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Kissing by manga_rules
Kissing by manga_rules


me and Kratos: *kissing*
Kratos: Hazel I love you so much
me: Kratos sweetheart I love you so much
Kratos: *smiles* i'm so lucky *kisses me again*
me: *kisses him back and stares at all the Ravid H X K fans*
Kratos: huh whats wrong?
me: they..were watching us Kratos
Kratos: ...oh...crap....ummmmm...*lets go of me* RIGHT YOU SAW NOTHING
me: .....they saw everything
Kratos: ......they seem calm.....
me: *holds onto Kratos tight* now for the Ravid part

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - All Titles » Tales Of... series » Tales of Symphonia » Groups/Couples
Date Submitted
Views 1111
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 0
Comments 6
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken


Comments (6)

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Kratosgirl14 on October 15, 2006, 3:10:01 PM

Kratosgirl14 on
Kratosgirl14aww!! XD

Firefly-Dragon on September 22, 2006, 7:35:13 PM

Firefly-Dragon on
Firefly-DragonAww your drawings are really good well better than what i can draw i only do stick men it takes courage to put ya art work on here so i admire ya for that im a mate of sword dragon's by the way we write together she draws the characters and i write well she writes to infact there isnt much she dont do she is teaching me at the moment she a good teacher and friend but ypu dnt need teaching cos your drawings are really good wish i could draw like you u never no i may do one day:) so keep up the good work ok cos its good what you do and you have courage keep smiling

Gamer_girl on September 17, 2006, 4:52:12 PM

Gamer_girl on
Gamer_girl*runs in and glomps u and kratos* *fangirl spueal* ^______^ OMG I LUV DIS!!!!!
luigi: *jumps on top of u and kratos and takes random pictures*
me: more pics fer da collection!!! *FAVZ*
luigi: *looks at pictures he took* OMG liz dis 1 is of kratos's FOOT!!!
me: W00T!!! dats a keeper!!! HXK FEREVER!!!!

kamatari17 on September 16, 2006, 7:09:52 AM

kamatari17 on
kamatari17Me: *looking at you guys with KxH binoculars* *insert rabbid fangirl squeal here* OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMFG!!! This is beautiful!!!! You are good at drawing kissing scenes Hazel!!! Wheeeee *nudges both of you guys in the ribs* looks like you may get busy later!!!

Kratos: Away with you!!!! *chasing me*

Me: awww crap not again!!! *faves and runs for dear life* It's my destiny to be a fangirl UNDERSTAND!!!!

kamatari17 on September 16, 2006, 7:09:48 AM

kamatari17 on
kamatari17Me: *looking at you guys with KxH binoculars* *insert rabbid fangirl squeal here* OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMFG!!! This is beautiful!!!! You are good at drawing kissing scenes Hazel!!! Wheeeee *nudges both of you guys in the ribs* looks like you may get busy later!!!

Kratos: Away with you!!!! *chasing me*

Me: awww crap not again!!! *faves and runs for dear life* It's my destiny to be a fangirl UNDERSTAND!!!!

Falconlobo on September 15, 2006, 4:20:43 PM

Falconlobo on
Falconlobonice pic great job