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Sessy and Miroku Kiss @--@ I DREW THIS?!

Sessy and Miroku Kiss @--@ I DREW THIS?!

Sessy and Miroku Kiss @--@ I DREW THIS?! by kohaku_theblackwolf
Sessy and Miroku Kiss @--@ I DREW THIS?! by kohaku_theblackwolf


Roxxy *Silver_Dreams* dared me to enter her yaoi contest so I did. I don't like greatly disturbs me. BUT can never let down a dare, so yea. But I guess I like this pic alright. Lol, think I'll win? Nah, don't answer that, I know I'm not gonna. So eya. Enjoy!

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Category Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Couples/Pairings
Date Submitted
Views 6520
Favorites... 36
Vote Score 0
Comments 38
Media Unspecified
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Comments (38)

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Sango4ever on September 30, 2007, 3:24:27 AM

Sango4ever on

Sugar_Hi on January 8, 2006, 7:35:26 AM

Sugar_Hi on
i am so confused

animaniac525 on November 10, 2005, 4:26:55 AM

animaniac525 on
animaniac525AWSOME and congrats on the pic of the hour

Atratus on November 10, 2005, 4:07:44 AM

Atratus on
Atratusthats a great pic. Lol. Yaoi all the way, i'm such a fan girl, you know what popped into my head when i saw this, the time Nakago kissed Tamahome in Fushigi Yugi, lol. I drew that on huge paper, because I'm weird, but i just thought it really reminded me of that. Anyway Nice work. +favs

Poison_Ivy on September 26, 2005, 11:54:31 AM

Poison_Ivy on
Poison_IvyWHEEEEEEEE!!!!! Big yaoi fan, I even made a cheer for the Yaoi fangirls! ^_^ sung to the spongebob F.U.N. song too! but I love Fluffy with anyone be it boy or girl! Id probably like it more if it was yaoi, I don't know, I have problems! o.0 oh, ya, scince my scanner is being horrible here's my yaoi cheer, but its not the same without the Kurama, hiei, Inu, and fluffy chibis! Y, is for yay, that's what we say, everyday.(here's kurama, the only happy one because of all the Gay Kurama jokes floating around this place)
A, is for @$$ which THEY have! (hopefully, and here's hiei, crying because he has no @$$!)O, is for obsticallic Fan-Girls, which we have to plow through, being ones ourselves. (and here's fluffy, straight-faced as ever, but running away from invisible fangirls, off screen.) I, is for IN-sane and that is what we are down here in the fangirl Sea! (and here's Inu, laughing maniaclly, for the description of insane.) Wow, that was like, the longest comment ever, anyway, good pic! Please do more fluffy and whoever! (not a request, just a thought) anyways bye! ^_^

MissMurasaki on August 2, 2005, 2:23:12 PM

MissMurasaki on
MissMurasakiLurve it!!!
I always enjoy seeing the more unusual pairings, but let's be honest, (almost) any yaoi pairing will float my boat ^_~

kohaku_theblackwolf on June 1, 2005, 8:05:13 AM

kohaku_theblackwolf on
kohaku_theblackwolflol i like that song.... i never got it tho... *cries*

NitaChan on June 1, 2005, 7:56:26 AM

NitaChan on
NitaChanYou were threatened with Sayounara Bye Bye!? -dies-

I hate that song. >

Vampire_EiriShuichiChan on January 14, 2005, 2:23:01 PM

Vampire_EiriShuichiChan on
Vampire_EiriShuichiChanIf you don't like this, don't comment. Keep looking at other stuff and leave space for the people who appreciate it to write. I love this pic, btw. Not my fav pairing in the Inu-yaoi world, but i like it nonetheless. i love all of your other art work too. Keep drawing for all you're worth ^.~

Zoutou_Ivanov on September 22, 2004, 10:39:46 AM

Zoutou_Ivanov on
Zoutou_IvanovAww! Another one of my favorite pairings! But Sess/Inu is still at the top *nod* Anyways! Great job. *_*

Slyzerin_girl on September 19, 2004, 7:42:41 PM

Slyzerin_girl on
Slyzerin_girlYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Er... I mean, good picture... But it's disgusting!!! What d'ya think about Miroku being to boys?????! Anyway, I'm diing...

AyumiTheDemonKitty on September 15, 2004, 9:58:21 AM

AyumiTheDemonKitty on
AyumiTheDemonKittyto tell you the truth that sort of looks like Kagome and not Miroku...<br />
I am not realy a yaoi fan either but its still a good pic!

Miroku_Hottie on June 24, 2004, 10:24:49 AM

Miroku_Hottie on
Miroku_Hottiei agree with tore im not mean to ppl*until they get on my nerves* BUT WHY SESSY & MIROKU?!?!?!?!?GGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRR

MusicBitch on June 6, 2004, 4:49:00 AM

MusicBitch on
MusicBitch*walks in a circle around them whisteling* hehe *pushes miroku out of the way and kiss sesshomru ^_~*

Tore on June 2, 2004, 4:40:48 AM

Tore on
Toreok, im not the kind of person that is mean to ppl that i dont know, but, WHY THE F*** DID U DRAW THIS?!?!?! *dies*

MissLyss on May 31, 2004, 2:59:38 AM

MissLyss on
MissLyss...thats pretty disgusting(becasue i love Miroku)...but GREAT picture! your an awesome artist, and i love all of your other work as well.

legolaslovingsnapefan on May 31, 2004, 2:28:07 AM

legolaslovingsnapefan on
legolaslovingsnapefanbuwahahahahaha!!!!!!! that looks sooooo funny!!!!!! hahahaha!!!!! miroku!!!!! ha!!!!

vash_and_wolfwood on May 28, 2004, 9:57:45 AM

vash_and_wolfwood on
vash_and_wolfwoodits not that i hate yaoi,its just miroku would never kiss a man.i have nothing against yaoi, sorry if i offended any1.

silver_dreams on May 16, 2004, 3:52:08 AM

silver_dreams on
silver_dreamslol, aren't the lil yaoi-hating fangirls funny?

vash_and_wolfwood on May 14, 2004, 8:33:13 AM

vash_and_wolfwood on

Kamaya_the_Cat on May 9, 2004, 9:30:25 AM

Kamaya_the_Cat on
Kamaya_the_CatMe: Die!!!! *slashes Sesshomaru away, takes Sess's place* Miroku: Better.

kohaku_theblackwolf on May 5, 2004, 12:01:00 PM

kohaku_theblackwolf on
kohaku_theblackwolfNOOOOOOOOOOO! *revives Gil* *Glomps him* LEAVE MY GIL OUTTA THIS!!!!!! T.T I'm sry, I didn't mean too! *Glomps Gil again*<br />
<br />
Ok, then, the quote "He's plotting..." has credit gone to ROXXY! *aka, silver_dreams* ^ ^ Sry bout that........@__@

silver_dreams on May 5, 2004, 11:07:36 AM

silver_dreams on
silver_dreamsHEY!! YOU TOOK MY QUOTE!! I'M THE ONE WHO SAYS 'he's plotting'!!!!!! *makes gil explode*

kohaku_theblackwolf on April 15, 2004, 12:11:01 PM

kohaku_theblackwolf on
kohaku_theblackwolfYea, I HATE the way Sesshoumaru came out...>.O I'm glad you guys like it...although I don't...*rips it up* Thats better...<br />
<br />
Tankies for all da comments! I be a happy demon!

Masahiro_Seiji on April 12, 2004, 10:19:11 AM

Masahiro_Seiji on
Masahiro_SeijiMiroku is beautiful, but Sessy looks kinda...old..hehe.

ChrissyC on April 7, 2004, 12:22:40 AM

ChrissyC on
ChrissyCNever thought of that pair. XD Dares are evil! My sister dared me to wear this high heeled shoes (the heels were like, two feet high!) to school - I thought my feet were gonna fall off. X_x OMG, I just noticed your little note. "He's plotting...<~" XD This is so good. XD Yaoi ain't that bad, anyway.

ZipperDollys on April 6, 2004, 4:01:04 PM

ZipperDollys on
ZipperDollysoh my! well its very good, but it really is an out of the ordinary couple!

miko_of_moonlite on April 2, 2004, 3:52:31 PM

miko_of_moonlite on
miko_of_moonliteroflmao kohie thats a new one^^ this is god k-chan never thought ud act THIS mcuh like me, dares are a evil obsession, who can resist the great dare?? but this is good, for yaoi^^

OneWingedDemon-WH_KaiRay on March 31, 2004, 12:14:28 PM

OneWingedDemon-WH_KaiRay on
OneWingedDemon-WH_KaiRayVery funny Kohie! i know that I don't like yaoi and all, but this is just plain hilarious! Hehe! I would never really think of you drawing yaoi as well. ::sigh:: I guess there is a first time for everything, don't you think Kohie?^_^;;

izzy on March 31, 2004, 12:08:28 PM

izzy on
izzyLol, you've certainly disturbed my sister.... did you think sesshomaru was a girl? because i did.... lol<br />
good job, but truly disturbing :)

Burning_Ice on March 31, 2004, 4:30:54 AM

Burning_Ice on
Burning_IceoH WOW! THATS GREAT! And dont feel bad, I draw pictures my friends dare me to also ::shoves Hiten/Sess/Miroku threesome pic under desk:: <br />
<br />
Miroku just looks so surprised! He is all talk ... <br />
<br />

Kerushi on March 31, 2004, 1:54:15 AM

Kerushi on
KerushiWow! Thats really good! I love it! *faves* They aren't my fav coupl but I guess they do look good together! Goooo YAOI!!!

Mangolious_kiwi on March 31, 2004, 1:16:09 AM

Mangolious_kiwi on
Mangolious_kiwiHmm.. interesting couple there. o.o I like how you did the drawing! Lokks very nice! ^_^

StrikeClaw on March 30, 2004, 11:20:03 PM

StrikeClaw on
StrikeClaw0_0 I love thouse two people! But I dident see this coming! AHAHAHA! *Put's in favs*

Cloud_Strife_Biggest_Fan on March 30, 2004, 4:54:31 PM

Cloud_Strife_Biggest_Fan on
Cloud_Strife_Biggest_Fan............But Seshy can't bare his children.... This is a cute match but it will never work.

rayeminamino on March 30, 2004, 4:33:54 PM

rayeminamino on
rayeminaminoHe looks kinda old... but the scene is cute

silver_dreams on March 30, 2004, 4:19:20 PM

silver_dreams on
silver_dreamsI MADE HER! I THREATENED HER WITH THE MP3 TO SAYOUNARA BYE BYE!! hee hee sessho looks funny...