent my relationship with Yuuhi (Colton), my soulmate. He brings so much happiness to my life, and he means the world to me. The bracelets symbolize our friendship and love. We'll be together forever and we are inseperable, just as the interlinking gold bracelets are inseperable. The red marking behind them represent the hard times we've been through. Our love shines more brightly than any hard time we've faced, hence the bracelets covering the marking.
Red Left Ear: This symbolizes my best friend, Jaime. I've known her for basically my whole life and we'll always be friends. We've had a couple fights here and there, but we're always there for eachother. We're like sisters almost. My family is her family and her family is mine. We share clothes, homework, laughs, and secrets. I hope she knows I'm always going to be here for her and my ears are always open when she needs someone to talk to.
Gold Right Hind Paw With Camo Band: My sister, Joanne, joined the army a couple years ago. It was hard to let her go, but I knew it was what she wanted. It was tough not being able to call her up and say 'Hey, you should come over and watch a movie with us!'. We'd always hang out when she lived close. She lives in Maryland now and I barely even get to talk to her. She has a couple jobs and she attends some kind of school down there, so she never has any free time. I remember going with her to the recruiting building and watching her sign up for the army. I tried so hard not to cry. I knew she'd be gone for more than four years, and seeing her every day was not possible anymore. I remember seeing her driving away. I bawled the whole time, yet I did not once see a tear fall from her eye. She is very strong, and I respect her for her decision. She has a great life now, and she's making lots of money. She knew how hard basic training would be, but she kept at it and achieved her goal. She is the ultimate role model, and she keeps strong when things are tough.
Green EyeBrow Piercing: This represents my other sister, Jodi. She has an eyebrow piercing of her own on her right eye. I know I can trust my sister, and she's always there when I need to talk about my problems. I can trust her to keep a secret, and she wouldn't tell a soul if I asked her not to. She has good points on life and how to live it. She helps me see the right way to do things.
Red Tear Markings: I have problems with my emotions, and I tend to cry a lot. I hide it mostly, but it happens a lot. Probably more than it should. My emotions sometimes get in the way of communicating with people. I can't talk when I cry, for some reason. I don't like telling people my problems or my feelings. I express myself with my tears and my actions, not my words. Asahi, for this reason, has permanent tear markings on her cheeks to show her eternal sorrow.
Purple ForeHead Gem: I have too much time on my hands sometimes, so, when I do, I think. I think a lot about stupid stuff. I guess to other people it would seem stupid only because not many people think of things like I do. Sometimes I think why something is the way it is, or how something happens, or why something happens. I think, 'what if I'm really dead right now, and this is heaven?' When I think of heaven, I think of being able to come back to earth and continue living my life as if I had never died. Nobody would be mourning over my death, nobody would be missing me, and nobody would cry over me. In reality, people are, but since I'm in heaven, I don't know that. It's complicated and probably pointless trying to explain, but I think of things just like that. My dreams and memories, both good (light purple) and bad (dark purple), are also reflected in this gem. I've had a couple Nightmares that have haunted me at night. These won't go away and I'll never forget them. Nightmares of death and loss are forever engraved into my memory.
Sickle Heart Marking, Stripe, and Tail Tip: This marking represents a sickle digging and wedging it's way into my heart. I've had many painful, both physical and mental, experiences in my life, and most of them still hurt. There will always be that lingering pain in my heart. The sickles come up between the wings to form a heart when viewed from above. This symbolizes that, no matter how much I hurt, I will always have a heart, and I will always love. The bottom of the heart extends to form a stripe down Asahi's back, symbolizing that I have a backbone and I'll stand up for what I believe in. If I think something, I have something to say to back it up. The stripe leads down to the red tail tip. I'm an artist and I sometimes paint with my blood, meaning that I ' paint ' what I'm feeling. I put meaning into what I draw, and my emotions influence my art.
Halo Around Right Ear: My grandma (father's side) passed away when I was little. She was the best grandma anyone could ask for. I loved hanging out with her and going over to visit. My dad lived with her before she passed away. My mom had gotten a divorce with my dad when I was really young. He was an aweful person and didn't treat my mom with the respect she deserved. She finally divorced him and didn't want Jodi and I to go over to Grandma's house because he was there. We visited occasionally, but not like we used to. We had no idea why Mom wasn't letting us see Dad and Grandma, but we never asked. Our visits were becoming less and less frequent until we just stopped going over altogether. Dad had found a new wife and was living with her and her two children. We went over to their house to see Dad once in a while because we were his children and we had to. We eventually stopped going there, too. One day, out of the blue, Dad showed up at our house and talked to Mom. Mom had to tell us the news of our Grandma. We cried until our eyes were swollen. I was sad for a long time. After a while, I finally began to realize I had never said good-bye to her. She did everything to make us happy, and I never had the chance to tell her how much I appreciated her and how much I loved her. I was way too young to realize how much she meant to me, and I regret being so naive and not seeing that. If I had the chance, I would go back and be right by her side, telling her I love her, until her last breath. I know she's in heaven watching over me and guiding me.
Blue and Green Eyes: I have green eyes and Colton has blue eyes. We share the same points of view and see things in the same light. I can see and understand where he is coming from, and he does the same for me.
Redish-Brown Nose: My grandmother was full-blooded Indian, and I believe my grandfather was too (my mother's side). If not, he was still Indian. Therefore, I am Indian and I would like to remember and be proud of who I am.
Red Inner Ears: I sometimes have trouble hearing what others say to me. If it's something I don't want to believe, I pretend I didn't hear it and act like it never happened, although I know it's true.
Red Nose Streak: This symbolizes my beloved Puppy! He means so much to me and makes me happy when I'm down. He's a 2 year-old Yorkshire Terrier puppy named Dr. Pepper. We just call him Puppy, though. Mom had been thinking about getting a dog and we discussed it, but never really looked for a puppy. One day, while Mom was shopping in Erie, we got a call. She said to put everything away and pick up everything on the floor by the time she gets home. We immediatly knew she had gotten a puppy, but when she brought him home, we were dissapointed. We had thought about a big dog, something like a German Shepherd or something, so when she opened the cage and this little hairball-of-a-dog came out, we were disappointed a bit. It was a sad and pitiful sight to see. He came out on his belly and just crawled around the house for the next couple days. He was capable of walking, we knew that, but he was scared. He got used to us and his new surroundings very fast. Now, he's very talkative and likes to sass when he's yelled at. He lies to us and tells on us when he doesn't get his way. It's quite funny actually. His hair is so long and he just looks like a little hairball with ears walking around. Another distinctive feature is his nose. He has bangs that cover up his eyes and his tiny nose sticks out. When you're looking down at him, thats all you see of his face.
Paint Splats On Butt: I love art, and I love to create things. I wouldn't be me if I couldn't draw. To put it simply: Art is my life.
LimeGreen Tongue: My favorite color is lime green. My whole room is decorated with limegreen stuff. Pillows, rugs, curtains, stuffed animals, lava lamps, bows, etc.
The Name 'Asahi': A name was hard to think of, but once I sat down and thought it out, it was obvious. Asahi is the Japanese word for Rising Sun. I love the Japanese language and I'm attempting to teach myself to speak it. I hope to visit Japan sometime in my life, also. Yuuhi's (Colton's) name came from the Japanese word meaning Setting Sun. He is a late-nighter and likes to stay up all night. Me, on the other hand, I like to get up and get my day started early (unless it's a school day : p).
No, I'm not trying to make some sob-story of my life. I know stuff like that, sometimes worse, happens to everyone. I'm just explaining why Asahi is the was she is. I'm trying to give a little background as to why she has wings and a halo...It's not just for decoration, these things actually have meaning to me. I didn't think, 'Oh hey! Halos are cool, maybe I'll just slap one on here just to make her look sweet!'. No...not at all. She's precious to me.
I might shade this eventually...I was too lazy to though... :/
Red Wings: These are the most important part of my fursona. They represent my mother. She has always been there for me and acts as my friend, rather than just my mother. She cares and listens to me when I need someone to talk to, and she helps me out whenever I'm in trouble. They are red because her favorite color is red. These wings are small, which make Asahi flightless. I do not take advantage of my mother just as Asahi does not take advantage of her Wings. They are there when she really needs them, though. In times of need, she is able to fly, but she does not abuse them.
Interlinking Bracelets and Red Front Left Paw: These represent my relationship with Yuuhi (Colton), my soulmate. He brings so much happiness to my life, and he means the world to me. The bracelets symbolize our friendship and love. We'll be together forever and we are inseperable, just as the interlinking gold bracelets are inseperable. The red marking behind them represent the hard times we've been through. Our love shines more brightly than any hard time we've faced, hence the bracelets covering the marking.
Red Left Ear: This symbolizes my best friend, Jaime. I've known her for basically my whole life and we'll always be friends. We've had a couple fights here and there, but we're always there for eachother. We're like sisters almost. My family is her family and her family is mine. We share clothes, homework, laughs, and secrets. I hope she knows I'm always going to be here for her and my ears are always open when she needs someone to talk to.
Gold Right Hind Paw With Camo Band: My sister, Joanne, joined the army a couple years ago. It was hard to let her go, but I knew it was what she wanted. It was tough not being able to call her up and say 'Hey, you should come over and watch a movie with us!'. We'd always hang out when she lived close. She lives in Maryland now and I barely even get to talk to her. She has a couple jobs and she attends some kind of school down there, so she never has any free time. I remember going with her to the recruiting building and watching her sign up for the army. I tried so hard not to cry. I knew she'd be gone for more than four years, and seeing her every day was not possible anymore. I remember seeing her driving away. I bawled the whole time, yet I did not once see a tear fall from her eye. She is very strong, and I respect her for her decision. She has a great life now, and she's making lots of money. She knew how hard basic training would be, but she kept at it and achieved her goal. She is the ultimate role model, and she keeps strong when things are tough.
Green EyeBrow Piercing: This represents my other sister, Jodi. She has an eyebrow piercing of her own on her right eye. I know I can trust my sister, and she's always there when I need to talk about my problems. I can trust her to keep a secret, and she wouldn't tell a soul if I asked her not to. She has good points on life and how to live it. She helps me see the right way to do things.
Red Tear Markings: I have problems with my emotions, and I tend to cry a lot. I hide it mostly, but it happens a lot. Probably more than it should. My emotions sometimes get in the way of communicating with people. I can't talk when I cry, for some reason. I don't like telling people my problems or my feelings. I express myself with my tears and my actions, not my words. Asahi, for this reason, has permanent tear markings on her cheeks to show her eternal sorrow.
Purple ForeHead Gem: I have too much time on my hands sometimes, so, when I do, I think. I think a lot about stupid stuff. I guess to other people it would seem stupid only because not many people think of things like I do. Sometimes I think why something is the way it is, or how something happens, or why something happens. I think, 'what if I'm really dead right now, and this is heaven?' When I think of heaven, I think of being able to come back to earth and continue living my life as if I had never died. Nobody would be mourning over my death, nobody would be missing me, and nobody would cry over me. In reality, people are, but since I'm in heaven, I don't know that. It's complicated and probably pointless trying to explain, but I think of things just like that. My dreams and memories, both good (light purple) and bad (dark purple), are also reflected in this gem. I've had a couple Nightmares that have haunted me at night. These won't go away and I'll never forget them. Nightmares of death and loss are forever engraved into my memory.
Sickle Heart Marking, Stripe, and Tail Tip: This marking represents a sickle digging and wedging it's way into my heart. I've had many painful, both physical and mental, experiences in my life, and most of them still hurt. There will always be that lingering pain in my heart. The sickles come up between the wings to form a heart when viewed from above. This symbolizes that, no matter how much I hurt, I will always have a heart, and I will always love. The bottom of the heart extends to form a stripe down Asahi's back, symbolizing that I have a backbone and I'll stand up for what I believe in. If I think something, I have something to say to back it up. The stripe leads down to the red tail tip. I'm an artist and I sometimes paint with my blood, meaning that I ' paint ' what I'm feeling. I put meaning into what I draw, and my emotions influence my art.
Halo Around Right Ear: My grandma (father's side) passed away when I was little. She was the best grandma anyone could ask for. I loved hanging out with her and going over to visit. My dad lived with her before she passed away. My mom had gotten a divorce with my dad when I was really young. He was an aweful person and didn't treat my mom with the respect she deserved. She finally divorced him and didn't want Jodi and I to go over to Grandma's house because he was there. We visited occasionally, but not like we used to. We had no idea why Mom wasn't letting us see Dad and Grandma, but we never asked. Our visits were becoming less and less frequent until we just stopped going over altogether. Dad had found a new wife and was living with her and her two children. We went over to their house to see Dad once in a while because we were his children and we had to. We eventually stopped going there, too. One day, out of the blue, Dad showed up at our house and talked to Mom. Mom had to tell us the news of our Grandma. We cried until our eyes were swollen. I was sad for a long time. After a while, I finally began to realize I had never said good-bye to her. She did everything to make us happy, and I never had the chance to tell her how much I appreciated her and how much I loved her. I was way too young to realize how much she meant to me, and I regret being so naive and not seeing that. If I had the chance, I would go back and be right by her side, telling her I love her, until her last breath. I know she's in heaven watching over me and guiding me.
Blue and Green Eyes: I have green eyes and Colton has blue eyes. We share the same points of view and see things in the same light. I can see and understand where he is coming from, and he does the same for me.
Redish-Brown Nose: My grandmother was full-blooded Indian, and I believe my grandfather was too (my mother's side). If not, he was still Indian. Therefore, I am Indian and I would like to remember and be proud of who I am.
Red Inner Ears: I sometimes have trouble hearing what others say to me. If it's something I don't want to believe, I pretend I didn't hear it and act like it never happened, although I know it's true.
Red Nose Streak: This symbolizes my beloved Puppy! He means so much to me and makes me happy when I'm down. He's a 2 year-old Yorkshire Terrier puppy named Dr. Pepper. We just call him Puppy, though. Mom had been thinking about getting a dog and we discussed it, but never really looked for a puppy. One day, while Mom was shopping in Erie, we got a call. She said to put everything away and pick up everything on the floor by the time she gets home. We immediatly knew she had gotten a puppy, but when she brought him home, we were dissapointed. We had thought about a big dog, something like a German Shepherd or something, so when she opened the cage and this little hairball-of-a-dog came out, we were disappointed a bit. It was a sad and pitiful sight to see. He came out on his belly and just crawled around the house for the next couple days. He was capable of walking, we knew that, but he was scared. He got used to us and his new surroundings very fast. Now, he's very talkative and likes to sass when he's yelled at. He lies to us and tells on us when he doesn't get his way. It's quite funny actually. His hair is so long and he just looks like a little hairball with ears walking around. Another distinctive feature is his nose. He has bangs that cover up his eyes and his tiny nose sticks out. When you're looking down at him, thats all you see of his face.
Paint Splats On Butt: I love art, and I love to create things. I wouldn't be me if I couldn't draw. To put it simply: Art is my life.
LimeGreen Tongue: My favorite color is lime green. My whole room is decorated with limegreen stuff. Pillows, rugs, curtains, stuffed animals, lava lamps, bows, etc.
The Name 'Asahi': A name was hard to think of, but once I sat down and thought it out, it was obvious. Asahi is the Japanese word for Rising Sun. I love the Japanese language and I'm attempting to teach myself to speak it. I hope to visit Japan sometime in my life, also. Yuuhi's (Colton's) name came from the Japanese word meaning Setting Sun. He is a late-nighter and likes to stay up all night. Me, on the other hand, I like to get up and get my day started early (unless it's a school day : p).
No, I'm not trying to make some sob-story of my life. I know stuff like that, sometimes worse, happens to everyone. I'm just explaining why Asahi is the was she is. I'm trying to give a little background as to why she has wings and a halo...It's not just for decoration, these things actually have meaning to me. I didn't think, 'Oh hey! Halos are cool, maybe I'll just slap one on here just to make her look sweet!'. No...not at all. She's precious to me.
I might shade this eventually...I was too lazy to though... :/
General Info
General Info
Category Fantasy » Creatures » Flying Wolves
Date Submitted
Views 1631
Favorites... 8
Vote Score 3
Category Fantasy » Creatures » Flying Wolves
Date Submitted
Views 1631
Favorites... 8
Vote Score 3
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken
Media Digital drawing or painting
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kitsufeathers on November 1, 2008, 7:48:43 PM

FeralFatale1207 on September 26, 2008, 1:14:35 PM
flamekitty84 on September 26, 2008, 9:33:05 PM
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