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Legacy of the Heroes - Aeris Gainsborough

Legacy of the Heroes - Aeris Gainsborough

Legacy of the Heroes - Aeris Gainsborough by lightningscion
Legacy of the Heroes - Aeris Gainsborough by lightningscion


~Yes, first Legacy Character Artwork is up~

And it\'s everyone\'s faveourite dead girl. Aeris Gainsborough. (Will I get stick for that?) Yes
I\'m doing the lemming thing with bringing Aeris
back, but she is needed for story development.
this is probably what the end result will look like
as well-well for her own story anyway...I think
she\'ll be just like her old self before then, just
without that daft mini coat and the bracelets.

Again, from left to right inner circle it goes


And left to right outer circle goes.


I chose to leave their colouring to a simple one tone colour and when I decided on a Lifestream theme for this one-probably gonig to be varients on all-a blue suited it.
Yeah, that is the Lifestream in the bg.

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Final Fantasy series » Final Fantasy 7
Date Submitted
Views 1510
Favorites... 0
Vote Score 2
Comments 8
Media Other digital art
Time Taken 2 days
Reference N/A


Comments (8)

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Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on April 28, 2008, 11:41:05 AM

Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on
Pocky_PixieSticks_AnimeAeris looks beautiful. the whole pic is beautiful. awesome job. =^_^= *gives pocky and pixie sticks*

lightningscion on May 3, 2008, 4:25:17 AM

lightningscion on
lightningscionThanx! Sorry for the long reply btw.

Choco_Chick_87 on January 7, 2008, 9:19:46 AM

Choco_Chick_87 on
Choco_Chick_87Very well done, I like her new outfit and the background reminds me of the stained-glass pillars from Kingdom Hearts. The pink and green really compliment each other. Just a few questions: Why did you choose those particular characters why are some of them missing clothing items? (Eiko nas no bow in her hair, Stiener isn't wearing a helmet, and Yuffie appears...nude?) it just makes it a little confusing...

lightningscion on January 9, 2008, 6:23:22 AM

lightningscion on
lightningscionThanx for the comment and critique.
The design was based off of the kingdom Hearts stained glass floor things, I wanted that look to it, showing a connection between them. As to Characters, I'm guessing you mean FFVII: Cloud, Tifa and Cait Sith. And FFIX: Quina...Well, to be blunt about Qunina and Cait, I tried to write them in, but I never really liked the characters to begin with so...they kinda disappeared from the whole story.
Cloud and Tifa will (soon I hope) have their own Character pics, because they-along with Zack in this story-have their own plots which involve one of the four teams of heroes.
And as to the clothing issue, some of the characters are more important than others in the story and required me to show a difference in design. The missing bow on Eiko is pretty much because she's now a year older and doesn't want to wear a bow anymore(its not that I missed that, no...heh..heheheh.)And as for Stiener, I wanted to show his full face better, not to be restricted by the sharp edges of the helmet.

lightningscion on December 17, 2007, 5:03:49 PM

lightningscion on
lightningscionThanx, I wanted a very different set of colourings for each of the four(that are coming)title character pics, I went for a bright, light filled look.

Morpher on December 17, 2007, 10:50:58 AM

Morpher on
Morphernice... like teh choice of colors for tis pic

357 on November 28, 2007, 7:53:58 PM

357 on
357Pretty nice job, good coloring! ^_^ Text could be easier to read though, especially her name there. :D

lightningscion on November 30, 2007, 4:31:43 AM

lightningscion on
lightningscionYeah I know...I wanted to keep in line with the text on the logo : but I guess that it is a bit too difficult to read, ah well that's why Photoshop has layers.
Thanks for the critique