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Berserk Akumu - colored

Berserk Akumu - colored

Berserk Akumu - colored by melina678
Berserk Akumu - colored by melina678


lines by wagz20
coloring by me

alright, so I wanted to go with my new coloring style again XD I think I did alright. It's not absolutly amazing, but it's not horrible either. yeeaah, I wanted to add a bit of background =P it's bright, lol I went mad with the fire >=] This was just practice for me with the coloring. Just be patient with me people, I'm still in training XD

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Category Anime/Manga » Naruto series » Fan Characters (OC's)
Date Submitted
Views 1392
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Vote Score 1
Comments 22
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken


Comments (22)

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Dark_Shiva on June 23, 2008, 1:35:07 AM

Dark_Shiva on
Dark_ShivaVery awesome drawing, kinf of reminds me of Ifrit from the FF series, very nice.

wagz20 on June 17, 2008, 7:53:46 PM

wagz20 on
wagz20LMAO! she teases him?! lol hard to believe by how scared he is of him. yeah she probably does it just to piss him off, i'd get kick out of that! lol you weren't lying when you said you love your Akako outfit so much you just wear it around the house, so your sister and her friends made you that? 
HOLY frack! LMAO ROFL!!! SHE REALLY DID THAT!!! somehow that doesn't surprise me, lol. after i read that i was laughing so hard my laptop almost fell off my stomach, not to mention everyone is sleeping right now so i also had to smoother myself with my own pillow from laughing out load not to wake anyone LMAO!! and what does she mean by 'again' does she know about that one rp? LOL. LMAO!! you hit your head, that's  hilarious too!!! i said it once, i'll say it again, your sister is a RIOT!!! LMAO!!!    

melina678 on June 17, 2008, 7:57:56 PM

melina678 on
melina678hahahaha, I do love my Akako outfit =3 I love the cloak especially. It's comfy =) yeah they made me. Kari wore the Naruto jacket and then her friend Kitsune wore the Akatsuki cloak.
LMAO!!! she really did that! And then she randomly said in a high pitched voice, "I am man!" and just ran off with the kunai still in her pants XDDDDD she never read it, but I told her they were 'being nasty little demons together' and then she got that freaked out look on her face again XD

wagz20 on June 17, 2008, 8:09:18 PM

wagz20 on
wagz20Akumu: *grumbles* a plastic kunai in the pants doesn't represent manhood Kari, crazy human child, that's not humorous at all!
wagz: LOL!!!!!! she ran off with it still in her pants?!! that girl's a wild child!! lighten up would ya that's hilarious. funny about her getting freaked out, lol.  

melina678 on June 17, 2008, 8:11:17 PM

melina678 on
melina678Melina: urgggh, the girl is crazy!!! But it was so fracking funny! I have a bump on my head now >.<

Akako: *puts a hand over her mouth to hide her smile while stifling her laughter* come on Akumu...even I thought it was funny

wagz20 on June 17, 2008, 8:22:29 PM

wagz20 on
wagz20wagz: yeah she maybe crazy, but sooo fracking funny! *hands you an ice pack* lol jk
Akumu; *grumbles, folds arms over is chest* humph! it was not funny. and i'm going to get her for teasing me!
wagz: come on you're so stubborn, you're really laughing you're @$$ off on the inside. :P*  

melina678 on June 17, 2008, 8:25:25 PM

melina678 on
melina678Akako: aww, come on Akumu *playfully punches at his arm with a smirk on her face* she just likes messin with you because she thinks you're awesome...not as awesome as me, but close! *laughs softly*

Melina: Akako is right. Kari is one of the biggest fans of Akako there is, so if you are up to Akako's level, she thinks you're awesome! *stretches* she just shows her liking for you through teasing *chuckles*

wagz20 on June 17, 2008, 8:32:29 PM

wagz20 on
wagz20Akumu: heh heh, i don't know Akako, i am pretty awesome *grins and winks at her* heh heh, just messin,   hmmm. shows liking through teasing, sounds familiar *smirks at Akako*
wagz: hooray!! you're not as much as a grouch as i thought :P  
Akumu: grrrr shut up over there! 

melina678 on June 17, 2008, 8:35:17 PM

melina678 on
melina678Akako: tst, you know I'm cooler then you, love *smirks up at him, her eyes glinting* *grins playfully, putting her hands on her hips and puffing out her chest proudly* she gets it from me *laughs* hahaha, don't be so mean to wagz *smirks*

wagz20 on June 17, 2008, 8:43:14 PM

wagz20 on
wagz20Akumu: hmmm i would be nice to wagz if, well ya know, wagz didn't KILL ME!
wagz: -_- omg still bitter are we?
Akumu: yes, and you and Kari are on my list
wagz: lol you have a list now?   

melina678 on June 17, 2008, 8:45:17 PM

melina678 on
melina678Akako: *looks around a little bit* I don't have a list...but I'm on a lot of peoples' lists *sticks her tongue out playfully*

wagz20 on June 17, 2008, 8:51:23 PM

wagz20 on
wagz20lol, i'm sure she is
well i'm gonna try to go to bed, lol. 

melina678 on June 17, 2008, 8:51:52 PM

melina678 on
melina678lol kk bye

wagz20 on June 17, 2008, 7:01:18 PM

wagz20 on
wagz20O__O wow, yep queen of fire indeed. damn you've done it again! looks great to me. love the background with the fire and the ground texture, bright but beastly. I really like how you did the wings, looks way better. having fun with that fire are we? lol. awesome job melina! thank you ^_^.

melina678 on June 17, 2008, 7:03:51 PM

melina678 on
melina678lol, yuuusss >=3 I love fire! mwahahaha! lol, sorry if it seems like I rushed it a little XD I'm working on a Death Akako sketch right now, so I wanted to get this to you quickly

wagz20 on June 17, 2008, 7:11:54 PM

wagz20 on
wagz20lol seems like i'm talking to Kari, i noticed she says yus instead of yes, lmao. don't be sorry, i'm just surprised how fast you got this done and it still looks good, and just happy you colored it in the first place ^_^. cool so you finally doing Death Akako? really want to see that. I decided to sketch Hibashiro today and Rasen since i've been mentioning them. had to do Hibashiro from scratch because i never drew him as a boy and just had to draw Rasen from my doodles of him.     

melina678 on June 17, 2008, 7:14:51 PM

melina678 on
melina678lol, well she is my little sister, so some of the stuff she says I start saying XD she's passed out on the couch right now, so I can assure you you're not talking to her XDDDDD urrrggggghhh, the Death Akako pic is starting to freak even me out now! I don't think even Akumu would want to look at her in this picture! O_O awesome =D I hate drawing characters from scratch >_<

wagz20 on June 17, 2008, 7:22:43 PM

wagz20 on
wagz20 just kidding melina, lmao, that's funny. psst, heh heh, you should wake her up and show her your freaky sketch and see if she gets freaked out, lol, jk.
well i think they're even, Akumu has Berkserk Akumu and Akako has Death Akako, pretty much the same idea.
yeah i'll post them today, have to outline them first. i had an idea in my head though but drawing from scratch sucks, lol

melina678 on June 17, 2008, 7:26:25 PM

melina678 on
melina678hahahahaha, you should have seen her when she saw Berserk Akumu! It was fracking hilarious! Like, I went to go get her to show her and the moment she saw it, she started breathing really heavy and starts shivering with a funny freaked out look on her face. Then I scrolled down so she couldn't see the pic anymore and she calmed down instantly. Then I scrolled back up and she started to do the same thing again XDDDDD
nahhh, it's not about level of power, I just mean she's fracking scary in this picture! Like...she is leaning in slightly towards the person viewing her. She has this...almost eerie, gentle smile on her face while blood is running down her face from the Eye of Demons. She has her hand reaching out to the viewer and you can just see the skin melting off of it. Pretty much from her cheek to her chin on the left side of her face is missing so you only see the skull. Her wings are torn and ripped apart so huge chunks of the bone are sticking out. Her smile is still the part that creeps me out the most >_O you would expect her signature smirk....but it's more of a loving smile...*shudders*

wagz20 on June 17, 2008, 7:33:58 PM

wagz20 on
wagz20OMG LMAO!! man and she said she wet her pants just seeing Akumu unmasked, i really don't know what is so scary about him to make her act like that, but that is so fracking hilarious! LMAO! hilarious with the scrolling game, heh heh Kari sure is fun to mess with. lol. 
OOOOO man sounds really creepy and cool, really want to see that pic! sounds like a way cool and creepy perspective.   

melina678 on June 17, 2008, 7:38:53 PM

melina678 on
melina678lol, I love messing with Kari like that XDDDDD just the fact that it's his face made her freak out, lmao! She LOVES to tease him when rping or when she's just talking to me. She teases him more then any other character I've ever heard of. She probably does it just to piss him off. Take yesterday for example. I was wearing my Akako outfit (my sister and her friends made me >_>) and was sitting on the computer talking with DFP and all of a sudden Kari goes into the closet holding a plastic kunai and then comes out with the kunai IN HER PANTS!! It looks like she had a boner! lmao! Then she came up to me and tried to make a deep voice while saying, "Hey's me Akumu...wanna get down and dirty again?" OMG I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD!!! I fell out of my chair and hit my head against the dresser, and even after that I was still laughing!

wagz20 on June 17, 2008, 7:54:47 PM

wagz20 on
wagz20woops up top, was laughing so hard, forgot to click reply. LOL.