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Naraku's Happy House

Naraku's Happy House

Naraku's Happy House by narakus_demon
Naraku's Happy House by narakus_demon


Poor poor Naraku has to feed them all too. Just imagine that...<br />
Daddy I'm hungry, daddy I'm thirsty, daddy InuYasha did this, daddy, daddy, daddy!<br />
I swaer I think Naraku is gonna explode one day... ^-^

General Info

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Category Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series » Couples/Pairings
Date Submitted
Views 5801
Favorites... 67
Vote Score 1
Comments 44
Media Unspecified
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Comments (44)

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Valgaav on March 2, 2007, 1:56:31 AM

Valgaav on
ValgaavGood, but...What is Juuroumaru doing??

Byzantium on February 9, 2007, 11:45:54 PM

Byzantium on
ByzantiumEEEE!!!! I love this!!!!

Haunted-Flower on January 10, 2007, 12:22:52 AM

Haunted-Flower on
Haunted-FlowerCute!! Go Naraku! You can take care of everyone on your own.^^ Hakudoushi is so cute!

Darkstorm_Shadow on February 1, 2006, 11:09:55 AM

Darkstorm_Shadow on
Darkstorm_ShadowHow cute!!! Hey...getting taken to the happy house is my job...wait...if I'm taken to the happy house...will I get to meet naraku? *shifty eyes* I know their secret...*men in white jackets take me to the happy house* O.O...x3 naraku were I come...

sasuskekun on November 30, 2006, 9:35:59 AM

sasuskekun on
sasuskekunyou watch avatar the last airbender beacuse i saw your icon and saw u are a zuko fan i am too are u a zutara fan or kattang? i am a big zutara shipper

yamisprincess on August 8, 2006, 12:38:33 PM

yamisprincess on
yamisprincessHey who told you to rewrite my sentences like at who,who,who?

of_kilter_one on July 7, 2006, 6:48:03 PM

of_kilter_one on
of_kilter_oneYamisprincess: could imgane what Naraku will say LEAVE ME ALONE i HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU CRAZY KIDS GO PLAY!!

I would take it a step further


yamisprincess on June 20, 2006, 5:13:22 AM

yamisprincess on
yamisprincessI could imgane what Naraku will say LEAVE ME ALONE i HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU CRAZY KIDS GO PLAY!!

yamisprincess on June 12, 2006, 1:33:28 PM

yamisprincess on
yamisprincessHahaha that's what Naraku get he needs a woman to be their mother for weird kids they are.

angelocnj on November 14, 2005, 10:20:40 AM

angelocnj on
angelocnjwelcome to naraku happy house

miriko_the_cat on October 7, 2005, 3:50:30 PM

miriko_the_cat on
miriko_the_catAHAHAH thats great I love it
i never thought of it that way LOL *favs*

CrimsonNightshade on September 3, 2005, 5:35:56 AM

CrimsonNightshade on
CrimsonNightshadeHahahahahahahah!!!! i love it!!! *faves*

kaidathedogdemon on September 1, 2005, 6:29:34 AM

kaidathedogdemon on
kaidathedogdemonHow cute!!! THe chibiness is adorable!!! *favs*

MangaWhit on August 30, 2005, 5:20:48 PM

MangaWhit on
MangaWhitAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Poor Naraku... He must like 'em though. He keeps making more and more and more...

LilMizDevil666 on August 15, 2005, 5:04:06 PM

LilMizDevil666 on
LilMizDevil666wow....that's a lotta kids...and with no mother too......

LilMizDevil666 on August 15, 2005, 5:04:05 PM

LilMizDevil666 on
LilMizDevil666wow....that's a lotta kids...and with no mother too......

LilMizDevil666 on August 15, 2005, 5:04:01 PM

LilMizDevil666 on
LilMizDevil666wow....that's a lotta kids...and with no mother too......

LilMizDevil666 on August 15, 2005, 5:03:54 PM

LilMizDevil666 on
LilMizDevil666wow....that's a lotta kids...and with no mother too......

LilMizDevil666 on August 15, 2005, 5:03:47 PM

LilMizDevil666 on
LilMizDevil666wow....that's a lotta kids...and with no mother too......

Inu_chan on July 26, 2005, 3:53:14 PM

Inu_chan on
Inu_chanAww, soo cute! Poor Naraku xD

ShadowsDemonGurl666 on July 15, 2005, 4:04:38 PM

ShadowsDemonGurl666 on
ShadowsDemonGurl666lloks like my house with my friends over...pure chaotics...just how i like it^___^*faves*

greednpyroluverjonia on July 12, 2005, 10:34:57 AM

greednpyroluverjonia on
greednpyroluverjoniabut if he needs a woman...

greednpyroluverjonia on July 12, 2005, 10:34:19 AM

greednpyroluverjonia on
greednpyroluverjoniaits pee-wee herman without the highpants and funny voice

greednpyroluverjonia on July 12, 2005, 10:34:19 AM

greednpyroluverjonia on
greednpyroluverjoniaits pee-wee herman without the highpants and funny voice

Shia on June 21, 2005, 7:34:29 PM

Shia on
Shiaaww..they are all so..cute!!!!!

Gothic_Wonder on June 3, 2005, 9:39:52 AM

Gothic_Wonder on
Gothic_WonderThis has to be my fave of your work, tres tres awesome...

I luffers Narakus expression: "I don't need a woman in the house, I'll be the perfect single father"

xxD I'll help him!!! xxxxD

Nate_Sindel on February 9, 2005, 11:41:07 AM

Nate_Sindel on
Nate_SindelThe best part of this picture is Kanna, just sitting there as if nothing is happening. She's my favorite of Naraku's incarnations.

kaname_yasha5689 on February 5, 2005, 1:15:50 PM

kaname_yasha5689 on
kaname_yasha5689AWWWW!Thats so cute I'll help with the kids Naraku darling!
Naraku:Great Kaname had sugar
Me:No I really want to help so cute!

Nami on December 27, 2004, 3:29:07 AM

Nami on
NamiHAHAHAHAHHA!! Yeah just keep telling yourself that Naraku! Awesome job this is hilarious!

WTE on November 25, 2004, 9:43:57 AM

WTE on

Sesshoumaru_Dbz5 on October 14, 2004, 9:43:18 AM

Sesshoumaru_Dbz5 on
Sesshoumaru_Dbz5WOW IT'S SO COOL!!!! that's so cute ^-^ you draw the coolest pics!

bishyboylover on September 25, 2004, 5:06:42 AM

bishyboylover on
bishyboyloverYAY!THE KAWAII CHIBINESS CONSUMES YOU!!!*Steals Juromaru and runs away*

Otaku-Kitsune on September 25, 2004, 12:40:12 AM

Otaku-Kitsune on
Otaku-KitsuneAWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! And look at Kanna! *points* IT'S SO KAWAII!!!!! *suddenly dies* Ack..... x_X;; *comes back as a zombie so she can fav*

Hakudoshi on September 19, 2004, 5:23:04 AM

Hakudoshi on
HakudoshiMe: *ponts to picture* Lookie Hakudoushi! There's your caring family! *snuggles*<br />
<br />
Hakudoushi: *Pushes me away* *sarcastically* Woo-pee. Now get me more chocolate!<br />
<br />
Me: Hakudoushi! How can you say that! I'm sending a application to babysit them! *writes a REALLY LONG application*<br />
<br />
Hakudoushi: Fate! Why have you cursed thee!!<br />
<br />
Me: *faves*

Juuroumaru on September 10, 2004, 1:06:37 PM

Juuroumaru on
JuuroumaruMe: *Gasp*<br />
*Dies of the cuteness and forgets to leave a comment*<br />
<br />
<br />
Juromaru: .....

japan_girl_168 on September 5, 2004, 10:54:48 AM

japan_girl_168 on
japan_girl_168umm...i just wanted to ask. do you do request? if so then can you please draw me a chibi miroku..or we could do a art trade maybe?

Dream_Weaver on September 2, 2004, 7:39:34 AM

Dream_Weaver on
Dream_WeaverSquee! You made Naraku's children so adorable, especially Kanna. Poor guy, seven kids to take care of, and then there are those bees! I'd volunteer to be babysitter, but I think I'd get eaten by somebody as soon as Naraku leaves the house....

KitsuneGirl on August 28, 2004, 2:46:28 PM

KitsuneGirl on
KitsuneGirlawww^^ thats cute!!! you do requests right? could you do two requests for me and my friend? a gift wraped pic of Trunks with his long hair from dragonball z and Kai from beyblade? thanks^^

Kit_wit_issues on August 27, 2004, 2:37:07 PM

Kit_wit_issues on
Kit_wit_issuestrippy and o so cool

ShadowGal50 on August 27, 2004, 1:03:17 PM

ShadowGal50 on
ShadowGal50LOL! now that I think about it it must be crowded with Naraku and all his minions fitting in one house!

I_luv_jesus on August 27, 2004, 5:31:51 AM

I_luv_jesus on
I_luv_jesusthat is soooooooooo cute!! nice job!!<br />
<br />
~Jesus Freak~

PeachsNCreamSoda on August 27, 2004, 4:13:14 AM

PeachsNCreamSoda on
PeachsNCreamSodaawwwwwwww cyute

starrygirl on August 27, 2004, 12:23:06 AM

starrygirl on
starrygirlawwwwwwwwww the chibiness^^ *dies from cuteness* hehe look at naraku so funny cute piccie^^