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Wilt - "Oh Well..."

Wilt - "Oh Well..."

Wilt - "Oh Well..." by jameson9101322
Wilt - "Oh Well..." by jameson9101322


Poor Wilt dropped his ice cream! This was a doodle in my journal... I decided to flesh it out since I'm riding a foster's kick. I adore that show.

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Category Cartoons » Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Date Submitted
Views 5152
Favorites... 38
Vote Score 1
Comments 36
Media Unspecified
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Comments (36)

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PlayTheGameWithBacon on February 15, 2011, 7:20:59 PM

PlayTheGameWithBacon on
PlayTheGameWithBaconAwww, I love Wilt but I feel so bad for him sometimes. Like now! :C You did a great job on the picture!

loveanimegirl on October 6, 2006, 3:24:50 PM

loveanimegirl on
loveanimegirlNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTHEPURITYOFTHEICECREAMHASBEENDESTROYED! *buys two new ones* *chants over and over) One to replace, one to purify. One to replace, one to purify.
Wilt: Oookay.

SkyGirl on September 23, 2006, 12:19:35 AM

SkyGirl on
SkyGirloh wilt you poor friend (gives wilt a big squashy hug.)

ragdoll21092 on September 10, 2006, 10:36:22 AM

ragdoll21092 on
ragdoll21092AWWW..poor lil Wilt, dont worry i'll buy ya a new icecream!

Me:yerp heres some money, go buy something yummie!
Wilt:gee thanks
Me:no problem,happy ta do it XP

awsome pic ~__0

Cornpeanut on August 29, 2006, 11:45:27 PM

Cornpeanut on
CornpeanutPoor Wilt...I can give wilt some ice-cream...

Karannah on August 25, 2006, 6:07:55 AM

Karannah on
Karannahpoor wilt...............

great pic!!!!!!!!!

forbidden_child on July 10, 2006, 9:01:17 AM

forbidden_child on
forbidden_childawww poor wilt i adore this picture he looks so sad *favs*

Cornpeanut on June 9, 2006, 12:50:30 AM

Cornpeanut on
CornpeanutWilt must be extremely sad...

Kaede-chan on March 16, 2006, 11:43:21 PM

Kaede-chan on
Kaede-chanWow, Wilt, you've got so much ice cream!
Wilt: Oh, I'm sorry, you can have some!
Me: No, tha-
Wilt: No, no, I insist!
Me: Oh... Okay! Hey, who refuses ice cream?
This is verrrrry good, Wilt looks so sad, like all of it just got too much for him. Waaah, Wilt! *favs*

sonic_will_rule_you on March 3, 2006, 9:50:07 PM

sonic_will_rule_you on
sonic_will_rule_youT.T my poor little wilty! -hurries and gets him more ice cream- it's ok. (nobody loves wilt as much as ME)

bloo180 on December 22, 2005, 8:53:06 AM

bloo180 on
bloo180awwwwwwwwwwwwww,poor Wilt *sheds a tear*

Midnight_Snow on October 30, 2005, 5:00:58 AM

Midnight_Snow on
Midnight_SnowPoor Wilt! Don't be sad! Here! I'll get you another one! ^.^
Awesome job! The background matches his sadness...

Tierra on October 29, 2005, 8:51:11 AM

Tierra on
TierraPoor Wilt Chamberlain I'll get you another one

Zimgirl11 on October 2, 2005, 12:57:08 AM

Zimgirl11 on
Zimgirl11aww its ok wilt *huggles and gives him my icecream*

moonandstars on September 30, 2005, 11:27:47 AM

moonandstars on
*Throws 50 gallons at ice creame at him*Ah the life...

Immelmann on September 5, 2005, 11:35:56 AM

Immelmann on
Immelmannwoogie woogie woo!wata cutie pie!*faves*

ChibiJaime on September 5, 2005, 11:21:22 AM

ChibiJaime on
ChibiJaime*squeals* It's Wilt! Eeeee, I love Wilt! There is not enough Wilt love! X3

This is so cute. And you know if anyone asks him if he's okay after dropping his ice cream, he'll say "Of course! ^_^" and keep goin'.

I love wilt. Definite +fav.

JessAnime on September 5, 2005, 11:19:18 AM

JessAnime on
JessAnimeIT'S WILT!!! I love that show!!! I think you did great! *favs*

Master_Chief60 on July 30, 2005, 12:26:40 AM

Master_Chief60 on
Master_Chief60I love to draw Wilt myself. Hes just... such a trooper... *sniff* I'd hate to live life without an arm. *huggles Wilt* Nice job! Wilt's always been my favorate.

Sakunia on July 23, 2005, 8:39:42 AM

Sakunia on
SakuniaLOL!!! well it is kinda sad
(wilt isnt really my fav)but i like it!!!!!
wilt:awwwww it was good at first
oh well...this always happens to me when i eat ice cream

ice cream:u know why this always happens!!,because we get anoyned
by your"okay" thing!!!!

gothicgeek on July 15, 2005, 1:47:26 PM

gothicgeek on
gothicgeek*sniff* dats so sad *sniff*

samanthasam88 on July 2, 2005, 9:05:06 PM

samanthasam88 on
samanthasam88you sure like wilt - but y did u do that to the ice cream? 9.9 ICE CREAM IS NICE ahem

Barney--TheAnti-Christ on January 16, 2005, 1:28:24 AM

Barney--TheAnti-Christ on
Barney--TheAnti-Christpoor Wilt 8( he's sad!!!!*cries* Wilt doesn't deserve to be sa-ad!!!!

barney disturbes me

jameson9101322 on January 12, 2005, 8:45:43 AM

jameson9101322 on
jameson9101322Aw thanks ^^

Brutter on January 11, 2005, 7:57:37 PM

Brutter on
BrutterWow this rocks there's always one great artist in one section and i had to say i think your that artist good work me like alot in fact am going to add it to my faves right now
Ed is evil I swear for proof look at my own Ed.ow.

MizDoom on December 6, 2004, 9:05:03 PM

MizDoom on
MizDoom:: picks up ice cream on ground, dusting off the dirt and many other crap on it:: i can fix it! ^.^

GalaxyDancer on November 29, 2004, 6:05:53 AM

GalaxyDancer on
GalaxyDancerOh My FREAKING GOSH!!! That is SO ADORABLE!! XD Poor Wilt!!!! Maybe he can get some new icecream...

Fruitbat on November 18, 2004, 8:18:48 AM

Fruitbat on
FruitbatOh yeah, one more thing *adds 2 favs*

Fruitbat on November 18, 2004, 8:16:39 AM

Fruitbat on
FruitbatAw, poor Wilt, supose he could lick the ice cream from the ground (yes I'm crazy), brilliant pic!

jameson9101322 on October 21, 2004, 2:09:17 PM

jameson9101322 on
jameson9101322::gets out journal:: Lessee if there's anything amusing in that little blurb... hmn... nope, mostly me complaining about how boring my critical thinking class is. Oh and a quote from my lit teacher "Go Forth and Recouperate!"

ChibiSamuraiJack on October 21, 2004, 11:19:56 AM

ChibiSamuraiJack on
ChibiSamuraiJackAAWWWWW T-T! He looks so sad. It makes me wonder what the stuff in the background says ^^; I like the way it looks, and the perspective on his leg is really good ^^

mystic on October 18, 2004, 10:12:29 PM

mystic on
mystic*Squals!* OMG! How cute! ^-^ I ADORE Wilt! ^-^ Too cute! ^-^

jameson9101322 on October 18, 2004, 11:01:59 AM

jameson9101322 on
jameson9101322He's a lot harder than you think. I'm totally obsessed with him (he's so cute how he's always trying to help people) and i've been practicing him all over for weeks now. There's a certain way to do his... lines... the shapes that make him up. There's something that makes one sketch say "Hey, look, its Wilt" and another say "Who's that poser trying to be wilt?" Its hard to balance ^^ Of course I dont mind the practice <p>Do me a favor and check out my other Wilt picture. Nobody's commented on it. I was wondering if it looked like a poser.

SonicManiac on October 18, 2004, 5:52:33 AM

SonicManiac on
SonicManiacAwwwww....he looks so sad....He's got to be my second fave (following Bloo, of course) He's just too cute!<br />
*adds 2 faves*<br />
I should try drawing him!

teentitansfanatic on October 17, 2004, 9:29:15 PM

teentitansfanatic on
teentitansfanaticAwww..I like it! Jaime would like it too; she's a Wilt fan ^-^

MandyPandaa on October 17, 2004, 7:54:21 PM

MandyPandaa on
MandyPandaaAwww! Poor Wilt! x3 He's my fav, such a cutie. The official site says his apologizing gets annoying, but -I- don't think so.<br />
I really like the coloring here, and the BG! It's very interesting. Wilt himself is just too cute. *patpat*