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Love by marc21
Love by marc21


This is for the hands He gave me to draw =)<br />
<br />
To anyone despairing, look into His eyes and smile... for He loves you.


I'm greatly honoured to have this pic featured. Once again thanks to the moderator Battou for choosing it!

And of course, thanks to all you guys who drop by =)

General Info

General Info

Category Miscellaneous » Religion
Date Submitted
Views 17111
Favorites... 390
Vote Score 186
Comments 354
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken


Comments (354)

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spunky80 on June 11, 2008, 3:21:26 AM

spunky80 on
spunky80wow this is awsome! glad it got featured! there's too much "inapropreate art" on the net and on this site too.... this is great! ^v^ *faves*

RazeTora on June 10, 2008, 11:15:24 AM

RazeTora on
RazeToraBeautiful. His expression has the loving aura that the passage speaks of.

ZoroGurl on June 10, 2008, 11:14:51 AM

ZoroGurl on
ZoroGurlvery lovely picture..will look at this, when not at church..

Magicmaster101 on June 8, 2008, 7:30:00 AM

Magicmaster101 on
Magicmaster101That's My fav verse of the Bible!!! The pic matches it perfectly!!

MetaKnight56 on June 7, 2008, 10:27:51 AM

MetaKnight56 on
MetaKnight56thats so amazing
ur really talented
thank to give u that talent!^^

Ariastella on May 30, 2012, 6:40:11 AM

Ariastella on
AriastellaI remember seeing this years ago & just thinking, "Wow. This is beautiful." It gave me this incredible sense of peace. :D

Iamphotoshop on June 30, 2010, 3:14:55 PM

Iamphotoshop on
IamphotoshopAwesome and Amen.

Lazarus_Girl_17 on September 20, 2009, 11:26:59 AM

Lazarus_Girl_17 on
Lazarus_Girl_17I think this is a lovely picture,Jesus certianly gave youa wonderful talent, and it's awesome that you are using it to return praise to Him :) God Bless

LoveYouHateMe on July 31, 2009, 10:56:54 AM

LoveYouHateMe on
LoveYouHateMeMy,such lovely comments below mine.

Like many have said, I may not believe in Jesus, but the sheer fact that this picture is beautiful is all that matters.

I can't tell you how many times I've needed something like this in my life, I've just never had to courage to accept it.

Beautiful work.

luckylace222 on July 24, 2009, 12:33:52 PM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222xD WONDERFUL yellow in the background! It's my favorite color. xD LOL random. <3 Wonderful ineart.

MeredithC on July 16, 2009, 1:06:14 AM

MeredithC on

TonyatheFox on June 30, 2009, 9:09:12 AM

TonyatheFox on
TonyatheFoxI smile at you for your talent, and love of God.:)

Ravenpelt on June 28, 2009, 4:30:48 PM

Ravenpelt on
Ravenpeltjesus was gay.

_ren_tao_fan_ on June 18, 2009, 10:51:50 AM

_ren_tao_fan_ on
_ren_tao_fan_Truly beautiful work. Even though I'm not Christian I find this very stunning. Fave. Once again, most excellent work.

Coldfire9 on June 9, 2009, 7:52:43 AM

Coldfire9 on
Coldfire9That is so lovely. [3

anndia on June 5, 2009, 4:42:10 PM

anndia on
anndiaso incredible, i love how you have captured the eyes, they are brilliant <3 i love this picture, u made my day =D

preppychick on May 20, 2009, 11:09:31 AM

preppychick on
preppychickthis is such a good pic of himm
amen sister jikjkjkjkjkj its a jk between me and a
seriously its a really good drawing and i love god and jesus

OceanSoul on May 8, 2009, 3:23:51 PM

OceanSoul on
OceanSoulThis picture is beautiful.

CuteFox300 on May 5, 2009, 11:19:58 AM

CuteFox300 on
CuteFox300oh wow O_o that's so beautiful X'D *faves*

Chaos-Card-7 on May 5, 2009, 7:02:23 AM

Chaos-Card-7 on

notconfused on May 1, 2009, 8:17:56 AM

notconfused on
notconfusedWOW! o my gosh!

this is the best drawing i EVER seen!

Kooldude on April 29, 2009, 12:12:14 PM

Kooldude on
KooldudeI love it!

TheSafetyDance on April 5, 2009, 3:13:04 AM

TheSafetyDance on
TheSafetyDanceNice picture, I am an atheist (I don't believe in god) however that does not change the fact that you are a good artist. Well done.

DrZoidberg on March 2, 2009, 4:51:07 AM

DrZoidberg on
DrZoidbergPraise God.


KilaBlue on February 8, 2009, 4:36:50 AM

KilaBlue on
KilaBlueI luv it so much i glad you drew it so well

rockon295 on January 24, 2009, 2:25:53 AM

rockon295 on
rockon295jesus rocks

Hamstar27 on January 17, 2009, 3:10:38 PM

Hamstar27 on
Hamstar27Oh WoW!! *faves 50 Million times!!*

Melvintomm on December 24, 2008, 11:14:08 AM

Melvintomm on
MelvintommAmen. Praise Jesus that someone had the guts to put a pic like this on here.

Merry Christmas and God bless!

RoxxanneOfNarnia1234 on December 14, 2008, 2:12:39 AM

RoxxanneOfNarnia1234 on
RoxxanneOfNarnia1234Cool that is LUV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

xSEAxGEMx on December 7, 2008, 2:30:23 AM

xSEAxGEMx on

Yokodo1995 on November 25, 2008, 5:47:05 AM

Yokodo1995 on
Yokodo1995So beautiful!!!! I MUST fav this!! *favfavfavfavfav* X3

Kalberry on November 15, 2008, 12:23:54 AM

Kalberry on
KalberryThis is an AMAZING picture!
One day, I hope I can draw as good as this! ^__^

james13 on November 1, 2008, 1:56:48 AM

james13 on
james13praise our lord and our ability to make things beautiful..but still the most beautiful piece of art is created my god himself

Boo810 on October 26, 2008, 10:06:49 AM

Boo810 on
Boo810That's so amazing. Your talent is phenominal. 85% of the time, when I look at a profile, this is on there fave list, and now, it's on mine.

COngratulationson a job well done. I'm sure He is smiling upon you for treasuring Him so well. ^^

Badgerclaw on October 17, 2008, 10:18:17 AM

Badgerclaw on
BadgerclawIts so beautiful!

rockon295 on October 5, 2008, 3:52:25 AM

rockon295 on

Arby1055 on September 29, 2008, 4:26:49 PM

Arby1055 on
Arby1055O_O !!

JustinRoxOutLoud on September 18, 2008, 12:00:43 PM

JustinRoxOutLoud on
JustinRoxOutLoudhardcore Jesus Freaks!!!


He really does love us, and that is one amazing drawing. God is smiling down on you proud of you for using the talents he gave you to reach out to others.

John 3:16

God is love

SomeoneWhoLikesClouds on September 7, 2008, 2:23:44 AM

SomeoneWhoLikesClouds on
SomeoneWhoLikesCloudsI love it :) He defiantly loves everyone of each of us. :D

tzutosmila on August 4, 2008, 5:24:39 AM

tzutosmila on
tzutosmilaWow!!! I agree with you 100% :)And I think God is the only real artist, and we are only trying to copy him :)

fireandice1213 on September 4, 2008, 12:27:13 PM

fireandice1213 on
fireandice1213aww thats so awesome!! I wana draw a poicture with that wuote... idk what of yet though... *thinking*

RMXMcCoy on September 3, 2008, 5:26:11 PM

RMXMcCoy on
RMXMcCoyMy mom just passed away [August 22,2008].
People wondered why I was so strong despite my loss.
The fact is Jesus taught many truths that can't be denied.My peace even impressed an athiest family memeber.
...and this coming from an astronomer (me) who sees discoveries made almost daily.
The fact is this man Jesus did infact walk on this Earth and taught truths that even today keep one out of trouble - if one is willing to heed his words.

CheezyC on September 3, 2008, 2:31:41 PM

CheezyC on

animefangirl1234 on August 31, 2008, 9:59:28 AM

animefangirl1234 on
animefangirl1234omg its beautiful!!!!!!!!

AllUNeedIsLove on August 18, 2008, 9:45:08 AM

AllUNeedIsLove on
AllUNeedIsLoveI'm speechless..... Words cannot describe how beautiful this is! From now on when I come to this site, I'll look through my faves on a bad day and see this and a smile will be painted on my face! Extraordinary work! faves

AllUNeedIsLove on August 18, 2008, 9:43:49 AM

AllUNeedIsLove on
AllUNeedIsLoveI'm speechless..... Words cannot describe how beautiful this is! From now on when I come to this site, I'll look through my faves on a bad day and see this and a smile will be painted on my face! Extraordinary work! faves

GoDancetheSound on August 13, 2008, 4:21:05 AM

GoDancetheSound on
GoDancetheSoundI find this amazing... Because it is. XD

NumberOneCow on August 3, 2008, 11:54:34 AM

NumberOneCow on
NumberOneCowPraise the Lord!
I love the picture...

God bless you.

Mhera213 on August 1, 2008, 4:56:21 AM

Mhera213 on
Mhera213This is realy amazing. Those words are so often forgotten when we need them most. Outstanding.


darkyoshi555 on July 30, 2008, 2:42:40 PM

darkyoshi555 on
darkyoshi555very beautiful...i am speechless

shadowpiplup on July 30, 2008, 8:49:12 AM

shadowpiplup on
shadowpiplupoh my gosh! it looks just like him *faves*

ilgeker on July 21, 2008, 5:49:42 AM

ilgeker on
ilgekergreat pic is beautifullll:D:D:D

youknowyouloveit on July 20, 2008, 7:51:39 AM

youknowyouloveit on
youknowyouloveitdang that is beautiful. thanks for sharing your talent for something worth all our whiles :]

CheriiPie on July 19, 2008, 9:06:36 AM

CheriiPie on
CheriiPiethat's awesome!!!!!!!!^^

TaisyXPegasus on July 17, 2008, 5:36:21 AM

TaisyXPegasus on
TaisyXPegasusAmazingly.Just amazingly.

GOD IS OUR HOPE AND SAVIOUR!*favs and saves to PC*

Nuke14 on December 18, 2007, 3:42:02 AM

Nuke14 on
Nuke14yeah after looking at your other art work i don't think your worthy of making such a picture

KrystalKat on July 2, 2008, 9:54:56 AM

KrystalKat on
KrystalKatThat *sniffle* is BEAUTIFUL!!! *sniffle* *sniff*

soccerstar49 on July 2, 2008, 6:07:12 AM

soccerstar49 on
soccerstar49This is a great picture its beautiful.

qgcooper on July 1, 2008, 11:55:54 PM

qgcooper on
qgcooperu have wondefula talent!

DrawingMan18point0 on June 30, 2008, 9:38:28 AM

DrawingMan18point0 on A Truley inspiring piece of art. Good job!


JeffHardyLover on June 26, 2008, 4:33:40 AM

JeffHardyLover on
JeffHardyLoverthats awsome^^

Londoncalling on June 16, 2008, 3:22:47 PM

Londoncalling on
Londoncallingaww i love this!!!!!!! ^______________^

Twilightdancer24789 on June 12, 2008, 9:09:42 AM

Twilightdancer24789 on
Twilightdancer24789OHMIGOSH!! That's BEAUTIFUL!! That is SO true! Dude...YOU ROCK!

AncientMoonLight on May 23, 2008, 11:52:21 PM

AncientMoonLight on
AncientMoonLightOMG that is a beautiful art about god son

KinkyKitten on May 14, 2008, 9:49:35 AM

KinkyKitten on

AeolianMode on May 13, 2008, 9:51:40 AM

AeolianMode on
AeolianModewas this featured?

If so congratulations and a pat on the back to you unabashingly pronouncing your faith into the world.

Beautiful drawing. Its a little sketchy but I guess that's just the style.I love His subtle smile even as He walks to the Cross, the crown of thorns pressing into His skull. His endless mercy and love is staggering.

95/100 art quality. But I feel really out of place critiquing something which is picturing Someone so perfect.

TallestPinkuChan226 on May 10, 2008, 10:51:40 AM

TallestPinkuChan226 on
TallestPinkuChan226Very lovely picture of Jesus!

LoveKisameChan on May 7, 2008, 10:25:56 AM

LoveKisameChan on
LoveKisameChani'm an athiest, but that sure doesn't mean that this pic doesn't pwn! WHOOT! good job!

Lurking_Shadow_Creature on May 6, 2008, 7:40:56 AM

Lurking_Shadow_Creature on
Lurking_Shadow_CreatureLets go Jews! Jesus was a Jew you know xD
(Jew talking here)

CrystalKnight on May 4, 2008, 11:55:36 AM

CrystalKnight on
CrystalKnightGO JESUS!!! WOOOO!!!!

LilyUzumaki on April 19, 2008, 9:02:05 AM

LilyUzumaki on
LilyUzumakiOMG that is so awesome!

Starofwonder123 on April 4, 2008, 10:55:11 AM

Starofwonder123 on's more than a picture...the glow in his eyes...I feel so loved I love you!(The picture, not you, marc, but still, for making this, I appreciate this!!!)

wildrice28 on February 2, 2008, 4:00:09 AM

wildrice28 on
wildrice28this is soooo beautiful! thank you, i feel happy now :)

Starofwonder123 on April 4, 2008, 10:53:32 AM

Starofwonder123 on
Starofwonder123coming from the guy with a stewie griffin avatar. lol

ducklover on February 15, 2008, 3:00:21 PM

ducklover on

MoonDust on March 22, 2008, 12:04:57 PM

MoonDust on
MoonDustyour stupid if you dont like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:(

kashiyumi on April 10, 2008, 9:45:10 AM

kashiyumi on
kashiyumino, no, dont call pple names

kashiyumi on March 21, 2008, 9:29:41 PM

kashiyumi on
kashiyumiu got a problem with it?!!?>:(

KaiHien on March 14, 2008, 11:48:32 PM

KaiHien on
KaiHienThat's amazing... it captures the 'essence' of Jesus--calm, serene and kind. ^_^

artangel on March 2, 2008, 1:52:21 PM

artangel on
artangelWOW GIVE GOD GLORY THAT IS AWESOME!!! Very Powerful excelent!

artangel on February 28, 2008, 12:24:27 PM

artangel on
artangeli love it yes yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *CLAPS*

Yotsuba on February 20, 2008, 8:24:44 AM

Yotsuba on
YotsubaWOW! wat an amazing job you did. Faves.

animefreak95 on January 19, 2008, 8:25:04 AM

animefreak95 on

NumberOneCow on January 15, 2008, 1:42:50 AM

NumberOneCow on
NumberOneCowThat is amazing God loves everybody Im a Christian

InvaderLark on January 6, 2008, 3:24:56 AM

InvaderLark on

DragonGirl1136 on January 2, 2008, 10:37:58 PM

DragonGirl1136 on
DragonGirl1136Amen. This is truly amazing. ^_^

cheese456 on December 31, 2007, 3:09:38 AM

cheese456 on
cheese456It's nice that you remember Jesus while you draw. I wish I could remember to think about Him when I draw. You're a good example, marc21.

NightThread on December 27, 2007, 11:08:28 AM

NightThread on
NightThreadAmen to that. This is really beautiful. I love the way you drew His eyes. You can truly see the love that they hold. I really like this. Great job. God bless.

Aquafire on December 27, 2007, 3:05:18 AM

Aquafire on
AquafireWow this is Amazing!!! Jesus did give you amazing hands to draw with! :]

preed on December 26, 2007, 5:59:43 PM

preed on
preed...I dought he love me...BUT!!!..I must say this is indeed very good..The eyes..seem to stare into my did a very good job here..well done,indeed... (Faves)

Morpher on December 26, 2007, 12:13:55 PM

Morpher on

kamatari17 on December 25, 2007, 5:28:57 PM

kamatari17 on
kamatari17Amazing pic my friend you have such a wonderfull talent and it's great you used it remembering Jesus. Keep up the excelent work! *fav*

SinlessSoul on December 25, 2007, 3:45:21 PM

SinlessSoul on

shay on December 25, 2007, 11:26:57 AM

shay on
shaythank u.

Talinatera on December 22, 2007, 2:52:12 AM

Talinatera on
TalinateraThis is really good.

kika12345 on December 21, 2007, 2:44:06 PM

kika12345 on
kika12345Wow that is Amazing!. You did a awesome job. Keep drawing like this~! :)

moog1895 on December 21, 2007, 6:23:52 AM

moog1895 on
moog1895:D i love jesus

Katibird93 on December 18, 2007, 6:12:11 AM

Katibird93 on
Katibird93Wow! it's so beautiful! I love it! Jesus is awesome! I love this picture! FAVES!

idanie101 on December 16, 2007, 4:00:53 AM

idanie101 on
idanie101This just oo cool!!
This is just an azing pic.
and i luv the verse becuase it is true!
God indeed has blessed u!
and u show a very awsome way of thanxing him!!
wonderful job!!
keep it up!!

Diomondcookie9 on December 15, 2007, 3:55:03 AM

Diomondcookie9 on
Diomondcookie9OMG I love it !! I am also a very Big Christian myself^^ FAVZ

JediRevan20 on December 13, 2007, 9:12:11 AM

JediRevan20 on
JediRevan20That is absolutely beautiful.

Neon_Lemmy_Koopa on December 12, 2007, 10:03:41 AM

Neon_Lemmy_Koopa on
Neon_Lemmy_KoopaThis is very cool man! favs

anime_pat on December 11, 2007, 10:19:35 PM

anime_pat on
anime_patanime Jesus. That's friggen awesome mate! dated in 06, so it's quite old.

Good job, keep spreading the good news!

magicpony42 on December 9, 2007, 12:39:29 PM

magicpony42 on
magicpony42How awesome would a Jesus manga be?

BlazingSaber on December 7, 2007, 7:28:12 AM

BlazingSaber on
BlazingSaberAbsolutely awesome! When I first saw this on the main page, I was just amazed by the powerful yet soft look in his eyes and smile. Wonderful, man...great job ^.^

Starofwonder123 on December 6, 2007, 10:28:13 AM

Starofwonder123 on
Starofwonder123 bold

ageshero on December 4, 2007, 3:12:00 PM

ageshero on
agesheroif art like this can get up there, my art certainly can to, though my style is more gritty , this picture is simple, so....yeah... im encouraged >_<!!! ^_^

ageshero on December 4, 2007, 3:06:16 PM

ageshero on
agesherooh my god! and i mean that literaly!!!, this has been on my favorite for a long time now, im so glad that jesus is at the top, not some sluty anime chick with no clothes on,

jesus is a classy kinda dude. we chill together all the time. my best bud.

Gothic_Vampire_Empath on December 2, 2007, 10:33:09 AM

Gothic_Vampire_Empath on
Gothic_Vampire_EmpathA wonderful creation...the expression in his eyes is captivating! If you continue in this type of work and are interested in seeing your work in other lines, i.e. advertisments, cards, ect., please let me know! If not, then you are doing splendedly and I hope you continue to praise Him with your gift!

AnimeWeirdo on December 1, 2007, 4:35:04 AM

AnimeWeirdo on
AnimeWeirdo*sniff*Simply wonderful!!I love Jesus!!;______;He's awesome!!=^________^=

Aros on November 30, 2007, 3:53:46 AM

Aros on
Arosthat's an amazing drawing this puts every drawing i'v ever made to shame it's really good

CrazyKomouri on November 29, 2007, 10:27:03 AM

CrazyKomouri on
CrazyKomouri^^ Excellent! Bringing people to Christ through the internet! LOL Love your dedication! ("This is for the hands He gave me to draw =)")  Keep up the brilliant work! *FAVS*

PrincessMarinia on November 28, 2007, 11:35:54 AM

PrincessMarinia on
PrincessMariniagreat use of the gift He has given you.

The_S on November 27, 2007, 12:12:34 PM

The_S on
The_SThat's one epic Messiah.

Silverfeather on November 27, 2007, 8:51:46 AM

Silverfeather on
SilverfeatherI LOVE Jesus!!! Beautiful piccy!! Favs!

Nuke14 on November 27, 2007, 6:05:56 AM

Nuke14 on
Nuke14hey yeah acually that looks pretty was starting to get anoiying to see every day when logging in and all-not to be athiest-but i mean dont be affended of me saying that the sight of that makes me sick when i log in its just that i hate the fact that people think they now what this man looked like and featuring this makes them a good person!!!

Sam400 on November 26, 2007, 12:35:16 PM

Sam400 on
Sam400Simply wonderful. :)

darkone10 on November 26, 2007, 11:39:33 AM

darkone10 on
darkone10i love christ too

Zenshii on November 24, 2007, 5:57:43 AM

Zenshii on
ZenshiiHow very amazing...I must fav this one. You have a true talent, I'm speechless...

silver_angel on November 19, 2007, 4:38:26 PM

silver_angel on
silver_angelGod returned the favor of honoring Him by having you feautured so you can bless others. Good Job :)

marc21 on November 23, 2007, 2:25:45 PM

marc21 on
marc21that's a really nice way of putting it... hahs. thanks!

Kilalasan on November 23, 2007, 10:56:11 AM

Kilalasan on
Kilalasanthis is really good and I love how well it was done. The quote is nice also.

darkblaze06 on November 23, 2007, 2:04:55 AM

darkblaze06 on
darkblaze06Jesus is awesome. And so is this picture. ^-^

Spiderwick95 on November 22, 2007, 11:18:56 AM

Spiderwick95 on
Spiderwick95I love it! I love Christ too! *favs*

ARCHERcat on November 21, 2007, 1:19:10 PM

ARCHERcat on
ARCHERcatWow amazing picture though Im not Christian...

emmywentz on November 21, 2007, 7:52:44 AM

emmywentz on
emmywentzawesome! I love jesus. he's awesome *huggles* *favs*

WhatevaYaoiGal on November 20, 2007, 11:24:12 PM

WhatevaYaoiGal on
WhatevaYaoiGalEven though I'm an Athiest....I find this picture wonderful
brillaintly drawn. It makes me feel happy for those who believe in him can love in such a feels good.


RockLeesPassion on November 19, 2007, 11:24:55 PM

RockLeesPassion on
RockLeesPassionAwesome! Very passionate!!!

gohstann on November 19, 2007, 11:10:43 PM

gohstann on
gohstannWow... thats pritty cool! I don't know if I could do something like that...

InvasorPak on November 19, 2007, 9:27:00 AM

InvasorPak on

trideegurl2 on November 19, 2007, 3:34:58 AM

trideegurl2 on
trideegurl2YOU MY FRIEND ARE AMAZING! Congrats on the feature too!!! this picture is amazing it captures Him perfectly!!!


likestodraw on November 19, 2007, 1:21:59 AM

likestodraw on
likestodrawI love this drawing. You did such a wonderful job.

YoriXYamiForever on November 18, 2007, 1:41:31 PM

YoriXYamiForever on
YoriXYamiForeverI love it. That's amazing artwork and it definitely deserves to be featured! Great job! *favs*

YnxoXIV on November 18, 2007, 11:23:33 AM

YnxoXIV on
YnxoXIVwoww... very nice *faves* ... *speechless*

AnimeWeirdo on November 18, 2007, 3:56:11 AM

AnimeWeirdo on
AnimeWeirdoOooohh myyy goooodneeess!!;__;I could feel tears briming in my eyes as I looked at this!!It is truly beautiful!I love it!!Jesus rocks!!And if you'll excuse me...*starts blowing nose*

KaiHien on November 17, 2007, 10:24:41 PM

KaiHien on
KaiHienThat's very pretty. I like His espression too. ^_^ Very well done!

Inu-chan_rox_mah_sox on November 17, 2007, 11:56:10 AM

Inu-chan_rox_mah_sox on
Inu-chan_rox_mah_soxI'm not Christian, but from an artist's view it's pretty good. ^_^ I'm neutral on the bible quote though.

bloo180 on November 17, 2007, 9:53:47 AM

bloo180 on
bloo180Yes,I love that verse. One of my favorites. =3 Very lovely artwork,too.

Yukina-chun on November 16, 2007, 10:50:39 PM

Yukina-chun on
Yukina-chun........I suppose FAC likes to feature a lot of jesus pictures since this is the second time in a row...........

I am not really a christian....but this art is beatiful ^___^

ageshero on November 16, 2007, 11:32:30 AM

ageshero on
agesheroprobably not best to"omg" to this pic, and i say again like 7 of my wide spread comments, this rocks, it also takes those sex yoai yuri hentai, pics outthere. and burns them up into ash in the way they should be

kayteekinze on November 16, 2007, 2:37:23 AM

kayteekinze on
kayteekinzeomg thts awsome , i love it and the verse is awsome too!!:]

TheCoffeeFairy on November 15, 2007, 1:36:00 PM

TheCoffeeFairy on
TheCoffeeFairyThis is an Amazing drawing! And the verse is Awsome, cause it is such a short verse, but it is so powerful! But again Great Job! ;)

nezcabob on November 15, 2007, 6:15:47 AM

nezcabob on
nezcabobaw, that's one of my favorite quotes!! I memorized it a few weeks ago. I'm in Proverbs :)

emozim on November 14, 2007, 10:07:42 AM

emozim on
emozimIt's so moving and deep...beautiful

animemegan91 on November 14, 2007, 9:32:13 AM

animemegan91 on
animemegan91that's such an awsome picture, i can only draw anime. ^-^ that is my fav verse too! great job!

seto-da-feline on November 14, 2007, 5:05:31 AM

seto-da-feline on
seto-da-felineIt is so wonderful! You're talent is awe inspiring! He definitely gave you amazing hands!!

sweetgal8004 on November 14, 2007, 4:43:24 AM

sweetgal8004 on
sweetgal8004omg your sssssooooo good!!! 8)

yaminogame on November 14, 2007, 4:26:31 AM

yaminogame on
yaminogamethis is so wonderful....just brilliant and inspiring

Anime-Chick on November 13, 2007, 10:37:55 PM

Anime-Chick on
Anime-ChickI'm not a crhistian ^^'l.. sorry about that.

But I love your art! The colour seems very gentle and the look in his eyes is gentle too~
Good work ^^

DarkLordoftheSithRevan on November 13, 2007, 1:21:57 PM

DarkLordoftheSithRevan on
DarkLordoftheSithRevanI like it. That is my favorite verse.

Diomondcookie9 on November 13, 2007, 8:01:08 AM

Diomondcookie9 on
Diomondcookie9Wow ur very good am im a HUGE Christian!! If u want then we can b friends and check out my profile for tips on my contest

NumberOneCow on November 13, 2007, 4:22:52 AM

NumberOneCow on
NumberOneCowawesome i love god

Heathere on November 12, 2007, 10:25:26 AM

Heathere on
Heatherelove it so much... very..inspiring... keep it up :] *faves*

horsesRgraceful on November 12, 2007, 8:44:43 AM

horsesRgraceful on
horsesRgracefulyeah..... im jewish, so just, yeah.

nakomiah on November 12, 2007, 8:17:17 AM

nakomiah on
nakomiahInspiration of the Holy Spirit! beautiful!

KisaraChan1 on November 12, 2007, 7:05:55 AM

KisaraChan1 on
KisaraChan1This is truly beautiful This is just... wow

Akkina_chan on November 11, 2007, 11:59:18 AM

Akkina_chan on
Akkina_chanThank you.... This a truly, truly beautiful picture. Moving and.... just wonderful to see.

RachaelLoveLikeWinter on November 11, 2007, 6:55:30 AM

RachaelLoveLikeWinter on
RachaelLoveLikeWinteroh my jesus lol

zerotimberwolf on November 10, 2007, 2:10:15 PM

zerotimberwolf on
zerotimberwolfmoving...simpy moving

Hayley864 on November 10, 2007, 5:15:51 AM

Hayley864 on
Hayley864i love this picture and the message. thats all i can say

Jbelle on November 10, 2007, 1:57:23 AM

Jbelle on
Jbellewow..that is so made me tear seriously!^^that is a really beautiful picture i love it and him!^^faves*

artyfowl on November 9, 2007, 1:18:58 PM

artyfowl on
artyfowl<3 He rocks huh? good to know that there are still fellow Christians out there ^_^ GREAT drawing!!!

Tjix on November 9, 2007, 9:42:53 AM

Tjix on
TjixThat is really incredible. Praise God for the love that He has granted us, and praise His name that we can find fellow believers in places like this--where pornography and such run rampant.
It almost seems you can truly see the love and sadness in his eyes, as visible and real as their color and shape. Two thumbs way up.

ageshero on November 8, 2007, 3:59:58 PM

ageshero on
agesheroaint no qu'oinkydink that pictures of jesus show up though, you know lately i had trouble with doubting god, and i felt sick because i would never want to doubt him, its because people mock me for who i am and who god is, and the dont god has delivered me and im back with him ^_^

god aint a dull boring funless god..... hes supernaturaly awesome and coolness that surpasses our though, its alright to not know where he came from , all that you need to know is that hes there. hes fun and awesome. and lets me watch very gorey movies, and thats a cool thing

Selphius on November 9, 2007, 6:15:57 AM

Selphius on
SelphiusAgain, I'm guessing you liked the picture?

marc21 on November 8, 2007, 4:16:12 PM

marc21 on
marc21good to know man. God bless always =)

KillAllChavs on November 9, 2007, 5:40:03 AM

KillAllChavs on
KillAllChavsI don't exactly believe in God or religion, but the picture is beautiful, I admit.

My nickname is God.

My best friends' nicknames are Gandhi, Buddha, Adaham and Jesus.

Well, Jesus isn't like a best friend really XD

ginathehedgehog on November 9, 2007, 3:34:24 AM

ginathehedgehog on
ginathehedgehogThat is just amazing! I love it! *Favs*

ageshero on November 8, 2007, 3:56:38 PM

ageshero on
agesherothis is like your 5th feature isnt it? YOU ROCK MAN this pictures has been in my favorites since i first registered for f a c

fullnarutoZ on November 9, 2007, 2:38:54 AM

fullnarutoZ on
fullnarutoZme too lolll

gaaralover1 on November 8, 2007, 10:11:35 AM

gaaralover1 on
gaaralover1This is really good... when I look at it... It feels as if the eyes of the picture are melting away all of my hate and sorrow... I feel as if they are staring right THROUGH me... That's how good it is..

marc21 on November 8, 2007, 4:19:52 PM

marc21 on
marc21thanks very much man. glad it touches ya

FluffysPrincess2968 on November 6, 2007, 12:57:56 AM

FluffysPrincess2968 on
FluffysPrincess2968Our Lord would be pleased that u drew something so beautiful in his honor. ^_^

marc21 on November 8, 2007, 4:19:36 PM

marc21 on
marc21I'll be pleased to know he's pleased. =P

Gehe on November 6, 2007, 10:48:29 PM

Gehe on
GeheNice work. But about that ''He loves you part''

Ingnore this if you dont like my opinnion.

(He wont love man who speaks against him.)

marc21 on November 8, 2007, 4:18:37 PM

marc21 on
marc21On the contrary, I believe he loves everyone regardless of the sins we commit. Its why Jesus died on the cross in the first place.
But hey, I appreciate you stoppin by the gallery.

0mirror0 on November 7, 2007, 5:06:44 AM

0mirror0 on
0mirror0wow another jesus has been featured
(he sure has a lot of fangirls...and fanboys...)

marc21 on November 8, 2007, 4:15:39 PM

marc21 on
marc21i think he rather deserves it. haha

Starofwonder123 on November 7, 2007, 6:14:55 AM

Starofwonder123 on
Starofwonder123Idon't by Starofwonder123

Some people complain that they have to do chores.
Or get up from watching TV for the door.
I don't...I love my arms... there made for scrubbing.
I don't...I love my legs... there made for walking.
God loves us so much he gave us these things, and the animals that have scales and wings.

He is good.
He is great.
So get rid of sin.
It is bad to hate.
I tell you one thing,ask him in your Heart.
You might hate your heart...But I tell you... I don't.

Some people complain that they have to do chores.
Or get up from watching TV for the door.
I don't...I love my arms... there made for scrubbing.
I don't...I love my legs... there made for walking.
God loves us so much he gave us these things, and the animals that have scales and wings.

I love him.


PrincessThug on November 8, 2007, 10:17:30 AM

PrincessThug on
PrincessThugStop SPAMMING

SpoonyBard on November 7, 2007, 11:30:55 AM

SpoonyBard on
SpoonyBardBeautiful, yet simple. Excellent job.

And that's one of my favorite verses :) Jesus is so very awesome. <3

ray77 on November 7, 2007, 10:54:01 AM

ray77 on
ray77Wow that  is nice I love it.

starstrider95 on November 7, 2007, 10:20:50 AM

starstrider95 on
starstrider95Amazing!!!!!! I love it! total faves!!!!! I love God sooo much too.  :)

Starofwonder123 on November 7, 2007, 8:12:18 AM

Starofwonder123 on
Starofwonder123This picture...It's beautiful...I love Jesus.

meatwad567 on November 7, 2007, 7:04:23 AM

meatwad567 on
meatwad567It's so beautiful I don't know what to say

InuYashaBabe69 on November 7, 2007, 6:37:22 AM

InuYashaBabe69 on
InuYashaBabe69Amen..This is beautiful and I your style is wonderful.....

Selphius on November 7, 2007, 6:11:12 AM

Selphius on

LikaElvennightElfABarda7Metal on November 7, 2007, 5:04:26 AM

LikaElvennightElfABarda7Metal on

Project_X on November 7, 2007, 4:41:00 AM

Project_X on
Project_XSuch a great picture. God has blessed you. Don't let it go to waste! =)

Starofwonder123 on November 7, 2007, 3:53:23 AM

Starofwonder123 on
Starofwonder123Congradulations for becoming the featured artist!I LOVE thispic. Its my FAVORITE EVER.

MeMewSun on November 6, 2007, 8:29:20 PM

MeMewSun on
MeMewSunit beautiful picture of Jesus.

phoenix37 on November 6, 2007, 11:46:56 AM

phoenix37 on
phoenix37holy crap!!! (no pun intended) thats frikn m-azing!!!!! favs! favs!

jl2154 on November 6, 2007, 9:18:42 AM

jl2154 on
jl2154Amazing job

mrsaturn123 on November 6, 2007, 8:31:17 AM

mrsaturn123 on
mrsaturn123Beautiful picture, it's so nice to see someone use their artsitic talents for what God gave it to us for. God bless man *faves*

Pandinator on November 6, 2007, 2:59:00 AM

Pandinator on
PandinatorIT'S SO BEAUTIFUL!!!! *favs w/ a squel of happiness*

SonicWillRule on November 6, 2007, 2:42:21 AM

SonicWillRule on
That is beautiful!

elyo11 on November 6, 2007, 1:06:04 AM

elyo11 on
elyo11That's one great picture of JESUS!! Jesus is cool, and this pic too^^ God bless you^^

NEJIJIJI on November 5, 2007, 11:24:15 PM

NEJIJIJIGod bless you! *faves*

Hoceyfan30 on November 5, 2007, 11:18:06 PM

Hoceyfan30 on

AnimeAngel87 on November 5, 2007, 11:12:17 PM

AnimeAngel87 on
AnimeAngel87this is amazing! I love the way u drew it! It makes me feel happy^_^

halo6 on November 5, 2007, 8:39:30 PM

halo6 on
halo6God bless all of us!

xXHeartlessAngelXx on October 30, 2007, 2:11:12 AM

xXHeartlessAngelXx on
xXHeartlessAngelXxWowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowow. It takes a lot of guts to draw a picture like this, but thanks for doing it! It's encouraging to see pictures like this on this site. -favs-

Kittykat665 on October 24, 2007, 12:52:14 AM

Kittykat665 on

Xzontar on October 1, 2007, 1:33:22 AM

Xzontar on
XzontarThis is beautiful. Amazing work, a very inspiring work of art. It is certainly going under my favorites. :)

GoodOlAxel on September 30, 2007, 3:06:33 AM

GoodOlAxel on
GoodOlAxelGreat picture, and great subject.
Bless you. ^_^

SoldierMarcusFenix on January 15, 2007, 8:28:35 AM

SoldierMarcusFenix on
Comment Deleted

FlameTheHedgehog on September 15, 2007, 4:21:31 PM

FlameTheHedgehog on
FlameTheHedgehogfamily guy lol

Nesuna1115 on February 13, 2007, 7:42:17 AM

Nesuna1115 on

FlameTheHedgehog on September 15, 2007, 4:17:52 PM

FlameTheHedgehog on
FlameTheHedgehog=)(all i ave 2 say about that)

gamefox120 on September 9, 2007, 1:27:29 PM

gamefox120 on
gamefox120Its Things like this that make me feel good
This pic is wonderful in approach and in appearance
Good Job!

purplegirlygirl on September 8, 2007, 11:04:12 PM

purplegirlygirl on
purplegirlygirlcool!! of course i saw this right before i went to church lol .. i find that weird .. this is really good though its nice to see how many believers are on here *fav*

SoloAzume on August 24, 2007, 2:28:46 PM

SoloAzume on
SoloAzumeAmen! ^_^ He gave me hands to, and I love them so!! -^_^-

xEmotional on August 22, 2007, 12:16:27 AM

xEmotional on
xEmotionalamazing :]

goth4ever on August 18, 2007, 7:37:11 AM

goth4ever on
goth4everits so beutifull!!!!


mochichan on August 11, 2007, 1:46:33 PM

mochichan on

Ollie_is_da_bomb on August 10, 2007, 12:18:32 PM

Ollie_is_da_bomb on
Ollie_is_da_bombOh my gosh This is amazing!!! *favs*


Sasukegurl4life on August 4, 2007, 7:38:34 AM

Sasukegurl4life on

LPUMike on July 25, 2007, 3:50:25 AM

LPUMike on
LPUMikeF***g cool dude!

Choco_Chick_87 on July 23, 2007, 8:42:33 AM

Choco_Chick_87 on
Choco_Chick_87Awesome. I totally needed that little reminder...I am constantly forgetting His love, and I am eternally grateful for it. Very well-done pic, expressive and detailed.

TheGoodSoldier on July 18, 2007, 5:35:19 AM

TheGoodSoldier on
TheGoodSoldierWow...Very nice.

synax444 on July 16, 2007, 7:14:28 AM

synax444 on

MasterDaniel on July 5, 2007, 2:49:25 AM

MasterDaniel on
MasterDanielJESUS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RandomtodaBoy on July 4, 2007, 2:00:58 AM

RandomtodaBoy on
RandomtodaBoyThank God fo every thing around you!


SasukesChick on June 28, 2007, 4:22:44 AM

SasukesChick on
SasukesChickAmazing. This, as one of your works, it is truely inspirational. Jesus Christ saved us all and forever he will love us.

CartoonQueen262 on June 16, 2007, 6:17:07 AM

CartoonQueen262 on
CartoonQueen262Yes,he gave you those hands as a gift and I can see that you are using them greatly.Instant favorite.

FallOutGirlAARHinder on June 13, 2007, 4:59:35 AM

FallOutGirlAARHinder on

EllenElizabeth on June 3, 2007, 12:01:40 PM

EllenElizabeth on
EllenElizabethThis is so incredibly beautiful. I love it and He truly gave you a talent. <3

Larien11 on May 23, 2007, 10:22:45 AM

Larien11 on
Larien11You rock for showing the world what you believe in and Jesus rocks for giving you such a talent for drawing!

FallenAngel0792 on May 11, 2007, 2:03:05 PM

FallenAngel0792 on

ManiacalGenius on May 10, 2007, 11:56:43 AM

ManiacalGenius on
ManiacalGeniusThis is amazing, simply beautiful. You have some talent there. *faves*

Moon_Princess on May 5, 2007, 4:25:10 AM

Moon_Princess on
Moon_PrincessThis pic rocks everything!

This is such a nice reminder that Jesus really does love us! And even when we think that we're going through the worst pain in history, it reminds us that Jesus went through worse cuz he loves us. =D



wolflion on April 30, 2007, 12:54:30 AM

wolflion on
wolflionJESUS ROCKS MAN!!!!!!

sharp-fang on April 26, 2007, 11:39:12 AM

sharp-fang on
sharp-fangGod bless you!^^
Such an awesome pic!^^
Well since I'm a Christian of course I'm gonna fave this and cause Jesus died for our sins on the cross.
Never stop being grateful...*faves*

fireandice1213 on April 20, 2007, 11:45:59 AM

fireandice1213 on
fireandice1213aww thts amazing!! i luv it soo much (lost for words) *faves****

KionaKina on April 18, 2007, 11:28:04 PM

KionaKina on
KionaKinaI still love it. Jesus loves us.

Kimikoprincesspancho on April 17, 2007, 10:41:50 AM

Kimikoprincesspancho on
Kimikoprincesspanchothat rocks! I love it!

animefan101 on April 10, 2007, 9:10:56 PM

animefan101 on
animefan101WHOA, that's really beautiful and inspiring.

hagonemetal on April 7, 2007, 1:43:46 AM

hagonemetal on
hagonemetalWhoa!!Jesus christ my old friend where you being all those years?!?!?! (ok lol faves)

hagonemetal on April 7, 2007, 1:43:42 AM

hagonemetal on
hagonemetalWhoa!!Jesus christ my old friend where you being all those years?!?!?! (ok lol faves)

TwilightDragon on April 3, 2007, 7:38:30 AM

TwilightDragon on
TwilightDragonIt's so touching! You did a marvelous job capturing the emotion in Jesus' face, and the verse matches perfectly. This is one of those rare instant fav pictures!

Taslin on April 2, 2007, 6:41:04 AM

Taslin on
Taslin LOVIN' this!!!

ShadowGuarderForever on April 1, 2007, 2:22:06 PM

ShadowGuarderForever on
ShadowGuarderForeverI know i already commented but i was just looking at it and i thought wow how wonderfull are you to put something on here like that i'm gonna do that too!

Hirohata on March 31, 2007, 8:35:15 AM

Hirohata on
HirohataOMG thats so aweosme!

KionaKina on March 25, 2007, 11:47:58 AM

KionaKina on
KionaKinathat's so beautiful. I'm left speechless.

BadArtist on March 24, 2007, 10:57:25 AM

BadArtist on
BadArtistthis is a great work of art, i believe in Christ, his teachings, and that he also gave me the talent to draw... and a giant brain. i also believe that this should be a featured art, why isn't it?

i have to show this to my family, and fav it ^U^

SapphirePaint on March 23, 2007, 7:44:17 AM

SapphirePaint on
SapphirePaintWow, this is like my favorite bible verse! It is even in my profile! This is great. I am always happy when people have the courage to share their faith!


Akemi on March 22, 2007, 8:16:34 PM

Akemi on
AkemiI always get all teary eyed when I see a picture like this... Its so beautiful...

Avatar on March 16, 2007, 2:37:00 AM

Avatar on
AvatarPraise be the Lord Jesus Christ.

eriepilot44 on March 14, 2007, 2:26:03 AM

eriepilot44 on

onepiecenut on March 7, 2007, 10:04:34 AM

onepiecenut on
onepiecenutThis is awesome. Beautimous!

Kamire_san on March 6, 2007, 6:51:53 AM

Kamire_san on
Kamire_sanomg...that's so inspirational. Jesus sacrificed himself for us, and all he asks is for us to believe in him. I'm going to HAVE to fave this.

greenpearlgirl on March 6, 2007, 2:15:04 AM

greenpearlgirl on
greenpearlgirli love it!

and you should thank him for the talents he gave you!!

GoddessOfTheWolves on March 5, 2007, 9:22:17 AM

GoddessOfTheWolves on
GoddessOfTheWolvesVery beautiful!! I am attracted very much to those expressive eyes and that calming smile. And that yellow sure brings out the strength of in the drawing. Very dramatic!! *faves* Just wonderful!


GreenPaint on February 23, 2007, 12:43:02 PM

GreenPaint on
GreenPaintWow, so pretty! This is very good and the detail and color, and everything else for that matter, is very good. Looks just like the pictures you see of him, yes indeed, very comforting....I'm adding this to faves right away! ^-^

ZeEdwarD07 on February 19, 2007, 5:14:06 AM

ZeEdwarD07 on
ZeEdwarD07Thats so beautifull..
words couldent discribe...the beauty
I love it!and a bible verse to go along with it.

Exactlamento on February 18, 2007, 8:40:29 AM

Exactlamento on
ExactlamentoJesus all the way. Nicely drawn

ShadowGuarderForever on February 16, 2007, 12:53:33 PM

ShadowGuarderForever on
ShadowGuarderForeverwow thats just beautiful YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mandy94t on February 13, 2007, 6:45:45 AM

mandy94t on
mandy94twhoa.that is awesome.....
I'm not very religious myself.but not an atheist either.
awesome job you rock!!

Klink on February 7, 2007, 8:38:23 AM

Klink on
KlinkI lvoe this. It's beautiful.

ninjadragon13 on January 29, 2007, 7:31:04 AM

ninjadragon13 on
ninjadragon13yay go jesus. Nice pic

Itachilovesme912 on January 29, 2007, 7:10:28 AM

Itachilovesme912 on
Itachilovesme912wow, that's such a comforting feeling to know right? Jesus loves us, each and everyone of us

SonicTheHedgehogAddict on January 25, 2007, 7:41:55 PM

SonicTheHedgehogAddict on
Comment Deleted

marc21 on January 26, 2007, 7:21:18 AM

marc21 on
marc21because to some, worldly comforts are not enough.
personally though, i believe religions affect people because they give purpose to life, a promise of something better at the end of the road, and a cause to do good.

it all comes with our own faith.

ShadowGuarderForever on March 2, 2007, 8:13:57 AM

ShadowGuarderForever on

ShadowGuarderForever on March 2, 2007, 8:13:26 AM

ShadowGuarderForever on

nyuu on February 2, 2007, 4:10:48 AM

nyuu on
nyuuYou're right...although I'm a believer, it's said?? but not for only thinking...not only faith

Bliss_Kiss29 on January 24, 2007, 12:33:17 PM

Bliss_Kiss29 on
Bliss_Kiss29amazingly done, i love it and i love Him, bravo *favs* :D

animals_rock on January 20, 2007, 9:18:04 AM

animals_rock on

Katrina_Madd on January 19, 2007, 5:49:40 AM

Katrina_Madd on
Katrina_MaddThat's really beautifull. *o*
I LOVE this one! :D :D
Jesus is awesome!

SoldierMarcusFenix on January 14, 2007, 7:23:04 AM

SoldierMarcusFenix on
Comment Deleted

firehead on January 15, 2007, 12:03:51 AM

firehead on
firehead3:16 means God gave us Jesus to die and save us from sin.

Taria on January 14, 2007, 10:20:24 AM

Taria on
Tariathis is so beautiful!!!!!!! i really love it! favs!

Klancey on January 10, 2007, 5:49:25 AM

Klancey on
Klanceyi could stare at it all day

Kagura_the_Hedgehog on January 6, 2007, 10:18:24 AM

Kagura_the_Hedgehog on
Kagura_the_HedgehogThis picture, almost brought me to tears. It's so beautiful, the words on the bottom make me feel good too, and the comment you left for this pic...I love it

Kagura_the_Hedgehog on January 6, 2007, 10:15:40 AM

Kagura_the_Hedgehog on
Kagura_the_HedgehogI can comment again. Now I can comment on the picture. It's amazing, and so beautiful... It touches my heart, I mean It really makes my heart feel good. Thank you, so much, for drawing this picture. I love it


rikusgirl55 on January 6, 2007, 9:48:38 AM

rikusgirl55 on
rikusgirl55this is beautiful this shows the God loves us all truelly a Faves

Koji45 on January 4, 2007, 7:01:59 AM

Koji45 on
Koji45WOW! you did a wonderful job! I love this pictuer. I love Jesus. ^_^*faves*

calahna on January 3, 2007, 12:53:21 PM

calahna on
calahnareally good. everyone has really said everything about this pic tho....lotsa comments and fav. deserving however.
and i love the hands he gave me.

Taslin on January 3, 2007, 9:47:26 AM

Taslin on
Taslin That is just an amAzing picture! Oh wow, i LOVE it!!!!! GREAT job!!!


Mew_Rikka on January 2, 2007, 2:50:14 AM

Mew_Rikka on
Mew_RikkaWow, This is great. God certainly has blessed you, Marc21. He's blessed everyone actually. But another thing is this is going to be added to my faves.

CaptiainIndianaSolo on December 30, 2006, 12:27:08 PM

CaptiainIndianaSolo on
CaptiainIndianaSoloGod loves all of us. This is comin' straight from a Christian kid. That is definitly one for the book *favs*

Mew_Rikka on January 2, 2007, 2:49:29 AM

Mew_Rikka on
Mew_RikkaHeh, I'm a Christian too! And you're right God loves everyone even the ones who sin badly.

Special_Forces7 on January 1, 2007, 2:44:22 AM

Special_Forces7 on


dont_ever_quote_Mark_Twain on December 31, 2006, 8:23:52 AM

dont_ever_quote_Mark_Twain on
dont_ever_quote_Mark_TwainOh my gosh... this is incredible. I salute you for drawing it in honor of Him. Thank you so much. ^_^

kitty_cat84 on December 30, 2006, 2:46:40 AM

kitty_cat84 on
kitty_cat84favs its so cool!

LOL on December 29, 2006, 1:02:06 AM

LOL on
LOLYou took a risk over here by drawing Jesus.
If it had gone'd be dead,bro.
But anyways,you took the risk and it turned out to be a MASTERPIECE!!!I MEAN IT!!!I JUST LOVE THIS PIC!*faves*

LOL on December 29, 2006, 1:06:26 AM

LOL on
LOLCompletly true,man.

SonicDX1995 on December 28, 2006, 5:33:20 AM

SonicDX1995 on
SonicDX1995and still I love this pic,JESUS is sooooo cccoooooooollllllll love this pic yayayayayayayayayaya^_^
anti recolors suck hehehehe

bloodyfeetwall on December 27, 2006, 9:31:38 PM

bloodyfeetwall on
bloodyfeetwallJust looking at that picture makes me feel all guilty inside. I'm gonna fave it!

SkyGirl on December 27, 2006, 3:43:49 AM

SkyGirl on
SkyGirlthats very good it makes me want to cry its so good

GreyJedi on December 26, 2006, 10:56:36 PM

GreyJedi on
GreyJediI don't know what to say, but I feel I should comment. Um, it's better than anything I could do.

PsychoLuckie on December 26, 2006, 10:59:11 AM

PsychoLuckie on
PsychoLuckieWow... That's fantastic!! *faves*

kittykat1992 on December 25, 2006, 2:25:26 PM

kittykat1992 on
kittykat1992This is sooooooooooooooooooooo awsome...words can not disscrbe it!!!

KhaoticWolf on December 22, 2006, 6:48:31 AM

KhaoticWolf on
KhaoticWolfI'm happy I have him for a savior. Lovely pic.

nyuu on December 21, 2006, 11:38:36 PM

nyuu on
nyuuLove it...<faves>

CCx05 on December 21, 2006, 9:42:41 PM

CCx05 on
CCx05this is so awsome

taurus92 on December 21, 2006, 6:57:33 AM

taurus92 on
taurus92that amazing, i dont even really know what else to say!! HE makes me glad im a Christian ^_^ beautiful work *faves* Amen.

Diomondcookie9 on December 21, 2006, 5:09:15 AM

Diomondcookie9 on
Diomondcookie9O-M-GOSH!!!! I LOVE THE VERSE AND THE PIC FAVE FAVE FAVE FAVE FAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SonicDX1995 on December 21, 2006, 4:37:01 AM

SonicDX1995 on
SonicDX1995yyyaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy its jesus jesus rocks every one should love him love jesus so awsome
anti recolors suck hehehehee

ranphasetokelly on December 21, 2006, 4:12:58 AM

ranphasetokelly on
ranphasetokellywoow cool !!!

zeldafan92 on December 21, 2006, 3:42:22 AM

zeldafan92 on
zeldafan92Awesome!!! i love it!

kikatinuyasha on December 21, 2006, 3:35:42 AM

kikatinuyasha on
kikatinuyashai love it *faves*

firehead on December 21, 2006, 3:24:51 AM

firehead on
fireheadI love it Amen.

chibibreeder on December 15, 2006, 11:09:23 PM

chibibreeder on
chibibreederThat's Beautiful. Amen! Fantastic work, god gave you a wonderful gift. That made me cry a little. Favs!

laurelrokz on December 6, 2006, 9:43:16 AM

laurelrokz on
laurelrokz*prays* Wow.^^

horny-bird-woman on November 17, 2006, 9:32:28 AM

horny-bird-woman on
horny-bird-woman*bows* Father. You drew my Spiritual Father. I'm touched.

DocOck on October 21, 2006, 7:16:10 AM

DocOck on
DocOckDefinently faves. nice job.I think alot of people should be more thankful to him for what hes done. like you. Great and awesome job

TallestPurple on October 18, 2006, 1:43:36 PM

TallestPurple on
Comment Deleted

TallestPurple on October 18, 2006, 1:47:18 PM

TallestPurple on
TallestPurpleOh yes and *favs*

RikuFangirl on October 15, 2006, 11:24:30 AM

RikuFangirl on
RikuFangirlWow, very moving. That's so cool of you to put that on here. *sigh* I'm so inspired. ^-^

bassgspl on September 30, 2006, 4:43:15 PM

bassgspl on
bassgspli dont know but this draw make me cry

bassgspl on September 30, 2006, 4:33:02 PM

bassgspl on
bassgsplim crying going to favs

TimeErase on September 30, 2006, 2:42:14 AM

TimeErase on
TimeEraseI almost cried. You drew him well. (:

SonicandCloud4eva on September 27, 2006, 3:13:02 AM

SonicandCloud4eva on

ur sis in Christ,

Epiphany347 on September 21, 2006, 3:43:17 AM

Epiphany347 on
Epiphany347I like your technique

XxLilSluggersAssistantxX on September 1, 2006, 3:09:24 PM

XxLilSluggersAssistantxX on
XxLilSluggersAssistantxXI love this! It makes me happy that some people on here aren't afraid to show their beliefs. Great job on the drawing and coloring. *favs*

mediator on August 30, 2006, 10:32:14 PM

mediator on
mediatorausome keep up the good work

AutumnCerberus on August 30, 2006, 8:25:12 PM

AutumnCerberus on
AutumnCerberusI'm so proud to be Christian you know. In the world we live in today, it's not often I find someone else who is Proud enough to show that love too. It's really inspiring. You truly are one hell of a dude!

Radioactive_froggy on August 6, 2006, 4:25:36 PM

Radioactive_froggy on
Radioactive_froggyi think i commented on this earlier but i just love this pic soooooo much!!! not many people show their religeon here but im glad u drew this! spread the lords words!! woot!! ^^ i would draw him but ide be afraid i would screw it up cause im only half decent with realism but i cant draw noses or mouths XD but any way keep it up!! sooooo happy u made it it makes me happy :D

MJW4ever on July 31, 2006, 8:46:13 AM

MJW4ever on
MJW4everJESUS is my FIRST LOVE. a lovely pic. Makes me want ot pick up a Bible and read

CosmicDebris on July 25, 2006, 5:25:48 PM

CosmicDebris on
CosmicDebrisI agree fullnarutoZ, this should be a T-shirt. :)

InvaderEztheGothic on July 23, 2006, 11:27:05 PM

InvaderEztheGothic on
InvaderEztheGothicThat is so bueatiful! I am not the religous type, BUT THIS RAWX!!!!!!!!!!!

fullnarutoZ on July 23, 2006, 12:28:22 PM

fullnarutoZ on
fullnarutoZyou should make it a T-shirt

hipeople on July 22, 2006, 3:28:49 PM

hipeople on
hipeopleI love it so much.Jesus rocks!

fullnarutoZ on July 21, 2006, 5:19:37 PM

fullnarutoZ on
fullnarutoZthat is so amazing i wish i could draw ppl like you.great work

ages on July 20, 2006, 11:13:18 AM

ages on
agesim more of a musician so drawing isnt my north but it still be fun ! woot for jesus......oh man oh man that should be a freakin t-shirt

ages on July 14, 2006, 4:38:25 AM

ages on
ageskick @$$.!!!!!!!!!!!!

littlestchristuian13 on July 8, 2006, 2:14:40 AM

littlestchristuian13 on
littlestchristuian13Give your talents to Christ and he will Bless you. (I got that one from the semon on Wednesday! X3) I love the fact that you are Christian and show it! Be proud my Christian friend! I am glad you share His Word to the other FAC users! I just love this! it is EXTREMELY inspirational! I really love it! Great job and keep up the spirituality! *favs*

SecretSilentAngel on June 25, 2006, 3:05:26 AM

SecretSilentAngel on
SecretSilentAngelthis is so amazing..

Radioactive_froggy on June 22, 2006, 8:14:13 PM

Radioactive_froggy on
Radioactive_froggyoo preaty AND inspirational goodie! ^_^ *fave* this is awesome!

Gamer_girl on May 12, 2006, 2:01:00 PM

Gamer_girl on
Gamer_girlWOW YER GOOD!!!!!!!!!! Favz 10000 times ^.^ yer so talented!!!

ryuran123352 on April 23, 2006, 2:09:21 AM

ryuran123352 on
ryuran123352I'm not the religious type, but this is very beautiful. I don't totally agree with the Christian concept of god and jesus but some of it seems realistic enough.

Xiakeyra on April 15, 2006, 12:24:48 AM

Xiakeyra on
Xiakeyrahis expression is very well drawn and very appropiate. Do you know...I like the fact that it was posted on April the 11th. Here in Spain we're celebrating the "Semana Santa" that's means "Holy week" and we celebrate Jesus Christ's death and resurrection. This year Holy Week began on April the 10th and ends on April the 16th in what is called "Domingo de Resurrecion" "Sunday on Resurrection" that explain why I consider this pic so appropiate, so good job and keep it up :D

AmeliaVonStrangle on April 13, 2006, 2:22:54 PM

AmeliaVonStrangle on
AmeliaVonStrangleWell, I WAS going to give you a break, but since this one's about religion, I just HAD to coment. i love it! Of course. And it's definitely awesome that you have this amazing skill, and you still stay...well, faithful. It shows your strength. Awesome job!

triceratops on April 12, 2006, 10:36:04 AM

triceratops on
triceratopsHe's actually LOOKING at me!!! ^__^

ilovebalmung on April 12, 2006, 9:40:36 AM

ilovebalmung on
ilovebalmungThis picture is absolutely beautiful! It speaks to me a lot. I truly love this pic. *faves

OH! And Happy Easter!! ^-^

SpasticPenguine on April 11, 2006, 12:24:56 PM

SpasticPenguine on
SpasticPenguineI'm impressed not only by the talent of your work, but the courage and stability in your faith, as well as your ability to witness it. I usually don't see religious artwork on FAC, so it's a nice change- and such good timing putting it up during Holy week (as I'm sure you planned). The expression of pure happiness and love on his face was perfectly done, I really adore this piece. God truly gave you these wonderful hands and you have used them for his will.
*favs picture* *favs artist*

Goemon14th on April 11, 2006, 7:40:39 AM

Goemon14th on
Goemon14thWonderful :-)
I love it!

I_luv_jesus on April 11, 2006, 5:15:25 AM

I_luv_jesus on
I_luv_jesushey thats really good!!! Thats my favorite verse too!! nice job!

axelgnt on April 11, 2006, 4:52:34 AM

axelgnt on
axelgntits soo emotional and that look its full of compassion and love
excellent work

Amadeus on April 11, 2006, 3:06:36 AM

Amadeus on
AmadeusThat's really good keep up the great work ^_^

SetoAngel01 on April 11, 2006, 2:25:19 AM

SetoAngel01 on
SetoAngel01Oh my gosh, that is BEAUTIFUL! I absolutely love it!


MoonDreamer on April 10, 2006, 11:53:08 PM

MoonDreamer on
MoonDreamerI love it. What else can I say?

