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!SWOOOSH! Go, Kaiba!

!SWOOOSH! Go, Kaiba!

!SWOOOSH! Go, Kaiba! by hellpoemer
   !SWOOOSH!  Go, Kaiba! by hellpoemer


Yeah, I've been watching the reruns again. Namely, "Clash in the Coliseum." I luv how everyone was going, "Kai-BA! Kai-BA!" Yeah, go Kaiba!

General Info

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Category Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series » Seto Kaiba
Date Submitted
Views 7373
Favorites... 60
Vote Score 2
Comments 51
Media Unspecified
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Comments (51)

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WinterRose19 on January 26, 2009, 2:41:17 AM

WinterRose19 on
WinterRose19Wow Again!!! Your exallent!!!!

NarukoFox on December 3, 2008, 4:24:29 AM

NarukoFox on
NarukoFoxSO SEXY~!!! *faves*
MAN!!! I just LOVE your artwork!!!
You are SO talented!!! ^___^

YamiYugi1 on August 1, 2008, 12:54:43 AM

YamiYugi1 on
YamiYugi1wow you're soooo good.

Kohakucrazy on January 4, 2008, 11:13:28 AM

Kohakucrazy on
Kohakucrazy* pulls back when looking at the card wide eyed* I feel like I'm gonna get whacked with a card... AWESOME!! *faves* And I don't normally like Kaiba.... ^^'

joey10 on December 27, 2007, 3:28:56 AM

joey10 on
joey10pro!!!! awesome!!1

wolfymewmew on September 5, 2007, 7:22:05 AM

wolfymewmew on
wolfymewmewThat's cool

ranphasetokelly on July 17, 2007, 9:29:41 PM

ranphasetokelly on
ranphasetokellyhe look soooooo hot!!! *faves*

SasukeLover15 on June 21, 2007, 8:28:38 AM

SasukeLover15 on
SasukeLover15...... OMG ...... :]

KionaKina on April 26, 2007, 11:37:28 PM

KionaKina on
KionaKinaheh, the title is funny. Great pic, you're beyond talented

DocOck on October 28, 2006, 4:18:33 AM

DocOck on
DocOckAwesome job especially on the eyes. what sort of media did you it colored pencials. just asking this is an amazing job. faves.

ZaneDragon102 on August 5, 2006, 10:16:50 AM

ZaneDragon102 on

hpartist5564 on June 17, 2006, 8:22:10 AM

hpartist5564 on
hpartist5564woah this is completely awesome.*narrows eyes* are you sure you don't work for yu-gi-oh?? lol jk i love how the swoosh effect is always so dramatic.....hehe

SetoKaibaLover111 on May 16, 2006, 10:53:10 PM

SetoKaibaLover111 on
SetoKaibaLover111Kaiba is soooo hot! *faves* I love this drawing! You rock!

SxK_YGOfan on April 10, 2006, 7:10:36 AM

SxK_YGOfan on
SxK_YGOfanAwesome pic! Love Kaiba! Especially like Seto and Kisara! Keep it up! = )

Blazing_SheFool on April 6, 2006, 5:43:02 AM

Blazing_SheFool on
Blazing_SheFoolTee hee,,,swooshie....

Darling_425 on March 2, 2006, 10:02:29 PM

Darling_425 on

Sasha-Dreamstar on February 18, 2006, 5:38:46 AM

Sasha-Dreamstar on
Sasha-DreamstarSoooooo good!! Me jealous!! Cool swoosh effect.

perfectpureblood on February 2, 2006, 1:04:13 AM

perfectpureblood on
perfectpurebloodI love it!

Animeiskewlbecauseisaidso on January 22, 2006, 10:12:51 AM

Animeiskewlbecauseisaidso on
AnimeiskewlbecauseisaidsoO.O flippin awesome! Seto is hot! ;D

bijoukaiba on January 5, 2006, 4:42:35 AM

bijoukaiba on
bijoukaibaYup, lol... GO SETO!!! The greatest war campaign slogan known to The Falsebound Kingdom!!

I finally posted some fanart! You know where to find me.^^ I hope it looks okay...

Neko_Aiko_chan on December 19, 2005, 12:37:55 PM

Neko_Aiko_chan on
Neko_Aiko_chanOmygosh, hes gunna get a papercut...

Nice job! =^.^=

forbidden_child on December 18, 2005, 11:05:10 AM

forbidden_child on
forbidden_childI really like this and i love the way you made the lines signal a motion really good you can just hear the "SWOOSH" You can not only draw Marik but also Kaiba *bows down to the greatness that is hellpoemer and pressed the favs button*

Amene_Bakura on November 25, 2005, 6:57:02 AM

Amene_Bakura on
Amene_BakuraI LOVE this picture,and I LOVE Kaiba!!!!!!

Sailor_Crystal_Heart on November 23, 2005, 10:12:19 AM

Sailor_Crystal_Heart on
Sailor_Crystal_HeartHe's SOOOOOOOOO cute! Must add to faves!

Rurouni_Gemini83 on October 22, 2005, 11:31:07 PM

Rurouni_Gemini83 on
Rurouni_Gemini83I don't know whether it is just me or not, but Kaiba reminds me a lot of Aoshi Shinomori...both have incredible egos, wear white trenchcoats, and bust their butts to be the best no matter what. ^ ^;;;
Great pic, by the way! You captured Kaiba's personality in this! *adds to faves*

Divine_Fire_Wolf on October 22, 2005, 11:11:19 AM

Divine_Fire_Wolf on
Divine_Fire_WolfI Love It! *drools*

Midvalley_and_Dominique on September 28, 2005, 7:22:19 AM

Midvalley_and_Dominique on put my kaiba artwork to shame...Man I hope you take requests...
*glomps Kaiba*

Ziggy_Stardust on September 25, 2005, 12:30:38 PM

Ziggy_Stardust on
Ziggy_Stardustgood job!!!! 4 those of u who don't know... Kaiba looks hot in a tux!!!! ;D

Mangagal101 on September 10, 2005, 4:45:27 PM

Mangagal101 on
Sorry.... For most Kiaba fans like me, they're probably yellin' it too...

Angelamy612 on September 4, 2005, 11:34:23 PM

Angelamy612 on
Angelamy612I love Kabia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is like the best Kabia pic I ever seen!!!!!!!!!! +favs+

Keana on September 4, 2005, 1:56:00 AM

Keana on
KeanaAya: Woooo!

Natsuki: Go Seto-kun, You da man!

Aya: Sister, stop hitting on my boyfriend.

Natsuki: Did he say he was your boyfriend? *dog slap fight*

Me: *Cough* Jeesus. And Keana says I'm a fangirl.

Dementor on August 18, 2005, 8:02:11 AM

Dementor on
DementorThat is so cool!!!! I just watched that one last night and me and my dad broke down laughing. You are so good at expressions and OMG THE HANDS I LOVE THEM!!!!!!! Can't do hands what so ever even if i have a pic to look at. That is one of my many flaws still you are so awesome and one day I hope that i am worthy to harness some of you awesomeness.


Raptor on August 11, 2005, 1:21:26 AM

Raptor on
RaptorThat's so cool!!! -favs!!-

Sae_Kaiba on August 1, 2005, 2:09:57 AM

Sae_Kaiba on
Sae_Kaibayay! It's Seto! Great pic!

silverstar on July 26, 2005, 10:43:27 AM

silverstar on
*tackles Seto to the ground*
Seto: Who threw this angel at me?

Mokie_Coat on July 16, 2005, 2:59:52 PM

Mokie_Coat on
Mokie_CoatHa, Seto's so hot when he makes things swoosh. xD Awesome picture! ^_^

i_luv_kyo on July 12, 2005, 3:27:03 AM

i_luv_kyo on
i_luv_kyoshexy. he is so kewl...and sexy...can't forget sexy...

Asj on June 23, 2005, 6:46:19 PM

Asj on
AsjLove Kaiba's face. ^_^
But... His arm doesn't look right to me... probably my imagination, though.

SoloAzume on June 21, 2005, 7:36:22 AM

SoloAzume on
SoloAzumeMe: Haha *laughs at Black Breezes comment* I laughed when he lost to Dartz too! He was twitching like this *Twitches at the eye* O_- *all tha sudden goes under Kaiba's trench coat and pops up in the back of his collar* Wow, Kaiba, u culd carry Mokie around in here.
Kaiba: ..... O__O! GET OUT! *shakes*
Me: WEEEEEEEE!! This is fun! *kicks Kaiba* FASTER!!

DemonTheifQueen on June 16, 2005, 3:07:44 PM

DemonTheifQueen on
DemonTheifQueen*takes Kaiba* ^-^ MINE!

+faves faves faves faves faves faves faves faves faves faves faves faves+ *keeps faving*

^-^ Kaiba is sexy!

yami_seto_grl on June 10, 2005, 6:58:06 AM

yami_seto_grl on
yami_seto_grlnice work

LightningAurora on June 9, 2005, 11:19:05 PM

LightningAurora on
LightningAurora*sighs* I'm so slow with my art... it will be done soon, I hope...

ANYWAY, nice work! I remember that episode, it was cool. ^_^ Methinks Kaiba takes the word 'arrogant' to a whole new level! Nice work!

Black_Breeze on June 8, 2005, 9:56:52 AM

Black_Breeze on
Black_Breezeme: *pats Kaiba's head* Oi, Kaiba, Kaiba, Kaiba. . . So egotistical, are you not?

bob: Why do you like going swoosh Kaiba? Why not, bwooosh, or maybe even, VOOSh, or maybe ZOOM ZOOM.

Kaiba: . . .

me: And what's with all the trench coats? I mean, you ain't satisfied with one? You can always donate you know. . . *coughs and rubs fingers at him*

Kaiba: . . .

bob: Mokuba is like, gone now. You look really funky in the whole Oricalcos thing. . . We laughed when you lost to Dartz. . .

Kaiba: . . ..

me: You was all twitchin and stuff. . .

Kaiba: *somehow sends us to the shadow realm*

me: *in the shadow realm* How the heck did he do that?

bob: *pulls off the poster that says shadow realm and reads the other poster which says Death T* O.O;;

me: Crap. (btw this is awsome. Kaiba hot. Trench coat mine)

and take your time on our art trade. . . I'm not finished either. ^^;;

scribblez2030 on June 8, 2005, 9:08:12 AM

scribblez2030 on
scribblez2030i luv it! favs!!!

cowqueen13 on June 8, 2005, 6:09:57 AM

cowqueen13 on
cowqueen13*cheers* Mar-IK! Mar-IK! Mar-IK!!!!! YEEAAAAHHH!!! XD So cool, I'm sending this to my Kaiba-loving friend. She'll drool on it. =D

AZNgummigurl on June 7, 2005, 10:38:02 AM

AZNgummigurl on
AZNgummigurlo... wow!! great pic of Kaiba!! ^-^ i love the coloring n' such!

Nemya on June 7, 2005, 3:47:48 AM

Nemya on
NemyaARGHHH!!! All your pictures are just too... good.... CURSE YOOOUUU!!!*has a fit and dies on the floor*
*comes back from the dead to saaay: Awesomeness! AGAIN! Pose is perfect! And so is colouring, and everything else aswell^^*
*dies again*

ilovebalmung on June 7, 2005, 1:39:37 AM

ilovebalmung on
ilovebalmungWOWEE!!! That is so good! I like the swooshy affect. How do you get your pics so bloody perfect!? Great job!

Kurama_Lover_Otaku_Bunny on June 6, 2005, 10:38:17 PM

Kurama_Lover_Otaku_Bunny on
Kurama_Lover_Otaku_BunnyDUDE!!! *faves* I love it, it's just done so perfectly!!

geegee16 on June 6, 2005, 5:22:52 PM

geegee16 on
geegee16Hi, i've been a big fan of your work and i've just become a member. I can't belive how you can get all of your pics perfect. Well Done. *faves*