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Cosmo Guy #1- Kouga

Cosmo Guy #1- Kouga

Cosmo Guy #1- Kouga by kagome_n_koga
Cosmo Guy #1- Kouga by kagome_n_koga


Well, here's number 1! Kouga-chan, my wolf boy, is the one ON HIS SIDE. Hopefully the description describes him well. I think so. Anyways, this took me a little while, making sure all the perportion is right and shading. Hope you like my hot Kouga-chan!<br />
<br />
Well, Sessy next!

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Character Fanart » Kouga
Date Submitted
Views 8754
Favorites... 77
Vote Score 2
Comments 31
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (31)

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TheHexGirls on December 9, 2007, 7:22:36 AM

TheHexGirls on
TheHexGirlswow, him and i are alike, we both sleep on our side, and we think the same way to XD

KrazyPerson on March 29, 2007, 1:38:08 AM

KrazyPerson on
KrazyPersonLove the coloring!
And the blue ^.^ Yay for blue!

Jiki_Chi026 on September 3, 2006, 11:07:40 AM

Jiki_Chi026 on
Jiki_Chi026...O_O...OMG!!!!!!!!!! HE'S SO0O0O0O0O HOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELL DUN!! O, IF ONLY, 4 1C, WE COULD SEE HIS FRONT!!!!! :p

Keep on drawin! ^_^

jamacainprincess on July 3, 2006, 5:00:15 AM

jamacainprincess on
jamacainprincessI sleep like inuyasha and kouga! XD

inuyasha_koga_star_angle on March 12, 2006, 11:10:53 AM

inuyasha_koga_star_angle on
inuyasha_koga_star_angleI LOVE IT!!!!!!!! ****FAVES****

KitsuneFlamez on January 10, 2006, 10:25:44 AM

KitsuneFlamez on
KitsuneFlamezJust to say....*guess who's on the other side* Shhh...^_~

StarAlchemist on December 14, 2005, 7:42:17 AM

StarAlchemist on
StarAlchemistGreat Coloring! FAVES

kogasgirl978 on November 19, 2005, 5:56:25 AM

kogasgirl978 on
kogasgirl978so sexy need koga

Nightbird on October 26, 2005, 5:29:03 AM

Nightbird on
NightbirdLOL! I sleep the same way!

Pidgen_Bird_Wonder on August 27, 2005, 5:55:41 AM

Pidgen_Bird_Wonder on
Pidgen_Bird_Wonderlol---- i think this series of pics are ingenious--- lol--- they make me laugh--- by the way ---- i LUFF--- the Calvin Kline underwear!!--- amazing

hyperactive_phsyco on June 26, 2005, 3:31:30 AM

hyperactive_phsyco on
hyperactive_phsycohe looks good enough to...*licks lips*...suck on....XD

Kinneko on June 15, 2005, 10:56:43 PM

Kinneko on
KinnekoMmm... eye candy... *tummy growl* Hungry... *grins*

Leona_saiyukiotaku on June 13, 2005, 6:06:43 AM

Leona_saiyukiotaku on
Leona_saiyukiotaku*pounce* can we share the hot wolf, pretty please!!!!!!!!!! you get a hug! *hug* *favs*

Kouga_crazy on March 22, 2005, 10:10:13 AM

Kouga_crazy on
Kouga_crazyI SLEEP ON MY SIDE, TOO! I would've known sooner, but I can't see Kouga when he's sleeping if I'm already asleep!

PimpShadow on January 2, 2005, 4:22:01 AM

PimpShadow on
PimpShadowyou should of given him a red shirt, purple boxers that said Calven Kline, and call him "Martie" 'cuz we're headin' "Bake to the Future" ^_^() *faves*

kaname_yasha5689 on December 7, 2004, 9:05:09 AM

kaname_yasha5689 on
kaname_yasha5689I sleep on my side and my back a lot!So that means I'm a lot like Kouga!Is that a good or bad thing?Great piccy!

Kougaskid on November 6, 2004, 4:43:31 AM

Kougaskid on
Kougaskidyea yea I know Kouga is my dad but wow he is fine!!!! ~drools~

nunofyourbiz on October 18, 2004, 8:16:22 PM

nunofyourbiz on
nunofyourbizhe is finnnnnne

Urd-chan on October 14, 2004, 1:44:24 AM

Urd-chan on
Urd-chanDefinitely one of my favorite characters - I'm rather obsessed with him at the moment (between his role in the latest few manga chapters and the Kouga/Kagura fanfic I'm working on, he's on my mind alot lately).<br />
<br />
Great job. Of course, anyone who knows me knows the only thing I love better than half-naked bishies are full-naked ones. <br />
<br />
Love your coloring style. Line art is great, too.

ZinaSun on September 5, 2004, 6:38:47 AM

ZinaSun on
ZinaSunWow! A sexy wolf! ^^<br />

Inuyasha_real_gurl on August 23, 2004, 2:31:23 PM

Inuyasha_real_gurl on
Inuyasha_real_gurlDAMNNNNN Kouga kun lookz sexiii *glomps* i no am an inu gurl but wow dats sexii *heh i hope u make an inuyasha 1 Lol

Vampire_Elf on August 17, 2004, 6:37:42 PM

Vampire_Elf on
Vampire_Elfi love it!!! this pic is PREFECT!! shading, the body*look's again*, the coloring and...did i say the body!! lol!! hey do you do request's? if you do i got a request!! contact me if you can do one for me!!!

InuyashasBabie on July 25, 2004, 2:44:09 PM

InuyashasBabie on
InuyashasBabiewow...i don't really like koga but you make him look...iono yet but its a good pic. *adds to faves*

Ayumie on July 5, 2004, 4:51:07 PM

Ayumie on

LadyoftheDeadlyDance on June 6, 2004, 8:24:02 AM

LadyoftheDeadlyDance on
LadyoftheDeadlyDance0.0 BLUE UNDIES! ((Screams)) woot! That's good! I there was a column like that in Glamor Mag too.

Rune on May 27, 2004, 4:43:25 PM

Rune on
RuneGreat pic! Keep up the good work!

Wild-Card-KKC on May 27, 2004, 7:00:13 AM

Wild-Card-KKC on
Wild-Card-KKCsometimes I sleep like that too.

Zora-the-Jaklover on May 26, 2004, 11:17:14 PM

Zora-the-Jaklover on
Zora-the-JakloverO____________________O *drools and steals Kouga* I ISH ON MY FAVS!!!!!!!

StrikeClaw on May 26, 2004, 10:49:44 AM

StrikeClaw on
StrikeClaw*Stars at him and drools rappaly* He is so Sex and hot *Drool and pant* *Faves*

Latias2004 on May 26, 2004, 5:32:06 AM

Latias2004 on
Latias2004Whoot! Sexy sexy,...yummy. ^-^ More!!

Nike on May 26, 2004, 5:28:26 AM

Nike on
Nikeok well i dont like hoga that much but WOOHOO O.O