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A View from my Haven

A View from my Haven

A View from my Haven by isami
A View from my Haven by isami


Acrylic paint on canvas board. My first real successful painting, IMO. I have this place where I go during the summers up in the mountains. I think of it as my happy place cause it's so peaceful there and stuff. ^^
So yeah. Real art there fer ya. X3

General Info

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Category Miscellaneous » Nature Art » Landscapes
Date Submitted
Views 3769
Favorites... 20
Vote Score 0
Comments 40
Media Unspecified
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Comments (40)

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Koda on April 6, 2006, 10:59:45 PM

Koda on
KodaWhen I saw This I thought IT was an actual photo that was taken Not a painted picture, Thats so graet, YOur truley a wonderfull artist, and i love how much you put into it, ITs your Happy place, ^_^ I used to have a happy place, But it got took away,*WAs happy in her box...*

Xx_AviloriA_xX on January 28, 2006, 12:44:11 PM

Xx_AviloriA_xX on
Xx_AviloriA_xXO.O so very stunning! Thats the one thing i wanna learn to do! painting and realisim!

*dies due to awesomness*

mzchocoholic on December 31, 2005, 1:50:28 PM

mzchocoholic on
mzchocoholicwow... *eyes wide* soooooo purdy!

mikita_inugirl on November 21, 2005, 2:24:19 AM

mikita_inugirl on
mikita_inugirlWOW! IT's beautiful!

kerrigan188 on October 14, 2005, 11:45:52 AM

kerrigan188 on


The_Swayz on October 10, 2005, 11:11:34 AM

The_Swayz on
The_Swayzyour painting is a nice piece of art.

animi on October 3, 2005, 8:02:19 AM

animi on
animi*hiss* WHY THE HELL CAN'T I PAINT LIKE THAT!!!!!!! (or wait...) ...PAINT LIKE THAT????????? Oh well.. *sniff* you rock. *runs off crying*

animi on October 3, 2005, 8:02:19 AM

animi on
animi*hiss* WHY THE HELL CAN'T I PAINT LIKE THAT!!!!!!! (or wait...) ...PAINT LIKE THAT????????? Oh well.. *sniff* you rock. *runs off crying*

NekoAndManga on July 26, 2005, 4:27:53 AM

NekoAndManga on

NekoAndManga on July 26, 2005, 4:27:48 AM

NekoAndManga on

Shiriko on July 15, 2005, 7:05:50 PM

Shiriko on
ShirikoLooks like oil painting!!!
I like the way u paint>0

gold_dog on June 30, 2005, 1:12:50 PM

gold_dog on
gold_dogit looks real. great job.

shadowedstar213 on May 1, 2005, 6:26:16 AM

shadowedstar213 on
shadowedstar213that must be one advanced camera... wait a minute... THAT'S A PAINTING??? THAT'S AWESOME!!!

BlueWingsFairy on April 27, 2005, 7:54:51 AM

BlueWingsFairy on
BlueWingsFairyO.o ......Holy crap...that's awesome....I thought it was a photo at first...-n.n- That's one awesome painting! Your one great artist!*addes to faves!*

Taeko on March 17, 2005, 11:02:57 AM

Taeko on
TaekoWow..That's really good-Seems like a nice place to be. Keep up the amazing work!

ChibiKioko1345 on March 16, 2005, 7:17:00 AM

ChibiKioko1345 on
ChibiKioko1345OH WOW!!! THAT IS AMAZING!! the water even looks real! O__O great job!

Serferus on March 12, 2005, 8:55:32 AM

Serferus on
SerferusBeautiful landscape, as I'm sure you know..I love the way a scene so common as this can be seen as someones Utopia. Once again, outstanding piece.

Flanman292 on February 17, 2005, 4:25:59 AM

Flanman292 on
Flanman292That is AMAZING
This is the best paiting ive ever seen words CANT desribe it!
How did u do that?

Tillyenna on February 5, 2005, 1:31:00 AM

Tillyenna on
Tillyenna*sniff* I wish I was as good as you, when I first saw this, I think - that is a photo, but it is not, it is amazing

a-drawer-4ever on December 14, 2004, 4:10:03 AM

a-drawer-4ever on
a-drawer-4everEEP! it's so Realistic it's like showing my a photo with a Camera, *claps hands* pretty pretty *Favs*

nebari_at_heart on December 2, 2004, 3:34:45 AM

nebari_at_heart on
nebari_at_heartdon't worry, i was being ironic. just take a look at my art and you'll see.
what i mean is OMFG THAT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ACRYLLIC?????? HOW, WHERE, WHEN, ....NEUGH!!!!!!!!
so yeah i was just being sarcastic.

nebari_at_heart on December 2, 2004, 3:31:45 AM

nebari_at_heart on
nebari_at_heartthat's crap

MasterTengu on December 1, 2004, 10:23:10 PM

MasterTengu on
MasterTenguThats just Incredible.I've not done much acrylic,how long have you been doing acrylic?

cstdenis on November 25, 2004, 7:25:56 PM

cstdenis on
cstdenisLooks like a photograph. Would probebly be rejected as one if it wasn't for some visable brush lines.

Meredianna on November 25, 2004, 7:06:07 PM

Meredianna on
MerediannaIt looks so real ! totally AWESOME

XximaginaryxX on November 12, 2004, 2:16:37 PM

XximaginaryxX on
XximaginaryxXO_O whoa.....that's.....awesome.....

crazy_goth_fish on September 27, 2004, 12:36:57 AM

crazy_goth_fish on
crazy_goth_fishTrully incredible. That should be in a gallery not a fan art site

cptShort on September 12, 2004, 8:03:20 AM

cptShort on
cptShortO_O Holy cow.<br />
I saw the thumbnail and wondered if we could have photos if they're properly labeled or something. Stuppid me. :P <br />
<br />
This is very amazingly incredibly fantasticaly awesomely grandly good.

arrowhead909 on September 11, 2004, 8:33:18 AM

arrowhead909 on
arrowhead909Wow! You really have talent with a camera, and..... wait..... That's a PAINTING!? *faves*

WolfAquarius on September 3, 2004, 1:07:51 PM

WolfAquarius on
WolfAquariusLooks real! its sooo awesome! my compliments to the artist!

Isis_lily_rose on August 12, 2004, 11:43:37 PM

Isis_lily_rose on
Isis_lily_rosei thought it was a picture (like from a camera) until i read ur comment thing and looked closer and saw the brush strokes! that's awesome. and i think ur lucky to be able to go up there, and to have such talent!<br />

Hobbit_Hobbies on August 2, 2004, 10:27:50 AM

Hobbit_Hobbies on
Hobbit_Hobbiesyour painting is beautiful! I love the trees they are so realistic. its just amazing.

MizuChan on August 2, 2004, 5:58:05 AM

MizuChan on
MizuChanthis is awesome

FRe2zEp0P on July 15, 2004, 9:45:32 AM

FRe2zEp0P on
FRe2zEp0PThis is *really* good ::adds to faves::

sexyboy07 on July 13, 2004, 11:21:35 PM

sexyboy07 on
sexyboy07i thought it was a damn photograph at first<br />
awesome job

Knate08 on July 5, 2004, 9:07:17 AM

Knate08 on
Knate08*rubs eyes* You .... are a wonderous artist :D I love this picture more than ducks.

ThePuppetMaster on June 26, 2004, 8:25:03 PM

ThePuppetMaster on
ThePuppetMasterWow this is excellent! Great job!<br />

tenurialguy on June 26, 2004, 1:35:13 PM

tenurialguy on
tenurialguyone word, awesomenessish !!!!

MissLyss on June 26, 2004, 4:28:15 AM

MissLyss on
MissLyssWow this painting is really beautiful too! :D Wow you are talented.

shadow_of_darkness on June 24, 2004, 3:11:31 PM

shadow_of_darkness on
shadow_of_darknessThats BEAUTIFUL! That's just so...... wow! o_o<br />
*currently speechless*