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Jailbroken sketch - RishShadiSieg

Jailbroken sketch - RishShadiSieg

Jailbroken sketch - RishShadiSieg by limpet666
Jailbroken sketch - RishShadiSieg by limpet666


Haha...where to start with this one...

Right, well, firstly, sorry to sound like a broken record, but dear gods I miss my tablet! I really really miss it! *sobs* this sketch took far too long because I had to use a damn mouse!

Which moves me on... I had to do this in photoshop because of their postures, which would have been impossible for me to get right without the eraser tool... I would have (and did) mess up any paper by using a real eraser if I tried (which I did). It annoys me greatly that I'm not a good enough artist to not have to spend hours on just getting the damn postures right, and getting everything in proportion. I still dont think this pic looks exactly right, but it's good enough for me.

It's kind of like a promotional picture for a fanfic I might write at some point... but who'd be interest in a Shadi/Rishid/Siegfried story, seriously? If enough people say they WOULD be interested I might actually write it for real. I'm not a bad writer either, if I do say so, compared to some writers anyway. I write in 3rd person, I can keep the tenses correct, generally I can keep the characters close enough in character not to be cringeworthy, y'know, stuff people generally appretiate in a fanfic.

Erm...well, tehre was a good bit of procrastination for you.

*sigh* I have no idea how I'm going to do the lineart for this, I'll probably have to print it off, line it by hand and then scan it back in, unless some generous artist is willing to do it for me? If anyone offers I can send the original sketch, but it's in photoshop format and incredibly large. The actual image is 3200px X 3000px, and many many megabytes... but I'd be willing to do a coloured giftart as payment! Seriously! *begs*

ANYWAY! Sorry for the long artist notes. Just to add I think Shadi is uber-smexy and I have no idea why I put Siegfried in there, 'cept that maybe none of these guys get enough attention. And he's so pale compared to the Egyptians! Stick him inbetween them and see! =3 I'm planning to... muahaha... Siegfried sammich...

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series » Groups/Couples
Date Submitted
Views 1284
Favorites... 1
Vote Score 0
Comments 9
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken A good few hours
Reference For Rishid's face


Comments (9)

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PataPata on August 19, 2007, 6:22:21 AM

PataPata on
PataPataO LAWD IS DAT SUM RAPE's alright. *pats* I'm still sorry about your tablet. :<
And the picture looks great! There's no need to fret.
:O I must read that fanfic once it comes out, if you do write about it, hehe. You are a wonderful writer. :3
And aw..someone beat me to it, haha. It's all good, I'm glad someone was able to do the layout for you. ^0^
Yeah, Shadi looks delicious and so does Rishid, looking like the manly man he is. (; Oh yes, Siegfried is pale compared to the other too. I sense an oreo.. XD They do need more love, hehe.
I love their poses! And how you did the bars. Oh those bad bad boys, hehe. I have to say that my favorite in this picture is Rishid<33 It's like Siegfried is gently comforting Shadi, but Shadi has a knife in his other hand so..I dunno what'll happen. Great outfits by the way and the hands are drawn so well.
Will you color this? :3

limpet666 on August 19, 2007, 6:29:46 AM

limpet666 on
limpet666Thans for the comments, I definately will be coloring this at some point, but not for a while. I'll be on holiday for two weeks on tuesday, so I'll have to get it when I come back.

*snicker* I think my fave in the pic is Shadi. I was trying to make it look like even though Rishid is deifnately more masculine, Shadi's the one in control =3 cos we all know that he would be.

This is going to be fun to finish, i defo want to write that ff but it's finding the time *Sigh* ah well.

I wonder what 'shipping' this threesome would be...

PataPata on August 20, 2007, 10:04:48 AM

PataPata on
PataPataHahaha, you're welcome. (: YAYAY And it's alright, I can wait, hahaha. But aww..have fun on holiday! I'm going to miss you! ^0^

*giggles* Very nice, it's like we can do a roleplay about it. Problem is, the only person I really roleplay with is my sister so..sorry if I mess things up or something. ^__^;; Oh yes! I can see it now! Puahaha! Interesting, Seme Shadi, Uke Rishid. And..Seme/Uke Siegfried? XD

Hehe, I'm sure it will be! :D And I'm sorry about there isn't that much time to write your FF, maybe I'll just imagine it. For now anyway. (:


limpet666 on August 20, 2007, 10:05:32 PM

limpet666 on
limpet666*actually almost choke laughing at Oreoshipping* XD!! Omg, that almost killed me, no kidding.

Haha, I cant see Rishid being Uke, somehow. I recon Shadi wouldn't care about being Uke, as long as he's still on top =3 And Siegfried would be completely overwhelmed I think XD I recon they come on strong when Shadi sees something he likes.

*chucks reheated leftover chinese food at* mmm

PataPata on August 21, 2007, 2:37:58 PM

PataPata on
PataPataDon't worry, I believe you. *laughs* Though I'm kinda proud for thinking up something like that. XD But it is hilarious.

Haha, same here, not in this picture anyway. :P Very nice, ukes like that are fun. Puaha, I can imagine it how. Rishid on the bottom, Shadi on top, and Siegfried in the middle. >:3 SANDWICHES Hehehe, oh yes indeed. I believe you're right. XD


PegasusxCroquet on August 14, 2007, 11:57:15 PM

PegasusxCroquet on
PegasusxCroquetIt kinda sucks, as I am a loser who dosn't know the meaning of the word 'pen tool,' but... hopefuly I didn't massicare your epic drawing too much. D: I resized it a little before making the lineart of it, so it's.. 1500 pixels...wide, I think. >3>; hopefully that's to your liking. ^^;

[ Photobucket is being an @$$, and seems to be down, so hopefully imageshack will...not suck. XD ]

And, um, feel free to stab me in the eye - I know it's like, 4356 years overdue from when you drew me that AWESOME Pegasus/Croquet doodle [ and naow you has a Pegasus/Kemo. ;3; You're my hero... ] but...

[ MOAR IMAGESHACK!!1!1one! ]

It was like, the first thing I went about drawing for you, never got done, and I can't access your 'real' one, as my sister lost the freaking cable to my external hard drive that I stored it on.

..So, as I type, I'm re-re-redrawing you something. XD

limpet666 on August 15, 2007, 12:06:05 AM

limpet666 on
limpet666._. wow...I cant believe you actually lined it for me... *falls over did* I didn't actually expect anyone too, now I have to do giftart *smacks head*

But it looks absolutely great! Especially since you did the bars for me... XD it's sad, but I had the most trouble with them because I suck at using the STRAIGHT LINE tool...dont ask me how, I'm a dingbat I guess. Hum...hopefully I'll get around to coloring it now.

OMG that picture is SO funny XD! Thankyou sho sho much!! You dont have to draw me anything else, really, you've done so much already ^^;

XD so...giftart? Whatcha want?

PegasusxCroquet on August 15, 2007, 12:51:45 AM

PegasusxCroquet on
PegasusxCroquetXD It was no problem at all, seriously~! I've been oekaki-ing [porn] requests [ lots of mudkips [<3!] and snorunts [..?] ~! ] for the last few days, and needed some practice in photoshop before I forgot how to work it entirely. XD

And I don't need any giftart; just looking at your works from time to time is a pleasure and honor in itself :3

Also, protip! :D For straight lines, just hold shift [ ...owait, it might be control. >_>; ] down when using the brush or pencil, and move your mouse in the direction you want the line to go. Although sometimes it randomly ZOOM!smudges/veers off in a random direction/'bleeds' when you start a new line. I'm using CS2 on Vista, and it doesn't happen as often, but was horribly annoying on XP with CS. So... it could just be my crappy computers. Undo usually gets rid of it. XD

I'm happy you liked the half-done picture!! ^.^;;
[ I'll see if I can finish it... I can't remember why I abandon it in the first place, really; I think it was something about Rashid's posture and arms together being too unnatural and shot to hell to fix. >3>;; ]

PegasusxCroquet on August 14, 2007, 11:58:48 PM

PegasusxCroquet on
PegasusxCroquetEr, and I forgot to mention...

I kinda... Molested Shaadi's hair a little. XD

I couldn't resist. .__.;
