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Richie Hedgie

Richie Hedgie

Richie Hedgie by rais_hedgehogs
Richie Hedgie by rais_hedgehogs


Hahaha, Look! It's Richie as a Hedgehog!

I'm pleased with the way this came out, but I made it in less then 4 hours so that pretty much bugs me.

Since I made this up this is my Char! XD Well..I'm not counting him as one but I don't wanna see him being copied. :( *hugs Richie*

And I'll give a Cookie to anyone who can guess where Richie is from ^__~

General Info

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Category Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog » Fan Characters (OC's)
Date Submitted
Views 1672
Favorites... 7
Vote Score 0
Comments 10
Media Unspecified
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Comments (10)

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richiefoleyluver on June 21, 2005, 12:40:21 PM

richiefoleyluver on
richiefoleyluveri luv it i luv it i luv it
he looks as HOTTTTT as he does as a person u rock
**adds to favess*

val_ze_hedgehog on December 14, 2004, 6:24:04 AM

val_ze_hedgehog on
val_ze_hedgehogO_O o_o ._. O_____O I JUST LOVE IT!!!!!!X3 *add to favs*

cappy1709 on November 25, 2004, 8:27:47 AM

cappy1709 on
cappy1709Thats awesome! ^^ *adds to faves*

Tikal777 on November 15, 2004, 9:45:28 AM

Tikal777 on

rais_hedgehogs on November 14, 2004, 3:22:05 PM

rais_hedgehogs on
rais_hedgehogsYep indeed, Richie is from Static Shock! *gives Garnet, YamiBakura, Shun and Thunder a cookie* ^____^ I'm not sure if they air Static Shock where you live Shadow.. Oo;; Do they? ?_?

Yeah, Richie has his left ear pierced. I dunno if it was blue or not..So I added it at the last minute. That's why it looks choppy. :(

And thanks for all the nice comments! *sways* ^^

Yeah, I love Static Shock! *watches it twice a day* ^_^ Ahh, yeah! Krackle and Static! They're alike and different all the same time! ^_^

Ferrec has stolen Richie's glasses?

Richie: *looks dead straight into a Rhino's eyes* Hey Ferrec, can I get those back? I kinda..need them to see. oO

thunderhead on November 14, 2004, 3:04:29 PM

thunderhead on
thunderheadWow! thats cool! I didn't quite recognize him till someone mentioned static shock, it was bugging me though cause I knew I remembered the look from somewhere... awesome show I barrowed a few magnetic abilities for Krackle, although his fighting style is much different from Krackles

Shun_Ten_Satsu on November 14, 2004, 12:50:01 AM

Shun_Ten_Satsu on
Shun_Ten_SatsuHeheh.. do I get a cookie for saying he's from Static Shock? You told me..Oo;;

But he looks great!-steals his glasses- X3

YamiBakura on November 13, 2004, 10:31:54 PM

YamiBakura on
YamiBakuraAWRR!!!! He looks awesome Rai! :3 Well done! But I couldn't tell you where he's from because I haven't watched anything with a Richie in it... O.o

Garnet-Hedgehog on November 13, 2004, 4:54:46 PM

Garnet-Hedgehog on
Garnet-Hedgehogdoes he really have a pierced ear? I just cant remeber small details like that.

Garnet-Hedgehog on November 13, 2004, 4:52:53 PM

Garnet-Hedgehog on
Garnet-Hedgehog!!!Static Shock, right? Gosh, I havent watched that show for a LONG time! Why are bugged by the fact that it was made in less than 4 hours?[+favs]

The chickens are talking....TALKING I TELLS YA!!!o_O