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In the end...

In the end...

In the end... by limpet666
In the end... by limpet666


...all warriors fall.

So this is probably what I could title my 'should have' picture. I started it last year during my lessons at college, sketching and stuff whilst I 'should have' been working, and then I dug it out last night and finsihed it off and lined it when I 'should have' been sleeping. And no doubt I'll colour it when I'm 'supposed' to be doing something else, lol.

Well, this picture kind of developed a story as I drew it, and no doubt I'll add more as I colour. I dont do many original pieces of art like this, it's easier to use preexisting characters, but this really didn't start as anything, and just developed over the year. As it stands all four are elves, the one in the middle fell during a battle and only now is he being recieved back into his home and to be laid to rest. The ones around him are his father, brother and lover. They don't cry in public because he died an honourable death, a good death. They'll probably be standing in water for a variety of significant and insignificant reasons I'll maybe explain later.

I have to say I am extremely pleased with the central figure, I'm aware of a number of anatomical mistakes, but when I dug the picture out I couldn't bring myself to alter them. He was originally going to have large, tattered, feathered wings like a fallen angel, but in the end I decided not to. They would have looked far too cumbersome in an otherwise elegant picture.

I will get to oclouring this hopefully, but the sheer size of the image, plus the fact I'm going to try and render water for the first time, PLUS the fact that I want to make it my best piece yet in terms of colour, and PLUS PLUS the fact that I'm going to try and do all this without the aid of a graphic tablet means that it will either

a)take me a very long time


b)will start of taking a long time before I just give up in frustration and mutilate it.

Either are equally as likely *sigh*

Anyway, I'd like to hear what people's initial thoughts were before they read (or didn't) all my babble.

And if anyone feels like coloring this or something, feel free, just remember to credit me and link me.

All characters and scenarios (c) Limpet666

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Comments (4)

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PataPata on October 29, 2007, 6:19:45 PM

PataPata on
PataPataTruer words have not yet been spoken.
This picture just screams out the story you wrote in the description of this picture.
A sense of loss.
Those are, of course, only a few words that describe this picture.
I love your descriptions, they help me understand your ideas behind your art.
And there's no anatomical mistakes as far as I can see.
Your human anatomy is wonderful.
What I love most is the expressions of the elves carrying the fallen warrior because they seem so straight-faced regardless of their loss.
Like..they're so strong.
Ah Limpet, it's alright if you don't get around to coloring this.
This picture is fine, as is.

limpet666 on October 30, 2007, 3:36:17 AM

limpet666 on
limpet666Ee, thank you for your comment. I'm a bit embarrassed about writing all that sappy babble, but I'm not going to change it lol.

And I only realised the elves didn't have irises after a posted the pic, this is just because I'm going to add them as I color ^^; not cos they're blind or anything.

-.o and there defo is anatmoical mistakes *nod nod* his arms are too long for one...but in his odd position I suppose you cant see ^^

I have already started to color this btw, I've done the bg (ish) and I'm starting on the elves now ... It's gonna take a while... phew...

PataPata on October 31, 2007, 6:00:38 PM

PataPata on
PataPataYou're welcome. ^w^ Aw, don't be embarrassed, I enjoyed reading your sappy babble, hahaha.

Oohhh! I see! Haha, I thought you made them have no irises, like they're blind, but they can really sense their surroundings and know what's going on and whatever. But yes, I can't wait to see the irises and the rest of the picture colored. :3

Haha, I didn't notice that until you pointed it out. XD You're right, you can't really tell that his arms are long because of his position. And by the way, nice job on the foot/toes. It's/they're pretty<33

Oh I guess I was too late then. HAHA, kidding. I'm sure it'll be great colored and all your hard work will pay off! ^0^

xlittlexprincessx on October 25, 2007, 3:54:44 AM

xlittlexprincessx on