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Squee by hobbes
Squee by hobbes


Squee rawks!

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Category Comics » Johhny the Homocidal Maniac (JTHM) » Squee
Date Submitted
Views 2975
Favorites... 34
Vote Score 0
Comments 30
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Comments (30)

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The_Haunted on August 6, 2011, 11:47:51 PM

The_Haunted on
The_HauntedAww Squee is soo cute! And you did such a nice job of drawing him :D Faves

Waffle on February 2, 2008, 9:05:39 AM

Waffle on
Waffleawwwww. ver well done faves

Como on April 11, 2006, 11:51:30 PM

Como on

XxhorrorxfanxX on March 4, 2006, 7:41:02 AM

XxhorrorxfanxX on
XxhorrorxfanxXSSSQQQQUUUEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD I love that little guy! ^_^

Kang_Lin on February 17, 2006, 10:28:16 AM

Kang_Lin on
Kang_Linoh i love it! Squee is the best!

AddictedFreak on January 28, 2006, 6:50:13 AM

AddictedFreak on
AddictedFreakDamn right he rawks! >3

faye_faye2005 on December 9, 2005, 4:58:47 AM

faye_faye2005 on
faye_faye2005Wow this pic is ace, Squee Rox!!!

darkdesire on August 6, 2005, 11:06:20 AM

darkdesire on
darkdesireMeep... he's sho kute... lol... with his big eyes and all... lolz... He needs a hug... lol! XD I'm such a freak.. lol! XD XD XD XD!

sorafan_cupcake on July 5, 2005, 1:49:44 AM

sorafan_cupcake on
sorafan_cupcakeAWWW ! he needs a hug! *tries to hug but get a knufe through the head* corpse: *favs*

UNITED_WE_SUCK on June 27, 2005, 5:48:11 AM

UNITED_WE_SUCKsqueee!!!! aww he is so cute I have been waiting for more pictures from you now it has come yay!!!!!!

chibilombax on May 19, 2005, 12:02:48 PM

chibilombax on
chibilombaxpoor little squeegee

nny_loves_to_kill on April 11, 2005, 7:28:43 AM

nny_loves_to_kill on
nny_loves_to_killSQUEE AND SCHMEE! this is so cute with his big EYES and Big Head! I know i have problems but dont descreminate me from the other insane people! people say i act like happy noodle boy sometimes..... they say i need help but i say LEAVE ME BE! AWESOME PIC BYE BYE SISSY!

satans_bride on February 1, 2005, 12:44:02 PM

satans_bride on
satans_brideHOLY shoot! SQUEE ROCKS MI frackING SOXS MAN! i love squee! -hugz squee then hugz you- i love all you art...nd bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
Hobbes: does she evr shut up?
Squee: no!
Me: -still rambling- NEWAYS! im adding this AND you to mi favs! you rock!

Cara on January 4, 2005, 12:52:31 AM

Cara on
CaraYes Squee does. Awesome job +favs. Here have doughnut. *shoves a doughnut down your throat*

_sephiroth on December 20, 2004, 1:04:20 AM

_sephiroth on
_sephirothawww hesso cuuute ^__^*favs*

dark_tsukasa on November 12, 2004, 11:21:55 AM

dark_tsukasa on
dark_tsukasaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo squee and shmee all spooky like face.. i likey *jumps at squee and waves and gives a taco* "here you goes, a taco for you" *flys away with squee on a magical pig monkey* bye all

dreamlulaby on November 9, 2004, 1:59:50 PM

dreamlulaby on
dreamlulaby*sniffles* Its so.. so beautiful T__T I LOVE IT! *Glomps* ^__^ Squee is awesome man. awsome!!!!!! >> Shmee is one sexy bear though i tell you what ^^

ren_fan on November 7, 2004, 6:20:41 AM

ren_fan on
ren_fanAW!!! KAWAII!!!! *FAVS*

animegurl15 on November 6, 2004, 7:34:21 AM

animegurl15 on
animegurl15Ehhhiiii! Its squee! Oh my thatis so good, its looks just like the comic! You aure your not the artist under an asumed name?

Hinta0002 on November 5, 2004, 3:25:53 AM

Hinta0002 on
Hinta0002HI! This pic is very cute! have you seen my brothers pic! hes really cool! His name is Nexus888. He has a pic called Hang man. you would like it!

Niyuko on November 4, 2004, 10:13:20 PM

Niyuko on
Niyuko hey hey hob! hoessie dan??met wel okay   -_-'' egt klote joh me com is nog steeds   gecrashed! egt fracked up! XD maare zit   nu op school..weer gezeik met een leraar   *sigh* ...ik haat school>_< maare ik spreek je nog wel XXXXjane&mako p.s ook xxies aan lin&kiki

RJ on November 4, 2004, 9:28:16 PM

RJ on
RJawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! hes sooo cute!!!! X3 me luves this piccy!!! ^0^

starry on November 4, 2004, 4:16:38 PM

starry on
starryawwwwwww hez so kawaii *thatz about nething i can say about this little guy lol* u rock i love the innocence *pokes his weird stuff thingy* o_O

_sephiroth on November 3, 2004, 8:18:59 PM

_sephiroth on
_sephirothawwwziiieee kawaiiiii so cuuutteee

Hearsegurl on November 3, 2004, 6:32:29 PM

Hearsegurl on
HearsegurlAwww very cute and cool! ^_^

Dark_Fire15 on November 3, 2004, 1:56:34 PM

Dark_Fire15 on
Dark_Fire15You're right SQUEE RAWKS!!! WHEEE!!! He looks cute in this piccy!.....this is awsome *+ to favs* WHEE!! I love this pic...isso awsome!!! Keep up the great work! And INVADER BENNY SIGNING OFF!!!GAH MY SPIIIINE!!!

Saki-Sama on November 3, 2004, 10:12:31 AM

Saki-Sama on
Saki-SamaYou bet Squee Rawks!!! He's cool!!

BlackWolf on November 3, 2004, 9:43:25 AM

BlackWolf on
BlackWolfmweh! =D *pet pet* awesome piccy

pink_blossom on November 3, 2004, 8:23:55 AM

pink_blossom on
pink_blossom*sits beside squee holing demented stuffed bunny*... hi there...*blinks*

JakDepidtor on November 3, 2004, 7:48:47 AM

JakDepidtor on
JakDepidtorDamn right! Rock on Squee!