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KH- Showdown of Fate

KH- Showdown of Fate

KH- Showdown of Fate by meruchan
KH- Showdown of Fate by meruchan


>u< la~ ain't their fight scene soo cooool...O___O

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Category Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series » Characters (KH1)
Date Submitted
Views 5858
Favorites... 135
Vote Score 6
Comments 45
Media Unspecified
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Comments (45)

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PhantomDoll13 on December 15, 2008, 2:29:50 AM

PhantomDoll13 on
PhantomDoll13Cloud looks smexy *favs*

luckylace222 on August 7, 2008, 11:08:37 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222o.o WOW!! That's awesome!!!! They both look so good! XD

ronnie343 on October 8, 2007, 5:33:20 AM

ronnie343 on
ronnie343W00000000000t! I love this! Love the detail and the coloring!

darthexodus on August 16, 2007, 4:48:26 PM

darthexodus on
darthexodusholy crap i thought i saw one blink

KaoriMasa on June 7, 2007, 12:00:13 PM

KaoriMasa on
KaoriMasaOkay, to put it simply.. WOW. O_o

NoArtisticProwess on February 28, 2007, 10:14:32 AM

NoArtisticProwess on
NoArtisticProwessIm not complaining but Cloud stole Soras Doo man! It is awesome too

Taria on July 7, 2006, 2:46:30 PM

Taria on
Tariathis is great!

tripletrouble3 on June 29, 2006, 10:35:29 AM

tripletrouble3 on
tripletrouble3Oh, you've seen that? It is awesome! So is this pic! Heck, this is BETTER!

Keema_Elric on June 26, 2006, 8:49:57 AM

Keema_Elric on
Keema_ElricNeat! I like the sephiroth. He's awesome. Loves it! ^_^

silverstar on June 20, 2006, 1:01:37 AM

silverstar on
silverstarlol Your Cloud reminds me of Link, but they both look so hot! O///O Great job!

sam01 on June 14, 2006, 5:15:27 AM

sam01 on
sam01i think that cloud is going to win if sephiroth doesn't have his power you know.

Anya_the_aroura_wolf_dragon on May 16, 2006, 9:51:54 PM

Anya_the_aroura_wolf_dragon on
Anya_the_aroura_wolf_dragonI know i'm a freak.

Anya_the_aroura_wolf_dragon on May 16, 2006, 9:51:23 PM

Anya_the_aroura_wolf_dragon on
Anya_the_aroura_wolf_dragonGO CLOUD! COME ON! KILL HIM! Great pic!

Oniku on April 25, 2006, 6:56:41 AM

Oniku on
OnikuThis is so cool!!!! It looks just like an anime version!!! I love Cloud and Sephi!!

13SlinkAnsem on April 14, 2006, 11:15:47 PM

13SlinkAnsem on
13SlinkAnsemIt looks like it came out of an anime!! Kick @$$!! XDD -favs-

xSewmymouth_shut on January 12, 2006, 2:43:25 PM

xSewmymouth_shut on
xSewmymouth_shutsorry lol i was talking about the advent children movie lol.

xSewmymouth_shut on January 12, 2006, 2:42:38 PM

xSewmymouth_shut on
xSewmymouth_shutOMG YES!

I LUVED THE MOVIE..even though i couldn't understand what they were saying(japanese version) and the subtitles were extremely messed up. lol.

I luv the pic!*faves*

ShamanQueen1101 on November 19, 2005, 1:47:19 AM

ShamanQueen1101 on

Namiko-chan on October 17, 2005, 4:41:07 AM

Namiko-chan on
Namiko-chanWOW!!! Thats really awesome.*adds to favs*

Lonely_Girl on July 23, 2005, 7:37:04 AM

Lonely_Girl on
Lonely_GirlSephiroth! yyaaaayyy! Oh man I luv this picture!

TorturedSoul on June 21, 2005, 6:59:59 AM

TorturedSoul on
TorturedSoulI love this pic!

sora_RIKU_12 on June 16, 2005, 10:14:55 AM

sora_RIKU_12 on
sora_RIKU_12cloud looks hot....adds to favs

Spartan_112 on May 29, 2005, 9:02:21 AM

Spartan_112 on
Spartan_112awsome picc and colouring ^^

Caught-In-Twilight on May 1, 2005, 6:44:00 AM

Caught-In-Twilight on
Caught-In-TwilightCool! You should do leon and Riku in one like that! ^^

kitti_is_my_name on March 25, 2005, 1:44:42 AM

kitti_is_my_name on
kitti_is_my_nameGAH!!!!!!!! CLOUD!!!! AGAIN!!! IM IN LOVE!- falls over-

- Kitti da Knocked Out Cat

starling94 on March 15, 2005, 1:30:30 PM

starling94 on
starling94I'm IN LOVE!!!... with this picture.. haha -click- Did you hear that? I bet you did! it was the button to my favs!

Choco_Chick_87 on January 11, 2005, 7:19:54 AM

Choco_Chick_87 on
Choco_Chick_87(jaw drops)! Go Cloud! Kick his butt! +faves

Flarea on December 11, 2004, 10:01:59 AM

Flarea on
FlareaHoly cow!!!.......Free room keys for everyone!

shaman_girl on December 3, 2004, 1:09:42 PM

shaman_girl on
shaman_girlO.O purty

Cara on November 23, 2004, 3:22:20 PM

Cara on
CaraAwesome job. Very cool. Here have a doughnut. *shoves a doughnut down your throat*

kai_the_hedgehog on November 21, 2004, 2:36:59 PM

kai_the_hedgehog on
kai_the_hedgehog I have decided: "I LOVE U SEPHY! KICK HIS @$$!!!! ((my friends think this pic is gay, even though I INSIST it's the kewlest. they think sephy's my boyfriend. stupid, but that would be nice...

SeanHalnais on November 18, 2004, 4:07:02 AM

SeanHalnais on
SeanHalnaisSephiroth: "So here we stand my boy, at the end of a long chess game."

Cloud: "Well, it wasn't a game to me!"

Sephiroth: "Aw, but you played well nevertheless. Unfortunately, what counts is whether you win, or lose. And as you can see. You lose."

Cloud: "In the end, evil can never win!"

Sephiroth: "Don't be so sure. And who are you to distinguish between good and evil. The line between those contrast is barely visible. So evil can never fully be understood as Good can."

blue_dragon35 on November 17, 2004, 11:21:34 AM

blue_dragon35 on
blue_dragon35SEPRIOTH AND CLOUD????!!!!

blind_stranger on November 11, 2004, 5:32:23 AM

blind_stranger on
blind_strangerOh yes, and the way you positioned Cloud's cape and Sepheroth's hair to reflect eachother has given me an idea... *takes out pencil & LOTS of spare eracer* ^.^

blind_stranger on November 11, 2004, 5:27:19 AM

blind_stranger on
blind_stranger*you read comment's title*
Don't ask.... (cuz I'll tell you anyways) ...I saw this picture last night, put it in my faves (that's a given!^_^), and went to bed. I had a weird dream... There was this big-long rope of jet-black hair(think: Repunsle got a 10ft haircut) and my brother was trying to eat it. :x
I pulled it outa his mouth and questioned him. He told me that he was gonna go fight a big monster-tough boss on his videogame, and that anyone who ate one of those long black hairs turned into Sepheroth for a while.(he needed Sepheroth's strenth&powers to beat the boss, Though, I'm not sure exactly how actualy being Sepheroth helped in the videogame...) After he explained, I said "ok" and let him have one of the hairs(he had tried 2 eat all of them at once before) and he ate it... 0_x...Please exuse my dementedness... e_eAs an artist, I really look up to you! I love all your drawings! *plasters room up&down w/ poster-sized printouts* ^_~

kai_the_hedgehog on November 9, 2004, 2:45:20 PM

kai_the_hedgehog on
kai_the_hedgehogOMG! SOO AWESOME! i cant decide which i like better.. umm.. I LUV YOU BOTH!!! cloud and sephy: O_o

Black_Mage_Faye on October 30, 2004, 10:32:23 AM

Black_Mage_Faye on
Black_Mage_FayeThis picture owns!.. And is it Aeris or Aerith?

I_luv_jesus on October 17, 2004, 11:47:14 AM

I_luv_jesus on

bloodyangel on October 14, 2004, 5:55:04 AM

bloodyangel on
bloodyangelKICK HIS @$$ CLOUD!!!!!!!!! Oh and sorry any Sephiroth fans out there but I just can't forgive Sephiroth for stabbing Aerith with that sword!! Err,if I was there I woulda kicked his @$$! Anyway...KICK HIS @$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yujinakasgirl on October 13, 2004, 1:22:36 PM

yujinakasgirl on
yujinakasgirl<br />
A perfect 10 couldn't describe how excellent this pic is!<br />
soo i'll give you a perfect zillion!

Kerahatespenguins on October 13, 2004, 3:04:43 AM

Kerahatespenguins on
Kerahatespenguinsomg! thats so awesome! you drew them so.....theres not a word for it! *favs*

Chanika on October 13, 2004, 1:01:34 AM

Chanika on
Chanikaholy crap this is amazing!!!!!!wow

scififan25 on October 13, 2004, 12:24:49 AM

scififan25 on
scififan25O my gosh this is really great i love it the characters look so good.... this is great

ButterflyKisses on October 13, 2004, 12:16:45 AM

ButterflyKisses on
ButterflyKissesWOWOW that is sooo awesome....OoOoO. Cloud!!!! ^_^<br />
I love it!!! +faves

Asil on October 12, 2004, 11:52:44 PM

Asil on
Asilholy crap ur good -_- teach me!!