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Photoshop Tutorial: Skin

Photoshop Tutorial: Skin

Photoshop Tutorial: Skin by limpet666
Photoshop Tutorial: Skin by limpet666


Okay, I use PHOTOSHOP 7.0 so that's what this tutorial is for.

^_^ I did it for PataPata seeing as how she did her lufferly tut. on how she did hair for me, so I did one on her request for skin. I know it's not the greatest thing, and it's probably not very easy to follow...and it's very long, and I waffled quite a bit, but c'mon,gimmi a break, it's my first and I had lots of fun doing it.

=3 And keep a lookout for the included image completed sometime soon ^_^

General Info

General Info

Category Tutorials » Computer Art (CG) Tutorials
Date Submitted
Views 1514
Favorites... 1
Vote Score 0
Comments 3
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken 2+ hours
Reference none


Comments (3)

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PataPata on July 20, 2007, 4:19:42 PM

PataPata on
PataPataYou know what was ironic? I just drew a picture when my sister says, "Oh limpet drew a tutorial for you." And I said, "Oh really?" So I checked and went YAYYAYAYAYAYA Puahaha. I'll put up a picture after commenting this. :3

First of all, I want to thank you. My first tutorial can't even touch your first tutorial. I feel bad for making such a crappy tutorial for you. T^T I'M SORRY *falls over and sulks* For your first tutorial, it's spectacular! I'm serious! It seems like the greatest thing to me and I'm happy that you had lots of fun doing this, hehe.

I'll be sure to lookout for the included image, hehe. Those 3 need some lovin' too! I barely see them drawn, which makes me sad. But you know, how you draw the not-so-popular characters makes you a really admirable artist. (:

I think the hardest part of the tutorial was when you referred to that other one in the beginning. That other one took me a while to get! Hours! HOURS >_o

But the rest of your tutorial is wonderful! Nothing bad or unexplanatory about it. ^w^ You really explained things, which is incredibly helpful. All the pictures allowed me to know if I was doing something wrong or anything like that. The steps were really step-by-step and the little red arrows/lines/texts let me see important details. It was pretty easy to follow and although it's very long, it's worth all the reading. (: This seems so professional. Are you sure you haven't made a tutorial before? *nudgenudge* And I love how you put your sense of humor into the tutorial. I also doubt Siegfried goes out much. HAHA XD

Thank you for putting your time and effort into make this tutorial for me! *hughughug*
I hope to make it up to you, haha.
Oh and sorry for the long comment...again. ^___^;;

limpet666 on July 21, 2007, 2:42:31 AM

limpet666 on
limpet666Lmao, don't worry about the diffs in our tut. XD you could say I have a penchant for the dramatic and I probably could have just done this with a few pics and a little bit of explanation, but it was so much fun to do I just kept adding more details XD

I'm really glad it was useful, and I know what you mean about the other tut. But seriously, I havent used it lately but when I have my tablet it's one of the most useful tutorials I know (With my mouse I have a different technique though ^^; because I'm having to scan pre-drawn pictures)

=3 hmm...I may be a while with getting that image up btw, at this moment I'm waiting for my mom to get home with my Harry Potter book and I wont be doing anythng until I've read it all XD

*throws scones at because she ran out of bagels and scone are yummy*

PataPata on July 21, 2007, 3:58:45 PM

PataPata on
PataPataHahaha, alrighty. It's you say so. *rocks back and forth* (: Oh wow, I learned a new word today! Penchant! XD But it's nice you have a penchant for the dramatic. And it's all good, it's better you kept adding details because you were having lots of fun. Your tutorial would still be great if you used just a few pictures and tidbits of explanation.

And I'm really glad that you're really glad. ^__^ Oh so did you have a hard time when you first used the other tutorial? Even if you didn't, thank you for understanding. (: Ooh..and thank you for referring me to one of the most useful tutorials you know when you have your tablet. I scan pre-drawn pictures as well. I'm planning to start coloring one today. But at least you're still about to color with the mouse. The computer I use almost all the time is my laptop and the mouse is a touch-mouse thingy, which is horrible to use for coloring or drawing.

Oh it's alright. I understand, being a fellow Harry Potter fan and all. XD I dunno, I hope to get the book tomorrow or something because today might've been too crowded, the books might've been already sold out, or people at the book stores might've been screaming, "________ AND ________ DIES" Have fun reading the book! ^0^

Scones are delicious! *eats the scones* Would you like some? I'm willing to share, haha. *holds out some scones* I'm surprised that you actually ran out of bagels. :O