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CG hide

CG hide

CG hide by kobayashi
CG hide by kobayashi


Tattoo design of Hideto Matsumoto for a friend. ^^v

General Info

General Info

Category Real People » Singers & Bands » J-pop Bands/Singers
Date Submitted
Views 5453
Favorites... 87
Vote Score 1
Comments 54
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken approx. 1 hour
Reference None


Comments (54)

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Ameesi on August 29, 2008, 6:29:05 PM

Ameesi on
AmeesiLove the hair! *faves*

luckylace222 on June 20, 2008, 12:23:55 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222xD FREAKIN AWESOME HAIR......

ukyo784 on February 19, 2008, 11:47:33 PM

ukyo784 on

xEmotional on August 23, 2007, 5:28:52 AM

xEmotional on
xEmotionalomg hide !
amazing !

VampireMarushi on September 23, 2006, 6:46:44 AM

VampireMarushi on
VampireMarushi"Nice job! Love how you did the hair!"

Raven_of_fear on July 21, 2006, 12:30:07 PM

Raven_of_fear on
Raven_of_fearthat's great!

JessAnime on May 23, 2006, 5:36:47 AM

JessAnime on
JessAnimeWow o.o This is really awsome ;) I love the hair and necklace, nice job! ^___^ *Favs*

fightgirl91 on December 17, 2005, 11:54:18 PM

fightgirl91 on
fightgirl91AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COOL! me like^^

unequivocal_psiren on December 11, 2005, 8:40:03 AM

unequivocal_psiren on

I love the coloring, the hair, the jewlery... everything works so well together! Awesome job!! *favs*

Broken_Wings_and_Black_Roses on December 7, 2005, 9:44:14 AM

Broken_Wings_and_Black_Roses on
Broken_Wings_and_Black_RosesOMFG! I LUV IT! how the hell did you color it so good? I GOTTA KNOW!

~"nice work...bone daddy"~

kagome325 on December 2, 2005, 10:09:46 PM

kagome325 on
kagome325WOA *SPEECHLES*

hikarushirou on November 29, 2005, 8:50:26 AM

hikarushirou on
hikarushirouOh crap a tatt? Wowies... she (or he!!) must really (have) like(d) hide-sama. Go hide-sama!! X3 I adore this pic, he's so cute looking. ^-^ And yes, 'animesora' is right. hide-sama is different than hyde. Although the names DO confuse me. D: But I'm also easily confused. XDD Do you do requests? I'd love a piccie of Gackt-sama. Yes I would. >.>; *tempts with a cookie* D:

lyser on November 29, 2005, 8:34:28 AM

lyser on
lyserwow ^^ thats awsome

Ollie_is_da_bomb on November 29, 2005, 8:28:14 AM

Ollie_is_da_bomb on
Ollie_is_da_bombOMG that is amazing!!! ^____^

Congrats on pic of the hour too! *throws confetti*


manga_cat_girl on November 29, 2005, 8:21:09 AM

manga_cat_girl on
manga_cat_girlCongratz on pic of the hour!!!

supahfreak on November 29, 2005, 8:20:05 AM

supahfreak on
supahfreakthat is... AMAZING! it looks like something from a anime show! who's hideto matsumoto?

Rikus_Bride on November 29, 2005, 8:17:38 AM

Rikus_Bride on
Rikus_BrideSo pretty! You're great!

reezi on November 29, 2005, 8:05:34 AM

reezi on
reeziooh! very sexy!!! kurly gives you 3 thumbs up!!!

Darkmasterbabe on November 29, 2005, 8:03:33 AM

Darkmasterbabe on
Darkmasterbabei like how his face was colored lovelywork

sheep_say_baa on October 25, 2005, 4:38:03 AM

sheep_say_baa on
sheep_say_baatis amazing! I love the colour! ^^ *savs*

RooChan on August 27, 2005, 8:00:53 AM

RooChan on
RooChanIt looks just like him! *favs*

InvaderZeraxRIG on August 11, 2005, 6:31:52 AM

InvaderZeraxRIG on
InvaderZeraxRIGall i can say is...this piccie rocks majorly!!!!!!

~Invader Zera~

Faeberries on June 29, 2005, 6:44:41 AM

Faeberries on
Faeberriesoh fudge... he's hot... i'm lovin the hair!! WAH!!! *faves*

ZTX on June 18, 2005, 11:35:31 AM

ZTX on


SakiChi on March 23, 2005, 5:18:50 PM

SakiChi on
SakiChii want a tattoo like that! ^.^ this is really good!

ObscureAngel on January 12, 2005, 7:39:43 AM

ObscureAngel on
ObscureAngelOMG THAT IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!

>< now only if i could have found this earlier>< my friend was complaining, " There's no hide, no Yoshiki!!" ( she's a yo-chan freak^^ and i wouldn't blame her ^_^)

PunkRocker101 on November 28, 2004, 11:19:22 AM

PunkRocker101 on
PunkRocker101That is sooooooooo kawaii!!!!*faves*

cry_dark_raven on November 1, 2004, 11:51:26 AM

cry_dark_raven on
cry_dark_ravenwow thats so good!!!!!!

Eggplant on October 31, 2004, 7:36:28 PM

Eggplant on
Eggplantprrrrrrrrrrretty! very cool! ur way good

mxyplytx on October 31, 2004, 7:39:05 AM

mxyplytx on
mxyplytxthe cutenesssssss!!!!!!! teeeheeee!! he looks sooo kawaii! mwaaaaaaaaaaa!!! itsss sooooo cuttteeeee!!!!!

can u make me one like this anime style but shinya? pweaaaaaase?

rei_15 on October 19, 2004, 4:38:34 AM

rei_15 on

calahna on October 14, 2004, 9:16:06 AM

calahna on
calahnawell shoot on me!<br />

Code_Sega on October 13, 2004, 6:05:23 AM

Code_Sega on
Code_Segaone word... awesome

Clover171 on October 13, 2004, 5:25:36 AM

Clover171 on
Clover171WO! luv da hair! great jobby!;-)

SquareSoft_wannaBe on October 12, 2004, 2:41:31 PM

SquareSoft_wannaBe on
SquareSoft_wannaBe rock on!

getsurei-megami on October 12, 2004, 1:29:24 PM

getsurei-megami on
getsurei-megamisooo pretty!! O.O *oggles* (not like that)

Yunapix on October 10, 2004, 11:06:36 PM

Yunapix on
YunapixO_O SO COOL!!!

greendaymoos on October 9, 2004, 10:50:00 PM

greendaymoos on
greendaymooswow i bite compared to this!!!

sooty on October 8, 2004, 1:31:04 AM

sooty on
sootyOMG!!!!!!!!!!! thats sooooooo coooooooool!!!!!!*favs*

DieChan on September 19, 2004, 10:26:40 PM

DieChan on
DieChanHIIIIIIIIDEEEEEE!!!!!! *dies* You are too cool, man!

Rei-chan on August 27, 2004, 10:23:57 PM

Rei-chan on
Rei-chanaww! your CG is cool!!!! i like this!*clicks on fave button* cool ya...his pink hair reminds me of Shindou Shuichi from Gravitation lol... XP

SmilyFacedGurl on June 25, 2004, 9:03:34 AM

SmilyFacedGurl on
SmilyFacedGurlthat is so awesome. I love it, amazing job!

animesora on June 24, 2004, 7:54:48 AM

animesora on
animesorathat picture is awesome!!! its such a shame hes dead :( but you put this pic in the wrong catagory. hyde is the lead singer of L`arc~en~ciel and hide is a lead singer of another band :P anyways excellent drawing *adds to faves*

Jean-Sun on June 18, 2004, 11:53:21 PM

Jean-Sun on
Jean-SunDude this is so awesome <33333 You drew hide so well ;__;

riookierin on May 24, 2004, 8:28:09 AM

riookierin on
riookierini say he's hiding in the rainforest.... at least that's me and my friend's theory. it's a long story. i wish he would come back ne!! we miss him!

rachey on May 11, 2004, 6:53:58 AM

rachey on
racheyoh. okay! Im happy now! *insta-chibi*

kobayashi on May 9, 2004, 12:25:31 PM

kobayashi on
kobayashihide's not dead... he's just travelling around with Elvis...

rachey on May 9, 2004, 6:35:18 AM

rachey on
racheydont remind me, riookierin! *waterfall of tears* <br />
<br />
you cant steal Hide, because he is *sniff* DEAD!!! *more waterfalls* <br />
<br />
<br />
O.O ummmm.... good picture anyways.

riookierin on March 12, 2004, 12:10:19 PM

riookierin on
riookierin...KAWAII!!! *mourns again* you're..*sniff* so talented! one day i'll be as good as you! I know it! *tries hard*

Shinigami on November 13, 2003, 1:37:26 AM

Shinigami on
Shinigami*steals hide* !!!!!!!!!!! T_T It is sooooo words...pretties...MINE!!!!<br />
but really, this is awesome!!! *bows and throws confetti at your laundry*

darkness on November 10, 2003, 2:49:27 PM

darkness on
darknessoh my gosh, this is soo nice~ i love the eyes ;D

cloudfire9 on October 27, 2003, 2:14:09 AM

cloudfire9 on
cloudfire9I have earings like that!Any way cool pic!

Skyelarkt on October 18, 2003, 2:03:47 PM

Skyelarkt on

MACC402 on October 3, 2003, 1:50:07 AM

MACC402 on
MACC402CRAP YOU'RE AWESOME!! lol great job!!! ^_^