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Sticky bobby thinger, Sasuke!

Sticky bobby thinger, Sasuke!

Sticky bobby thinger, Sasuke! by narakus_demon
Sticky bobby thinger, Sasuke! by narakus_demon


I don't have photoshop! Don't hurt me! x.xv<br />
I did this after school. I think these are one of my weirdest chibis I've drawn... look at their dead eyes 0.0 Sasuke looks cute pudgey... pudgey pidgey island...

General Info

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Category Anime/Manga » Naruto series » Chibi Fanart
Date Submitted
Views 6303
Favorites... 79
Vote Score 5
Comments 37
Media Unspecified
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Comments (37)

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randomparty on April 30, 2008, 5:41:30 PM

randomparty on
randompartyhihihihi dont matter it was funny

Darksideheart on November 16, 2007, 4:22:24 AM

Darksideheart on
Darksideheart*flap flap flap*...

Albels_Girl on November 7, 2007, 7:26:44 AM

Albels_Girl on
Albels_Girllol cute

Uchiha_Minnoko on June 20, 2007, 10:53:45 AM

Uchiha_Minnoko on
Uchiha_Minnoko-skid. . .skid. . .-
Heh heh. . . That's funny. . .
For the record, it's a lollipop.
-Sasuke makes a gasp face-
Sasuke: NO IT'S NOT! IT'S A FAN!

lost_soul on May 15, 2007, 5:30:35 AM

lost_soul on
lost_soulrofl omg wtf thats hilarious

FinalFaNtaZi on April 6, 2007, 6:18:07 PM

FinalFaNtaZi on
FinalFaNtaZihahahaha! so funny! hahaha!

JazmynMoon21 on February 17, 2007, 2:16:51 AM

JazmynMoon21 on
JazmynMoon21zombie chibis

Byzantium on February 9, 2007, 11:18:51 PM

Byzantium on
ByzantiumEEEE!!!! So cute!!!!! *adds artisto y piccy to favs*

crazicat06 on December 30, 2006, 10:24:11 AM

crazicat06 on
crazicat06I saw this on Photobucket!!!!!!! Either you put it up there, or someone stole ur drawing......

gorillazrockz on November 28, 2006, 4:34:23 AM

gorillazrockz on

PhoenixBird on October 29, 2006, 1:54:53 AM

PhoenixBird on
PhoenixBirdAhahaha! Completely random but so HILARIOUS!!! I love randomness! Great job! :D Oh, man, you're killing me! LoL :D

LadySymphonia on September 16, 2006, 3:40:13 AM

LadySymphonia on

yexix01 on September 11, 2006, 10:18:25 AM

yexix01 on
yexix01Very funny and soo cute! I lov ur chibis ^^

somerandomgirl781227 on September 10, 2006, 12:36:08 AM

somerandomgirl781227 on
somerandomgirl781227how cute

AuraHeart on August 24, 2006, 7:23:04 AM

AuraHeart on
AuraHeartthats way awesome

RA_best_cousins on July 28, 2006, 1:26:13 AM

RA_best_cousins on
RA_best_cousinsI know why it is a fan because Uchiha is a play on words for Uchiwa a Japanese fan. Anywho mad fricken funny!!!

inuyasha_naruto_lover on July 19, 2006, 7:25:26 AM

inuyasha_naruto_lover on
that rocks

Arue on June 30, 2006, 3:16:23 AM

Arue on
ArueOMG thats so frikin funny. *stick* oh snap

Candyochan on June 4, 2006, 12:52:09 PM

Candyochan on
CandyochanLMAO XD  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

narakus_demon on April 15, 2006, 12:19:43 PM

narakus_demon on
narakus_demonHoly crap I never thought of a fan! XD Thank you for finally clearing that up! (after me being stupid for a near year or two XD X3) ::smacks head:: Now it completely makes sense! Now I feel dumb! oh wells :3
Thankies for comments

Moose_Lvr on April 9, 2006, 9:14:31 AM

Moose_Lvr on
Moose_Lvroh so funny ... so cute

I-Can-Eat-U on March 9, 2006, 3:57:32 AM

I-Can-Eat-U on
I-Can-Eat-ULol! the chibi Naruto in the last panel cracks me up!

This is sooooo cute! Make another one!

Aurore on March 3, 2006, 7:25:01 AM

Aurore on
AuroreOhmygosh! They're so cute! Pudgy Sasuke, ha ha. Y'know, I bet it would be really funny if that happened to...uhm...nevermind. Good job, it's so awesome. XD

sasukeluver on March 3, 2006, 7:18:26 AM

sasukeluver on
sasukeluverHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! That's so funny.(favs)That's a good laugh for a bad day like today.

Jozie-Chan on March 3, 2006, 7:15:55 AM

Jozie-Chan on
Jozie-Chanu know i always wondered if that was a lollypop..or fishing bober one point i thought it was a pokeball XD great piccy ^^ *favs*

Koolkat6968 on March 3, 2006, 7:09:53 AM

Koolkat6968 on
Koolkat6968lmao! that's cute

RurOuniGrL on January 31, 2006, 9:56:57 AM

RurOuniGrL on

Sesshys_girl2222 on January 11, 2006, 6:21:43 AM

Sesshys_girl2222 on
Sesshys_girl2222lol thats cute

yrstruley on December 31, 2005, 7:31:55 AM

yrstruley on

reezi on November 20, 2005, 8:21:18 AM

reezi on
reezitotally awesome and cute!!( to think i haven't commented but it's been on my favorite's list for a while) you have the cutest chibis!!;)=

cptShort on November 9, 2005, 3:34:01 PM

cptShort on
cptShortThat's so freakin awesome!! xD

I love your chibis. You're going on da faves. ^___^ This is just too funny, it's hilarious AND Awesome Bo Bawsome! Whoo!!

allmccro on October 23, 2005, 4:15:09 PM

allmccro on
allmccroit look good

BrokenDeathAngel on October 11, 2005, 11:22:01 PM

BrokenDeathAngel on
BrokenDeathAngelAll HAIL Sticky lollypop like thingy!!LOL!OMG!This gosh darn funny!You should do more!LOL

pyscho on October 7, 2005, 10:36:25 AM

pyscho on
pyschothat's the best little comic thing ever! I love it!!!!!!!!!

TehKupoKween225 on October 7, 2005, 4:44:27 AM

TehKupoKween225 on
TehKupoKween225LOL! I LOVE THIS! IT'S FUNNEH! *favs*

I can't see why people don't comment! this is funny!

-KATZ o^_^o

Sakura_Sagara on September 20, 2005, 8:20:47 PM

Sakura_Sagara on
Sakura_SagaraHahahaha! This is hilarious for some random reason! I just love the way Itachi goes 'Uh- Oh...'and thne Sasuke gets dragged by him! +pic to favs

Wild-Card-KKC on September 20, 2005, 2:10:09 PM

Wild-Card-KKC on
Wild-Card-KKCThat's so wiered I like it o_0