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Angel of Light/Demon of Dark/Dragon of Fire

Angel of Light/Demon of Dark/Dragon of Fire

Angel of Light/Demon of Dark/Dragon of Fire by mewmagic5
Angel of Light/Demon of Dark/Dragon of Fire by mewmagic5


Creative title, no? XDD<br />
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But please FULL VIEW!<br />
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But yes, this was done for English. We just finished learning about the middle ages in World History and reading a bunch of stuff on King Arthur in English, so the teacher gave us blank sheilds to color....<br />
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There were certain things that were suppose to be on the sheild, the funky E on the left is suppose to represent I'm the first child of my family (mom, dad, me, brother) the flower is suppose to represent I'm the seventh born child of all my family, so counting my mom and dad's side, I have 6 cousins older, and then those that are younger....<br />
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As for the sheild itself, this sucker took me three days to do, it may not look like it, but the thing's actually's also why you only the the main portion. The frame and outside were cut off by the scanner....o_o And again, if you can, please full view, I know for a fact I uploaded it bigger than normal so you can see the colors and detail (what little there is...^_^; ) better, so gods know how it's going to shrink it when it goes into a thumbnail....and again, the scannerr dulled, or lightened the colors a little, but it actually doesn't look that bad...ay least better than I expected! ^^<br />
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But drawn, inked, colored with me prismacolors (I'm in love, I swear! XDD) And then inked again for the heck of it....I personally think it looks better after the second....

General Info

General Info

Category Fantasy » Characters » Angels
Date Submitted
Views 1644
Favorites... 3
Vote Score 0
Comments 8
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (8)

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InsanelyLoopyChild on May 12, 2006, 11:54:42 AM

InsanelyLoopyChild on
InsanelyLoopyChildlove the colors!

Bugaloo on November 16, 2005, 9:41:34 AM

Bugaloo on
BugalooOOH! :) I LURVE PICCIES LIKE THIS !!! So coolie. I supposes I only have one choice. I must faved da piccie, da artist, and . . . ah . . . nope nothin else to fave! *I guess by now you get da hint . . . faves*

HeavenlyKunoichi on May 22, 2005, 8:30:03 AM

HeavenlyKunoichi on
HeavenlyKunoichiThis is great, I love the contrasting sides and the symbolism. I remember having to do a family crest/shield once..(actually twice once this year and once in 8th grade)
but I only had 45 minutes so mine really sucked xD. It had a mother holding her child dressed up as an angel (representing my mom is the most important person in my life) then I drew hands praying and rthen fire consuming all of it with wind in the background and other random stuff....


DreamOfFire on January 20, 2005, 2:13:02 PM

DreamOfFire on
DreamOfFireWOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!! that is so cool!@o@!!!!this is REALLY amazing!!!


angelbaby on January 6, 2005, 4:06:46 AM

angelbaby on
angelbabylol i kno 2 many commets but traw the other halves of the demon and angel i cant tell wat sum parts look like

angelbaby on January 6, 2005, 3:49:16 AM

angelbaby on
angelbabyy dont u draw the FULL one of all 3

angelbaby on January 6, 2005, 3:48:43 AM

angelbaby on
angelbabyabosoulutlae luv it it goin on the bord! *prints it out* i have this born i put stuff that i like on pics. drawins prints ect.

Garnet-Hedgehog on January 1, 2005, 6:54:37 AM

Garnet-Hedgehog on
Garnet-Hedgehogoh, WOW!!! I love your coloring! It loks so full! *favs*