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merî kurisumasu!

merî kurisumasu!

merî kurisumasu! by nightfall
merî kurisumasu! by nightfall


This was a christmas-card for Samurai_Patty. Therefore I couldn't upload it earlier and after christmas I didn't have the time ;_; All the same, here it is! My first attempt at Yu-Gi-Oh! I like it very much ^^ Hope you do, too.

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series
Date Submitted
Views 1820
Favorites... 10
Vote Score 1
Comments 8
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (8)

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Pharaohsqueen on March 10, 2007, 9:24:30 PM

Pharaohsqueen on
PharaohsqueenOh that's just oo cute!!! The way yami is looking at yugi~! it's just..perfecto<3 and how Yami bakura is lookin' is too priceless xD you also have a great lineart ,great job

Jet_lunarskye on February 9, 2006, 12:56:48 PM

Jet_lunarskye on
Jet_lunarskyeAwww it's so cool and cute! The characters really look like the ones from my brother's Yugioh comics he buys. For a first attempt, that's awesome ^_^

shoujoneko on December 25, 2005, 9:15:46 PM

shoujoneko on
shoujonekoBAKURA RYOU!!!!!!!! *adds to faves 20 times* You rock at drawing MY RYOU!!! He's such a bishie!!
Oh, Merry Christmas and a happy new year!!

2kool4skool on January 3, 2005, 12:30:46 PM

2kool4skool on
2kool4skoolCan you draw me with the Pharaoh (Yami)? I don't care what I look like. =^_^=

Goki_chan on January 2, 2005, 5:51:55 AM

Goki_chan on
Goki_chanThis is so cute! Me like it! ^-^
Good job!

2kool4skool on January 1, 2005, 12:07:22 PM

2kool4skool on
2kool4skoolCan you do me a request?

Samurai_Patty on December 31, 2004, 11:55:32 PM

Samurai_Patty on
Samurai_PattyI don't know what to say that I didn't tell you already. So there I'm saying it again: I TOTALLY LUV THIS!!! *beaming with happiness still stored from christmas* And I won't get tired of looking at it ever. SOOOOO KAWAII! and all MINE! MY PRECIOUS! I'm particularly font of the fact you did the drawing in your own style. Makes the people appear even more huggable. YOU'RE THE BEST! *hugs nightfall and twirles her around*