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FFX: Suteki da ne

FFX: Suteki da ne

FFX: Suteki da ne by meruchan
FFX: Suteki da ne by meruchan


XD hahaha~~FFX! haven't really played the game... ._. *ish weird just like that* but i know i'll love it once iget to playit...<br />
neways wanted todraw yuna...and well added tidus fer the heck of it...<br />
and yeahhh me likes highlights~~~XDDD<br />
<br />
words there is the lyrics of the song kay? :3

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Final Fantasy series » Final Fantasy X
Date Submitted
Views 5927
Favorites... 90
Vote Score 0
Comments 46
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (46)

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ChibiChan15 on June 8, 2007, 11:39:07 PM

ChibiChan15 on
ChibiChan15again, well done ^^

Playstationfreak on August 31, 2006, 6:23:56 PM

Playstationfreak on
Playstationfreakawwww this picture is so pretty! They both look so cute!

Anser on June 22, 2006, 1:03:41 AM

Anser on
Anseri noticed that her eyes r differant colors

Kaoruko on June 9, 2006, 12:46:24 AM

Kaoruko on
KaorukoKyaaaaa !!!! I love this pics !
The coloring is very great !
*favs* ( I'm very demanding about the favs ^^' )

Akiame_Cross on May 12, 2006, 8:35:00 AM

Akiame_Cross on
Akiame_Crossyuna looks really hot in this

Airemir on May 8, 2006, 2:08:22 PM

Airemir on
AiremirHoly mother! You did this? This is soooooooo BEAUTIFUL! O my stars! WOW! TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!

So shiny...

Riyu21 on May 2, 2006, 6:34:19 AM

Riyu21 on
Riyu21wow! this is beautiful! i love Suteki Da Ne! its the best song ever! and krazykats225 the eyes are right (left-blue right-green) but anyway nice job! =^-^=

Darker_Justice on April 22, 2006, 5:17:20 AM

Darker_Justice on
Darker_JusticeOM le G... that's awesome...

Saria29 on April 4, 2006, 7:24:15 PM

Saria29 on
Saria29Nice! *haven't played FFX either, but wants to ._.*

I think I'll fav.

FFXgirl on March 20, 2006, 9:03:24 PM

FFXgirl on
FFXgirlYea, you have to play it some time!!!! It's AWSOME!!! AMAZING job!!!! *favs*

Chiaro_di_Borgia on March 12, 2006, 10:26:22 PM

Chiaro_di_Borgia on
Chiaro_di_Borgiagreat work, Yuna looks very good. Tho colors are excellent.

elfen_lied_is_so_cool on February 23, 2006, 3:07:35 PM

elfen_lied_is_so_cool on
elfen_lied_is_so_coolthat is sooo georgious! do a graphic novel and post it on here! u cud do it u no!!!!!1

eiko on February 12, 2006, 3:50:07 AM

eiko on

FuriCuri510 on January 14, 2006, 1:39:14 AM

FuriCuri510 on
FuriCuri510Yuna looks so pretty!!! Great job! ^-^

Forever_Dreaming on December 28, 2005, 7:01:40 AM

Forever_Dreaming on
Forever_DreamingIt's soo beautiful!T.T *favs*

purplegirl1919 on December 19, 2005, 9:11:38 AM

purplegirl1919 on
purplegirl1919i love it, but when they play Suteki da ne, its when their... nevermind, i dont want to give it away scence you have never played it. TIDUSXYUNA RULEZ!

Kajuro_the_ultimate on November 2, 2005, 10:20:04 AM

Kajuro_the_ultimate on
Kajuro_the_ultimateHOLY!!!This looks like anime..........SWEETNESS!!!!

MidnyteFox on November 1, 2005, 6:55:28 AM

MidnyteFox on
MidnyteFoxThis is so cut,pretty,awesome,well-drawn,beautiful,kawaii,adorable, and TidusXYuna-ness!I love Tidus/Yuna!

Yuna X Tidus

Namiko-chan on October 17, 2005, 4:42:58 AM

Namiko-chan on
Namiko-chanWOW!!! thats really really awesome.*adds to favs*

SnowDrop on October 11, 2005, 8:09:20 PM

SnowDrop on
SnowDropThis is BEAUTIFUL!^^ *favs*

advent_children_rulez on October 6, 2005, 9:31:35 PM

advent_children_rulez on
advent_children_rulezholy bejebus i luv plzp lz plz can u do the words bigger plz i just have to get them oh plz ill pay u

kacheepany on September 6, 2005, 7:54:57 AM

kacheepany on
kacheepanyI love it, I love it, I love it, I LOVE IT!!!!!!I've never seen such drawing!You're talented!

AddictedFreak on August 30, 2005, 8:55:50 AM

AddictedFreak on
AddictedFreakHOLY CRAP THIS PIC IS AWESOME!!! (Sorry for the all caps.) ^_^

Angleofdeath on August 19, 2005, 7:25:49 AM

Angleofdeath on
Angleofdeathits great !!!!you did ditgal how did you do that ?? asking for drawing tips if you give any thanks!!

greenday_rox_ma_sox on August 4, 2005, 1:26:04 AM

greenday_rox_ma_sox on
greenday_rox_ma_soxAAAAWWWWWWW! this ish beutiful!!

kitty706 on June 26, 2005, 8:51:26 PM

kitty706 on
kitty706luv it

tidusfindsmyrrh on June 5, 2005, 4:02:22 AM

tidusfindsmyrrh on
tidusfindsmyrrhthat's beautiful, but don't you think Yuna's pose is better for Tidus? And vice-versa. I don't know...the looking-up at the sky seems more Yunaesque to me...and Tidus would look better with the cheeky grin ^^

anyway, great job ^^

rikku14 on May 21, 2005, 2:01:06 AM

rikku14 on
rikku14this is breath taking. How'd you do that? I wish I could draw that good. Runs with jelousy. Add to fav*

MangaWhit on May 9, 2005, 8:21:45 AM

MangaWhit on
MangaWhitThat's really beautiful! The shading is wonderful and I absolutely LOVE the eyes! Awesome job! ^-^

Lynxie on April 29, 2005, 9:54:14 PM

Lynxie on
LynxieIts perfect i love it.

Sorasgal667898 on April 8, 2005, 11:03:54 AM

Sorasgal667898 on

Rikku_Sohma on February 17, 2005, 5:56:42 AM

Rikku_Sohma on
Rikku_Sohmaher eyes are so beautiful!!! I love it!!! ^_^

midnightfox on February 8, 2005, 8:20:16 AM

midnightfox on
midnightfoxyour picture is awesome-- I can't do anything digital, so I stand in awe... Excellent job!!! *favs*

Gunner_Yuna on December 11, 2004, 10:34:07 PM

Gunner_Yuna on
Gunner_YunaWOw! It's beautiful!

Zeneshi on December 6, 2004, 7:42:02 AM

Zeneshi on
ZeneshiI love it!!!!I love the manga style and i love the background!!!!!!
Yuna looks really cool i love the eyes!

KagomeTheArcher on November 21, 2004, 9:32:52 AM

KagomeTheArcher on
KagomeTheArcherWow!!!! I love this picture!!!! I love this couple!!!! I'm a 100% Yuna and Tidus couple fan!!!!

Tidus and Yuna forever!!!!!!!!!!

This is soooooooooooo BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
*Adds to faves*

Manda_Kay on November 18, 2004, 5:41:40 PM

Manda_Kay on
Manda_KayOh wow. This looks like it's from a professionally drawn anime. It's fantastic. And you're only fifteen? ::adds to faves::

Carmen_Takoshi on November 3, 2004, 1:03:16 PM

Carmen_Takoshi on
Carmen_TakoshiHOLY CRAPPET THAT'S GOOD!!!! *is stared at by my Dad for screaming at no one* Heh, heh, I'm weird that way. Tiduuuuuuussss...
Kai (beyblade): *glares at Tidus*
Don't worry, I still looove you, Kai-sama. *points at Yuna* But hey, ain't she cute? I love her eyes. So shiney... *chibi eyes*
TIDUS! ^.^v

Cara on November 3, 2004, 8:35:01 AM

Cara on
CaraCool. Faves. Here have a doughnut. *shoves a doughnut down your throat*

Lilly5 on October 9, 2004, 9:00:51 AM

Lilly5 on
Lilly5Kawaii!! *faves*

Black_Mage_Faye on October 1, 2004, 10:41:41 AM

Black_Mage_Faye on
Black_Mage_FayeWoah there.. This is awesomo... O_O It's beautimusly lovely! ^_^

blacksky900 on September 26, 2004, 6:57:35 AM

blacksky900 on
blacksky900WHOAH! that is so awsome!!i love the highlights

I_luv_jesus on September 25, 2004, 2:56:06 PM

I_luv_jesus on
I_luv_jesusAWSOME!! *favs*

rikuschick on September 25, 2004, 12:25:29 PM

rikuschick on
rikuschickAwesome! I like Tidus facial expression. He looks so relaxed.

underknowndarkling on September 25, 2004, 12:22:14 PM

underknowndarkling on
underknowndarklingI am jealous. I can't do anything digital for the life of me. Me like highlights too. AHAHHAHHAHA! Good job!

Chanika on September 25, 2004, 6:28:36 AM

Chanika on
Chanikawow that is really pretty..i love it!