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My Broken Angel

My Broken Angel

My Broken Angel by meruchan
My Broken Angel by meruchan


made when i was...uhm...a lil deranged perhaps...^^;; haha...D:

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Category Miscellaneous » Characters
Date Submitted
Views 4135
Favorites... 57
Vote Score 2
Comments 27
Media Unspecified
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Comments (27)

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andr28a on May 15, 2008, 12:14:10 AM

andr28a on
andr28aOuch 0_0'

ChibiChan15 on June 8, 2007, 11:26:34 PM

ChibiChan15 on
ChibiChan15i love the details on this angel

luckylace222 on May 31, 2007, 1:55:57 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222NOOOOO!!! THE ANGEL'S BROKEN!!!! *Hands her( O_o or him???) tissue and bandage* YAYAAYY!!!! XD

MaxLightning1 on September 30, 2006, 2:11:00 AM

MaxLightning1 on
MaxLightning1o_o is thAT A GIRL? if it is i think she is hot

Saru_no_Cheesecake on March 15, 2006, 4:42:44 PM

Saru_no_Cheesecake on
Saru_no_Cheesecakecool. gives me an idea for my original anime story 'broken angel'. . . my angel Kumori (meaning Cloud) is so cute!

FallenAngel0792 on February 9, 2006, 1:10:35 AM

FallenAngel0792 on
FallenAngel0792OMG Thats Beautiful! So Awesome! *faves* Congrats on pic of the hour!

korakuchan on February 9, 2006, 1:02:12 AM

korakuchan on
korakuchanWow! This is really good! ^_^

meruchan on August 24, 2005, 2:44:29 AM

meruchan on
meruchanuh, its more disturbing that way i guess. D:

DarkMustang on August 15, 2005, 8:15:09 AM

DarkMustang on
DarkMustangIt's great, but....he's bleeding and his wings are broken. Why on earth is he smiling?!

All of your pictures are so awesome....*is still in shock*

dragons_healing_blood on June 30, 2005, 7:57:03 AM

dragons_healing_blood on
dragons_healing_bloodhi it's me your ever loyal fan,
i really love the texture on the wings, it's like they really did sprout from it's back.....
great pic, i like your demented moods ^___^

pillow_chan123 on June 2, 2005, 2:13:26 PM

pillow_chan123 on
pillow_chan123soo purty...for some reason i think of remus lupin when i see this pic...hehe.

DarkHieiGurl on January 17, 2005, 10:17:46 AM

DarkHieiGurl on
DarkHieiGurlThis pic is so amazing it has inspired me to draw. But I must keep looking at ur pics!

Cara on November 23, 2004, 3:12:12 PM

Cara on
CaraPoor angel. Amazing job. I envy your talent. Here have a doughnut. *shoves a doughnut down your throat*

SeanHalnais on November 18, 2004, 4:18:31 AM

SeanHalnais on
SeanHalnaisAn angel deprived of their wings. Thus, they have become a fallen angel. Who could do something so cruel, so inhumane as to destroy something of such great beauty?

leblackdragon on October 2, 2004, 2:53:40 PM

leblackdragon on
leblackdragonInstant FAV!!!

blue_dragon35 on September 24, 2004, 1:57:38 PM

blue_dragon35 on
blue_dragon35it is so wonderful,magnificent,magical,and awesome!!!!!!i luv it.u have alot of*awesome*talent!!*__*<br />
<br />

Eggplant on August 11, 2004, 10:14:37 PM

Eggplant on
EggplantWHOA I luf the blood ((exspecially on the right wing))<br />
<br />
and those wrinkles in the clothes rule, that cross is cool, and I'm loving the rest also

bloodyangel on August 10, 2004, 11:45:48 AM

bloodyangel on
bloodyangelOOOOHHHHH!!! Oh no, my brain hurts. It's so pretty...yet... so sad. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
Oh great, my brain just exploded.<br />

A_dork_you_dont_know on July 5, 2004, 9:47:38 AM

A_dork_you_dont_know on
A_dork_you_dont_knowbloody wings are bloody brilliant indeed. heh heh heh i luv british slash english (I can neve tell the difference anyway) dialect. And I luvz zis x like . . . a billion. VEry cool. VERY cool.

Cheshire on June 15, 2004, 5:48:39 AM

Cheshire on
Cheshirei love how you actually made the wings look like they were borken, this is brillant. i love her expression, or his im not sure >.< but the way the clothes are falling off gives it another special effect somehow.

Kiari on May 22, 2004, 2:07:16 AM

Kiari on
KiariLooks professional O_O & it's so pretty! I luv it I luv it I luv it!!!! ^_______^

Slippingthroughreality on May 20, 2004, 5:54:40 AM

Slippingthroughreality on
Slippingthroughrealityamazing pic, keep up the awesome drawing skills.

sketch on May 20, 2004, 2:25:02 AM

sketch on
sketchwow, you're going on my favs

Die on May 20, 2004, 2:12:54 AM

Die on
DieHis eyes are so beautiful ^_^ I like how the cut on his back leaks freshly flowing blood. -_-;; Hmm, now I sound insane. ^^ lol. *sigh* That black feather tainted with blood looks nice and fluffy.

Lou on May 20, 2004, 2:01:26 AM

Lou on
LouWoooo...O_o That´s so wonderful, I love the way You have drawd and colored it. Love all of it, nice pic.

YoYo_Xvd93 on May 20, 2004, 1:45:55 AM

YoYo_Xvd93 on
YoYo_Xvd93I agree with rikugirlfriend u do have talent i mean it!!!*adds artist and pic to fav*

rikugirlfriend on May 20, 2004, 1:24:39 AM

rikugirlfriend on
rikugirlfriendfirts veiw and comment great you have talent.