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'Tis me

'Tis me

'Tis me by lildragonboy
'Tis me by lildragonboy


My art teacher likes to torture me by making me do self portraits(I think he does it because he knows I have low self esteem >.

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Category Real People » Self
Date Submitted
Views 2326
Favorites... 20
Vote Score 1
Comments 24
Media Unspecified
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Comments (24)

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hobbit on January 8, 2007, 3:48:38 AM

hobbit on
hobbitYou're pretty :)
Low self-esteem is the worst; I know it. But surround yourself with good people, and they'll help you make it through.

Radioactive_froggy on January 5, 2007, 3:30:35 PM

Radioactive_froggy on
Radioactive_froggywow *is trasfixed* you have gorgeous eyes!! and freakin AWESOME hair!! and you drew them all well!! *stares for a while* sorry that was kinda creepy wasnt it XD heh cause and all XD so im kinda starin at you *smacks self from sleep deprivation* 0_0 must not say anything stupid >.< hah well ne way *faves* great job!! you should NOT have low self esteem lemmie tell ya XD

artyfowl on December 4, 2006, 9:38:30 AM

artyfowl on
artyfowlwhy should u not like drawing urself...welll don't answer that cause i'd have the same problem. ur hair's really kewl!

gottaxpressme91 on October 8, 2006, 2:50:05 AM

gottaxpressme91 on
gottaxpressme91WOW! your eyes are goreous!! i love your hair and the colors! Marry me! (jk)

Fatal_dreamer on September 6, 2006, 12:07:55 PM

Fatal_dreamer on
Fatal_dreamerooh and u have pretty eyes

Fatal_dreamer on September 6, 2006, 12:07:29 PM

Fatal_dreamer on
Fatal_dreamerWHOA.....U SHOULDNT HAVE LOW SELF ESTEMM...UR SEXY......*covers mouth*hehe

EB91 on July 18, 2006, 7:42:56 PM

EB91 on
EB91Oh...I love your hairs..!! Good job

BlackPaint on July 11, 2006, 5:10:34 AM

BlackPaint on
BlackPaintWow, your hott.... YOUR HAIR IS COOL! WHEEEEEEEEE!*has had alittle too much sugar* I wish we could do self portaits my art teacher makies us draw fruit and violins... So boring. I accually quit art class.... Oh well, GREAT WORK!

Amaya_LOD on June 8, 2006, 4:51:14 AM

Amaya_LOD on
Amaya_LODgreat hair,and eyes too,I love blue eyes :)
sweet pic,keep it up

Broken-Heart on March 27, 2006, 7:36:40 AM

Broken-Heart on
Broken-HeartOMG!!! I think this looks awsum!!!! nice hair!!

Amaya_Ivanov on March 4, 2006, 4:00:12 PM

Amaya_Ivanov on
so cool,*faves*

x_art_lovin_chick_x on March 4, 2006, 6:15:34 AM

x_art_lovin_chick_x on
x_art_lovin_chick_xoh my bob..*gasp* thats so awsum

TheWolfy on March 1, 2006, 7:43:25 AM

TheWolfy on
TheWolfyWOW you are pretty. o3o Awesome job on the eyes, and the hair is so nice. < 333 Definitely good work.

tsutanai_vigaku on February 28, 2006, 5:55:08 AM

tsutanai_vigaku on
tsutanai_vigaku*Shrugs* Can I join in the worshipping, it looks fun? *worship*

aje on February 21, 2006, 8:00:46 AM

aje on
ajeOmg you are hott!!
Did i just say that? *stares around to see if anyone was looking*
*grabbs the picture and runs off*

Animegirl2429 on February 20, 2006, 8:16:04 AM

Animegirl2429 on
Animegirl2429why would you have low self-esteem? (yeh now i sound like a broken record, reapeating everyone...-_-,)

You have amazing talent, and your only 16, you got so far to go yet!!!! Keep it up!!!! This is a beautiful picture. Atleast your teacher lets you do self portraits in a slightly anime-ish style. i have to do realism...

*favs* your amazing!

Astri on February 18, 2006, 1:08:19 AM

Astri on
AstriCurses!! I messed up when I drew that "Why??? Bishies' Nightmare" thing with you and Albel in it!! Your hair changed and I didn't know...(kicks self) Curses, foiled again...but, hey--you look great! I'll just have to draw another!

K-Chan on February 17, 2006, 5:20:39 AM

K-Chan on
K-ChanLike the others, give yourself some self esteem dude, you have quite a lot of talent! Your style is very nice, and unique, and you aren't too bad looking yourself dear. A little suggestion? Work some on your coloring. I can tell you have a talent for it. Learn to use the compliments of the colors for shading, and take your time. Your artwork will really pop then. *pats your back* Good job.

SethsRazorbladeBitch on February 17, 2006, 4:26:40 AM

SethsRazorbladeBitch on
SethsRazorbladeBitchGet some self esteem boy, you fracking deserve it xD This is an amazing pic, you're very pretty (I use it for all genders, it's a good thing, believe me xD) I draw myself when I'm bored...I love myself but yet I think I'm a worthless stone o.O haha...anywho...amazing as all your work, again, get some self esteem, you're way past earning it ^.~
and I'm favin' this xP

Trinity_Fire on February 17, 2006, 1:58:35 AM

Trinity_Fire on
Trinity_Firegawd, it was so horrible, I saw this pic and I wanted to comment on it but the stupid comp wouldn't let me add the comment~!!!!
So I missed first commento when this came out. :)

But I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuv it, it's so pretty! I like the realism style [slightly, lightly mixed with anime, hehe]
and you have beeeeeeeeeeeeeautiful eyes and hair!! Sooooooo luvly!

I agree with Alicifer, you are sexy. XD
and the femmy boyness is there too, which only makes it better!!! XD
Gawd, you are so cool. :3


yaoimakestheworldgoround on February 17, 2006, 12:42:40 AM

yaoimakestheworldgoround on
yaoimakestheworldgoroundlovely self portrait. The hair looks really awesome!

Alicifer on February 16, 2006, 10:34:10 AM

Alicifer on
AliciferWHY ON EARTH SO U HAVE LOW SELFESTEEM????? You are gorgeous! I really mean it...I love your hair and your face is beautiful! OMG U ARE SO GOING ON MY AFVS LIST!!!!!!!!! *scurries away to look at all your art* WOW YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL! Sorry i can't get over how sexy you are ^______^

Kieato on February 16, 2006, 10:13:05 AM

Kieato on
KieatoAHH IT'S BUBBY!!!!!!!*runs away*

LexLuthorsVictimNJustAFriend on February 16, 2006, 10:07:29 AM

LexLuthorsVictimNJustAFriend on
LexLuthorsVictimNJustAFriendThis is very beautiful. I hope you make more pictures like this, I'm putting you on my favorite artist list.